Xiang Yu said bitterly, "The time has not come yet? How can there be any time for a bunch of cowards who hide in their own holes and live in fear all day long?"

"In Xianyang City today, soldiers patrol in armor all day long,"

Xiang Liang shook his head and said, "Closing doors and windows at the hour of Xu is a sign of weakness. The King of Qin thinks he can rule for thousands of years by relying on military power. This is a foolish dream!"

Seeing that Xiang Yu was still indignant, Xiang Liang patted Xiang Yu on the shoulder and said earnestly:

"Be patient. In time, the whole world will rise up in rebellion, and we will definitely have a chance to take revenge! A momentary anger will only cost one's life in vain. A man who can bend and stretch is a real man! Don't forget the shame of our ancestors, the humiliation of us Chu people!"

Xiang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I can't forget it at night! Overthrowing the tyrannical Qin and restoring the former glory of Chu, Xiang Yu dare not forget it for a moment!"

Xiang Liang nodded: "Remember, we are not going deep into danger to fight! That is the behavior of a country bumpkin. Let's go, let's rescue Xiaochuan first! We will make long-term plans for the restoration of the country."


Thinking of his sworn brother still suffering in prison, Xiang Yu nodded.

It's quiet at night.

The Xianyang Palace looks solemn and mysterious under the cover of night.

Yi Xiaochuan stood in front of the dungeon window, staring through the thick iron bars at the bright moonlight outside the window. The moonlight sprinkled on his face, reflecting his lifeless eyes and deep sorrow.

The air in the dungeon was damp and chilly. Touching the cold walls, Yi Xiaochuan was hesitant to make up his mind. Finally, he shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide. He knew that he still had many unfinished things in his life and he still had to take revenge. He couldn't just give up like that.

"Bang! Boom!"

“Plop, plop…”

A sound coming from not far away caught Yi Xiaochuan's attention. Then, a sound of footsteps came closer and closer. A thought flashed through his mind, and Yi Xiaochuan's heart instantly rose to his throat.

"Brother Xiaochuan? Are you here?"

After a while, a familiar figure appeared at the door.

"Brother?! Brother, how did you know I was here?"

Looking at Xiang Yu, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't suppress his excitement and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Brother? How did you become like this?"

After finally seeing the appearance of the person in the prison clearly, Xiang Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Yi Xiaochuan, who was completely different from the past.

Yi Xiaochuan looked at Xiang Yu's surprised expression and couldn't help but smile bitterly. His once handsome face was gone, replaced by a face full of wrinkles and dark skin.

"Brother Xiang... I'm fine, I just went through some hardships." Yi Xiaochuan forced a smile, trying to make his expression look more natural.

Xiang Yu looked at the skinny Yi Xiaochuan, with a flash of anger and heartache in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to touch Yi Xiaochuan's face, but was afraid that his touch would make Yi Xiaochuan more painful, so he could only let go of his hand helplessly.

"Xiaochuan, how did you become like this? What happened?" Xiang Yu asked with a trembling voice.

Yi Xiaochuan sighed and briefly recounted his experiences during this period. After hearing this, Xiang Yu's face became even gloomier. He punched the iron bars of the cage with a loud bang, which scared Yi Xiaochuan.

"I already knew this dog eunuch was not a good person. He actually treated you like this!" Xiang Yu said excitedly, "Wait a minute, I will rescue you!"

After saying that, Xiang Yu stretched out his hands and tightly grasped the two cold iron bars. A creaking sound rang out in the quiet air, and the power in his hands burst out like a mountain torrent. Under his great force, the iron bars slowly began to deform.

A hint of viciousness flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes, veins popped out on his arms, and his muscles were tense, as if a beast was struggling hard. Under his strength, the iron railing, which was as thick as a thumb, was forcibly pulled open to create a gap that was big enough for one person to enter and exit.

"let's go!"

Xiang Yu let out a long breath and pulled Yi Xiaochuan out of the cage: "Brother will definitely avenge you!"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at Xiang Yu gratefully: "Thank you, big brother! But there are more than 200 palaces here, and they are heavily guarded. Zhao Gao, that bastard, follows the King of Qin every day... If he is alarmed, I'm afraid he will be on guard."

"You don't know yet? The tyrant went on an eastern tour, and the bastard Zhao Gaoxiang followed him."

Xiang Yu patted Yi Xiaochuan on the shoulder and said, "Go back with my brother first and we will discuss it later!"

"Okay! Let's take a long-term view. With Big Brother here, we will definitely be able to overthrow the tyrannical Qin!"

