At this critical moment, a bunch of sharp arrows came whistling like a storm. But what surprised Yi Huawei was that these sharp arrows were not aimed at Yu Shu, but at himself and the knights behind him.

Yi Huawei's eyes shone, and his body tensed up instantly. He suddenly jumped off the horse's back, like a vigorous eagle in the air. His figure was as light as a swallow, and he landed steadily behind Yu Shu.

The white horse let out a high-pitched neigh and its running speed gradually slowed down.

The knights behind him were attacked by sharp arrows. Some of them waved their weapons in panic to try to block the arrows, while others quickly dodged sideways, but the arrows came fast and fiercely, and they were hit one after another. For a moment, people and horses fell to the ground, and the scene was in chaos. In the forest, dozens of archers in black clothes and masks continued to shoot arrows at the surviving knights mercilessly, and the sound of bowstrings vibrating came one after another.

Yi Huawei hugged Yu Shu's waist, feeling her trembling body. He clamped his legs tightly around the horse's belly, pulled the reins hard, and the white horse galloped towards the path ahead like an arrow.

"Get 'em!"

A familiar shout suddenly sounded, and more than a dozen knights in black quickly chased after Yi Huawei, the sound of horse hooves echoing on the earth like thunder.

"Hmm? Is it Ogawa?"

Yu Shu's body trembled violently, and a strong curiosity surged in her heart. She was about to turn around to see who these assassins were, but Yi Huawei turned her head away.

"No need to look, it's your old lover, madam, he really isn't afraid of death!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Yi Huawei's words, yet they were also full of vigilance.


A sharp arrow shot towards Yi Huawei's back like lightning. Yi Huawei's ears moved slightly, and he keenly sensed the approach of danger. His right hand stretched out like lightning, drew a graceful arc in the air, and accurately caught the arrow. His fingers tightly grasped the arrow, feeling the slight vibration coming from the arrow.


Just thinking that he was worried about Yu Shu not trying his best, seeing Yi Huawei grab the arrow, Xiang Yu's eyes widened, and with a roar, he led more than ten knights with Yi Xiaochuan, chasing Yi Huawei like a whirlwind. The horses' hooves raised clouds of dust, as if a rolling yellow dragon was galloping on the ground.

A quarter of an hour later, the white horse's originally snow-white body had been stained red with blood in many places. Due to excessive bleeding and long-term overload running, it let out a shrill neigh and fell to the ground with a bang.

At the moment the white horse fell to the ground, Yi Huawei reacted extremely quickly, hugged Yu Shu tightly, kicked the stirrups with his legs, and landed steadily on the ground.

Seeing the pursuers getting closer and closer, Yi Huawei was not panicked at all. A hint of teasing flashed in his deep eyes, and he grabbed Yu Shu's neck with his backhand, quietly waiting for the pursuers to arrive.

"what are you doing?!!"

Yi Huawei held her neck tightly, and she couldn't even turn her head. Yu Shu was horrified, her beautiful eyes filled with fear and confusion. Her fair face instantly lost its color, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Patting Yu Shu's shoulder, Yi Huawei narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a mysterious smile on his lips: "My queen, don't panic. I have no choice but to do this. Only in this way can we have a glimmer of hope."


Xiang Yu, Yi Xiaochuan and others rushed to the front at lightning speed and suddenly pulled the reins. The horse's hooves were raised high and then dropped heavily, leaving deep marks on the ground.

"Xiaochuan?! Brother Xiang Yu?!"

Yu Shu watched the assassins pull down their masks, her eyes instantly reddened, tears rolling down like beads from a broken string. "Xiao Chuan, where have you been? I missed you so much!"

Yu Shu's voice trembled slightly, filled with endless longing and grievance.

The knights who were chasing after him were all stunned when they saw Yi Huawei holding their master hostage. Then, they instinctively drew their bows and arrows, aiming the sharp arrows at Yu Shu.

"Put it down, put it down quickly! No shooting!"

Yi Xiaochuan hurriedly stopped several knights, turned his head and looked at Yu Shu's pretty face, and endless pain surged in his heart. Thinking that he was now just a eunuch like Zhao Gao, his heart was suddenly torn, and a deep sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

"Yu Shu, are you... okay? I miss you too!"

Yi Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment when he saw the peerless beauty he hadn’t seen for a long time right in front of him! … Stunned!?

"Hey, are you blind? Can't you see there's someone here? Do you believe I can kill her?"

Yi Huawei felt it was so offensive that he had to speak up and remind them.

"Zhao Gao! Today is the day you die. Let Princess Yu Shu go, and I will leave you with an intact body!"

Xiang Yu glared at Yi Huawei, the long sword in his hand flashing with cold light, pointing directly at Yi Huawei.

