"Reporting to your Majesty, in Sanchuan County, those who dared to criticize the government in the wine shops and streets have been arrested! And the rumors spread by these Confucian scholars and alchemists all came from the mouth of Doctor Shusun Tong."

Yi Huawei bowed and said, "I have already had him arrested and I am waiting for your Majesty's decision."

According to the law, the person who first spread the rumor was guilty of defamation, and in serious cases would be beheaded and thrown into the streets. Other people who followed suit would also be charged with the crime of "group drinking" and the crime of knowing about the rumor but not reporting it, and would either be fined or sentenced to prison and exiled to build the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

"Shusun Tong?"

Ying Zheng did not doubt Yi Huawei's words, and immediately frowned: "This crazy boy usually looks docile and respectful. Who else?"

Yi Huawei nodded: "Based on the current evidence, only Shusun Tong was involved."

"He's the only one?"

After a moment of silence, Qin Shihuang said nothing. His obscure eyes were like a pool of deep sea water under the candlelight.

After a long while, Ying Zheng waved his hands and said, "Shusun Tong will be beheaded, and the rest will be exiled to build the Mausoleum of Li. No one will be pardoned! ... Black Hawk!"

"Chen is here!"

A masked man in black walked out from the shadow of the bedroom, walked to the emperor and knelt on one knee.

"Order all Black Hawk Guards to conduct an open and secret investigation of the forty-eight counties. I want to see how many Confucian scholars and sorcerers are slandering the government in this world!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Ying Zheng said coldly: "When I return to the court, I will settle accounts with them one by one!"


After the murderous words fell, there was no fluctuation in Black Hawk's eyes.

"I'm tired, please leave!"

After staring at Black Hawk's back for a while, Ying Zheng waved to Yi Huawei.

"Your Majesty, please rest early. I will take my leave!"

Yi Huawei left the bedroom.

I thought he would start a massacre right away, but I didn't expect Qin Shihuang to be able to hold back. However, the more he suppressed them, the worse the consequences would be for these Confucian scholars.

Yi Huawei was not at all disturbed by this. Qin Shi Huang was not engaging in literary inquisition. Those who were arrested had to have solid evidence before they could be sentenced.

It was late at night and the palace was brightly lit.

Yi Huawei had just walked out of the palace when a silver bell-like voice rang out: "Lord Zhao, has the emperor gone to bed?"

Yi Huawei looked up and saw a woman in a gorgeous long dress walking towards him. It was Fusu's daughter, Princess Chenxi.

Chenxi was wearing a light blue dress with exquisite patterns embroidered on the hem. On her jade-like wrists, she wore a pair of gold-threaded jade bracelets, which made pleasant sounds when she turned her wrists lightly.

A phoenix crown inlaid with gold beads was worn on her cloud-like hair. The pearls sparkled and shone brightly under the candlelight. Her cheeks were as beautiful as peach blossoms, but the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, showing a little coldness.

Yi Huawei bowed his hands, smiled at Chenxi, and said, "Princess, His Majesty has gone to bed. It's so late. What does Princess want to see His Majesty for?"

"Have you gone to bed yet?... No!"

Chenxi looked a little anxious. She bit her lip and walked towards the bedroom.

Yi Huawei stepped forward and stopped Chen Xi: "Your Highness, His Majesty has just gone to bed. It's the same if we talk about it tomorrow. If you make His Majesty angry, it may backfire."

"Master Zhao, they all say that you are capable. Chenxi has something to ask of us, so please help me, Master Zhao."

Chenxi suddenly looked at Yi Huawei, squatted down and saluted.

"Your Highness, please don't do that. It's too much for me. Princess, just speak frankly. If Zhao Gao can help, I will do it without hesitation."

Yi Huawei dodged Chenxi's greeting and looked at Chenxi with a strange look in his eyes. This woman is young, but she is not a good person. His eyes narrowed slightly:

"If Your Highness wants to plead for Shusun Tong, please forgive me for being unable to do so. I would like to advise the princess not to ask His Majesty for mercy. Otherwise, it will only implicate Master Fusu. That's all I have to say. It's getting late, Your Highness, please go back and rest. I'll take my leave now!"

After saying that, he glanced at Chenxi, turned around and left.

“You!… Humph!!”

Looking at Yi Huawei's hurriedly leaving back, Chenxi stamped his feet in hatred, looked up at the door of the bedroom, but finally did not dare to go in, and had to return in disappointment.


Yuanyang County, southeast.

On the winding mountain road, a huge team of carriages and horses was moving slowly, with so many people that it seemed endless.

