Chapter 11
Under Kaiya's leadership, Sasuke and Paimon arrived at the headquarters of the Zephyr Knights.

Similar to Konoha's Naruto?
Sasuke thought so, then knocked on the door and entered the middle room of the Knights headquarters.

This place should be the current center of power in Mondstadt, right?Hokage's office?
He wasn't particularly nervous, but he was unavoidably cautious when entering such an occasion.

"Master acting head, I'll bring him~"

Unlike Sasuke's restraint, Kaiya who came here became a little more cheerful.

"Thank you, Kaia."

There were two people in the office, and the one who spoke was a girl with blond hair and wearing a dark blue and white suit with a stand-up collar.

Judging from her face, she should not be particularly old, but her dress, temperament, voice and manner all give people a mature and capable feeling.

Is she the acting head?Surprisingly young.

Sasuke couldn't help but think of the third Hokage who is currently in charge of Konoha.

Next to the acting leader Qin, stood an older woman wearing a purple robe and a distinctive big hat on her head.

The most special thing is her green pupils.

Although she was looking at Sasuke with a smile at this time, looking harmless to humans and animals, but Sasuke himself felt that this woman's strength should be very extraordinary.

And Kaiya obviously knew what the acting leader Qin and the woman beside her wanted to hear. After nodding, he briefly summarized the battle between Sasuke and the wind demon dragon Tewarin in Mond Square and Amber's report to Sasuke. A brief description.

After listening to Kaya's description, Qin turned her head and thought for a while, and then performed a knight's salute to Sasuke.

"Mond welcomes you, traveler with the wind."

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am the acting head of the Knights, Jean Guensild. You can call me Jean directly."

"And this one."

She turned her head to the woman beside her, spread her hands slightly, and introduced:

"This is Lisa, the librarian of the Knights."

The woman named Lisa also bowed to Sasuke and said with a smile:
"Ah, is it because of the lack of manpower, the enthusiastic children who came to help?"

Her voice is lazy and a little charming, making people unconsciously like her.

"So cute."

"It's just that the timing is not so coincidental..."

"Since its recovery, the Wind Demon Dragon has been moving around the city, causing chaos."

"Now the flow of elements near Mond and the circulation of the earth veins have become like balls of thread caught by a cat."

"For mages like us, this is the worst situation... Both the skin and the mood will get worse."

Leyline cycle, magician.

He secretly wrote down a few terms that Sasuke had never heard of.

"Without these disturbances, the two of you should have had a perfect journey when you came to Mond, but you can stay in Mond for the time being, and our West Wind Knights will work hard to solve the problem. When the problem is resolved, you can Visit Mond with more peace of mind.”

Captain Qin said.

If it was in the real world, Sasuke would basically choose to stand on the sidelines when there were no mission requirements or enough benefits for sudden accidents in other villages.

But now, in this strange and different world, this unexpected event may be an opportunity to improve his strength.

Just like just now, in the battle with the wind demon dragon Twarin, although the time of the confrontation was not very long, Sasuke could clearly feel that his control over Chakra had improved.

The specific reason, Sasuke guessed, might be related to the infusion of the wind element.

Because of the strong injection of a huge amount of elemental power, and after he came to this world, Chakra and elemental power seemed to have undergone some kind of fusion. Improving his ability to control elemental power can improve his own ability to control chakra.

So he needs an adventure!All kinds of adventures, if he just chooses to rest in a place in Mond, then it is tantamount to wasting the opportunity to enter this world.

He craved power.

Moreover, the matter of Amber's approval also made him very concerned. He hasn't figured out what the projection is.

But at least it's not a bad thing?It may be a beneficial and harmless choice to gain as much recognition as possible now.

After straightening out these relationships, Sasuke asked lightly:
"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Pai... Paimon will help too!"

The enthusiastic Paimon immediately responded.

"Hmm...he's such a handsome and brave guy, my sister likes it very much."

Sister Lisa chuckled lightly.

Kaiya seemed not at all surprised that Uchiha Sasuke would help, spread his hands and said:

"Then, let's decide on the battle plan, Captain Qin, please arrange it."


Qin took the conversation.

"The Wind Demon Dragon's attack on Mondstadt gave us an opportunity to end the source of the disaster."

"Under Lisa's magical detection, the source of the hurricane covering Mond has been exposed."

"The Abandoned Temple of the Guardians of the Four Winds."

It was Lisa who answered again.

"The Wind Demon Dragon was able to set off a storm of this magnitude because it relied on those remaining powers."

"And our goal is to destroy three of these four abandoned temples."

Qin said.

"The reason for choosing only three seats...everyone should understand."

I don't know……

Sasuke wanted to say that, but he wasn't used to saying it on this occasion.

If only Naruto were here, he would definitely...

Just before Sasuke finished feeling, Paimon on the side suddenly said:

"I don't know!"


Sasuke had a subtle feeling.

"Let's ask later, maybe this is a tacit understanding between the locals, Paimon, let's listen to the battle plan first, big..."

Almost subconsciously said the idiot that he often said to Naruto, but fortunately Sasuke realized it and stopped his mouth in time.


Paimon tilted his head.

"The big one is coming."


Qin really didn’t explain the reason for choosing only three seats at all, and continued:
"Everyone, West Wind Knights, it's not too late."

"The storm is raging, and there's no point in passive defense."

"Before the dragon disaster expands, let us take the first step and head towards the ruins of the abandoned temple."


Following Kaiya, Sasuke came to the gate of a temple outside the city of Mond.

"This is it, come closer. Can you smell it?"

Sasuke sniffed it, and there was an indescribable smell.

"It's the smell of burning slime."

Paimon said.

"There's a lot going on in this temple."

"Slimes, Qiuqiu people... and the magic power connection left by the wind dragon."

"Hahaha, it must be very lively in here."

Sasuke shook his head slightly.

"Just a bunch of rabble."

(End of this chapter)

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