Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 30 Combination Ninjutsu? !

Chapter 30 Combination Ninjutsu? !
Kakashi's eyelids twitched slightly, he looked at the Third Hokage, and then at Naruto.

I didn't expect to be succeeded by this kid.

Is this the crying child with candy?

Sasuke also felt a little unbelievable, but it was a good thing.

I just happened to be short of money, so a mission that could get a little more reward came to my door.

The third generation ignored everyone's reaction, called Dazna, and roughly explained the process of the mission.

And Dazna, the little old man, was not polite at all, he came in drunk after drinking a lot of wine, and pointed at Naruto and his fighting power when he came up, if Kakashi didn't stop him, he would probably be beaten by the violent Naruto first pause.


After accepting the task, they went home and prepared the props needed to perform the task, and everyone came to the gate of the village to gather.

On the way, Naruto, who was out of Konoha for the first time, was very excited. While being so curious about everything outside Konoha Village, he clamored loudly that he must become Hokage.

And Kakashi also took the opportunity to give Naruto some common sense about ninjas.

Although these things are taught in ninja schools, Naruto, a perennial loser, is basically sleeping during class, so it naturally goes in through the left ear and out through the right ear.

Especially when he learned that there would be almost no duels between ninjas in C-level missions, he still complained about being boring.

Unlike the carefree Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke was keenly aware that when Kakashi said that there would be no ninja involved in this mission, the old man Dazna's face was a bit unnatural.

I don't know if it's because of getting along with Kaiya for a long time, but Sasuke instinctively felt that the task this time was not as simple as described before.

And not long after leaving Muye Village, he had a faint feeling of being spied on.

In Tivat, although most of the Qiuqiu people have low combat effectiveness, there is a type of Qiuqiu people with hand crossbows who especially like to hide in corners and use crossbow arrows to kill people, which is more difficult to deal with.

Also thanks to these crossbow arrows and Qiuqiu people, after he arrived in Tivat, he has received sufficient training in danger awareness, especially the perception of danger and the grasp of details.

Not to mention that now that he has opened the Sharingan of Sangouyu, and the recent rapid increase in the amount of chakra, his five senses have also been improved correspondingly,
But now, a puddle of water stains that appeared out of nowhere on the main road caught Sasuke's attention.

The recent weather has been very good, and it has always been sunny. Even if the road is uneven and the lowlands are potholed, and some rainwater has accumulated, it should have evaporated long ago. Why did it stay until now.

Sasuke opened his Sharingan.

Sure enough, there was a problem with this puddle of water.

In Sasuke's elemental vision, this pool of water does not have any blue water elements.

This is not normal standing water at all.

is a ninja.

His body was slightly tense, ready to enter combat mode at any time.

Kakashi also noticed the abnormality of this pool of water, but he only glanced at it slightly, and he also noticed Sasuke's abnormality.

Sasuke opened Sharingan.

Three hook jade?
It's only been a few days, when Sasuke was in the Martial Arts Field last time, Sasuke's Sharingan was still a one-pointed jade, but now he turned on a three-pointed jade?
What happened to him recently?
Kakashi touched the mask covering his chin.

Before the union, Sasuke suddenly found him and asked about Uchiha Shisui. Did he discover something?
But now was not the time to worry about it, because he had already seen Sasuke gesturing quietly towards him.

That was a battle warning.

Now that the ninjas have been found, and these ninjas have been continuously monitoring after his group left the village, combined with Dazna's dodging eyes before, these ninjas must have plans, and the target should also be Dazna.

Sasuke is well versed in the principle of striking first.

After Tazuna, Sakura and Naruto passed the abnormal puddle, Sasuke suddenly turned over and jumped into the air, and then used the potential energy of gravity to step hard on the puddle.

A muffled groan came from the puddle.

I guessed right.

Wind Vortex Sword.

Sasuke's left hand immediately condensed a cloud of wind blades towards the puddle, and under the influence of the wind vortex sword, the water in that puddle could no longer maintain its changed state, showing its original shape.

It is a ninja covered in a black cloak, and the ninja forehead on his head marks his identity, Hidden Fog Village.

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the ninja of Wuyin Village wanted to get rid of Sasuke's whirlwind sword, but found that he was firmly drawn by the wind blade and could not move at all.

The wind blade continued to scrape against his body, and the black cloak also became shattered under the attack of the wind blade.

There was a piercing sound.

From the other direction, a chain covered with spikes swung through the air, and the target of the attack was Uchiha Sasuke.

It wasn't just one ninja who ambushed Dazna.

Sasuke seemed to be prepared for this. An ice pick condensed in his other hand, and then shot out, piercing the incoming chain.

And this ice pick is not just as simple as changing the trajectory of the chain, it continues to fly forward along the gap in the chain, nailed to a tree by the roadside, and directly pulls out the chain and the person who is waving it .

The ninja who was pulled out tried to retract his chain, but found that he could not tear the chain away.

Because the ice cone had already started to freeze, freezing the tree and the chain together, and it began to spread along the chain.

What kind of weird ninjutsu is this?

Why does Konoha also have ninjas who use ice escape, this ice escape looks so evil,
When the superiors assigned the mission, they didn't say that the mission target would be that difficult.

The ninja was in a daze, but Sasuke would not waste such a good opportunity to attack. The wind vortex sword exploded, and the Kirigakure ninja who was disguised as a puddle was bounced towards his companion, and at the same time he quickly adjusted his position , forming a two-point line with the two ninjas.

Elemental Explosion · Wind Agitation.

A huge tornado appeared out of thin air, directly enveloping the two of them, blowing them to pieces, and at the same time touched the ice cone released by Sasuke before, turning into an ice tornado, an ice blue ice tyrannosaurus The volume continued to rotate with the trees as the eye of the storm, and the two Kirigakure ninjas were blown so that they couldn't move at all.

But Sasuke still didn't stop, quickly formed seals, and tilted his chakra.

Art fire escape ho fireball.

A huge fireball materialized and blasted towards the two of them. Although the two of them could feel that something was wrong, the ice tornado caused their body temperature to plummet, and their movements became slow and stiff. They were powerless to resist, and could only watch helplessly. Watching himself be engulfed in a fireball.

Melt, spread, melt.

Sasuke's Sharingan recorded the elemental reactions that happened in front of him, and by the time the flames ended, the two Kirigakure ninjas had been burned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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