Bolang is bordered by the Yellow River to the north and the Guandu River to the south. It is located on the highway from Xianyang to the east and is the remnant of Mang Mountain. There are endless sand dunes everywhere, making it difficult to walk, and the army's progress is even slower. The sand dunes are overgrown with thorns and weeds, and there are no people. In the low-lying areas of the sand dunes, there are swamps and puddles, and the swamps are overgrown with reeds. The terrain here is complex, with hills and swamps crisscrossing, the road is rugged and bumpy, and there are dangers everywhere.

As the highway had not yet been built and the road was narrow, the team was very long. From a distance, it looked like a long black dragon moving slowly forward.

At the front of the team was the Langwei Army, which had come yesterday to survey the road and eliminate any dangers. Along the way, the charioteers guided and called, dispersed pedestrians, and ensured that the road was unobstructed. The Langwei Army held horn bows on the chariots, with vigilant expressions and sharp eyes like eagles. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be shot and killed without hesitation. Even those who took a high position to spy could not escape their sight and would also be severely punished.

The Langwei Army combed the twenty-mile road ahead of Qin Shihuang again and again like a comb, making sure that there were no survivors before allowing him to pass. They used their lives to escort Qin Shihuang, ensuring that there were no scoundrels who could threaten his safety.

As for the emperor's carriage, it was even more heavily guarded. There were six identical golden carriages, only one of which was the main carriage, and the rest were auxiliary carriages. The six golden carriages were neatly arranged, surrounded by subordinate carriages, and filled with infantry and cavalry armed guards, who protected the Emperor Qin Shi Huang firmly. These guards were dressed in armor, holding weapons, and had sharp eyes. They were always vigilant to ensure the emperor's safety.

The scale and momentum of Qin Shihuang's travel are breathtaking, and those who don't know about it may be dizzy. This huge convoy is driving on the road, and it is magnificent. And those who don't know the scale and momentum of the travel will undoubtedly be shocked by this huge convoy, and it may take a lot of effort to identify the main car.

Because the roads are narrow, many places in the hilly area can only accommodate one car, so the surrounding carriages on the left and right can only go in front or behind, with guards following the carriages for protection. As for which car the emperor is on, no outsider knows, and anyone who knows and dares to leak the secret will be killed!

The large group of people and horses moved slowly. The surrounding reeds were full of vitality and densely packed into the entire field of vision. The morning sun shone on the ground and met with the rising water vapor, forming a thick fog. The fog was so thick that the vision became hazy.

Qin Shi Huang sat in the carriage, closing his eyes to rest. Although his body was swaying, his face was full of dignity. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his fingers gently grasped the handlebars, his nails slightly pale due to his age.

In front of the carriage, Yi Huawei was concentrating on driving the six horses, carefully avoiding any bumps, and gently waving the whip in his hand.

The carriages of Li Si, Wang Wan and other officials were at the back, while the carriages of Yu Shu, Hu Hai and Princess Chenxi were near the end. The guards were standing around, watching the surroundings vigilantly. The motorcade creaked and moved forward at a slow and boring pace.

Under a pit that was successfully camouflaged to deceive the Lang Guards' search.

Listening to the rumbling of horse hooves and the footsteps of the Langwei Army in the distance, it seemed as if he could hear his own heartbeat in the narrow pit. Lord Canghai, who had been lying in ambush for a day, looked at Zhang Liang opposite him:
"Mr. Zifang, they are coming! When should we start?" Zhang Liang lifted a corner of the grass and stared at the team not far away. He said in a deep voice: "Wait a little longer! Wait until the car gets closer to us!"

Following Zhang Liang's line of sight, Lord Canghai asked, "Which carriage is Ying Zheng on?"

Pointing with his hand, Zhang Liang said, "Do you see the man riding the black-brown horse? His name is Zhang Han, and he is Ying Zheng's personal bodyguard. If he is next to a car, Ying Zheng is likely to be in that car."

Feeling as if someone was watching him, Yi Huawei, who was driving, looked at Zhang Han and said, "General Zhang, why do I feel it's not safe here? You should take someone to the front to take a look."



Zhang Han responded, squeezed his legs together, and sat on his horse, which neighed and ran forward with all four hooves, followed closely by a group of eagle guards.


The large group of people and horses moved slowly, like a long snake winding across the vast land. Zhang Han's figure was gradually moving away not far ahead. He had just left, but the feeling of being watched was getting stronger and stronger. Yi Huawei sat on the horse's back, raised his hand, and waved it gently.


The command echoed in the air, followed by another more resolute shout. The voices of the Langweis spread throughout the team, and they quickly carried out Yi Huawei's order. Soon, the entire team stopped.

The Langwei soldiers all raised their heads and looked at Yi Huawei. The atmosphere around them became tense, with only the sound of horses neighing in the air. The Langwei soldiers held their weapons tightly and observed the situation around them vigilantly.


Soon, Zhang Han, who noticed the team suddenly stopped, rode back on horseback, pulled the reins one meter away from Yi Huawei, and looked at Yi Huawei with a frown: "Mr. Zhao, why did you stop the car?"

