"Then Big Brother...you won't stay here forever, right?"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the dejected Liu Bang with a frown.

Liu Bang took a sip of water, slowly raised his head, glanced at Yi Xiaochuan, and said helplessly: "I don't want to either, but now I will lose my head if I go out! What should I do?"

Yi Xiaochuan looked around and pulled Liu Bang to a dark corner. With a fiery look in his eyes, he said sincerely, "Brother! Listen to me, Qin Shi Huang is dying soon. He may not live for more than two years. Now is our chance. Why don't we return to Pei County quickly, gather our troops secretly, and wait for Qin Shi Huang to die. Then we will rise up and rebel against the tyrannical Qin!

Brother, you know, Pei County is full of talents. Xiao He is resourceful, has the talent to save the world, and handles government affairs in an orderly manner. If we get his help, it will definitely make our great cause even more powerful. Cao Shen is upright, brave and resourceful. He will be able to charge into battle and stand alone on the battlefield. Zhou Bo is a loyal and brave man with great strength. He can be a vanguard general. Zhou Chang is upright and principled, and can stick to our camp. Xiahou Ying has superb car skills and can fight flexibly on the battlefield. There is also Fan Kuai, who is of humble origin, but is extremely brave and has the courage of ten thousand men. All of these people are talented generals who can stand alone. In addition, we will look for a strange man named Zhang Liang. This man has a talent for the world and extraordinary strategy. If we can get his assistance, our chances of winning will be greatly increased. There is also Han Xin. It is said that he has outstanding military talent and can command troops like a god. If he is here, why worry about not accomplishing the great cause? Brother, as long as we have the help of these people, we will be able to accomplish a great cause that will shake the world, overthrow the tyrannical Qin, and establish a brand new world."

"and many more……"

Liu Bang suddenly interrupted Yi Xiaochuan and said in surprise: "Brother, don't you know that they have all become officials?"

Yi Xiaochuan was startled, his face full of confusion: "Becoming an official? How is that possible?"

Liu Bang sighed slightly: "Let's not talk about rebellion or not. Xiao He has been promoted three levels and transferred to Guanzhong County as a captain. Cao Shen and others have also been summoned to serve in various counties. Even Fan Kuai, the dog butcher, has become a sergeant..."

"Ah!? How could this be?!" Yi Xiaochuan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief. Then, he came to his senses and gritted his teeth and said, "It must be that bastard Gao Yao!"

Yi Xiaochuan clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white from the force, and the anger in his heart burned like a raging flame. His eyes were full of bloodshot, and he couldn't believe that his carefully planned plan had encountered so many unexpected changes before it officially started. In his opinion, Gao Yao must be the culprit of all this.

Didn't this guy always say that he had never been to school? But why did he know so many people now? Those talents in Pei County should have helped him achieve his great cause, but they were recommended by Gao Yao to become officials. This was undoubtedly setting up many obstacles for his plan.

Gao Yao's actions kept appearing in Yi Xiaochuan's mind, and his resentment became stronger and stronger. Gritting his teeth, he muttered to himself: "Gao Yao, why do you want to go against me like this? Is power so important to you?"

After saying this, his thoughts drifted to Zhang Liang and Han Xin again, and he couldn't help but worry. Are they still there? Have they also been plotted against by Gao Yao?


When Yi Xiaochuan thought that Gao Yao could defeat Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, with the strange power in his tiger talisman, he suddenly felt his blood boiling and he was furious. A strong sense of frustration and anger surged in his heart, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest, a sweet taste in his throat, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

In despair, a stubborn flame ignited in Yi Xiaochuan's heart. No matter what, he had to find Zhang Liang and Han Xin, re-plan, overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty, and make Gao Yao pay for his actions.

After Yi Xiaochuan spat out a mouthful of old blood, his body shook violently, like a leaf falling in the wind, about to fall. Liu Bang was horrified and quickly stretched out his hands to hold him tightly, his face full of anxiety and worry.

"My dear brother, why are you doing this? Don't get yourself hurt by being angry."

Seeing Yi Xiaochuan spitting blood, a hint of joy flashed through his heart. He didn't expect that Yi Xiaochuan, a pretty boy, would be so angry. But his eyes showed deep concern. He helped Yi Xiaochuan slowly to the side and let him sit down against the wall.

Yi Xiaochuan's face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were still filled with grief and indignation. He panted slightly, his voice weak but firm: "Brother, Gao Yao ruined my plan. He recommended the talents of Pei County, and now our plan is even more difficult. He sacrificed our cause in order to please Qin Shihuang, which is really abominable!"

Liu Bang frowned, looked at Yi Xiaochuan worriedly, and sighed heavily:
"Brother, what should we do now? The situation in the world is becoming more and more complicated. Are we just going to sit there and wait for death? Qin Shihuang's rule is still strong, and Gao Yao is against us everywhere. Our future is confused."

Yi Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and tried to steady himself:

"No, big brother. We must not give up. There are still Zhang Liang and Han Xin, we must find them. They may be our last hope. They have extraordinary talents and will definitely help us achieve great things."

"Where are the two people you mentioned?"

Liu Bang looked embarrassed and shook his head gently: "Let's not talk about whether they will rebel with us. