Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 120: Liyue lost its god 2-in-1, please order first!

Chapter 120 Liyue loses his god and becomes one. Please order first!

After Lingzhi walked out of the house, Zhongli and Sasuke were the only two people left in the Hall of Rebirth.

Zhongli finished the tea he made before and then said:

"After being delayed for so long, it's time for us to take action. After leaving for so long and making no progress, the young master will become suspicious. Let's go, little brother Uchiha."

"Just call me Sasuke."

"That's fine, it seems so friendly."

Just when Zhongli was about to leave, a girl pushed open the door of the Hall of Rebirth.

This girl has reddish-brown hair, and the clothes she wears are somewhat similar to the uniforms of the Rebirth Hall. They have wide sleeves, dark colors, and a hat that Sasuke has never seen before. It is very wide.

This outfit should look serious, but wearing it on this girl gave Sasuke a lively feeling.

The other party also has a very special pair of eyes, and the pupil is shaped like a flower.

She walked in swaggeringly, found a chair and sat down, then greeted Zhongli and said:

"My lord Zhongli, please give me a glass of water. I'm so thirsty!"

As he spoke, he picked up a book next to the chair and fanned himself.

The majestic emperor Morax was not angry at all when this girl used him like this. Instead, he actually found a tea set for her and made a cup of tea.

"Master, please."

The girl known as the hall master picked up the tea set and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp while talking hot.

After drinking tea, the girl noticed Sasuke who was wearing the Mask of Fools.

"Ke Qing Zhongli, who is this?"

She raised an eyebrow and looked at Sasuke and asked.

"Business partner is the big deal that I discussed with the Fools today. This is the supervisor sent by the Fools to help me prepare materials."

"Oh! So that's it, he's a client of Foolish People."

After hearing Zhongli's introduction, the girl immediately became interested, jumped up from the chair, walked quickly to Sasuke, looked him up and down, and then smiled sweetly, revealing a hint of playfulness.

But what she said next was a bit bursting.

"My little brother, hello, let me introduce myself. I am Hu Tao, the No. 70 seventh-generation hall master of the Hall of Rebirth. Hu is a Hu who eats and drinks, but Tao is not a naughty Tao. The church’s funeral business?”

"It just so happens that today there is a limited time promotion at the Rebirth Hall. Buy one and get one free, buy two and get three free. The more you buy, the more you get."

Sasuke was a little confused by the girl in front of him.

How can anyone come up and ask someone if they need funeral services?

I didn't intend to be sent away so soon.

Out of politeness, he refused politely:

"……I do not need it, thank you."

"It's okay, don't be so polite."

Kurumi said, pulling out a card from her hand like a magic trick and handing it to Sasuke.

"Everyone born in this world will be my guest. Even if they are not now, they will definitely be in the future, especially the members of the Fools and the Adventurers Association. Those are high-risk professions. I don't know when they will be. You are dead, so why not take this opportunity to apply for the card, so that if something happens to you, you can get the funeral service specially customized for you by Shengsheng Hall as soon as possible, how great!"


Sasuke finally understood why Zhongli's body stiffened when she heard Yiguan tell her that the hall master went to sell the business in person, and hoped that no one would come for a bad review.

If most people encounter a business promotion like the girl in front of them, they would probably be well behaved not to get angry, right?
Fortunately, he is not really a member of the Fools.

However, this sentence seems to reveal a message. The casualty rate of the members of the Fools is very high, and they are high-quality customers in the eyes of the Rebirth Hall.

In the end, it was Zhongli who came to Sasuke's rescue.

"Lord, this little brother and I still need to go out. Let's talk about the sales later."

After taking Sasuke out of the Rebirth Hall, Zhongli smiled apologetically at him.

"I'm making you laugh, that child Hutao, I can't handle it."

Sasuke shook his head and said that he didn't care. He was just a little curious as to why the dignified Iwagami human body would work in the Rebirth Hall for a somewhat out-of-touch hall master like Kurumi.

"Don't underestimate her."

Zhongli took Sasuke for a walk on the streets of Liyue, and told him about the past since the establishment of the Guishengtang.

After Liyue's Demon God War ended, Liyue suffered from the plague because of the large number of people who died in the war. At this time, the master of the first generation of the hall of death stood up and found a way to stop the plague: purify the air, burn the corpses, and stop the plague. diffusion.