"There are so many desolate mountains and ridges here, and so many gullies and ridges. I always feel it's an ominous sign!"

Yi Huawei looked around, trying to determine from which direction the feeling of being watched came.

Zhang Han frowned: "Now the world is unified and at peace, and now the world is bright and clear, the road is smooth, and the imperial army is escorting the emperor. What's ominous about this?"

"Hehe~, look..."

Yi Huawei pointed his finger at the front and said, "Now the sun is setting in the west and the waning moon is rising in the east. How can it be called a clear and bright world? Besides, it is full of ditches and bumps here. How can it be called a smooth road?"


Zhang Han glanced at the carriage and saw no sound from inside. He nodded and said, "I'll have the front troops carefully investigate the surrounding area. We'll pass this place as soon as possible."

After saying this, he led the Eagle Guards and galloped towards the path ahead.

Is it still in front?

Yi Huawei frowned and shouted, "Team, keep moving forward!"

"Keep going! Go!"

The team began to move forward slowly again.

"Mr. Zifang, have we been discovered?!"

Just now, when the army stopped, they felt a thorn in their backs. Canghai Jun and Zhang Liang quickly squatted down and asked, "What should we do now? Fight them?"

"Wait! This is the vanguard, a test, wait a moment!"

The grass above their heads was vibrating due to the horses' hooves, and the dust on it fell down and landed on the two men's faces. However, looking at the horses' hooves so close, the two men dared not move, not even to breathe, and could only let the dust cover their faces.

They didn't know how much time had passed until they felt the horses' hooves going away and they breathed a sigh of relief.

As the sun gradually rose, the fog gradually faded. Just when the fog was about to dissipate, the sharp-eyed Zhang Han noticed that on a small hill in the woods more than ten feet away from the road, there was a flash of strange light, which seemed to be the reflected light of a gold or iron object.

"Stop! There's an ambush!!"

Before Zhang Han could go over to check and give a warning, several Eagle Guards fell into the horse trap with their horses.

At this moment, a row of archers stood up from behind the hill, with their bows fully drawn and aiming at the Langwei Army in front.

Zhang Han was shocked when he saw this scene. He waved his sword and shouted:
"Don't panic, keep in formation!"

However, his orders did not have much effect. The soldiers saw their companions in front of them fall into the horse trap and the archers could shoot arrows at any time, so they panicked.


A commotion broke the original tranquility, followed by terrified shouts: "Protect the emperor! Protect His Majesty!!" The sharp voice was like a huge rock thrown into a calm lake, instantly causing ripples.

"Protect the emperor, protect His Majesty!!"

Li Si, who was shocked by the sudden change, got out of the carriage, his face pale, his eyes wide open, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Protect the emperor, hurry up!!"

As Li Si shouted, more voices came one after another and passed on.

The well-trained shield soldiers immediately raised their shields and long spears to protect Qin Shihuang's golden chariot. Like an indestructible wall, they isolated the potential threats. These shield soldiers wore heavy armor and helmets, revealing only a pair of determined eyes. They held hard wooden shields in their hands, and the shields were close to each other, forming an insurmountable line of defense.

At this moment, two rows of archers suddenly stood up from the grass on both sides, quickly drew their bows and shot arrows like rain at the six golden chariots in the middle. These archers were wearing light leather armor and were skilled in their movements, shooting arrows one after another at the target. However, facing such a fierce rain of arrows, the shield soldiers showed no fear and held up their shields to block the arrows.

After deflecting a few stray arrows, Zhang Han patted his horse's back and shouted:

Waving his long sword, Zhang Han led the charge towards the row of archers. Seeing this, the Eagle Guards behind him also rushed over. For a moment, the battlefield was filled with swords and arrows flying, and shouts of killing shook the sky. The sound of metal colliding and bowstring vibrations intertwined, forming a cruel symphony of war.

At the same time, several strong men pushed down several huge rattan balls from the hill. These rattan balls were previously filled with kerosene, which shone faintly in the sun. The strong men shouted and pushed the rattan balls off the hill. As the rattan balls rolled, dust flew up and the momentum was huge, and they rolled straight towards the convoy. Several archers put on rockets and shot at the rattan balls. The rockets touched the kerosene on the rattan balls, instantly causing a raging fire, and the flames shot up into the sky. For a moment, the Langwei soldiers and horses were thrown to the ground.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Protect His Majesty!!"

Yi Huawei sat upright on the horse's back, holding the panicked warhorse tightly, without moving an inch. He looked back at Li Si. The old man had been shouting from the beginning to now, as if he was afraid that Ying Zheng couldn't hear him. There were only a few hundred dead soldiers in total, was it that serious?
(End of this chapter)

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