Yi Xiaochuan nodded bitterly. His anger and hatred had already destroyed his rationality. He didn't care whether to change history or not. He knew that Qin Shihuang didn't have many years left to live. When the army reached Xianyang, he would tear Zhao Gao into pieces!

Pei County, county government office.

The sunlight shines through the tall arches, illuminating the spacious courtyard. Occasionally, hurried figures of officials can be seen on the bluestone-paved road.

The hall was broad and solemn, with red pillars supporting a heavy roof carved with auspicious cloud patterns. Two teams of elite warriors in black armor stood on both sides, looking straight ahead.

"Da Da~"

A sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor. When Xiao He, the chief clerk, walked into the hall, he was startled by the sight of the imperial guards in the hall. Then he saw a black-faced, beardless man in gorgeous clothes sitting casually at the top seat, holding a piece of exquisite porcelain that he had never seen before. His face was ordinary, but his eyes were deep and his demeanor was calm, as if the whole scene was under his control.

The magistrate of Pei County smiled and said something, his face full of humility and respect, and his words revealed his awe for the man.

There were many familiar faces standing on both sides of the lobby, including Cao Shen, Zhou Bo, Zhou Chang, Fan Kuai, Xiahou Ying, Lu Wan, and two wealthy families in the county, Wang Ling and Yong Chi.

A group of people were standing there looking at each other in confusion, with a hint of doubt on their faces. They exchanged glances with each other, as if guessing the identity and purpose of the man in fancy clothes.

Xiao He was moved, and he bowed to the county magistrate and said, "Xiao He was late because of something, and kept Pei Gong (referring to the county magistrate of Pei County) waiting for a long time!"



After covering the teacup, Yi Huawei looked up at everyone in the hall, and his gaze fell on Xiao He: "Are you Xiao He?"

When he looked up and met Yi Huawei's gaze, Xiao He felt a sense of pressure. His heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously lowered his head and bowed, saying, "Your Excellency, I am Xiao He!"

"Not bad!" With a smile on his face, Yi Huawei nodded without comment. Then he turned to look at the people in the hall and compared their appearance with the information he remembered.

Xiao He, an unparalleled national hero, stabilized the country, comforted the people, provided food and ensured the food supply. He is now the chief clerk of Pei County, mainly responsible for managing the government's documents, archives and administrative affairs.

Cao Shen is now a prison official in Pei County, responsible for handling case records and clerical work. He is also one of the heroes of the early Han Dynasty, famous for his military achievements. He is the person with the most military achievements among the heroes of the Western Han Dynasty. Later, he was promoted to prime minister.

Zhou Bo was still a low-level craftsman, making a living by weaving silkworm foil and playing the flute. Because of his outstanding military talent and loyalty to Liu Bang, he was valued and promoted to the rank of Grand Marshal and later the Prime Minister.

Fan Kuai, a butcher who made a living by killing dogs, was known for his bravery and loyalty. He was an important general beside Liu Bang, and his personal martial arts skills were the highest among the meritorious officials of the Western Han Dynasty.

Xiahou Ying is now a driver in the Pei county government. Because of his loyalty to Liu Bang and his superb driving skills, he saved Liu Bang's life several times and became one of the founding heroes of the Han Dynasty.

Wang Ling was a noble family in Pei County. At that time, he looked down on Liu Bang. After Xiang Yu forced his mother to death, Wang Ling completely surrendered to Liu Bang. After the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Ling was named Marquis of Anguo by Liu Bang, and served as the right prime minister during the reign of Empress Lü.

Zhou Chang was now a minor official, known for his integrity and outspokenness. After the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhou Chang was granted the title of Marquis of Fenyin, served as Imperial Censor, and also served as Prime Minister of the State of Zhao.

Yong Chi was a nobleman in Pei County. He also looked down on Liu Bang and had a good relationship with Wang Ling. At first, Yong Chi fought alongside Liu Bang because of their hometown relationship, but later he betrayed Liu Bang and defected to the State of Wei. During the Chu-Han War, Yong Chi defected to Liu Bang again.

Looking at these historical figures in the hall, who were looking at each other anxiously and stealing glances at him from time to time, various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yi Huawei smiled and said:

"Now that everyone is here, let's listen to your orders!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Looking at the crowd kneeling on the ground, Fan Kuai was stunned for a moment, and was quickly pulled down by Xiao He.
Yi Huawei nodded and said:

"Your Majesty's oral instruction: Today, outside the court, many Confucian scholars and Taoist priests have ill intentions and make irresponsible comments. Not only are they of no benefit to the country, but they are also causing constant disturbances. Therefore, I have issued a special decree, ordering this official to arrest the Confucian scholars and Taoist priests in Qi and Chu who make irresponsible comments on government affairs, in order to clear up the government and set things right.

