Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 205 Hinata’s Growth

Chapter 205 Hinata’s Growth (Ming Hinata, don’t jump if you don’t like it)

"A change in air pressure is a sign of changing weather."

On another morning, Shino woke everyone up and said.

"The wind laden with water vapor has been blowing, and it looks like a heavy rain is coming."

"is it?"

Boruto looked up at the sun shining high in the sky.

"I think the sun is pretty big."

"But there are already rain clouds coming not far away."

Shino pushed up his small sunglasses.

"We must hurry."

"This is because the fragrant bugs will lay eggs when it rains, and the eggs will emerge the next morning."

"That is to say, if it rains today, the fragrant bugs will turn into adults tomorrow."

"By then, the parasitic bugs may not be able to swallow the micro-scented bugs and gain the ability to track them."

"From a time perspective, today is the last chance."

"If you miss today, you will have to wait another year if you want to gain ultra-long-distance tracking capabilities by swallowing micro-scented insects."

Naruto was stunned for a moment when he heard the news.

This plan seems to be related to Sasuke's plan, wait another year...

"I will definitely find the micro-scented insects today."

However, it was a pity that until the evening, when the sky began to rain lightly, the entire team still found no trace of the fragrant insect.

"Damn it, I told you not to rain!"

As the rain became heavier and heavier, Naruto, who still couldn't find any trace of the fragrant insects, shook the trunk of a small tree on the side of the road a little anxiously.

Leaves with raindrops scattered all over the ground following Naruto's movements.

"The time limit is almost up."

Hinata looked at the anxious Naruto, a little at a loss.

In the end, she still didn't do anything to help Naruto.

"There is still time, and now is not the time to give up."

After Naruto shook the trees, he immediately patted his face to cheer himself up again and continued to shuttle back and forth between the trees, looking for and debating all the insects he could see.

This made Hinata, who had been watching Naruto, feel a little dazed.

"Hinata, what's wrong with you?"

Boruto appeared behind Hinata at this time and asked with concern.

"No... nothing..."

Hinata shook her head, but there was some disappointment in her tone.

"I just feel...I'm very useless. I obviously have the Byakugan, but I can't use it as freely as Neji-san. I can only see larger things, but I can't find smaller bugs at all."

"No, I think you are a very powerful ninja, Hinata."

Boruto recalled that his father had said that although his mother was gentle and gentle at home, she was a very determined warrior on the battlefield.

In the past few nights, he had noticed that Hinata quietly got up to practice Byakugan Soft Fist after everyone fell asleep.

Now my mother just needs a little help from herself.

He recalled the details of how his grandfather taught him to roll his eyes.

That time, because of the turmoil surrounding the Pure Eye, he mistakenly thought that he had a Byakugan, so he went to his grandfather to ask for many details about the Byakugan. His grandfather, Hinata Hinashi, who doted on himself and Himawari, naturally knew everything about his grandson. There’s so much to say.

Although Boruto did not succeed in opening the Byakugan in the broad sense in the end, it was also because he had a great understanding of the Byakugan.

"Hinata, you can try to focus all the chakra flow on the eyes after opening the Byakugan, giving up some unnecessary flow in other parts, and then input the chakra into the eyes accurately and evenly like filaments. , to achieve the purpose of observing small objects.”

Boruto remembered that his grandfather said that when using the Byakugan exclusively as an observation eye in a safe environment, you can prioritize cutting off the chakra supply in other places and providing it exclusively to the Byakugan. The more chakra you have, the smaller objects you can observe. .

"And this rain couldn't be better for you."


Hinata was slightly dazed.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because as the surrounding temperature decreases, the creatures will be more visible under the white eyes."

"Is that so?"

Although Hinata didn't know why Boruto, who didn't have the Byakugan, knew the Byakugan so well, there seemed to be a blood-based closeness that made Hinata couldn't help but believe what Boruto said.


"Let me try."

"Thank you, Boruto."

She took a deep breath and cheered herself up.

She crossed her hands to form a seal, and according to Boruto's words, she focused all the chakra in her body on her eyes first.

"Blind eyes!"

Sure enough, this time the Byakugan saw the food more clearly than all the previous Byakugan.

