Chapter 25 Treasure
Sasuke led Paimon to the windmill guided by the clue, condensed Chakra on the soles of his feet, quickly climbed up the windmill, and found the "treasure chest".

The so-called treasure chest was a broken wooden box, and when it was opened, it was a picture.


Sasuke was a little speechless, but Kaiya has a sense of ritual, solving puzzles in a row.

Paimon looked at the picture.

The picture this time is a map. Part of Mond City can be seen vaguely on the upper left of the map. There is a circle with a red heart in the center of the picture, and there are three red arrows pointing to the center of the circle.

On the right side of the red circle mark is a piece of gray blue, which should refer to the sea.

Looks like it's a long way from Mond.

"Eh? This time it should be a treasure map."

"This treasure picture is really really looks like it came from a pirate."

"So shall we go to Kaia now or go straight to the treasure place, Sasuke?"

Sasuke put away the picture card.

"Look for Kaia. I'm only familiar with the area around Mondstadt. I can't tell where the land on this map is."

"Hmm... That's fine, but then we won't be able to keep the treasure to ourselves..."

Paimon felt a little regretful.

What is there to swallow for something that does not exist in itself?Sasuke didn't care at all, he just wanted to see if there was something like Fengshen Tong in the Arcadia ruins, and he didn't care about anything else.

The two found Kaiya near the Knights and handed the so-called 'treasure map' to Kaiya.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you guys actually found the treasure map and gave it to me. I thought you would go to the treasure hunt first."

Kaiya was a little surprised and took the treasure map.

"After all, this is a divine sword."

"I... we are not that kind of people."

Paimon crossed her hands, hugged the wall in front of her chest, and said with a look of disdain, but the slight dodge in her eyes made her seem a little guilty.

Naturally, Sasuke would not expose Paimon, he asked Kaia:
"Where does this circle refer to? I'm not familiar with places farther away from Mond."

"That's Eagle Soaring Beach."

Kaya replied.

"Let's go, I'll take you there. You have put in a lot of effort, and your share of the treasure will definitely not be lost."

At this time, the voice in Sasuke's heart that hadn't appeared for a long time appeared again.

"Obtaining Kaiya's approval, you can inject Xinghui to obtain the opponent's ability."

"Whether to convert the ownerless starlight."

This was a bit of a surprise.

But this time it seems to be different from the last time. Last time, I got Amber's approval. Later, I need to continue to gain favorability to summon the opponent to Konoha. But this time, I directly injected Starlight to acquire abilities.

Such a slippery guy like Kaiya suddenly agreed with him at this time.

Is it because I didn't choose to swallow the treasure alone?

or something else...

Sasuke didn't worry about this, there are more things he is looking forward to now.

Inject Starlight.

"Not enough stars."

The one Starlight I redeemed before is not enough?

That's straight up.

Since Xinghui helped him gain strength, the more the better, so Sasuke switched directly without thinking. He didn't stop until the voice prompted him that the money was insufficient.

At the same time, in the Uchiha ancestral house in the ninja world, Sasuke's small treasury has completely disappeared, but there are a bunch of shining badges.

This should be enough.

Inject Starlight.

"Acquire the elemental combat skill Frost Strike."

"Get the Elemental Explosion·Frigid Rondo."

"Acquire the inherent talent Heart of Ice Abyss."

"Acquire talents and hidden strengths."

"Acquire swordsmanship and ritual swordsmanship."

A series of information flooded into Sasuke's brain in an instant.

Swordsmanship and elemental combat skills, Sasuke had already seen it before the outbreak of the elements when he fought side by side with Kaia in the temple of the guardians. Being able to use the power of ice elemental power is equivalent to mastering two additional ice escapes.

But what surprised him even more were these two inherent talents.

To put it simply, using Ice Escape can restore Chakra, and hiding strength can reduce physical consumption, which is equivalent to further enhancing physical skills.

Ninjutsu and Taijutsu have been improved in all aspects.

"Hey, Sasuke, don't just stand there stupidly, stay here long enough, if you don't exercise your muscles and bones, mushrooms will grow."

Seeing that Sasuke hadn't moved for a long time, Kaia, who was already ready to get up and take action, urged him.

"it is good."


After a period of trekking, several people came to Yingxiang Beach at the mouth of Mimond.

"Wow, I'm really exhausted."

Paimon reached his destination and rested on Sasuke's shoulder.

"You've been flying all the time, right? Why do you feel tired?"

Kaya grumbled.

"Please, I'm tired of flying too. If I had legs as long as yours, I'd run down the ground too."

Paimon fired back.

"Hahaha, then I hope that you can grow such long legs when you grow up."

"But it's Sasuke, you didn't use your strange thing during this operation... the ninja ran away?"

"...Your running style is indeed more energy efficient."

"Hahaha, let me just say, I always thought your running style was weird before, and I tried it once. When I ran for the first time, my center of gravity was unstable and I almost fell forward. I thought it was you alone. There may be something special about some running styles, and I wanted to ask you for advice, but it seems that I don’t need it now.”

"But don't tell me, it's really unique, quite... handsome."

Sasuke couldn't say that it was because of Kaiya's inherent talent, which made it easier to run.

As for the previous running method, Konoha's ninjas basically run like this.

"Okay, this is the intersection of the Arcadia ruins."

Kaiya said after coming to a crevice of a boulder by the beach.

"Is this the intersection of the ruins?"

Paimon was suspicious.

"How do you feels a little ordinary?"

"It just looks normal."

Kaia clapped her hands.

"This is the same as the previous temples of Sifeng. It is a different space with the power of the earth veins. It looks ordinary from the outside, but in fact there is something special inside."

"And it's right to be ordinary. If it didn't look ordinary, wouldn't the treasure be taken away long ago?"

"Oh! It turned out to be like this!"

Paimon suddenly realized.

"I understand. As the saying goes, the more ordinary a place is, the easier it is to be overlooked."

"It's really profound. Your grandfather, Kaiya, is really amazing."

"This may be the wisdom of the old people."

Kaia laughed.

Rustle, rustle... thump.

A strange sound came from the entrance in the crack.

"Ah! What is that sound?"

Paimon frowned slightly, and retreated behind everyone.

"Looks like a mouse has taken the bait."

"Huh? What does that mean, Kaia."

"It's not interesting, don't be suspicious, isn't there me and Sasuke?"

"Come on, let's go in, move quickly, the treasure is already waiting for us."

(End of this chapter)

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