"Hahaha~ Great! With such a talent, our Great Qin will surely have a long-lasting rule!"

After reading the silk cloth and thinking for a while, Qin Shihuang looked at Xiaolan at the steps with a sharp gaze and laughed out loud. His laughter echoed in the air, sounding particularly cheerful:

"Any craftsman who is good for others is called skillful, and one who is not good for others is called clumsy. Back then, Li Bing built the Jian'e Dam to irrigate thousands of acres of farmland, letting people decide whether to deal with floods or droughts, and bringing great harvests to Sichuan. This was a great skill. Now what you have done can save countless manpower, which is no less than that!"

Xiaolan's invention of the blueprints was equivalent to adding millions of laborers to the farmland of the Qin Dynasty. These inventions were undoubtedly an important breakthrough in the development of agriculture in the Qin Dynasty.

Since Shang Yang's reform, the Qin Dynasty has always adhered to the policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, which shows how much importance it attaches to agriculture. Xiaolan's invention is undoubtedly a strong support for this policy.

After Shang Yang's reform, the Qin Dynasty's agriculture developed rapidly, and the country accumulated a lot of wealth. However, since Qin Shihuang's construction, there has been a serious shortage of labor in the countryside, which is a key factor restricting the development of agriculture. Xiaolan's inventions can solve many problems.

The inventions of irrigation, improvement of reclamation tools and methods of composting by farmers were enough to bring about a huge leap in agriculture in the Qin Dynasty. This not only meant a significant increase in agricultural output, but also meant that the national strength of the Qin Dynasty would be greatly enhanced.

These inventions will also have a profound impact on the economic development of the Qin Dynasty. Agriculture is the foundation of economic development, and the rapid development of agriculture will drive the development of other industries. This will form a virtuous development cycle and lay a solid foundation for the prosperity of the Qin Dynasty.

More importantly, this invention will also have a profound impact on the social structure of the Qin Dynasty. The development of agriculture will free up a large number of laborers from the fields, which will provide a strong impetus for the social progress of the Qin Dynasty. These liberated laborers can be devoted to other industries, pushing the social structure of the Qin Dynasty towards a more diversified direction.

"Your Majesty! General Meng Tian is already waiting for you at the Imperial Stables!"

"Is Meng Tian here? Great! Let's go to the Imperial Horse Guard. Zhao Gao, you and Miss Xiaolan should also come back, so I can see how effective this three-piece horse suit is!"

Just as Ying Zheng was thinking about what reward to give to Xiaolan, De Xing ran in hurriedly.



Saddles were already in use during the Qin Dynasty. However, the saddles at that time were simpler in shape, rectangular, made of soft leather, with wool filling the middle to increase the thickness of the saddle pad, and fine leather stitching around the edges, resembling two comfortable pillows. In order to make the saddle more firmly fixed on the horse's back, people also cleverly designed three straps, tied to the horse's abdomen, chest and buttocks respectively.

According to legend, this was invented by the northern Rongdi people in their long-term horse riding practice. They lived on the vast grasslands, and riding was an indispensable part of their daily life. They put something on the horse's back and found that this could reduce fatigue and improve riding comfort. Later, this practical invention was passed on to the State of Zhao, where King Wuling of Zhao borrowed and improved it to make it more ergonomic. King Wuling of Zhao advocated "Hu clothing and horse riding", that is, learning and drawing on the horse riding and shooting skills of the northern nomadic peoples. This reform greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Zhao army.

With the reform of King Wuling of Zhao, saddles were gradually introduced to Qin. The Qin army made the most of saddles. In the Qin military law, there was a rule that "the commander of the chariot and cavalry who is not equipped with horses and saddles shall be executed." This shows how much importance Qin attached to saddles. With saddles, cavalrymen could ride more comfortably for a long time, and their combat effectiveness was greatly improved. In the armies of Qin, Zhao, Yan and other countries, large-scale cavalry began to appear, which was largely due to the invention and popularization of saddles.

But in the eyes of later generations, this thing is more like a saddle pad for riding, or a "low saddle" rather than a saddle. The low saddle can be folded up when not in use. It is light, but still not advanced enough.

Looking at the chestnut horse led by Meng Tian, ​​Ying Zheng immediately discovered the difference. There was a wooden object on the horse's back, covered with leather, with high bulges in the front and back and low in the middle. It was pressed on the saddle and firmly fixed on the horse's back through three straps: the chest strap, the belly strap, and the saddle strap. On both sides of the object, there were two flat-bottomed iron rings hanging from leather straps. And it looked more flexible than usual. Looking down, I saw an oval iron block embedded in each of the chestnut horse's hooves. This should be the horseshoe that Zhao Gao mentioned.