As expected of the Overlord, his voice is as loud as a bell and full of dominance.

Just looking at Xiang Yu's face, Yi Huawei always felt a little out of place.

Should I kill him?
I seem to have said, forgive him three times? Yi Huawei's mind flashed with hesitation.

"Gao Yao, you beast! Let Yu Shu go. If she loses even a hair, I will make sure you die without a burial place!"

Yi Xiaochuan turned his head and looked at Yi Huawei. The hatred in his eyes seemed to be real, as if he wanted to cut Yi Huawei into pieces. He wanted to rush up and cut Yi Huawei into pieces immediately. However, he was worried about Yu Shu's safety and did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, the atmosphere was extremely tense. The three parties were in a standoff, and no one dared to act rashly.

"Haha~, I am a beast, and you are worse than pigs and dogs? Yi Xiaochuan, Yi Xiaochuan, aren't you bent on revenge? Why are you with Xiang Yu, a short-lived ghost? I thought you would go with Liu Ji, no wonder I couldn't find you!"

Yi Huawei's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile. He ignored Xiang Yu and the others, tightly grasped Yu Shu's neck, smiled, and continued: "I know you want me to die, but it seems that the advantage is on my side now? At most half an hour, the army will arrive. Are you sure you can rescue Yu Shu in such a short time?"

Yu Shu was tightly held by Yi Huawei's neck. Her face was as pale as snow, and her eyes were full of fear and anxiety. A layer of mist covered her beautiful eyes. Her body was trembling slightly, and her hands were tightly grasping Yi Huawei's arms, as if she was struggling weakly. Her lips trembled slightly, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a clear sound.

Princess Yu Shu looked towards Yi Xiaochuan with deep resentment in her eyes. Her long, silky hair fluttered slightly in the wind, making her look even more fragile and helpless.

Xiang Yu and Yi Xiaochuan looked at each other, their eyes full of hesitation and entanglement. They didn't want to let Yi Huawei go and let this enemy go unpunished, but they were also worried about the safety of Princess Yu Shu, fearing that she would be hurt in the slightest.

Xiang Yu tightly grasped the sword in his hand, his knuckles turned white from the force, his heart was filled with anger and helplessness. Yi Xiaochuan's face was full of anxiety, his eyes moved back and forth between Yi Huawei and Yu Shu, trying to find a solution to the problem.

At this time, the atmosphere around them was extremely tense. The breeze blew gently, but it could not relieve the tension and anxiety in everyone's hearts. In the distance, the sound of horse hooves came faintly, as if reminding them that time was running out. Xiang Yu and Yi Xiaochuan knew in their hearts that they had to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Xiang Yu's eyes widened with anger, and he shouted, "How dare you take Yu Shu as a hostage? Aren't you afraid that the tyrant will kill you?"

"Why not? Does she dare to say that the assassin is the eunuch Yi Xiaochuan?" Yi Huawei smiled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm and complacency in his smile.

But this news was like a bolt from the blue, shocking Yu Shu and Xiang Yu. They looked at Yi Xiaochuan in disbelief with astonishment on their faces.

Her eyes were filled with confusion, shock and pain. Yu Shu's lips trembled slightly, and tears filled her beautiful eyes. Xiang Yu tightly grasped the sword in his hand, and his knuckles turned white due to the force: "Second brother, are you really? ! ! ..."

"Yes, I did it myself. I fed his thing to the dog right there and then."

Looking at Yu Shu and Xiang Yu's reactions, Yi Huawei laughed unscrupulously.


The biggest secret was exposed in public by Yi Huawei. Feeling the strange and slightly sympathetic looks of the crowd, Yi Xiaochuan's face turned red, his body trembled slightly, his heart was filled with humiliation and anger, and a mouthful of hot blood rushed to his throat.

"You bastard, I will tear you into pieces!"

Swallowing the surging blood, Yi Xiaochuan felt a sweet taste in his throat, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of hatred. He stared at Yi Huawei, his originally handsome face twisted with anger, veins popped out on his forehead, and his eyes were red as if they were about to spit fire.


Yu Shu looked at Yi Xiaochuan's miserable state, her heart filled with pain and pity. She wanted to comfort Yi Xiaochuan, but she didn't know where to start.

Xiang Yu glared at Yi Huawei and secretly swore in his heart that he must rescue Yu Shu and avenge Yi Xiaochuan.

"Well, I'm just telling them a fact." Yi Huawei's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile. He looked at the two people in front of him calmly, without any ripples in his expression: "Why are you so excited? Don't get angry to death. I'm different from you. I hope you live a long life."

After that, Yi Huawei slowly turned his head and looked at Xiang Yu with a sharp gaze: "I once told you that I would forgive you three times. This is the first time."


