Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 38 Paimon’s Tears

Chapter 38 Paimon’s Tears
"Wake up, Sasuke, wake up."

A soft and hoarse cry rang in Sasuke's ears.

"Sasuke, Sasuke..."

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was green leaves and thick tree trunks, and then Paimon's small face.

At this moment Paimon looked extremely weak, his little face was pale and covered with tears.

Seeing Sasuke opened his eyes, Paimon's face was full of surprise, and he broke into a smile, but after a smile, his face was full of tears.

"Great, Sasuke, you are not dead. Just now Barbara said that you... said that you... could not be saved. I really thought you were going to leave me alone..."

Sasuke felt a little dazed, feeling his body.

Didn't he fight Bai Zai in his magic mirror ice crystal before?Why is Paimon here.

He got up and looked around. He was just lying next to the statue of the Seven Heavens, and the statue of the Seven Heavens under the huge tree should be the place where the wind rises.

No, shouldn't I be in Mond City when I left Tivat?How could it be in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, Sasuke saw a pile of thousand copies piled up beside him. These were indeed the thousand copies that had hit him in vain, and they were taken to Tivat together.

The pain in the body has disappeared, and the wounds pierced by Qianben have miraculously healed. What happened?
Taking out a clean handkerchief from his folded bag, Sasuke gently wiped away Paimon's tears.

"Pamon, don't cry. Am I still alive now? But what happened? Why are we in Fengqi Land?"

Paimon choked with sobs, let Sasuke's handkerchief touch his face, finally took the handkerchief and turned his back to Sasuke and exhaled his nose.

"Aren't we just at the gate of the Knights?"

"In the blink of an eye, you suddenly fell down with bruises all over your body, your clothes were gone, and your body was covered with densely packed... long needles. You were motionless, and you were almost out of breath."

"I hurried to find Kaiya, but Kaiya didn't know where he went, and I couldn't find him at all."

"Later, I remembered that Vera said that if you were injured, you could go to Mond Church to find Barbara. I just wanted to drag you to find Barbara."

"Sasuke, I was really scared at that time, I was really too weak...why am I so useless...so...so powerless."

When Paimon said this, he was a little incoherent and sobbed several times.

Sasuke listened quietly, patting her on the back lightly.

After calming down for a moment, Paimon continued with red eyes:

"I, I, I was really scared. I was so scared because I couldn't take you to Barbara and delay your treatment. You looked so scary at that time. Several people passing by wanted to help. , but they are all frightened by your appearance and dare not come over..."

"Your body is full of dense needles. I was afraid that I would accidentally touch those long needles and make those long needles pierce deeper. I could only lift your hands and try to let your body hang in the air. Fortunately, there was a A well-meaning man named Bennett, he said that he is also an adventurer from the Adventurers Association, he has heard about you, and helped me lift your feet, so that I can take you to the church in Mond to find Barbara."

"But after arriving at the church, she helped you treat the wound, pulled out the long needles, and tried water element treatment, but it didn't work at all...Barbara said that you had no vital signs. I kept begging her for help. But she says there's nothing she can do about it..."

Paimon choked up a few more times when he said this.

"She told me to express my condolences, saying that you are so injured now that only the god Barbatos can revive you."

"That Bennett was also very sad. He said that his bad luck must have involved you, so he couldn't be cured. Then he left."

"I thought that when you came to Teyvat, you received the blessing of the wind god and gained the power of the elements. The gods would definitely help you, so I dragged you all the way here. This is the closest statue of the Seven Heavens to Mondstadt. .”

"Fortunately, fortunately, after arriving at the Seven Heavens Statue, the God of Wind really took care of you and made you wake up..."

Paimon's voice became softer and softer, and he became weaker and weaker. Finally, it seemed that he no longer had the strength to hover in the air, and he fell from mid-air.

Sasuke caught the falling Paimon with both hands.

At this moment, Sasuke was only moved in his heart.

"Paimon, thank you."

He was full of thoughts, but he didn't know what to say for a while, and the last thing he said was thank you.

"Hey, we are friends, partners."

"But why were you so seriously injured?"

Paimon slowly climbed from Sasuke's hand to Sasuke's shoulder and lay down with his head against Sasuke's cheek.

"Well, Paimon feels so tired. Let Pamon rest first, and then tell Pamon when you wake up."

Paimon closed his eyes, and after only a few tens of seconds, there was a slight cry.

We are partners.

Sasuke has mixed feelings in his heart, and he has indeed gained a lot of feelings recently.

First, in Konoha's Uzumaki Naruto, this guy had been arguing with him all the time when he was carrying out the mission, and they also looked down upon each other, but just now he would unconsciously block the sword for him.

Then there was Paimon from Teyvat, who always felt that she must have some conspiracy to use him. He thought that this guy who was all white must be black when cut open, just like the color of her cloak.

As time goes by and gets along with each other, trust is gradually established.

Later, after Paimon reminded himself to comfort himself, he gradually agreed with and accepted Paimon.

But now, just now, all that Pamon had done for herself, the tears she shed for herself, had penetrated into the deepest part of Sasuke's heart.

Recalling the distance from the Monde Church all the way to the Seven Heavens God Statue, it is indeed not very far for his foot strength, but with such a small body, Paimon needs to be dragged by a person several times bigger than her, and he does not know life and death. I came alone to the windy place where there is still danger.

I really don't know how she can do it with such a small body.

Paimon, it's pink.

Even at this moment, Sasuke wanted to let go of all the darkness in his heart and stay in Teyvat to accompany Paimon, even if he was playing childish adventure games with her.

Sasuke adjusted his position to make Paimon more comfortable.

What's a little strange is that when I handed in the Fengshen Pupil before, I didn't find that the Seven Heavens Statue has the function of healing or even bringing the dead back to life.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Paimon seemed smaller and lighter than when he first saw her.

Is it related to this?
Before I lost consciousness, I seemed to hear a unique soft music, and it was also this piece of music when I came to Tivat through sleep.

So was he dead or not?

If he really died, would he still come to Tivat?
Sasuke would like to stay with Paimon now, wake her up with her, and learn more details, but now is not the time.

It's not dark yet in Teyvat, but he doesn't know how long he has been here. The passage of time here is three times that of his side. Before he fell into coma, he saw that Bai had not really been defeated. He stood up again. Get up, then Naruto is still very dangerous over there now!

I need to go back.

Even though he knew that no matter how long he left, this place would be suspended, but Sasuke couldn't help but tapped the sleeping Paimon's forehead, and said to her:

"Sorry, Paimon, I will definitely accompany you next time."

(End of this chapter)

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