Chapter 79 New energy source, exotic metals!

After Su Xing asked his doubts in his mind, he quickly received a rare answer from the simulator.

[Ding, after the host has obtained ten talents, the host can spend simulated energy to expand the talent slot. Talents with the same function and higher quality will be automatically replaced. Talents of different qualities can also be freely replaced by the host. 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the simulator's answer. The upper limit of the talent bar is more than ten, which gives Su Xing a higher growth potential.

"Hey, next, we need the liver energy around the clock again!"

After the awakening simulation ended, he did not sit idle, but chose to continue refining the pill without stopping.

The main thing is to refine beauty pills, and at the same time refine a small batch of healing pills.

Soon, a week passed.

It took a week to wake up and refine a total of [-] beauty pills and healing pills.

The reason why the refining is so fast is that it is easy to refine the unqualified pills, and secondly, after waking up and breaking through the Nascent Soul stage, the consciousness and spiritual power have increased greatly, refining [-] pills a week, and even spare energy.

Su Xing was refining alchemy while thinking:

"I've already been able to refine unqualified pills with one mind and two purposes. Maybe I should build a few more alchemy furnaces, so that the speed of alchemy will be greatly improved!"

Su Xing's heart moved. He used to concentrate on multi-purpose and refine multiple furnaces of pills at the same time in a simulation. Although the failure rate of frying furnaces will increase, the overall alchemy speed will definitely be greatly improved.

For example, Su Xing refined three batches of pills at the same time, even if one batch failed, the alchemy efficiency would double.

"Well, the only troublesome thing is that the furnace made of ordinary metal can't withstand the high temperature of the fire. I'm afraid the alchemy furnace will explode before the elixir is finished... I remember that during the simulation, Lu Yuanwu seemed to have specially built it for me. A batch of alchemy furnaces seem to use some kind of exotic metal?"

"I'll ask again when I see Jin Congxue, what is the origin of this strange metal?"

Su Xing put the refined elixir into the storage ring, and went to the small villa where Jin Congxue often met.

Jin Congxue wore a long light blue dress today, her long hair was casually let down, her eyes were bright and her teeth were bright, and she still carried the fragrance of her body just after taking a bath.

Seeing that Su Xing was stunned for a moment, Jin Congxue rolled his eyes coquettishly and said:

"Why, you only come to see her once a week, and it's still for work. If you think she's pretty, then come and see her often~"

Su Xing was shocked by Jin Congxue's charming voice, so he had to smile wryly:
"Oh, work is still important...I am refining elixirs every time I open my eyes these days, how can I still have time to see you?"

After Su Xing said this, he handed the elixir prepared in advance to Jin Congxue.

After Jin Congxue took the elixir, he counted the quantity, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Your alchemy skills have improved again, it seems?"

Su Xing nodded and said: "These pills should be worth 40 billion. In two weeks, the first batch of funds for the acquisition of Lingyun Chamber of Commerce will almost be raised!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this, and handed Su Xing a storage ring, saying:

"We only bought [-] pieces of white-quality equipment this week, and the remaining [-] pieces were produced by our people. After all, we really can't free up funds to acquire the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce's industries..."

Su Xing took the storage ring and nodded, half-jokingly said:
"Then I'm going to be hungry for two weeks, when will I be full?"

Jin Congxue remembered what Su Xing had said about eating equipment last time, and was immediately amused to the point of laughing. She covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, after waiting for these two weeks, I'm really going to die! I heard that the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce has accumulated a large number of white-quality equipment in the past few years, and has been holding it in its hands and unable to sell it. Our acquisition this time, Including that batch of equipment, it’s definitely enough for you!”

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this, and Jin Congxue could tell a large number, which is definitely not a lot.

Su Xing still has 200 million energy on hand. If you don't exchange it for cultivation, it will be enough for now. After all, it takes 100 million energy to increase your cultivation level in the Nascent Soul Stage...

As long as he survives these two weeks, he will have a lot of energy coming into his account later, and he can still endure it when he wakes up.

After Su Xing chatted with Jin Congxue for a while, he asked:
"By the way, Axue, do you know things like different metals?"

Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"Different metals are one of the necessary metals to create high-quality equipment. Even the lowest first-order foreign metals can create blue-quality equipment, but this thing is relatively expensive. Why do you ask?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this. He didn't expect that this strange metal was actually a material for making equipment?Doesn't that mean that different metals may also contain a lot of energy?

Su Xing is still uncertain, so he said:
"I plan to build two new alchemy furnaces so that I can refine alchemy faster, but ordinary metals can't be built at all, so I thought of exotic metals..."

Jin Congxue nodded slightly after hearing Su Xing's words, and then took out a palm-sized piece of exotic metal from the storage ring and gave it to Su Xing.

"This is a second-order alien metal. It's enough to refine you to see if it can be used to create orange rare-quality equipment. Can you see if it can be used to create the alchemy furnace you need?"

Su Xing took the different metal in his hand, and immediately felt his hand sink.

This palm-sized piece of foreign metal probably weighs hundreds of kilograms. What kind of metal density is this?
Su Xing's heart moved, and he tentatively wanted to absorb the different metals as simulated energy.

A reminder sound came from the awakened ear.

[Ding, it was discovered that 300 kilograms of second-order foreign metals can be converted into [-] points of simulated energy, is it converted? 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he was ecstatic. Just such a small piece of second-order heterogeneous metal contains [-] points of simulated energy?
This is definitely an excellent substance for providing simulated energy!

Su Xing endured the excitement in his heart and asked:

"Xiaoxue, what is the market price for this piece of second-order heterogeneous metal?"

Jin Congxue thought for a while and said:
"The market price of a second-order foreign metal is about 5 yuan per kilogram. This 300 kilogram piece of foreign metal may be sold for more than 1500 million Daxia coins..."

"Of course, this is the market price. Different metals are special minerals produced in some copies. The output is rare and the market demand is large. If they are purchased directly from professionals, these are probably second-order different metals. One kilogram of them is about 4. Yuan or so..."

Su Xing heard the words and did a little calculation in his mind. One kilogram of foreign metal can be converted into 200 points of simulated energy, and an average point of simulated energy needs 200 Daxia coins.

The ratio of energy exchange is similar to that of white equipment. A piece of white quality equipment costs 700 yuan and can produce about five energy points. If you are lucky, it may even have six energy points.

But the problem is that the demand for awakening white quality equipment is really too high, and this foreign metal is smaller in size, so it is not easy to attract attention. A palm-sized second-order foreign metal can produce [-] points of energy.

"Perhaps, this second-order foreign metal will be a good substitute for white quality equipment in the future?"

Su Xing muttered something silently in his heart, and then asked:
"Then, do you have a first-order foreign metal here?"

(End of this chapter)

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