After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng said to Yi Huawei: "Is this the three-piece set for horses? Zhao Gao, go and try it!"


Yi Huawei responded, walked towards Meng Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "General! You can let go now."

Although Meng Tian was reluctant, he had no choice but to hand the horse reins to Yi Huawei, praying secretly in his heart that the chestnut horse usually didn't like strangers to get close to it, and that Zhao Gao would be embarrassed.

But the fact made Meng Tian dumbfounded. The chestnut horse, which usually kept strangers away, actually stood still. Zhao Gao supported the horse, stepped on the iron ring, easily stepped onto the horse's back, and sat steadily on the object.

Yi Huawei rode on the horse, gently stroking the horse's back, and bowed to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, I can't see much difference at the moment. Can you let me gallop for a while so that I can better discover the benefits of these things?"


Ying Zheng nodded and sat back in the carriage.

Meng Tian watched Yi Huawei galloping faster and faster, but he was as steady as a rock on horseback, especially in those dangerous places. Even though he was skilled in archery and horse riding, he had to clamp his legs tightly around the horse and hold the horse's mane tightly with his hands to prevent himself from falling off the horse. But Yi Huawei acted relaxed and at ease, as if he was walking on flat ground, and even had time to look around. His riding skills seemed to be no less than those of the Rongdi people who were born and raised in Longxi.

In the carriage, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up. Although Zhao Gao could ride a horse, he was just that good. Now his riding skills suddenly became so advanced, which must be related to this three-piece horse suit.

"Your Majesty! Can you let me try?"

As a general who had fought for many years, Xin Sheng, who was standing by, had already realized the benefits of saddles and stirrups, and immediately asked Ying Zheng for them.

Ying Zheng laughed:
"Hahaha~, it seems that General Xin is also itching to do so, accurate!"

After Yi Huawei got off the horse, Xin Sheng asked someone to bring his own dog Yin Xue. When he saw the craftsman nailing the horseshoe on the horse's hoof, Xin Sheng was still a little worried, but when he saw that Yin Xue did not look in pain, he felt relieved.

After nailing the horseshoes, Xin Sheng fixed the saddle firmly on the horse's back, stepped on the stirrup, and jumped on. He didn't even use any strength with his feet, and the reins in his hands didn't even shake, but Yin Xue responded immediately, following his master's wishes, neighing and trotting.

On the vast grassland, a silver horse was like a flash of lightning, carrying a white-haired general, galloping past. The horse was strong and agile, and it seemed as if the grassland was trembling under its feet. The general had an extraordinary appearance and temperament, as if he came from an ancient mythological hero. He was wearing leather armor, holding a long sword, carrying a bow and arrow, and looked heroic.

Xin Sheng was a veteran who had been through many battles. His riding skills were already good, and with the help of the stirrups and saddle, he was even more skilled. At this moment, Xin Sheng was riding the silver horse, crossing high hills one after another, like an eagle soaring in the sky. The high saddle and stirrups allowed his hands to be completely free, allowing him to respond to emergencies at any time.

While galloping, Xin Sheng raised the bow behind him, drew out the arrow, and shot foxes and rabbits accurately. These prey fell one after another, causing enthusiastic cheers and applause from more than a thousand people present. However, Xin Sheng was not satisfied, and drew out his sword and began to perform some difficult moves on horseback. He rolled forward and backward, dodged left and right, and his movements were so agile that it was a feast for the eyes.

When Zhuifeng reached the fastest speed, they seemed to become one, and people could not see the boundary between them. The silver saddle shone on the white horse, like a meteor streaking through the night sky, which was extremely stunning. And the cloak raised high behind Xin Sheng was like a pair of burning wings, as if it was going to take him and the horse under his crotch to fly high and break through the sky.

“Hahahaha~~” “Great! You really are the Flying General!”

Ying Zheng was already dazzled by what he saw and got off the carriage, cheering loudly.

"Flying General! Flying General!!"

More than a thousand soldiers shouted in unison, the sound was like a mountain torrent, and the shouts gathered into a powerful force that seemed to tear the sky apart and make the earth tremble.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! With this magical item, our Qin cavalry will be invincible!"

Sweat slid down Xin Sheng's slightly old cheeks. The high-intensity exercise made the elderly general a little anxious, but he could not hide the excitement in his eyes. He seemed to be able to see the scene where the Qin cavalry was invincible across the world with these magical objects.

"Haha, this is all thanks to Zhao Gao and his adopted sister Miss Xiaolan!"

Ying Zheng smiled and pointed at Yi Huawei and Xiao Lan standing beside him.

The soldiers standing by were extremely surprised. How could such a magical object be invented by the Minister of the Imperial Chariots and this plain-looking woman?
"I'll try!"

