"Teacher, you have caused me so much trouble."

There was a mixture of joking and seriousness in Hu Hai's tone.

The banquet was over. The moonlight outside the palace gate was cold. Yi Huawei and Hu Hai, the master and disciple, were riding in the same car. The noise around them gradually faded away. Hu Hai's heart gradually relaxed. He leaned casually on the cushion, crossed his legs, and hooked his finger at Yi Huawei, looking like a gangster.

"Because His Majesty likes to hear the truth. Do you think His Majesty doesn't know your temper?"

Yi Huawei smiled and casually took out a pack of Huazi and threw it over: "This is yours for the past two days. One pack every two days is about right. I don't have much here either. One less pack for each one I take."

Yi Huawei did not bring any tobacco seeds with him, only a few boxes of cigarettes were placed in the space.

"But teacher, you don't know the emperor's temper. He asked me what I wanted to do after I came of age and left the palace. I told him what you wanted, but he scolded me. He said I lacked ambition and was not motivated to make progress."

Hu Hai took out a disposable lighter from his pocket and lit it skillfully. After a few days, he had become like an old smoker, with two puffs of green smoke coming out of his nostrils. Then he looked at Yi Huawei with a somewhat aggrieved look. He seemed not to have expected his father's reaction to be so big. Ying Zheng's cold face just now almost scared him.

"Put the lighter away so no one can see it, and don't use it to light the curtains."

Yi Huawei reminded him and continued, "Sir, His Majesty's rebuke is only because he has high expectations of you. He hopes that you can become an ambitious and accomplished person. However, your heart is your own, and you have the right to choose your own lifestyle."

Hu Hai was silent, looking at the moonlight outside the window, and fell into deep thought.

Hu Hai is 18 years old this year. As the 18th son of Qin Shi Huang, he was destined to be extraordinary since birth. Although he is young, his life trajectory has long been determined. As the youngest son of Qin Shi Huang, he has enjoyed wealth and glory since he was a child. He has been favored by Qin Shi Huang and has been at his side. Compared with other sons, he is undoubtedly the one closest to the emperor.

However, Hu Hai's life was not all joy. He also witnessed the life of his father, Qin Shi Huang. His father was wise and brave, but he was busy with government affairs all his life, just like King Yao and Queen Yu. He made great efforts to unify the world and make the country prosperous and strong. However, when the great cause of the world was accomplished, he was tortured by illness and felt miserable about the shortness of life. He began to seek elixirs, hoping to achieve immortality.

Hu Hai saw all this and was filled with admiration and pity. He felt that his father was so wise and powerful that he should have enjoyed the benefits of the world, but he was entangled in these complicated affairs and could not extricate himself. He felt that his father should have been a man with power and freedom, but he seemed to be wearing shackles, stumbling forward, and living like a prisoner. He felt very confused about this. He didn't understand why a person who owned the world could not enjoy life freely.

“Life is short, enjoy it while you can!”

Deep in Hu Hai's heart, a strong desire was quietly growing, like a flower blooming quietly under the night sky.

However, as a member of the royal family, he shoulders a heavy responsibility, so he can only keep this thought deep in his heart, and cannot tell anyone, let alone make it public.

Yi Huawei smiled and said, "Your Majesty likes this kind of true nature of the young master!"

After a pause, he said again:

"If your Majesty was angered by your words, why would your Majesty say that you should be brought along on this Eastern Tour to broaden your horizons and see the world?"

The purpose of Qin Shi Huang's tour was mainly to deter the rebels in the six states. The route of this tour was basically the same as the second tour, except that a different route was chosen on the return trip. Qin Shi Huang wanted to send a strong warning to the six states through this tour, indicating that the Qin Dynasty would severely crack down on any acts of resistance.

In addition, this tour had other purposes, such as maintaining border security, promoting military power to various places, deterring those who intended to rebel, pacifying the people in the border areas, and treating the prosperous areas in a unified manner. Of course, visiting the immortals and asking for advice was also an important reason.

In the past, Hu Hai was young and Qin Shihuang did not take him with him when he went on tours, but this time was different. Hu Hai was the only prince who was named to go with the emperor.

Only then did Hu Hai believe what Zhao Gao said and his worry turned into joy!

Which son doesn't want to be praised and appreciated by his father? Even Hu Hai, who really wanted to be a good-for-nothing and live a happy life, was no exception.

Moreover, they could accompany the emperor on his tours. This tour started from Xianyang, passed through Luoyang, Yuanyang, Qingdao, and Yantai, and then returned, which took at least half a year.

