Chapter 98
Following her order, the crowd broke out into riots again, but the armed Qianyan Army soon appeared. Their prestige among the people of Liyue was very high, and they quickly controlled the order.

Sasuke and Paimon, who were particularly different, naturally received special attention and were surrounded by a large number of Qianyan troops.

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

Paimon looked at the Qianyan Army that surrounded him. Paimon was confused and did not dare to act rashly.

And that's exactly what Sasuke wanted to ask.

The Tianquan Xingguang said that the emperor was killed, combined with the sudden change of the world, could it be that such a god with a great reputation was really killed in the ceremony of inviting immortals?

When I was in Mond, I said that although Wendy touched a little bit, she was still alive, but why did she encounter this kind of thing when she arrived in Liyue...

Wait, an assassin who can kill gods...

Sasuke had experienced the power of Wendy Qianfeng, and Wendy, who was still not wearing the crown, possessed such a powerful power.

As the god who has ruled Liyue for thousands of years, Emperor Yan's power is estimated to be even more terrifying. This is also admitted by Wendy himself, so the murderer is either stronger than Emperor Yan, or is through conspiracy.

Sasuke fixed his gaze on Ningguang who had been watching him.

Please let Ningguang handle the fairy ceremony, just now Sasuke also saw that Ningguang manipulated the gem into the magic weapon, and then the magic weapon went straight to the heaven, and then the world changed.

If the other party had done something on the magic weapon and plotted against the God of Rock, then it was entirely possible.

As for the purpose... He guessed that maybe it was because the people of Liyue thought that the ruler of Liyue was the rock god, so Qixing had the idea of ​​murdering the god and then seizing power-after all, this kind of thing often happens in the ninja world. Zabuzhan became an exiled ninja because of the failure to assassinate Mizukage.

Kakashi told them this on the way back to Konoha after the mission was taken over by ANBU.

Although the rock god is powerful, Sasuke has never really seen the opponent's power, and Mond's wind god Wendy will indeed be eroded by the organization of the abyss, so if there is a special method, he should be able to assassinate the rock god, right?

At this moment, several thoughts turned in Sasuke's mind.

And he saw panic on Ning Guang's face before, maybe it was caused by a mistake, but in the end Yan Shen died.

Facing the unknown, Sasuke made the worst plan.

Assuming that Ningguang is the murderer who assassinated the rock god, then he would be in a very dangerous situation if he let the Qianyan army surround him, and the other party would definitely not let go of the opportunity to frame him.

Without the blessing of Qianfeng's power, it is simply unrealistic for him to deal with this area of ​​Qianyan Army and the possibly god-killing Ningguang.

run!Returning to Mondstadt first, the only person he can trust with the strongest combat power in this world is Wendy.

"Paimon, hold on to me."

Sasuke said in a low voice.

"Ah? No, why do we..."

Although Paimon hesitated, he chose to hold Sasuke's arm.

But with just such a moment of hesitation, the Qianyan Army on the opposite side made a decisive move, and a large net was fired from a Qianyan Army's crossbow-style weapon, covering Paimon and Sasuke.

The Qianyan Army headed by it burst into a loud shout:
"Prevent the opponent from escaping, the archer is ready!"

Following his order, another group of soldiers appeared on the outer layer, holding a longbow, and quickly drew the bow and arrow, ready to launch.

What a well-trained team, the reaction and action are so fast...

Sasuke was just about to open Susanohu and forcefully break free from the big net that bound him and Paimon, but he heard a clear male voice, saying to Sasuke:

"Young man, be careful, don't move."

Swish Swish Swish, more than a dozen arrows made of water shot out from Sasuke's side, and hit the Qianyan Army who was aiming at Sasuke before. Most of the water arrows attacked the arm guard on Qianyan Army's arm. The weapon was knocked down, but no life was injured.

Then a young man with brown hair, good looks, wearing a gray shirt, pants, and short boots jumped down from the steps next to Sasuke and came to Sasuke's side.

Holding two water-colored short blades and a flowing red scarf hanging on his chest, he used the water knife to repel the approaching Qianyan army with his gestures, and then slashed open the net bag that trapped Sasuke.

"The people behind keep up, the other party has accomplices, take it down together!"

Seeing that the advance Qianyan army was repulsed by the youths who suddenly appeared, the Qianyan army in the back row continued to shout.

Although I don't know who the other party is and what purpose it has, but this person did save Susanoo's chakra and pupil power for himself, so when the other party said, come with me, Sasuke hesitated for a moment and followed The opponent's pace.

The young man seemed to be very familiar with the vicinity of Yujing Terrace. He led Sasuke skillfully in the streets and alleys, and escaped the pursuit of Qianyan Army, and finally stopped at the side door of a huge building called Beiguo Bank.

"It should be safe here."

"This place belongs to the Zhidong Kingdom, and enjoys diplomatic immunity. Even if Liyue's Qianyan Army wants to enter forcibly to find someone, someone will notify me, so you can rest assured for the time being."

The other party ran for so long but still didn't take a big breath. His face didn't turn red, his heart didn't beat, and he spoke calmly.

Sasuke didn't think that the other party suddenly came to help him because he was heroic and courageous - unless the other party accepted the commission from the Adventurers Association.

The other party also mentioned Beiguo Bank and Zhidong Country. From his words, it can be deduced that the other party has at least a certain status in Beiguo Bank in Zhidong Country.

The lady from Zhidong Kingdom just took out Wendy's God's Heart in Mond, and now this person in front of him has rescued a suspect who is suspected of murdering the God of Rock in Liyue...

"who are you?"

Sasuke's tone was not enthusiastic, because of the 'lady''s rough behavior towards Wendy in Mond, and now he doesn't have a good impression of the people of the winter country.

The other party also noticed the coldness in Sasuke's tone, but he didn't care, but introduced himself with a smile:
"You can call me 'son'."


What a strange name.

Sasuke frowned slightly.

He is still the second son of the Uchiha family, the kind who wants to kill the eldest son.

Before Sasuke could speak, Paimon, who had been tugging at his clothes, started to complain:

"Wow... What a bad character, you just help us once and treat us as servants?"

"Actually, you don't need to take action, Sasuke can handle it by himself, he is very powerful!"

Hearing Paimon's words, the young master was not angry. Instead, he smiled and explained:
"Haha, I didn't mean that, and the name is just a code name, it's like..."

"You should have met the 'lady' in Mond, right?"

Madam, Prince, Fools and Executives.

Sure enough, the other party came well prepared and knew a lot about himself, but he knew nothing about the other party.

It seems that I also destroyed a stronghold of the Fools. Although I used Naruto's appearance, Susanoo's skeleton should be more recognizable.

Thanks to the young master's quick action, otherwise he might have been recognized if he had just fired the Susanoo.

Although the other party helped him, the motive of that action was hard to say.

Assuming that he had no intention of resisting just now, and that Ning Guang was not the murderer of the emperor, the behavior of the man in front of him would undoubtedly confirm his suspicion in disguise.

There is a feeling of being forced into prostitution.

The Fools of the Winter Kingdom had just taken away the Heart of God from Wendy, and now they appeared in action again in Liyue...

Sasuke felt as if he had been drawn into a huge vortex again.

(End of this chapter)

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