It can be said that the earliest death hall was a hospital and funeral.

Zhongli noticed them and signed a contract with them, and together they created a realm of the dead on Wuwangpo, which was guarded by the master of the Rebirth Hall and was located on Wuwangpo.

Wuwangpo is far away from Liyue Port, so it is not easy to reveal the news. At the same time, it is adjacent to Qingce Village, a sanctuary for the elderly, so it is more convenient for the soul of the old man to go after his death.

This time, the responsibilities of the Hall of Death are more clearly defined, and the Hall of Death is in charge of funerals.

Hu Tao's special pair of plum blossom eyes were passed down from generation to generation by the first generation of hall masters, and they were the eyes that could clearly see the boundary between life and death.

"That boy, Hall Master Hu, although his usual behavior is a bit, well, informal, he is very attentive to his duties."

"Normally, I don't have much to do in the Palace of Rebirth, so I am relatively free. I can better observe Liyue as an ordinary Liyue person."

"For example, in the next few days, we will observe together. What is the difference between Liyue now and just after the Immortal Requesting Ceremony a few days ago?"

Based on Zhongli's previous conversation at the Rebirth Hall, Sasuke knew that the other party was observing whether Liyue could continue to maintain stability after the god disappeared.

"it is good."


What is it like to organize a funeral for yourself?
Sasuke didn't know, but he was accompanying Zhongli to do this right now.

The destination of Zhongli this time is Xie Cui Xing.

After Zhongli's reminder just now, he also began to pay attention to the difference between Liyue at this time and what he saw before.

But Xie Cuixing, who had not yet reached the first stop, Sasuke had already seen some clues.

The large and small shops I passed along the way all had signs offering limited time discounts.

Discounts are an effective way to attract customers, and they can be strong or small, but it is a bit unusual for so many stores to have discounts at the same time.He had never seen such a scene when he first arrived in Liyue, not even in the past two days.

Looking for a familiar snack and grocery store, Sasuke asked about the price. He compared the price when he first arrived in Liyue when he bought food for Paimon. It was indeed a real discount, not a price increase first and then a discount. s method.

And when Sasuke asked why the sudden discount, the stall owner's eyes showed a lot of guard against him.

His originally calm tone suddenly became impatient.

"Do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, leave immediately. The discount for us Liyue people has nothing to do with you fools. I am happy with it. Can you control it?"

Sasuke was confused by this reaction.

What happened?
Why are you suddenly related to the Fools again?
After bumping into several shops along the way, as long as the other party sees the fool's clothes that Sasuke is wearing, their enthusiasm for service will drop a lot.

Not only that, after noticing this, Sasuke discovered that Qianyanjun on the street always looked at him with a hint of defense.

Qianyan Army didn't have this kind of defense when facing other passers-by.

Not only himself, but also the other True Fools he met on the road who were wearing Fools' costumes were treated the same way. It seemed that the Fools were all receiving special attention in Liyue and were targeted by the public.

Zhong Li silently led the way and had no intention of answering Sasuke's questions.

Xie Cui line.

This is an open-air stall with a signboard. Although it looks a bit crude, there are indeed many people watching here.

The boss is a young man with a big belly. He is currently greeting customers to come and cut stones.

After noticing Zhong Li's extraordinary demeanor, he quickly spoke to him:

"Hey, sir, welcome to Jie Cuixing. Starting today for a week, we are buying five stones and getting one free. Do you want to try your luck with some rough stones?"

"It's cheap and fun. Maybe you can get rich accidentally? There was a lucky guy just now. The stone he gave me turned out to be a high-quality amber stone, which is worth at least tens of thousands of molas."

Zhongli didn't even glance at the stones placed on the table of the stall, and said directly to the boss:

"If you don't want to open the stone, please bring me some night stones. The quality should be at least candle-level."

The boss was stunned when he heard Zhong Li's words. He thought to himself that he had met an expert today, so he wisely didn't mention the stone opening again.

Candle-light grade refers to a night-light stone that can illuminate objects as brightly as a candle at night. This grade of night-light stone is expensive and is generally used for sacrifices. It is rarely used in daily life. All the people who parked the stones were rich and noble, and selling a piece of this stone could cover his business for several days.