Ying Zheng was itching to show off his skills, so he ordered the craftsman to equip his "White Rabbit" with three sets of clothes.

Ying Zheng had seven precious horses, named Zhuifeng, Baitu, Jijing, Zhuidian, Feipian, Tongjue, and Chenfu. Each of these seven horses had its own characteristics and was the best among all horses.

Among them, the 'White Rabbit' has a very pure coat color, all over the body, a pure white color, without a single strand of other colors. It has a slender body, slender limbs, well-developed muscles, long and flowing mane, and a fluffy tail with a graceful arc at the end.

As soon as Ying Zheng got on the horse, he immediately felt the benefits of this three-piece set of horses. The high saddle made him more comfortable and stable when riding. The stirrups made it feel like his feet were on the ground, instead of hanging his legs on both sides of the horse's belly without any support as in the past. He had to clamp his legs tightly against the horse's violent shaking to maintain his stability. His hands were completely freed, and the archery and shooting on horseback, which used to be very difficult, became much easier, forward and backward, left and right, and in circles.

It can be imagined that if this item is used by the riders, it will have similar effects.

Turning to look at Meng Tian, ​​Ying Zheng asked, "If the whole army is equipped, how many of your men do you think can become knights?"

The Qin army's standard for selecting knights was to select those who were under 40 years old and over 7 feet 5 inches tall. They must be strong and agile, faster than ordinary people; they must be able to ride fast and shoot arrows on horseback, and they must be able to fight freely in all directions, front and back, left and right, and advance and retreat skillfully; they must be able to ride over ditches, climb hills, rush through obstacles, and cross rivers. Only in this way can they chase strong enemies on the battlefield and defeat the many with the few. Such people can be called martial knights!

The Qin army system had a leader for every five cavalrymen, an officer for every ten cavalrymen, a commander for every hundred cavalrymen, and a general for every two hundred cavalrymen. Among the Longxi cavalrymen, which were the best in the world, only about one tenth were elite "military cavalrymen".

Chariot soldiers also had similar selection criteria and were called "Wu Charioteers". (Zhao Gao in history was also a Wu Charioteer, and was considered to be highly skilled in martial arts. Moreover, he continued to practice diligently when he was nearly fifty years old.)
Meng Tian had tried it himself, so he knew the effect. He immediately replied, "Your Majesty, if the whole army prepares this, at least half of the five hundred cavalrymen can be called warrior knights!"

"Good! Hahahaha~~"

Ying Zheng clapped his hands and laughed.

In addition to making the strong stronger, the high saddle stirrups can also greatly shorten the Qin cavalry training cycle during training. In the future, whether in the south or the north, a large number of martial knights with superb riding skills can be trained.

Stopping his laughter, Ying Zheng gave the order: "Meng Tian, ​​I order you to build a cavalry in Longxi, Beidi, Shangjun, and Neishi, recruit good family boys who are skilled in archery and horse riding in Guanxi, equip them with high saddles and stirrups, and make sure everyone is a knight!"


Meng Tian just frowned and agreed.

"Start your Majesty!"

Yi Huawei quickly interrupted:

"General Meng is also responsible for building the straight road. Why not choose another talented person for the Knights of War?"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes and said, "The matter of the straight road cannot be delayed. In this case, Zhao Gao... do you have a candidate?"

Yi Huawei shook his head repeatedly: "How can I have any candidates? However, my Great Qin is full of talents and fierce troops. It is easy to choose a cavalry general. However... I think this is a sharp weapon of the country and cannot be shown to outsiders lightly! It must be hidden before use, and the cavalry must be trained in secret."

"It makes sense!"

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and the doubts that had just arisen gradually dissipated. He laughed loudly and said, "Good! Zhao Gao, you and Miss Xiaolan have made such a great contribution. I am very pleased and will definitely reward you handsomely!

Zhao Gao was loyal to the country, cared about the emperor, recommended talented people, and saved me. His contribution was great. I want to show his loyalty and bravery to the world.

I think Zhao Gao is loyal to his master and has made meritorious recommendations, which is commendable. Although Miss Xiaolan is a woman, she is also extraordinary with her extraordinary talents.

Zhao Gao was promoted three levels in rank for his meritorious service, and was appointed as Shaoliangzao with a fief of 600 yuan to commend his loyalty; although Xiaolan was a woman, she was no less talented than a man, and was rare in the world, so Xiaolan was specially appointed as Dagongyi and given the surname Yi. Each of them was given 100 mu of good land and a beautiful house as a reward.

I hope that people all over the world can take Zhao Gao as a role model and Xiao Lan as an example. I firmly believe that my Great Qin Empire will prosper and be immortal because of loyal men and wise women! "

(End of this chapter)

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