Some small animals, such as rabbits, small lizards, and small birds, which were impossible to observe before, can now be seen at a glance.

But it's not enough, there is still one breath left before the bug is discovered.

"Concentrate, let the chakra be as precise and even as a filament..."

"Control it, Chakra."

"I see it! These are the bugs!"

In Hinata's black and white field of vision, tiny blue light spots of insects gradually appeared, becoming increasingly clear.

"No, this one isn't a fragrant insect... that one, that one isn't either."

Hinata used her Byakugan to quickly scan the surroundings.

A strange beetle that she had never seen before entered her field of vision.

The black shell is very similar to the common longhorn beetle, but it has a long snout like an elephant's trunk, and there are two tentacles next to the snout.
This is the micro-scented insect!
"Naruto, the Scented Insect is on the left side of the tree to your right!"


Naruto was slightly startled after hearing Hinata's words, but without hesitation, he immediately rushed toward the tree Hinata pointed to.

But Naruto's movements still alerted the micro-scented insect, which immediately fluttered its wings and prepared to take off.

"Ah! Don't run!"

Naruto pounced, but still missed.

"Boruto's popularity."

At the same time as Naruto fell from the tree, Boruto, who was prepared on the side, had already released the Shadow Clone Technique, aimed at the direction of Naruto's fall, and changed the form of Wind Release and Gale Palm, causing him to fall. Naruto shot back into the sky like a fired cannonball.

Naruto took off again and did not miss this time. He accurately caught the fragrant insect in the air and successfully landed on the ground.


After carefully putting the slightly fragrant insect into the special container that Shino had prepared a long time ago, Shino took the transparent container and carefully observed the slightly fragrant insect.

"Yes, it is indeed a female micro-scented insect."

"That's great, Naruto, it worked."

After hearing Hinata's words, Naruto remembered that the biggest contributor to this plan was Hinata in front of him, and without much thought, he hugged Hinata directly.

"Hinata, thank you!"

This sudden direct hit caused Hinata's brain to completely shut down.

"Naruto...he...he...he's holding me!"

"hold me!"

Her face turned redder and redder, and her heart was roaring rapidly like a motor filled with oil, and beating her chest forcefully.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

She could even hear her heart beating like it was about to jump out.

She is melting.

In Naruto's arms.


Akamaru's cry attracted everyone's attention.

"What's wrong? Akamaru?"

Kiba looked in the direction Akamaru was looking at, and found that a fragrant insect in a transparent container was laying eggs.

"Okay! It's the fragrant bug that's laying eggs!"

"It's laying eggs."

"Huh? Really? Really?"

Naruto, who noticed the movement here, immediately let go of Hinata, moved closer to Shino and began to observe the fragrant insects.

Sure enough, I saw a small white egg growing out of the shank of the fragrant insect.

"Well, it will emerge tomorrow morning."

"At that time, as long as the parasitic bugs devour the mildly fragrant insects, the parasitic bugs that have swallowed the mildly fragrant insects will have the ability to track them."

Shino nodded.

"Then our mission is completed, right?"

"I can help Sasuke!"

Boruto looked at his mother, who was still in a sluggish state, and his father, who was talking excitedly about Sasuke, and didn't know how to complain for a moment.

The scene in front of me looks too much like a scumbag who always gives up, right?
Why does dad's emotional intelligence make mom like him so much?
The world is not worth it anymore. After all, it was a wrong payment and it belongs to you.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt that as a junior, he didn't seem to have much to say.

In my own timeline, this guy seems to have been such a jerk after he became Hokage, and he didn't even go home several times for work.

Too bad!


Hinata wandered to the creek in the forest, took some water and splashed it on her face to cool down her feverish face.

"Naruto... he suddenly put his face so close..."

"It's so embarrassing..."

When she was still recalling the feeling of Naruto hugging her before, several kunai came with the power to break the defense.


Before Hinata could counterattack, Boruto appeared and swatted away the flying kunai in advance.

"This is... soft fist?"

Hinata was a little confused. The taijutsu Boruto used when shooting the flying kunai seemed to be the soft fist of their Hyuga family?
"You finally couldn't help but take action."

Boruto stood in front of Hinata and shouted in the direction of the attack.

"Oh, you discovered it?"