Hu Hai showed a look of longing in his eyes: "This time I can accompany my father on the northern tour. I will finally not be confined to this corner of Xianyang."

Yi Huawei smiled and described it vividly: "The scenery of Yan and Zhao is quite magnificent, and Handan and Luoyang are also beautiful places. Especially in Handan, the women there are famous among the princes. They like to play the zither, dance with long sleeves, step on the sandals, tease with their eyes, seduce with their hearts, wander around the rich and powerful families, flatter and please the nobles, just hoping to be taken into the harem by the princes or feudal lords and enjoy the glory... A noble and elegant young man like you is exactly what they like most!"

As a young man full of vigor and vitality, Hu Hai listened attentively. Although these young men were rich and comfortable, they had strict rules and regulations and were not allowed to wander around without any reason, let alone bully men and women. In the past 18 years, Hu Hai had only gone hunting and summer vacation, such as to Shanglin Garden and Ganquan Mountain. At other times, he rarely traveled far.

Hu Hai's brutality was not until he ascended the throne. At this time, Hu Hai was at most naughty. With Qin Shi Huang around, he had no courage to do evil. According to historical records, the most outrageous thing he did at this age was to mess up the shoes of the civil and military officials when they were in court (according to the rules, all officials had to take off their shoes before entering the palace). Therefore, historians came to the conclusion that Hu Hai was naughty when he was a child, and he became so fierce and brutal when he grew up.

Yi Huawei's description seemed to open a window for Hu Hai, making him yearn for that prosperous world. He imagined the dancing postures of the women in Handan, their long sleeves flying in the air, like dancing fairies. Their eyes were full of temptation, they were so beautiful and moving.

Hu Hai's heart was full of longing. He longed to see those Handan women and experience that kind of prosperous life. But he also knew that his life was not under his control. He was a prince and his life was destined to be bound.

However, Yi Huawei's description filled his heart with hope. He imagined that one day he would be able to break free from his shackles and live freely. He imagined that one day he would be able to meet those Handan women and experience that kind of prosperous life.

At this point, Hu Hai had already attributed today's event to Yi Huawei's contribution, and said happily:

"I knew that the teacher wouldn't lie to Hu Hai! ... I just took a few puffs, and the teacher wants one too?"

As he spoke, Hu Hai took out a cigarette without any hesitation and handed it to Yi Huawei.

The two of them sat in the small carriage and began to smoke.

Slowly blowing out a puff of smoke, Yi Huawei looked at Hu Hai with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: he obeys the laws, is filial, enjoys pleasure but is not interested in being an emperor... Such a young man is a good material to be an emperor.


Ju County of Linzi County, located in the hinterland of Qi State, is an ancient city with a long history and profound cultural heritage.

In a corner of the pavilion outside the west gate of the county town, a sturdy strongman was resting on the sedan chair he was pushing. The sun shone through the gaps in the leaves on his face, and sweat dripped down his forehead. He tilted his neck and drank the well water in big gulps. From the corner of his eye, he saw a beardless man in eunuch clothes riding a fast horse and galloping towards the county government office in front of him, raising dust all the way. "Pah!"

Spitting heavily on the ground, the strong man couldn't help but feel curious and asked the middle-aged man who looked like a businessman beside him: "Zhang Liang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Liang is now over 30 years old. The elegant young man he used to be is long gone. Time has left traces on his face, but his eyes are still bright. The deliberately long beard makes him look older. The wind and sun have wrinkled his forehead. He wears a hemp cloth, a typical Qi merchant dress, but his temperament is completely different from that of ordinary merchants.

Zhang Liang looked at the strong man and said helplessly: "I told you not to speak lightly and don't call me Zhang Liang."

The strong man touched his head, smiled innocently, and then looked at Zhang Liang: "Su Zifang, did you send any new stuff? I heard that those water wheels and plowing tools were made by a woman, and she was named the Great Engineer. It is unheard of for a woman to be an official. Those officials are ashamed to serve under a woman."

Zhang Liang shook his head and said nothing. His eyes were a little complicated. Although these production tools were beneficial to the country and the people, they were not a good thing for him. He felt mixed emotions. He understood that the popularization of these tools would improve the living standards of the people and promote the development of the country, but for him, this was not good news.

The people's complaints against the tyrants were already growing, and the people's hearts and minds were against the tyrants, which was the foundation of the restoration of the country. However, as these production tools became popular, the people's lives would gradually get better and their days would become more prosperous. In this way, their tolerance for the tyrants would increase, and the hope of restoring the country would become slimmer.

Zhang Liang sighed deeply. He knew that he had to find a new method, a new breakthrough, to realize his cause of restoring his country.

