Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 88 Eat as much as you can and make up as much as you can, the talent is a big eater! (For th

Chapter 88 Eat as much as you can and make up as much as you can, the talent is a big eater! (seeking first order, second update)
"Big stomach king?"

Su Xing frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "Isn't this a talent that is just a waste of money?"

But then, the innate ability of this big stomach king gave Su Xing a big surprise.

[Big Stomach King]: You are a one-of-a-kind person who cooks food, and your appetite is ten times that of ordinary people, so you are in good health and delicious to eat. While you have an amazing appetite, your digestive system is also different from ordinary people, and you can absorb The nutrition in the food strengthens itself better.

After reading it several times, Su Xing finally figured out the role of this big stomach king talent.

To put it simply, this should also increase one's cultivation base and talent, and one can increase one's waking physique through eating!

"This talent of a big stomach king seems to complement the natural power!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. The natural talent of divine power can give Su Xing an amazing physique. In addition, the constant work of cooking can further improve his physique. Wouldn't it be a perfect match?

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't wait to start the simulation.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You touched your belly and felt a little hungry, so you fried a few vegetables and cooked ten kilograms of spiritual rice. 】

【You ate ten bowls of Lingmi in one go, and you felt half full, so you cooked another ten catties of Lingmi. 】

[While cooking the rice, the chicken in the chicken coop made a greedy cry. You glanced at the chicken in the chicken coop, and tears fell from the corner of your mouth. 】

[The spiritual chicken in the chicken coop looks horrified. 】

[After drinking and eating, you start to practice. You feel a mass of warm energy in your stomach. This energy spreads to every inch of your body, limbs and bones along your flesh and blood. With your spiritual consciousness, you can I felt my body grow stronger. 】

"Hiss~ I have twenty kilograms of spiritual rice, a spiritual chicken, and several other dishes in one meal. Is this special one better than a pig?"

Su Xing cursed secretly, and then came back to his senses.

"It's over, the pig-headed man turned out to be me..."

Su Xing couldn't help but worry about her future body management.

"However, this big stomach talent is really effective. Can it make your physical fitness stronger every time you eat? Although the amount is small, but accumulated over time, it is definitely a great talent!"

Su Xing sighed, and then simulated.

[After you finish practicing, you start refining the elixir. 】

[You are doing two things at once, refining two furnaces of elixirs at the same time, greatly increasing the speed of elixir refining. 】

[A week later, you went to see Jin Congxue with six thousand pills. 】

[Jin Congxue was shocked when she saw you taking out so many pills. At the same time, she said that if you could take out so many pills every week, she would be able to swallow all the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce in three or four months at most. industry. 】

[At the same time, Jin Congxue handed over the first batch of goods after purchasing the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce to you. You were a little surprised when you saw the goods, but Jin Congxue said that this was only the first batch. There can only be more than this! 】

[In the next three months, you will have to eat twenty kilograms of spiritual rice and a spiritual chicken every day. In just three months, your body refining cultivation has been improved to the perfection of the organ refining realm. 】

【You are surprised to find that because you practice one day a day, even if you eat a lot, your figure is not out of shape. Instead, every grain of spiritual rice you eat turns into energy and nourishes your body. 】

[But you also discovered a thorny problem, that is, if you continue to eat this way, the spiritual rice produced by the few acres of spiritual fields in the blessed land is not enough for you to eat alone. 】

[In desperation, you can only reclaim wasteland and expand the number of spiritual fields planted with spiritual valleys to ten acres, which is enough for you to eat every year. 】

[In addition, you have raised more spiritual chickens in captivity, and you have to eat one spiritual chicken every day. In the eyes of these spiritual chickens, you are a terrifying demon. 】

[After another three months, you feel that your physique is stronger and more complete, and every inch of your muscles is filled with terrifying strength, but you haven't broken through to Yuanwu Realm for a long time. 】

[So, you looked up alchemy and found an elixir called Yuanwu Dan. Yuanwu Dan is a top-notch low-grade elixir that is used by Yuanwu realm monks to increase their cultivation. 】

[But based on your previous experience, you think that as long as the body is strong enough, a cultivator in the refining realm can barely take Yuanwudan. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Since there is insufficient spiritual energy, it is difficult to improve the cultivation level of Qi refining. Perhaps improving the cultivation level of body refining is also a good choice..."