Three people emerged from the woods first, two men and one woman. They were wearing forehead protectors from the Tsuchikage Village.

The female ninja standing in position C among the three said:
"Although I'm a genin, my skills are pretty good..."

"Then can you dodge my move?"

"Ninjutsu: Bee Jutsu."

Following the female ninja's seal, a swarm of bees suddenly appeared and rushed towards the two of them.


The dense bees made Boruto feel a little numb.

To deal with such large-scale insects, fire escape is undoubtedly the most effective.

But I don’t seem to have mastered a wide range of fire escape ninjutsu?
At this distance, the most powerful ninjutsu that I have with a relatively large range is Wind Release and Rasengan, but this ninjutsu requires a certain amount of time to continue. These dense bees are too fast and cannot give me time to continue.

In desperation, he could only use Wind Release and Gale Palm to blow away the approaching bees first, then use Water Release and Wave to block the progress of the bees, and then use Thunder Release and Thunder Arrow to accurately kill the bees.

But what is unexpected is that these killed bees exploded after death, and ejected a thick liquid that hung on Boruto and Hinata.

The more bees that were killed, the more viscous liquid there was, covering most of Boruto and Hinata's bodies.

"Did you notice it? That's special honey."

The female ninja from Tsuchikage Village raised her mouth crazily when she saw this scene.

"Although these honeys are not corrosive, they are as sticky as adhesives."

Can't move!

To break free from the shackles of honey, each movement requires more chakra than the previous one, and ordinary water escape cannot wash away this honey.

The more honey glue he got on, the slower Boruto felt his movements became, and his chakra was gradually bottoming out.

Hinata on the side faced the same dilemma.

She herself had consumed a lot of chakra because she had opened her eyes before, and now she was even more stretched.

The ninjas of Tsuchikage Village saw that the two men's defense was getting lower and lower, and the time was ripe, so they released two slightly larger wasps from their sleeves.

The two wasps flew to their necks and pierced their stingers hard.

"Don't worry, this won't cost you your lives, but your companions need to be exchanged for micro-scented insects."

As the sting needle penetrated, her voice became increasingly blurry.

Hinata and Boruto completely lost consciousness and passed out on the ground.

On the other side, as time passed, Kiba and Shino discovered something was wrong.

"Hey, Naruto, where's Hinata? And Boruto." At this time, Naruto was sitting on the trunk of a big tree, a little confused.

I have been looking for bugs intensively in the past few days, which is quite tiring.

"Ah? Hinata..."

"She seems to have gone to the river to wash her face."

"Then Boruto said he was worried about the girl being alone and someone was keeping an eye on us, so he accompanied us there."

Shino was stunned.

"Oops, let me tell you why there was no movement when we were just being followed."

"We made some oversights."


There was a sound of breaking wind.

"Be careful Naruto."

With quick hands and teeth, he pushed Naruto away.

A kunai appeared where Naruto was before, with a piece of cloth attached to it.

Shino pulled out the kunai and unfolded the cloth.

"The kunoichi kid and the yellow-haired kid are here with us."

"If you don't want them to die, just exchange them for micro-scented insects."

"I'll wait for you on the hills to the east tonight."


Boruto was awakened by the buzzing of bees.

He looked around and saw bees circling around him everywhere.

He seemed to be in a honeycomb-like cave now, with his limbs bound by those honey glues. The tops of these honey glues were stretched into thin threads and connected to the honeycomb holes on the walls of the cave, which were constantly extracting his blood. Chakra.

Hinata was also trapped nearby.

"Konoha is shaky now, isn't it?"

When Boruto was about to use Otsutsuki's power to break free, he heard the conversation of the three Tsuchikage Village ninjas.

"Is it because of the previous Chunin Exams?"

"I heard that the Hokage was assassinated and many ninjas died."

"The era is about to set off a great tide."

"This is our chance to make a name for ourselves as a clan of Shangshui people."

Tsuchikage Village, Shangshui?
A name I've never heard of.

The conversation over there is still going on.

"So do you need the secret technique of the first generation?"

"Yes, it is said that many of the forbidden techniques of the Insect Master are recorded in it."

"If we had it in the battle with the Aburame clan, maybe we wouldn't have failed."

