Chapter 64: Harvest a lot of energy and advance spiritual roots!
As an entry-level elixir, healing pills are not difficult to refine.

With Xing Xing's current alchemy skills, he can refine one furnace in half an hour, and ten pills will be made into pills, with a [-]% chance of making pills easily.

Moreover, medicinal materials for refining healing pills are also very common and can be purchased at larger medicinal shops.

Su Xing first contacted Jin Congxue, hoping that she could provide him with [-] pieces of white quality equipment in advance this week.

"Congxue, can the white equipment be brought forward this week? It's urgent!" Su Xing sent a message.

Jin Congxue replied instantly as always.

"Brother, do you think white equipment is just cabbage? How can I get it so quickly in such a hurry?"

Su Xing: "Please, it's really urgent! You are our powerful guild president, how can it be difficult for you to get this little equipment?"

Jin Congxue: "Hey! (Contempt.jpg) Let me think of a way! Why do you need so much equipment every week? Use it to eat?"

Su Xing: "Yes, yes! I have the ability to become stronger by eating equipment. Because my family is poor, I can only afford white equipment! (Drool.jpg)"

Jin Congxue: "..."

Su Xing: "Okay, no more joking. I have developed a new healing pill. The effect is similar to the mid-level healing potion on the market. When you send the equipment in a few days, stop by and take a look."

Jin Congxue: "A new elixir has been refined? It's too strong! Rich people please support me! (Playful.jpg)"

After chatting briefly for a while, Su Xing took the Yi Rong Dan and went to the medicine shop in the center of Kyoto alone, purchasing enough medicinal materials to refine [-] healing pills.

The cost of medicinal materials needed for a Healing Pill is about 50 Daxia coins, and the price can reach [-] Daxia coins after being refined into a pill.

Ten times the profit is not too high, but it can make up a lot of energy for the recovery of energy shortage.

In the next five days, Su Xing experienced the feeling of being the Emperor of the Liver.

He spent ten hours a day refining ten furnaces of healing pills, and spent another six hours refining six furnaces of beauty pills. In this way, he could barely make up the required three hundred beauty pills and five hundred healing pills.

After preparing the elixir, Su Xing made an appointment with Jin Congxue for a meeting time and place.

After meeting, Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment when she saw Su Xing's appearance, looked at it carefully and then said doubtfully:
"Why do you feel like you look good again after not seeing you for a few days? Well, I feel like I have an indescribable aura..."

Su Xing smiled slightly when he heard the words. After entering the golden elixir stage in qi refining, it is no joke to cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow and be immune to all poisons. Coupled with the elegant temperament of the immortal cultivator brought by the golden elixir monk, Su Xing will indeed appear. More and more extraordinary.

Jin Congxue said suspiciously: "You kid won't hide any better elixir secretly and eat it alone, right?"

Su Xing smiled bitterly when he heard this and said:

"Auntie, how dare I? Haven't you drained all my inventory?"

"Here, here are the pills for this week, three hundred beauty pills, five hundred healing pills...and this bottle of Yuan Yang pill, which is a gift for you."

Su Xing handed several bottles of pills to Jin Congxue, and said:
"The appearance of the Healing Pill may cause some fluctuations in the market. If someone asks, you just say that it is an item you got from a dungeon, and you must not reveal it... There is also this bottle of Yangyuan Pill, you can take it yourself Yes, don't let others find out."

Seeing Su Xing's serious tone, Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"Don't worry when I do my job, I won't expose you."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. He was extremely reassured about Jin Congxue, so he tentatively said:
"See if you can give me more white quality equipment every week. 30 to [-] pieces per week is the best!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and said:
"Young Master, you don't really want to buy equipment, do you? These equipments are not brought by the strong wind. Now with the size of the Tarot Club, we can only get up to [-] pieces of white quality equipment every week, and the rest are still needed. I bought it at a low price from Jin's Trading Company... You know that Jin's Trading Company can't make any money at this price, and if it's more, I'm afraid the elders of Jin's Trading Company won't be willing to do it."

Su Xing also knew that although Jin Congxue was the eldest lady of the Jin's firm, after all, such a big firm couldn't speak his mind, and there must be some people who objected.

After thinking for a while, Su Xing said:
"You should buy white equipment at the lowest price possible. If you really can't buy it, it doesn't matter if you pay a slight premium. But you must give me at least 20 pieces of white equipment a week, and 30 pieces is even better."

Su Xing reckoned that 20 white quality equipment would cost [-] million Xia coins.

But it's hard to say 30 pieces. It might take 3.5 million Daxia coins to buy such a large quantity.

Although Jin Congxue was a little surprised why Su Xing needed so much equipment, he still nodded and said:
"Okay! I will try my best to help you raise 30 pieces of white equipment... Now that the Tarot Club has slowly developed, I will inject the remaining 4 million funds into the Chamber of Commerce every week."

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and agreed to Jin Congxue's plan.

Jin Congxue also handed a storage ring to Su Xing and said:

"Time is urgent. This week I only raised 15 pieces of white quality equipment. You can 'eat' them first! Don't starve the children!"

Jin Congxue deliberately emphasized the word "eat", which is quite playful.

Su Xing took the storage ring with a smile and said:
"Cough cough, the mouth of the equipment and food is not good recently, I want to improve the food... I wonder if the eldest lady can show her face and go down for another meal?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue chuckled, stretched out her fair and delicate right hand and said, "Okay, then I will barely give you some face!"

After a meal, it was lingering again, and the relationship between the two went further.

The next day, I woke up and returned to my dormitory refreshed. When no one was around, I entered the copy of Lingtian Paradise.

Su Xing first exchanged all 20 pieces of white quality equipment into simulated energy, which brought nearly 110 million energy points to Su Xing.

Coupled with the remaining 80 energy points, the awakened simulated energy reached an astonishing 190 million.

After having enough energy, Su Xing chose to redeem the reward without hesitation.

"I choose to redeem the blue talent wood and fire dual system true spiritual root, and the golden elixir stage Dzogchen cultivation!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you choose to bring out the blue talent wood and fire dual system True Spirit Root, which costs 10 energy points, and the remaining energy is 180 million 4396 points. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the Golden Elixir stage of Dzogchen cultivation, spending 100 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 80 points. 】

Su Xing's voice fell, and a mysterious energy shrouded Su Xing's body.

The first thing to change is the talent of the spiritual root, which has evolved from a dual-line pseudo-spiritual root to a dual-line true spiritual root. Su Xing felt that his five senses became more acute, and even felt that the spiritual energy permeating the air was involuntarily absorbed by the body.

"As expected of the blue quality true spiritual root!"

Su Xing sighed, then his face changed slightly, and his cultivation aura began to surge.

(I was busy moving some time ago, and the update time was unstable. Now it is adjusted to one chapter at 12:6 am and one chapter at [-]:[-] pm~ woo woo~ In addition, newcomers ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, let me feel your enthusiasm~)

(End of this chapter)

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