"I seem to have a little impression that the main medicine refined by Yuanwu Pill seems to be a kind of medicinal material called Yuanwucao..."

After Su Xing muttered a few words, he continued to simulate.

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and after a night of ups and downs, you joined the Advent Cult with her. 】

[In the first three months after joining the Adventist Church, you still kept a low profile and acted as a little transparent in the teaching. Apart from completing the necessary tasks every day, you still practiced hard. 】

[In the second year, under your careful planning, you revealed your talent for alchemy. 】

[The Shadow Guardian and the Zong Guardian within the sect contacted you at the same time, and you joined the Shadow Guardian faction without hesitation. 】

[The Shadow Protector tells you that as long as you complete the task seriously and contribute to the sect, you are guaranteed to become an elder within one year. 】

[At this time, there are only you and the Shadow Guardian. When you saw this, you said the code word to the Shadow Guardian. 】

[You say to the Shadow Protector: Do you remember that little girl who cried all night in the heavy rain?You can never go back, Luo Shuying! ] Seeing this deep breath, Su Xing felt a little nervous and expectant.

Su Xing didn't know whether this code word could gain the trust of Shadow Guardian. If it didn't work, then he would be in big trouble.

But if the Shadow Protector believes in the awakening, it will save a lot of effort in the simulation after awakening, and then the risk will be worth it!
Su Xing continued the simulation anxiously.

【Luo Shuying fell silent after hearing your words. After a long time, she asked who you are and what your purpose is. 】

[You told Luo Shuying that you were a "time traveler" and said that you were friends and closest allies who had cooperated many times. You told her that you failed in the last timeline fight, so you When I came here, I found Luo Shuying again. 】

[You thought Luo Shuying would be suspicious of this, but you didn't expect that she really believed it. She said that you are a person favored by time and fate. 】

[Luo Shuying asks you what your plans are and what you need her to do. 】

[You tell Luo Shuying your alchemy skills in detail, and tell her that you need the medicinal materials and treasures in the Advent Sect's treasure house. At the same time, you can provide Luo Shuying with elixirs every year. 】

[Your alliance has been concluded as promised. In addition to the more than 300 medicinal herbs given to you by the sect, Luo Shuying will also provide you with a thousand medicinal herbs every month. 】

[In the first month of the alliance, your alchemy efficiency has been greatly improved, and you can refine [-] Yuanyang Pills every month. After submitting the task of [-] Yuanyang Pills, most of the pills are gone. into your bag. 】

[In addition to alchemy, you even have time to practice. Your body training has been continuously improved, but you have not been able to break through the Yuanwu realm. 】

[So you found Luo Shuying, told her that you needed medicinal materials named Yuanwu grass and Longling flower, and drew the appearance of these two medicinal materials to Luo Shuying. 】

[After a few days, Luo Shuying brought you a hundred Yuanwu grass and a hundred Dragon Spirit flowers. She told you that these two elixirs are also relatively precious in the treasure house. The two medicinal materials in the entire treasure house are more There are no more than [-] plants, and the exchange of medicinal materials requires contribution points within the teaching. 】

[At the same time, Luo Shuying said that she has accumulated a lot of contribution points over the years as a guardian. If you need it, she can help you exchange all the more than 2000 herbs. 】

[You are happy about this, and I hope that in addition to these two medicinal materials, the Concentration Tree in the treasury of the sect will be given to you. 】

【Luo Shuying nodded and left. After a few days, she brought more than 2000 herbs and the three-foot-long Shenshen tree. 】

Su Xing saw the surprise in his heart, clenched his fists and murmured:
"Sure enough, the bet was right! With the help of the Shadow Protector, the efficiency of obtaining the medicinal materials in the sect is really much higher!"