"But...the clan members have been looking for it for so many years and still haven't found it...can they still find it now?"

"That's why we need micro-scented insects."

The previous dialogues were all between 2 male voices, and the last sentence was from the female ninja who attacked him and Hinata with bees before.

"In order to find the secret book, I also found a way to get the relics of the first generation."

"As long as the slightly fragrant insect emerges and smells this smell, it will be able to find the location of the secret book that the first generation hid before his death."

"His relics will definitely guide the way for our family."

"After we get the secret book and make some great achievements, the people in the village will definitely recognize us."

Hearing this, Hinata, who had woken up beside him, sighed and said quietly:

"It turns out they just want to be recognized by others."

But Boruto finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are these people suffering from some serious illness?"

"The relics of the first generation, how many years have passed since their first generation died, how much flavor can they still have."

"Even if the Micro-Fragrant Insect is recognized, what may be found in the end is not the relics of the first generation, but the corpse of the first generation, right?"

"Why do you want to be recognized by others? It's really funny."

"There are so many ways to get recognition, but they chose the stupidest one, to steal banned books to gain power. Can this kind of behavior really be recognized? In the end, they just want to take shortcuts."

"And look what they're doing now?"

"The ninjas who attacked Konoha, if we make any mistakes, will Konoha just let it go?"

"If this incident causes a war between Konoha and Tsuchikage, then they will be the culprits."

Boruto's voice became louder and louder, attracting the attention of those Tsuchikage Village ninjas. They came over, and the leading female ninja pinched Boruto's face and said with a sneer:

"Kid, you're awake, but what do you know? You're just yelling about our clan's affairs."

"You can't even imagine how sensitive the scent bug is."

"And you, Konoha, are just a ninja village that has just had its home stolen and is on the verge of death. Now you are already extremely weak. How dare you start another dispute?"

"Besides, Konoha and our Iwagakure Village are already hostile. It is natural to kill each other. If we fight, we will fight. What can we do?"

Boruto turned away and broke away from the female ninja's hand.

"That's what you said."

Lightning began to flash on his body.

Thunder armor.

As the lightning flashed, the honey glue on his body began to fall off.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly. The reason why these honey glues are sticky is because the earth attribute chakra is added. Earth is restrained by thunder. After activating Thunder Release, these honeys lose their stickiness.

Uchiha style shurikenjutsu·Thunder·Sanlian

After throwing out three shurikens embedded with Thunder Release Chakra, and accurately cutting the honey glue tied to Hinata's body to help her escape, Boruto stored a Rasengan in his hand. Knock on the yellow dragon of the female ninja on the water.

This female ninja should be the leader of the three and needs to be solved first.

Boruto's movements were too fast, and the female ninja who had eaten one of Boruto's Rasengans flew backwards and hit the honeycomb wall on the other side hard.


Seeing their companions being knocked away, the other two male ninjas who were swimming in the water couldn't help but pull their coats and cloaks.

"Bee Bomb Jutsu!"

"Thousand Bee Sting Techniques."

In an instant, an overwhelming swarm of bees appeared in front of Boruto's eyes.

"Tch, this is another useless trick."

Boruto created a shadow clone and was about to store a Wind Release Rasengan Shuriken, but he felt a void in his body and collapsed to the ground.

Oops, I forgot that chakra had been being extracted before.

And the ninjutsu of Thunder Armor requires chakra to cover the whole body, which consumes a lot of chakra. Boruto's own chakra amount is not large, and now he has completely bottomed out.

"Oh? Kid, I thought you were very capable, but this is what happened?"

The bird who was knocked away by Boruto also stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Ground bees, black bees, don't kill them, save your breath, and trade them for the fragrant insects."

"Heh, okay, but it shouldn't be a problem to get him half dead, this arrogant Konoha brat."

Damn it, are we going to use Otsutsuki's power?

Boruto unconsciously put his hand on his chest.

At this moment, Hinata stood up and walked in front of Boruto.

"Boruto, leave this to me."


Boruto was a little surprised, but then he was relieved and nodded vigorously.

"Well, okay, Hinata, please."

After hearing Boruto's affirmation, Hinata took a deep breath.

Although this move has not been tried in actual combat, now, she feels confident to use it.

