Konoha: This Sasuke has Tivat

Chapter 80 The Variation of the World

Chapter 80 The Variation of the World

"Sasuke, I'm not mistaken... That booooom bomb was released by this little girl, right?"

Paimon swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and whispered in Sasuke's ear.


Sasuke had already opened Sharingan, and he saw a strong fire element around the little girl.

The doll bomb just now is not over yet. After the explosion, there are still a lot of miniature dolls on the ground, and these little dolls still have a lot of fire elements in Sasuke's Sharingan.

Sure enough, these little dolls fluttered with the wind, and exploded again after touching the remaining young rock dragon lizards.

Although this wave of explosions was not as violent as the previous wave, it still turned the young rock dragon lizards upside down.

Amazing power.

Sasuke made an analogy, and felt that the explosive power of these little dolls was comparable to the power of his impatiens fireball without Tewarin.

No wonder this little girl dared to come to this wild place alone, she came completely prepared.

After blasting the baby rock lizards, the little girl ran up to Sasuke and Paimon.

"Thank you for your help, big brother. Captain Qin said that you must thank those who helped Keli!"

As she spoke, she took off her schoolbag, trying to get something out of it.

Head of Qin?
Sasuke and Paimon were slightly taken aback.

"You're welcome, kid, is your name Keli?"

Paimon asked.

Keli nodded while taking out her schoolbag.


"My name is Paimon, and his name is Sasuke Uchiha. Is the Qin leader you mentioned just now the leader of the Zephyr Knights?"

The movement of Keli's little hand stopped, and she raised her head in surprise.

"Eh? Do you know Captain Qin?"

"Of course."

Paimon raised his head and said proudly:
"Sasuke is the honorary knight of the Zephyr Knights, and I am the honorary guide of the honorary knights."

"Wow! It turns out to be brother, the honorary knight!"

Keli cheered very appreciatively.

"I heard Captain Qin talking about you guys, the Honorary Knight and his good partner Paimon."

"Just like me and Duduke."

After finishing speaking, Keli took out something wrapped in a paper bag from her schoolbag and handed it to Sasuke.

"Here, this is Keli's thank you."

Sasuke took the paper bag, and when he opened it, he found several fish inside.

"This is the fish that Keli blew up with a bouncing bomb herself just now!"

When Keli said this, she looked as confident as Paimon.

"However, if you meet head Qin next time, please don't tell head Qin that I sneaked out to fry fish, otherwise I will be imprisoned again."

"is it okay?"

She blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Sasuke and Paimon flickeringly, and said with a hint of pleading tone.

"It can be..."

Paimon hesitated.

"But you ran from Mond to Liyue just to fry fish?"

Kelly nodded.

"Well, if someone sees the fried fish in Mond, someone will tell Captain Qin, and then Captain Qin will find Keli and put her in confinement... Then Keli will not be able to take risks freely."

"Ah? Why are fried fish also imprisoned?"

Paimon asked.

"Because Keli is the Spark Knight, Captain Qin said that the Spark Knight can't fry fish casually."

Spark Knight?

This reminded Sasuke that when he was resting near the Mond Tavern, he heard members of the Adventurer's Association discussing the combat effectiveness of the members of the Knights.

In addition to the well-recognized head of Falga, most people think it is the famous acting head Qin and the cavalry captain Kaiya.

But a very drunk man said that he saw with his own eyes a red knight razing the entire Wangfeng Mountain to the ground.

Reminiscent of Keli's terrifying doll bomb just now, the cute Spark Knight in front of me is probably the culprit...

Then there was a slight grunt.

While Paimon was still looking for the source of the sound, Keli lowered her head.

"Kelly is hungry."

Since he was an acquaintance of the Knights, Sasuke naturally assumed the responsibility of taking care of Keli. He first took out a rice ball from his folding bag to give Keli a little padding, and then collected some dry ones from nearby. wood, and then cleared a clearing to raise a fire with a fire escape.

It happened that Keli also gave him some fish, so he killed the fish with kunai, then tied them with branches and cooked grilled fish for Keli.

Paimon also got a share.

"Sure enough, the fish fried by myself is very delicious."

Keli sighed while eating the grilled fish.

Paimon agreed.

"Brother Honor Knight is really a good man!"

Just after Keli finished saying this, that inner voice reappeared:
Obtain Keli's approval, and after obtaining the consent of the other party, you can use the ownerless starlight to project.

Sasuke was taken aback.

Got approval for a meal of grilled fish?
Looking at it this way, that guy, Kaiya, was particularly cunning, and he had helped so much back and forth to get his approval.

Wait... This time it seems to be a summoning projection again, instead of acquiring a skill, is there any pattern in this?

And that guy Wendy, I seem to have helped him a lot, but there seemed to be no voice at that time, right?

But Twarin gave himself strength, does this count as Wendy's approval?

Sasuke, the magical voice, still doesn't know the reason, but it's better than nothing.


Sasuke looked at Keli who was holding a grilled fish and feasting in front of him.

When he encounters a difficult enemy, will he really have the heart to summon such a little girl to help him fight?
Although her fighting power does seem to be very strong.

After eating the grilled fish, Keli got up to say goodbye to Sasuke Paimon—she was still taking advantage of this opportunity to continue her big adventure.

After Keli had gone far away, Paimon complained to Sasuke:
"Suddenly I feel that Captain Qin is really not easy."

"She is obviously a little girl, but she has such a powerful destructive power. If I were the head of Qin, I don't even know what to do."

Sasuke extinguished the fire that had just been raised for grilling fish.

"The head of Qin did a good job."

"You see Keli has such a strong fighting power. When the dragon disaster appeared in Mondstadt before, did Captain Qin let Keli come out to fight?"

Paimon didn't know why Sasuke said that suddenly, she thought for a while, and then said:
"It seems that there is not."

"But if in our world, a child with such talent in combat as her really appears, it is very likely that she will become a weapon in combat and a tool for adults to seek benefits."

"Even...ordinary residents will be afraid of her, hate her, and even be hostile to her because of her special abilities."

"But in Mond City, do you feel this kind of atmosphere?"

Paimon moved closer to Sasuke.


"Judging from the contact with her just now, she had a very happy childhood, and the only trouble is that Captain Qin won't let her fry fish..."

Sasuke thought about the Chunin Exam again.

He, and his classmates who are about the same age as him, have to risk their lives for Ninja Village's face.

And Naruto, who has been hated by most people since he was a child.

Maybe, Naruto was born in Mond, everything might be different.

 Friends, monthly tickets, recommended tickets?next friend.

(End of this chapter)

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