In the last simulation, it took ten years to get these medicinal materials when he woke up, but now he got them just after entering the teaching.

"And Luo Shuying's status is definitely not low in the sect. I can basically ask her for anything I need. In this way, my alchemy speed and practice speed will definitely be greatly accelerated!"

Su Xing is looking forward to the next simulation.

[After you get the elixir, first start refining the Dragon Spirit Pill. You are familiar with the Dragon Spirit Pill, and the success rate of refining has reached [-]%. 】

[In the next six months, apart from completing the necessary tasks, you will focus on refining the Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[It took you half a year to successfully refine [-] Dragon Spirit Pills. You know that this means you can bring nearly [-] Heavenly King-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom, so you put away the Dragon Spirit Pills carefully. . 】

[Because you have performed well in the past six months, completed the alchemy tasks in the teaching on time, and were appreciated by the Shadow Guardian, so you were successfully promoted to the No. 18 elder of the Advent Sect, code-named Yao Lao. 】

[In the third year, you started trying to refine Yuanwu Dan. 】

[Because your alchemy skills have reached the level of Xiaocheng, and you have refined Longling Pill and Ningshen Pill, so the top low-grade pills like Yuanwu Pill will not be difficult for you. 】

[In the first month of learning to refine Yuan Wudan, you refined thirty furnaces of Yuan Wudan, of which two furnaces were successful, and the quality was not good. 】

[In the second month, you summed up your experience and gained a preliminary understanding of Yuan Wudan. You refined thirty furnaces of pills, and succeeded in four furnaces, doubling the success rate. 】

[In the third month, your alchemy skills have further improved. You have refined thirty furnaces of pills and succeeded in six furnaces. 】

[In the fourth month, you refine thirty furnaces of pills and succeed in ten furnaces. 】

[In the sixth month, you have refined [-] batches of Yuan Wudan, of which [-] batches have been used to refine alchemy. Your alchemy rate is already close to half. 】

【Six consecutive months of studying Yuanwudan refining has brought your Yuanwudan refining skills close to the Xiaocheng level. If you want to go further, you can only practice continuously. 】

[So you spent another half a year refining all the remaining Yuanwu grass into Yuanwu Dan, so you have nearly three thousand Yuanwu Dan in your hand. 】

[But you have no intention of taking the Yuanwu Pill immediately because you are worried that the Yuanwu Pill will cause you to explode and die like the original Fu Refining Pill. In this way, you have wasted a simulation opportunity. 】

[Based on comprehensive consideration, you plan to wait until the end of the world before taking Yuan Wu Dan. 】

[In the fourth year, you discovered that there were some rumors in the Advent Sect. Some members of the congregation rumored that you were a pretty boy raised by the Shadow Protector. The Shadow Protector spent most of the contribution points accumulated over the years for you, and you could do it within half a year. His promotion to elder was also due to the help of the Shadow Protector. 】

【You scoff at this, you understand that these people just say that grapes are sour because they can’t eat grapes. There is a boss who is rich and beautiful and favors you. You can only say "Zhu Keren" to this! 】

[You still put most of your thoughts on improving your alchemy skills. After spending two years refining the Dragon Spirit Pill and Yuanwu Pill, you felt that your alchemy skills had further improved, so you started to try to concentrate. Refining of elixir. 】

[It took you half a year to refine a hundred furnaces of Concentration Pills, but to your disappointment, your skill in refining Concentration Pills has not improved much, even if you think you have done well enough, the refining process is complete. There are only twenty or thirty pills, and all of them are inferior pills, which makes you puzzled. 】

[You take all these inferior Ningshen Pills, and your spiritual consciousness further increases, and the range of your spiritual consciousness has reached seventy feet, but you are still worrying about how to better refine Ningshen Pills. 】

[One day, when you were concocting alchemy, you had an idea and realized that the difficulty in refining Concentration Pill might be due to the problem of the flame, so you looked at Lihuo in the palm of your hand. 】

(End of this chapter)

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