Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 175 The Curse of Immortality

Chapter 175 The Curse of Immortality
For the sake of conservatism, Sasuke temporarily withdrew from Teyvat.

After a day's rest to allow his power and chakra to recover, he came back again.

After Sasuke recovered, he removed the rock pillar sealing technique and briefly explained why he came here.

However, he concealed the information about Zhongli, Wendy and Lingzhi, and only said that he came to investigate this place on the order of Qixing.

After listening to the information given by Sasuke, Dyne fell into deep thought.

Not only because of the information given by the other party, but also because of the recovery of the other party's state.

Obviously just a few minutes ago, the other party was still in a relatively weak state, and then he seemed to take a breath, closed his eyes, and suddenly returned to his peak state.

He could feel that the other person still had the aura of the Wind God and the Rock God. Could it be related to this?

Sasuke said that he was investigating under Nanahei's orders and deliberately concealed key information from the rulers.

It seems that this young man is very cautious and has a lot of precautions against the sudden appearance of a stranger like him.

Dain did not choose to expose it, and was wary of strangers. This is human nature.

He also couldn't see through the young man in front of him.

Although he does not approve of the theocratic system of the Seven Kingdoms on the earth, now is not the time to care about it. Judging from the current situation, the Abyss Religion has a lot of hostility towards Sasuke, and the enemy of the enemy can be a friend.

After Sasuke finished telling the information he learned, he looked at Dyne.

The meaning is also obvious.

it's your turn.

Facing Sasuke's gaze, Dyne said after thinking for a moment.

"What do you want to know."

"Your identity."

"I have already introduced myself before, Dainsreb."

"More than that."

Sasuke shook his head.

"The portal you used when you came here is very similar to the one used by Princess Abyss."

"Do you have anything to do with the abyss?"

Hearing this, Dyne smiled.

"So that's what you meant."

"I think you have misunderstood something. The ability to teleport is not the power of the abyss, but the technology of our Canrea."

"And I have been fighting against the Abyss Order."

"Ying only improved these, so it's not that I have a relationship with the Abyss. Rather, the Abyss Order... is inextricably linked to Kanrea."

"Forget it, let's introduce ourselves again."

"My name is Dainthreb, Captain of the Last Palace Guards of Camria, Sword of the Last Light."

"I didn't mean to hide it before, because this name once bathed in the glory of Kanria."

"Now...Kanria has been destroyed, and its former identity is more like a irony and a curse."

"As the captain of the palace guard who witnessed the destruction of his country, I don't really want to mention this former name."

Dainsreb's words resonated a little with Sasuke.

He is also the last descendant of the Uchiha clan. At the same time, when someone mentioned the Uchiha clan in front of him, he would also be a little sensitive.

But...the other party turned out to be a Kanreyan?

And the Abyss Order seems to still be connected with Kanria?

This was something he had never known before.

"You said that you have been fighting against the Abyss Order, and everything that happens here seems to be related to the Abyss Order. Can you tell anything?"

Sasuke continued to ask.

Facing Sasuke's question, Dyne took a deep breath.

"If I had come here before, I might not have been able to answer this question for you, but now after staying for a while, I roughly understand it."

"The weird thing about this place is...the environment here is weakening the effect of the curse." "The effect of the curse?"

Sasuke asked.


"Kanria was destroyed 500 years ago."

"And as a citizen of Kanria, I am able to survive until now precisely because I am cursed with immortality."

"For hundreds of years, the pain caused by the curse still haunts me and tortures me every day."

"But after I came here, my body felt like it had a moment of respite."

"At this moment, my body is also expressing a strong desire to me, that is, to stay."

The Curse of Immortality... The Last Descendants of Kanria... The Strata Abyss... The Order of the Abyss.

and many more……

Sasuke suddenly noticed that the clothes Dyne was wearing seemed to have a mark on his chest.

And Sasuke had seen this symbol on other things.

Apostle of the Abyss.

The Abyss Apostle's armor seems to have this similar symbol on it.

"Are those apostles of the abyss related to Kanria?"

"And what is your immortal curse?"

Sasuke asked suddenly.

His sensitivity surprised Dyne.

"Oh? Did you actually notice it?"

"Do you know why people in Qiuqiu wear masks?"

Sasuke shook his head.

"Because they are avoiding their current appearance and are afraid of their reflection in the water."

When Dain said this, his emotions fluctuated slightly.

"After all, it was too ugly and too hopeless compared to how they remembered themselves."

Qiuqiu people...

Wait, are the Qiuqiu people who can be seen everywhere in Teyvat actually related to Kanreia?
Before Sasuke could ask questions, Dyne continued:

"500 years ago, the curse of immortality came to us with the destruction of Kanria."

"Those Kanreyan people with impure blood will become Qiuqiu people."

"Some of those pure-blooded Kanria people can remain their original appearance after being cursed with immortality. Just like me, they bear the curse of immortality. But some people who cannot accept the curse of immortality throw themselves into the abyss and use their twisted... Strength transforms oneself.”

"The Abyss Apostles and Abyss Mages you have met are these people."

"Of course, not all Qiuqiu people are transformed from Kanriya people, because creatures like Qiuqiu people existed before the existence of Kanriya. Maybe they were the people who rebelled against the laws of heaven and became cursed. ."


"As for the immortal curse."

Having said this, Dyne paused.

"The immortal curse turned those former humans into Qiuqiu people."

"The curse of immortality is actually... not truly permanent immortality."

"Under the effect of wear and tear, the soul and body will still be worn away, even if it is not in the form of death."

"And this place seems to be able to weaken the immortal curse. No wonder the Abyss Order spends so much effort."

"When I visited Mondstadt before, I found that the transmission network of the abyss in Mondstadt was cut off. Apparently their attempt to corrupt Tevalin angered the God of Wind."

"And this place was not discovered by Liyue's rulers. Instead, it became a new stronghold of the Abyss Cult..."

"It seems that the Abyss Cult has gained new power."

(End of this chapter)

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