White eyes.

A gossip appeared at Hinata's feet. Hinata stepped in the middle, making a fist with her right hand and extending her index and middle fingers together.

"Guard Bagua · 64 palms."

As the warlock activated, Hinata waved her hands quickly, and thin needles formed by chakra shot out from her fingers, accurately hitting the flying bees. These bees flew in pieces. Fall down.

The blogger was dumbfounded.

"It's true... Mom actually knows such a powerful technique."

"No wonder dad said mom is an amazing ninja, ah this... ah this..."

Facing this situation, the three people in Shangshui River were even more frightened.

"Our technique... doesn't work at all."

"What on earth is going on? If this drags on and the yellow-haired brat recovers his chakra, it will be even more difficult. There are three other brats who seem to be heading here too."

"Who is this girl?!"

"We can't drag it on any longer, that little kid with yellow hair seems to be starting to move."

As the water flowed up, the bees bit off their index fingers and slapped the floor.

"The art of psychic."

The smoke cleared, and five or six giant wasps as big as an adult man appeared in the cave.

After being channeled, the giant wasp let out a scream and spat out a mouthful of mucus at Hinata.

This slime looks similar to the previous honey slime, only there is more and it is more viscous.

But after this pool of mucus flew to Hinata's eyes, it was blocked by her airtight 64 palms!
Seeing that this move was useless, the beast flapped its wings and dived towards Hinata.


Out of defense, Hinata was knocked backwards by the wasp's headbutt.

Boruto quickly stepped forward and caught Hinata flying upside down.

"Are you okay? Hinata, do you need my help?"

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Hinata stood up from Boruto's arms and wiped the dust off her face.

The small body seems to contain huge power at this moment.

She repositioned herself.

"Make chakra sharper and stronger."

"Bigger, more pliable."

"More, more..."

Hinata's hands moved faster and faster, even twice as fast as before.

Behind Hinata, Boruto could only see the afterimage left by the rapid sliding of his hand.

Seeing that its prey stood up again, the huge wasp flew back. This time it flapped its wings faster, and hit Hinata again with a stronger wind than the first time.

And what greeted it this time was destruction.

Hinata danced her airtight Bagua Zhang to resist the impact of the wasp. The headbutt used by the wasp to attack sank a third of the way inward due to the rebound of the Ba Gua Zhang, and then the entire huge bird was All the wasps bounced back.

The wasp that flew back knocked the three ninjas who were riding the water directly to the ground, and then disappeared into a wisp of smoke.


Feeling the death of the psychic beast, the bird was distraught and rushed forward with the detonating talisman in hand, wanting to die with Hinata and Boruto, but was blocked by a black insect wall.

The insect wall transformed into a ball again, wrapping and restraining the bee in layers. The detonating talisman in her hand was also taken away by the insect, and was thrown into an empty space where it was detonated.

Reinforcements, Shino, Naruto and Kiba arrived, and they quickly controlled the two upper water ninjas who had lost their fighting spirit.


Naruto came to the panting Hinata. At this time, Hinata had exhausted her chakra and collapsed in Naruto's arms.

"Hinata, I've seen it all, your technique is so powerful!"


Naruto saw it!
I got Naruto's approval!

A feeling that she had never felt before filled Hinata's whole body, a tingling sensation, and her heart was beating faster than ever before, making Hinata feel a little suffocated.

This was the first time she was so close to Naruto, and she could even see the sweat on Naruto's nose and hear his breathing clearly.

A blush climbed onto her cheeks, and her already sore body now felt like it had turned into a puddle of mud. Her head was dizzy, and it even felt like the air at this moment had become sweet and thick.

Naruto's hand around her waist was so strong, and the chest he leaned on was so thick.

Wrapped in a sense of security, Hinata put down all her vigilance and burdens, lay in Naruto's arms, and let herself fall asleep.

After a night of repairs, everyone recovered early the next morning and gathered in a group to sit in front of the container of the fragrant insects.

"Turn into a pupa."

"Then just wait for it to hatch and let the parasites devour it."

The plan went well, and Shino felt changes in the part of the parasitic insect that devoured the larvae of the parasitic insect.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and set off back to Konoha.

(End of this chapter)

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