Therefore, I am calling on you all today, hoping that you will work together to serve the country. I firmly believe that you will be able to uphold justice and live up to your majesty's expectations. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Everyone was extremely surprised, not knowing why they were summoned, and they all looked at Xiao He in the middle.


Although Xiao He was extremely surprised, he had to obey the order at this time.

"Pei Gong, we don't know when Xiao He, Cao Shen, and Zhou Chang will return. You need to find other talented people to replace them temporarily."

Yi Huawei smiled at the magistrate of Pei County, then looked at everyone and said, "I'll give you one day to pack your things. Anyone who is late will be punished by military law by this time tomorrow."

After saying that, Yi Huawei stood up and looked at the Iron Eagle Swordsman beside him and said, "Let's go. It's getting late today. Let's find a place to rest first. You can report back to His Majesty tomorrow morning. Just leave a few Iron Eagle Guards for me!"



After Yi Huawei and the Iron Eagle Guards left, Xiao He bowed to the county magistrate and said, "Mr. Pei, could this person be Zhao Gao, the commander of the Imperial Chariot Office?"

"Exactly! Xiao He, you are so tight-lipped. I have never heard you mention knowing Lord Zhao?"

The county magistrate nodded, stood up and walked to Xiao He's side: "You have been favored by Lord Zhao today. Don't forget me when you become successful in the future!"

"How can I know Lord Zhao? It is still unknown whether this is a blessing or a curse. There are so many Confucian scholars and Taoist priests in Qi and Chu who make irresponsible comments on government affairs... I am afraid they will set up a court prison again and ask us to help arrest them. This is not a good thing!"

With a bitter smile, Xiao He's face showed no trace of joy. Instead, he said worriedly, "Sir, do you know why Lord Zhao wants to find me and others?"

It would be fine for himself, as he had a good reputation in this area, and Zhao Gao might have heard someone mention him before. But why were Fan Kuai, Xiahou Ying, and Zhou Bo also among those summoned?
The county magistrate was also a little surprised: "You don't know Lord Zhao? Lord Zhao asked me to find you as soon as he arrived... I thought Lord Zhao was an old friend of yours."


In Sanchuan County, on the outskirts of Yangwu County, there is a large mansion.

The courtyard is spacious, dotted with rockery, waterside pavilions and winding corridors, creating a tranquil and elegant environment.

The sun was shining brightly. In the courtyard, a burly warrior was bare-chested and sweating as he swung a huge axe. His movements were skillful and powerful. Every swing of the axe seemed to gather all the strength in his body. The muscles in his arms trembled with the swing of the axe. The axe head shone coldly in the sun, and the axe blade cut through the air, making a low whistling sound.

The grass in the courtyard was soaked with the sweat of the warrior, and the sun shone through the sparse clouds onto his bronze skin, flashing a healthy glow. The solid muscle lines of the warrior outlined a perfect outline in the sun.

Zhang Liang sat on a stone bench not far away, watching the strongman's every move with deep eyes. His eyes showed not only appreciation, but also thinking and understanding. His fingers tapped the stone bench unconsciously.

"Ah ah!"


The strong man suddenly shouted loudly, swung his huge axe and chopped down at a huge rock. The sound of the axe hitting the rock echoed in the air, and the rock shattered, with gravel flying everywhere and dust rising.

Looking at the strong man, Zhang Liang exclaimed: "Lord Canghai is indeed born with supernatural power! ... God knows, with Lord Canghai helping me, there is no need to worry about the tyrant not being destroyed!"

Lord Canghai put down the axe in his hand, walked to Zhang Liang's side, and said with a bow: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, sir. I have spent my entire life waiting for this blow that will make me famous all over the world!"

Zhang Liang held Lord Canghai's hand tightly, his heart was filled with excitement: "Great! In two days, Lord Canghai and I will be famous all over the world!"

Shaking his head, Lord Canghai looked at Zhang Liang and said, "Mr. Zifang, we are common people with lowly lives, and you are the fifth generation of Han Prime Minister. Why do you want to die with us? You'd better not go."

"I'll stay,"

Zhang Liang said solemnly: "We are not trying to show off our bravery, and we are not trying to leave a good reputation for eternity. We are different from Jing Ke and Gao Jianli. They can get close to Ying Zheng, but in the midst of thousands of troops, to take his life, we must seize every opportunity... It all depends on you!"

"Mr. Zifang, you are too kind!"

Lord Canghai nodded vigorously: "Even if I have to risk my life, I will kill the King of Qin!"


Zhang Liang bent his legs, knelt on the ground, and bowed deeply to Lord Canghai.

(End of this chapter)

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