Food Fairy Lord

Chapter 494: Hometown

Chapter 494: Hometown
The breeze blew on his face as Pei Ye walked out of Xiuwen Hall. The sun was just beginning to rise from the east.

Although I didn't sleep all night, I didn't spend it in tense thinking or fierce fighting. The Qi circuits were flowing unimpeded, so this kind of leisure drink was already a rest.

Last night's drinking and entertainment was "flattering" to him. Although he had not thought about it at all when he was playing pot-to-pot and sword-playing, he was inevitably surprised when he went out that Xu Chuo actually asked him to stay for a night of drinking.

In his eyes, this museum owner has always been a mysterious and high-ranking person. No matter whether it is people like Qiu Jizi who mention her as "Tong Jun", or the terrifying influence she reveals when she casually mobilizes, Pei Ye often addresses her as "you" when they meet, and it is not just because of her age and the grace of saving her.

As Qi Zhaohua said: "You should keep a proper distance from your benefactor."

Pei Ye felt that he didn't need to maintain much, and the two of them naturally kept a distance of trust but not intimacy.

Sometimes they chatted and laughed, which was just a spice between the main business. More often than not, she was as deep as the abyss, upright and calm. Whatever Pei Ye asked for, she would easily implement it.

Although the owner of the tavern didn't say anything from his heart to him last night, nor did they do anything intimate, his lively and natural demeanor must have been seen by very few people.

Pei Ye didn't know why she was so favored, maybe she had known him from the letters.

Pei Ye didn't think any more about it. He took the pot of wine and went back to Taishan Medical Building and immediately exchanged it with Qu Xin.

The girl in gray looked at it for a long time before finally knocking a hole in it. She put her finger in it and tasted it. She tilted her head to look at him and said, "Stolen?"

".A friend gave it to me."

Qu Xin nodded: "Ten years of unicorn blood brewing, precious wine, can be used to prepare many prescriptions - make friends with this person, I will accept it next time."

Turn around and go upstairs.

Pei Ye immediately took a big step to stop her: "Don't try to trick me. You still have to pay me the difference."

"Okay, then I'll give you ten taels."

"Twenty taels."

"Okay, twenty taels."

".Then thirty taels."

Qu Xin looked at him.

"Twenty taels is twenty taels." Pei Ye made way.

"The rest will be postage," he added.

With these twenty taels, plus the fifty taels of banknotes borrowed from Qi Zhaohua, plus the seventy taels in the Jiao Ring, Pei Ye now had a huge sum of one hundred and forty taels in his hands.

Pei Yehuai took the money, asked for directions and walked towards the bookstore.

Pei Ye spent a long time selecting books in the bookstore, taking them down one by one and moving them to the car. There were primers, Confucian classics, poems, but more were legendary stories and a large amount of basic theories of spiritual practice and swordsmanship.

These things are not rare. Although they are expensive, they are not secret. It’s just that only in Shenjing can you buy books with such new versions and such complete volumes.

After loading the two boxes of books onto the carriage, Pei Ye returned to the medical building.

"You can just hand these things over to Yufeishan and ask them to help send them to Fenghuai Martial Arts School." After Pei Ye finished explaining everything to Qu Xin, he found a quiet room and spent a long time writing several letters. When he picked up the pen to the last letter, he made some marks and erased them, and he would be in a daze for a long time from time to time, before he finally copied out a clear version.

Then he packed the letters and put them in the books, and said to Qu Xin, "Put them here first. You're not in a hurry to leave anyway. I'll bring a few more books in a couple of days, and I'll also exchange some silver bills to take with you."

The girl didn't care about anything other than the medical skills and the consultation fee. After telling someone to make sure they were settled, the two of them parted ways.

The matter came to an end here. What tricks Qiu Tianyu was playing behind the Taiping Cao Gang remained to be carefully investigated. Pei Ye strolled in the afternoon sunset and slowly walked back to the Sword Repairing Institute.

During this process, the black cat jumped back onto his shoulder from the eaves next to him.

Pei Ye smiled and held it in his arms: "Why do I feel like you are enjoying yourself so much that you don't want to leave."

The little beast yawned tiredly. These days, it had been keeping an eye on the movements of the Taiping Cao Gang, communicating with them, and looking after the evidence. Pei Ye really relied on it a lot, so he could draw his sword on the West Pond without any scruples. After that, it was still left with Xu Chuo for a few days.