Xiang Yu was slightly startled when he heard this, his face full of astonishment. Then he laughed in anger, his eyes wide open: "You are about to die, and you still dare to speak so shamelessly!"

"Do you think you can kill me with just a few of you?"

Yi Huawei laughed, his laughter was full of confidence and arrogance. He raised his left hand and several arrows shot like meteors towards the knights behind Xiang Yu.

In an instant, screams of “Ahhhhhh…” rang out one after another, and the knights behind Xiang Yu fell to the ground from their horses one after another, and the scene was in chaos.

Xiang Yu was furious, roared, raised the huge sword in his hand high, and chopped it down towards Yi Huawei. However, just before the sword was about to hit Yi Huawei, it was pulled back abruptly. Yi Xiaochuan looked closely and found that it was Yi Huawei who blocked Yu Shu in front of him.

Yu Shu's beautiful face was full of fear, but there was a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

Yi Huawei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. He suddenly let go of Yu Shu, and his figure disappeared in an instant like a ghost. The next moment, he appeared in front of Xiang Yu, who was staggering. He bent his legs slightly, and then suddenly exerted force, and hit Xiang Yu's abdomen with a knee with the force of thunder.



Xiang Yu felt a huge force coming at him, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer, and a piercing pain came from his abdomen. His face turned pale in an instant, and he groaned in pain. The giant sword fell from his hand, and he subconsciously covered his stomach with both hands.

The powerful impact made him feel like being struck by lightning, and his body fell backwards involuntarily. At the moment of falling to the ground, Xiang Yu's eyes were full of shock and anger. He never thought that Yi Huawei's strength was so great.

He fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust. Xiang Yu gritted his teeth and tried to struggle to stand up, but the pain made his body extremely heavy. He could only lie on the ground, gasping for breath and staring at Yi Huawei.

At this moment, the air around them seemed to freeze. Yi Xiaochuan and Yu Shu were both shocked by this sudden scene. Looking at Xiang Yu lying on the ground and Yi Huawei standing proudly, their hearts were filled with fear and anxiety.

"How can it be!"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at this scene in disbelief and said in a lost voice: "No, you are not Zhao Gao, who are you?"

"Do you remember this thing?"

Yi Huawei smiled, and with lightning speed, he quickly grabbed Yi Xiaochuan's throat and lifted him up. At the same time, he took out a tiger talisman with his other hand and waved it in front of Yi Xiaochuan's eyes: "I found this thing on you. I don't know why, but after wearing it for a while, I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch...hahahaha."

Yi Xiaochuan's face was red from being pinched, and he had difficulty breathing, but his eyes were burning with anger as he stared at Yi Huawei. He grabbed Yi Huawei's wrists in vain, trying to break free from the iron-like restraints.

Yi Huawei put away the tiger talisman in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and revealed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth: "So, I have to thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here, nor would I have my current status, let alone master such magical power. Of course, I have to thank you for coming to me yourself. Otherwise, I don't know where to find you! Hahahaha~~"

"Let him go!"

After catching her breath, Yu Shu watched Yi Xiaochuan struggling in pain in Yi Huawei's hands, her face flushed red, and she hurriedly got up from the ground. She threw herself on Yi Huawei without hesitation, pulling Yi Huawei's arms with both hands, trying to pull him away to rescue Yi Xiaochuan.

"Okay, my lady, stop making trouble."

Yi Huawei smiled, but a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. He quickly grabbed Yu Shu's arm and twisted it behind her back. Yu Shu felt pain and couldn't help but groan, but she still struggled stubbornly, but her strength was like an ant trying to shake a tree, and Yi Huawei didn't move at all.

Yi Huawei held Yi Xiaochuan in one hand and controlled Yu Shu with the other. He glanced at Xiang Yu on the ground and raised the corners of his mouth: "This is the first time, cherish the remaining two chances." After that, he kicked his legs, jumped up, and landed lightly on Xiang Yu's black horse holding Yi Xiaochuan and Yu Shu.


Wuzhui was shaking uneasily, as if he could sense the danger of this stranger. His four hooves kept stomping the ground, trying to throw Yi Huawei off.

"Beast! If you shake again, I will eat horse meat tonight!" Yi Huawei shouted coldly and squeezed the horse's back hard.

"Squeak, squeak~"

Wuzhui felt the pain, raised his huge head, snorted a few times, glanced at Xiang Yu on the ground, and seemed to have a trace of reluctance in his eyes. But in the end, under the coercion of Yi Huawei, he turned around and trotted.

As the black horse ran, a cloud of dust was raised.

Xiang Yu got up from the ground and spat out a mouthful of sour water, staring at Yi Huawei's back as he walked away, his heart filled with anger and frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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