Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 81 Bringing the shadow protector, evacuating and coming to teach!

Chapter 81 Bringing the shadow protector, evacuating and coming to teach!
"Three spirit-gathering flowers are better than nothing!"

Su Xing sighed lightly.

Although the three spirit-gathering flowers were not enough for his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, it was indeed enough for daily refining of elixirs to replenish the consumption of spiritual power.

Ever since Su Xing knew that the spiritual energy in Lingtian Blessed Land was limited, he had been a lot more cautious in using spiritual energy. He did not dare to practice at all. He even wanted to break one spiritual energy into two parts and use it because he made alchemy every day. He is also consuming spiritual energy all the time. Once the spiritual energy is exhausted, he will not be able to refine the elixir.

"But if I have these three spirit-gathering flowers, maybe I can supplement the spiritual energy I need for daily alchemy?"

Su Xing felt some desire for this Soul Gathering Flower in his heart.

"Let's continue the simulation first..."

[In the same year, you became the No.18 elder of the Advent Sect, code-named Yao Lao. 】

[The next day, the Shadow Protector contacted you, and she asked you to refine a batch of Yuan Yang Pills specifically for her. The number is five thousand. 】

【She gave you enough medicinal ingredients, you nodded, indicating that she would come to pick them up in two months. 】

[The Shadow Protector was shocked when she heard what you said. She originally thought that it would take you a year to refine five thousand pills, but she didn't expect that you told her that it would only take two months. 】

[Shadow Guardian raised her doubts, she asked why you didn't wholeheartedly teach alchemy for the coming. 】

[But you smiled, indicating that you were just hiding your clumsiness before, and you naturally had your own purpose in doing so. 】

[At the same time, you put forward the need for cooperation. You provide Shadow Guardian with two thousand Yuanyang Pills every month, but Shadow Guardian needs to give you a thousand elixir every month. 】

[Although the Shadow Protector is shocked and confused, she still agrees to your request for cooperation in the face of huge temptation. 】

[In the fourth year, you and the Shadow Guardian have been cooperating for more than a year. The Shadow Guardian provides you with a large number of elixirs every month, and you provide him with two thousand Yuan Yang Pills every month. 】

[Since you have cooperated for a year, you have embezzled more than 1 elixirs from the Advent Sect. This has attracted the attention of some members of the congregation, but because of the protective umbrella of the Shadow Protector, you have not been hindered. 】

[One day, the Shadow Guardian found you. After working together for more than a year, she has determined that you have a big secret, so she asked you who you are. 】

[Because you have previous simulation experience, you did not hide it and directly stated that you were an undercover agent sent by the human race. 】

[The Shadow Protector opened his mouth wide after hearing your words. He couldn't believe you said it so easily. 】

[Shadow Guardian asks if you are not afraid of her telling the truth, you smile slightly, expressing that you know that she is also an undercover agent from other worlds. 】

[The Shadow Protector's eyes suddenly showed a trace of killing intent when she heard this. This is the biggest secret she has kept since she joined the Advent Cult for decades, and now you actually know it. 】

[But you are not panicking. You know that in order to obtain more pills, the Shadow Protector will not be able to kill you. 】

[Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Shadow Guardian said that only the two of you can know about this matter, and no one else should know about it. 】

【You nodded in agreement, and at the same time, because you knew each other's secrets, the connection between you became closer and your alliance became stronger. 】

[In the fifth year, you continued to do private alchemy business with Shadow Guardian, and you accumulated more and more pills. At this time, you already have nearly [-] Yuanyang Pills and [-] Viscera Refining Pills in your hands. 】

[As your cooperation with Shadow Guardian has become more reliable in the past two years, she has also revealed some information to you. She told you the secrets of their world. 】

[Shadow Guardian said that she is very envious of your world where everyone can improve their strength by killing monsters. In their world, the only way to become stronger is to practice. 】

[You asked her if she was a cultivator, but Shadow Protector shook her head. She said that the power system in her world was fighting spirit and magic, and her attack methods were similar to those of professionals, but not as mysterious as those of cultivators. 】

[You are a little disappointed, but you still know something about the world strength composition of Shadow Guardian. 】

[Compared to Earth, in the world where the Shadow Guardians are located, human beings are even weaker. The Shadow Guardians are already considered to be the top people in their world.But in their world, many people have strength comparable to gold and master-level professionals, so after taking the Yangyuan Pill, their strength has greatly improved. 】

[At the same time, the Shadow Guardian tells you that the alien invasion of their world is much weaker than that of Blue Star, but it is still an irresistible existence for them. 】

[You are even more shocked by the strength of the alien race, but you are determined and your belief that you can resist the alien race has not wavered. 】

[In the sixth year, you have accumulated more pills. At this moment, you have nearly [-] Yuanyang Pills and [-] Viscera Refining Pills in your hands. 】

[In the seventh year, the number of pills in your hands exceeded 20 for the first time, which can almost create [-] master-level professionals. You have unprecedented confidence in resisting the invasion of monsters. 】

[However, as you have colluded with the shadow protectors and cooperated internally and externally over the years, the number of elixir in the treasure house of the Advent Sect has been reduced by more than half, and the other elder protectors in the sect are quite critical. 】

[In desperation, you have no choice but to say that your alchemy skills have made a slight breakthrough, and you can provide a thousand pills to the sect every month. At the same time, the amount of medicinal materials you obtain every month is also more abundant. 】

[In the eighth year, as your cultivation continues to improve, you are getting closer and closer to the second level of Nascent Soul. 】

[On a sunny morning, you have accumulated a lot of experience and succeeded in breaking through to the second level of Nascent Soul. 】

[From the first stage of the Nascent Soul Stage to the second stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, you spent eight years. Although there are reasons for you to spend time refining alchemy, you expect that even if you practice with all your strength, you will need to break through the first stage of the Nascent Soul Stage. It will take four or five years, and it will be more difficult to break through in the later stages. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this. It would take eight years to break through from the first level of the Nascent Soul to the second level of the Nascent Soul. Counting the training time of the last simulation, it took more than ten years to go from the first level to the second level.

Moreover, cultivation naturally becomes more difficult as the later stage progresses. In this way, wouldn't it take two or three hundred years to cultivate to the Great Consummation of the Transformation Stage?

Although this speed is extremely fast for ordinary monks, Su Xing is still not satisfied.

For two to three hundred years, it takes more than a dozen simulations in the simulator to be enough.

This can only be achieved if Su Xing extracts his cultivation level every time. So if Su Xing obtains any skill secrets, wouldn't it be difficult to improve his cultivation level?

Su Xing rubbed his chin and thought:

"If you want to quickly improve your cultivation, there are currently two ways. One is to improve your talent quality. If you obtain a purple-quality spiritual root, it may only take a hundred years to break through to a cultivator at the stage of transformation..."

"Secondly, of course, it is to refine a pill that can improve the cultivation level of Nascent Soul monks!"

Su Xing muttered:

"I remember that there seems to be a kind of pill called Longling Pill in the Lihuo alchemy technique, which can improve the cultivation of Nascent Soul cultivators?"

(End of this chapter)

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