Then it raised its green eyes and looked at him: "Can't you figure out which of us is Liu Chan and which is Kong Ming?" Pei Ye smiled: "You are Red Hare. I will ride you next time we fight."

The black cat didn't bother to pay attention to him and took out a pill from the brocade bag under its neck and ate it.

"Can I have a taste of this?" Pei Ye couldn't help but whisper as he watched it taking bites of it.


“I’m just curious about what the effects are.”

"About the same amount of wine you drank last night."

Pei Ye was surprised: "What effect does the wine have?"

He tried: "My Qi hasn't improved at all."

"It's not true qi, it's the source of Chi fire."

Pei Ye was startled at this, and indeed found that the fire nest in his dantian, which represented the symbiosis with the immortal hunter, had become much more active as if he had drunk sweet rain. Although the increase was slight, it was real.

"Lin blood." Black Cat said, "It is also the main ingredient of this elixir."

Pei Ye nodded, not quite understanding: "I should have drunk a few more cups earlier."

"Work hard, and you will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

Pei Ye frowned and looked at it strangely.

"It's all for the Northern Expedition." Black Cat sighed lightly.

The Sword Training Institute was still peaceful and orderly, a secluded place for spiritual practice in the capital.

It was still early in the morning. Pei Ye brought the set of Jade and Jade Sword Theory that he brought from Bowang to Cangjian Tower. He found a quiet place and started from the first book. He crossed his legs and turned the pages one by one, occasionally making notes with a thin pen.

From the time he came into contact with the Cicada Sword in mid-August until the beginning of November now, Pei Ye has put the most effort into this sword and has finally reached the promised peak, making the Jade Sword from four hundred years ago reappear above the West Pond.

At that time, Li Weiru taught Pei Ye all his sword theories which were filled with his decades of annotations and thoughts. It was on the stairs built by this old man and even the entire Cui Yu predecessors that Pei Ye was able to pick up this feather sword. Now he carefully wrote down his thoughts in this book one by one. [Flying Feather Fairy] may not be the end of Yu Fei, but at least it is the end of this sword book in his hand.

Pei Ye spent the rest of the day doing this. After he finished annotating all the sword manuals, he felt refreshed. Without Miss Ming explaining in detail, he completed a thorough analysis of the sword art from beginning to end, from sword moves to sword principles, without any shortcomings. It was carefully fixed in his mind.

Under the quiet moonlight, Pei Ye rubbed his sore wrist and slowly closed his eyes.

After three days of dedicated study and a night of life-and-death fighting, he once again looked back on his sword ladder and came to this mysterious world.

In the barren wasteland, the spirit-filled jade cicadas and emerald birds landed on his shoulders, but they were not the only ones. Pei Ye raised his head, and cold clouds gathered in the vast sky. Soon, fresh raindrops fell, soaking the dry land bit by bit. They were a little cold, but no longer biting.

A rain in early spring, all things begin to awaken. The pillar sword of spring has been completed, and in this world, spring is ready to come.

Pei Ye looked down at the wet wings of the cicada bird and smiled: "It's time to plant two trees for you to shelter from the rain."

Pei Ye opened his eyes, left this world, and walked upstairs with his sword in hand.

He went to a quiet room high up and knocked on the door. He heard a "Hmm?" from inside, so he pushed the door open and bowed, "Hello, Dean."

Qiu Jizi was looking at a sword manual with a serious look. He raised his eyes and recognized the person, but did not say anything.

"I have finished studying "First Moon and Northern Rain", Dean," Pei Ye said, "which subject should I study next?"

Qiu Jizi looked down at the book on sword theory in his hand, which he had taken down on the same day as the young man but had not yet finished studying. In the middle of the night, a nameless anger rose in his heart.

A few quarters of an hour later, the moon was bright in the east. Pei Ye looked at the two beautiful new swords with great pleasure, and walked back to the courtyard in the moonlight.

Everything was the same as a few days ago, Yang Zhenbing practiced swordplay, the moonlight cast shadows on the ground. Under the shade of an old tree nearby, Yan Feiqing leaned on a recliner, holding a book in front of him with one hand, reading quietly, his face as pure as an immortal, the other hand wrapped in thick bandages.

(End of this chapter)

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