"I'm sorry, you two. Wait a moment. I'll ask the guy to get it."

After speaking, he greeted the buddy to go to the warehouse to pick up the goods.

After a while, the clerk quickly brought a beautifully packaged box and handed it to the boss carefully.

The boss also asked the waiters to help with the business here. He held the box with both hands, walked aside with Zhongli, and then opened the box.

"What do you think of this? Our booth at Xie Cui Xing is simple and crude, but it is a time-honored brand of jade. Look at this appearance."

As he spoke, he pointed to the three Yebo stones in the box and said:

"Look at the appearance of this product! It's absolutely excellent. It's a rare gift even from Prince Yan. You can feel free to choose it!"

But Zhong Li just glanced at the Ye Po stone in the box, and said:
"It is indeed not an ordinary product. The boss is interested, so wrap it up."

After hearing these words, the boss of Jie Cuixing was overjoyed and flattered:
"Okay! This gentleman is indeed very generous! I have long seen that you are extraordinary and your actions are indeed generous."

"I am not a stingy person with stones. I just happened to catch up with the recent discount. Although these Yepo stones are more expensive, I will also give you... a... no, a [-]% discount."

Seeing Zhongli working without blinking an eye, Mora, who might have to work in the Adventurers Association for a long time, and Sasuke, who had been following Paimeng, a little money fan for a long time, also felt a little distressed.

Especially recently, due to the change of ownerless Xinghui, I have changed from a relatively well-off family with some assets to a working ninja with a tight life.

Fortunately, Paimon is now hidden in his backpack, otherwise, if she sees it, eating in the past few days will become unpalatable.

When Shitou asked his clerk to pack the Yeposhi purchased by Zhongli, Sasuke took advantage of the opportunity and asked:
"Boss, can I ask why all the shops in Liyue Port are offering discounts recently?"

Shitou glanced at it, then looked up and down at Sasuke's uniform, and said:
"I'm sorry, I have no comment."

Hit the wall again.

This just made Sasuke aware of this abnormality.

Zhongli came over at this time and said:

"It's okay, this is my friend, a member of the Fools sent here, not a local Fools in Liyue, and they are here on a business trip."

When the boss named Shitou heard Zhongli's words, his face was a bit tangled, he hesitated for a while, and he still gritted his teeth and said:

"Master, I'm really sorry. We have all signed a contract. If you insist on asking, then I'm afraid this business won't be done."

"Oh? That's the case, okay, then I won't be embarrassed anymore, just don't ask."

Shitou felt like he was being pardoned. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with an apologetic smile:
"Then thank you, Master."

After receiving the carefully packed box from the clerk, and handing it to Zhongli respectfully, he said:
"Master, take it."

The packaging was carried out under the nose, Zhong Li was not worried that the other party would drop the package, took the box and nodded.

"The boss is interested."

"Ham, you're welcome. Grandpa, go slowly. Grandpa will come again next time."


After leaving Jingcuixing, Zhongli said with some emotion:

"It is as difficult to make a businessman give up or even give up profits as it is to ask a hungry wolf to spit out the meat he just ate. The little girl who once picked goods from Yaoguang Beach to sell goods at the South Pier with bare feet has now grown up to It’s really sad to see it this way.”

The little girl who went barefoot to pick goods from Yaoguang Beach to sell goods at South Pier?
who is it?

Sasuke didn't know, but Zhongli seemed to know the reason for Liyue's current misfortune, and he was very satisfied.

"The sacrificial items we are looking for today have been found. The task is considered completed. You can also go to the young master and come to the Rebirth Hall to find me tomorrow."

Sasuke nodded, said goodbye to Zhongli, and then walked towards Beiguo Bank.

It was getting dark at this time, Sasuke returned to Beiguo Bank, and found that today Beiguo Bank seems to be much empty compared to the previous few days, basically only the staff of fools, no Liyue people came here.

When the teller Ekaterina saw Sasuke returning, she waved to him and said hello.

"Welcome back, Sasuke Uchiha."

"The master said that he has prepared meals for you and your friends at Xinyuexuan. Let me inform you that when you come back, you can go directly to the third box of Xinyuexuan."

(End of this chapter)

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