A man dressed like a knight, wearing a long gown, a hairpin, straw sandals, and a sword at his waist, hurried over with a strange look in his eyes. He walked up to Zhang Liang and whispered something.

"The Emperor's Eastern Tour?!"

Zhang Liang nodded slightly, indicating that he understood the ranger's meaning. He turned to look at the ranger:

"Go and inquire carefully, and make sure you find out the tyrant's route."


The ranger nodded and quickly turned around and walked out of the city.

The city was still prosperous, but people were no longer at peace. The news of the emperor's eastern tour spread quickly, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples, and everyone was discussing this topic.


Pengcheng, suburbs.

On the official road, flags fluttered and the guards marched in unison. The guards, dressed in gorgeous costumes and holding various ceremonial props, formed a huge team.

At the front of the team was the vanguard of the Qin King's carriage. First, six majestic "axe carts" passed by, followed by fifty halberds holding halberds to clear the way and fifty ceremonial personnel with flags waving. The halberds had covers made of red and black silk, and the flags were colorful with various animal patterns on them, all with different meanings, fluttering in the wind.

Then there were the tall drum and trumpet vehicles. On the upper level, there was a drum with flying feathers. Two drummers held hammers to beat the drums. On the lower level, four musicians sat, two facing each other, playing the sheng and xiao. There were six drum and trumpet vehicles, with thirty-six people. The drummers beat the drums vigorously like dancing wildly, while the blowers played with all their might, their cheeks swollen like a big ball.

Following the guard of honor came the heroic and orderly "Langzhonglingjun".

The Langzhongling Army is an elite force guarding the king. Its members are all officials from good families in Guanzhong. Li Xin, Li You, Meng Tian and others all come from this group.

First came the walking warriors, uniformly wearing black armor and heavy helmets. They were almost all eight feet tall. Five hundred of them walked by in the order of the "Five Soldiers", with shields on their backs, short swords on their waists, halberds raised high, bows and crossbows with neatly arranged arrows, and the branches of bronze halberds like a passing forest.

After the infantry, there were the knights, who were called "army knights". These knights were over seven feet five inches tall, strong, with superb riding skills and archery skills.

The two hundred knights were divided into two groups, the front and the back. The former wore helmets with fluttering red cherries, copper-leather armor, crimson robes, and their nine-foot-long spears pointed diagonally forward.

The latter wore a ferocious bronze mask, a pure white feather crown on his head, a long sword at his waist, and even his horse was equipped with leather armor. Both the man and the horse were fully armed, looking even more mysterious under the cover of dust.

Next came the king's escort team consisting of chariots. First came six light chariots with vermilion wheels, bare or uncovered, with spears and halberds and flags. Guards holding crossbows watched the surroundings vigilantly, and colorful flags were inserted above them.

Afterwards, the six leading chariots, with the Shangshu and Yushi riding in them, led the king. They also had spears, halberds, crossbows and quivers, black chariot covers and red linings, and the carriages were also painted red.

Behind the lead carriage came Qin Shihuang's real carriage.

This is a huge carriage pulled by six pure white horses. It doesn't look very luxurious, but it is exquisitely designed in every detail. First of all, it is twice as big as an ordinary carriage, with red wheels, a tiger lying on the sideboard, a dragon head holding the yoke, a feathered canopy, and a large flag. There are also five auxiliary carriages following closely behind.

Behind the team, there are many logistics personnel responsible for supplying the team with food and supplies. The whole team is huge, stretching for several miles, magnificent and shocking.

In the middle of the convoy, there was a carriage pulled by four black horses.

A palace maid in gorgeous palace clothes lightly took the fruits handed over by a guard. Her movements were skillful, and her eyes revealed a hint of calmness. After taking the fruits, she slightly bent down, moved gracefully with small steps, and walked into the luxurious and exquisite carriage.

The atmosphere inside the car was quiet and solemn. The carriage moved slowly on the road, shaking slightly.

Princess Chenxi wore an exquisite palace dress embroidered with phoenix patterns. Her hair was carefully tied up, and she wore a golden hairpin inlaid with gems on her head. A pearl necklace hung around her neck, jade bracelets on her wrists, and gold rings on her fingers. Every detail revealed the luxury and nobility of the royal family.

Looking up at Hu Hai, who was sitting opposite her and eating heartily, Princess Chenxi asked curiously with a flickering look in her eyes:
"Uncle, why did the emperor take you with him on this tour?"

The voice was clear, carrying the innocence and curiosity of a young girl.

(End of this chapter)

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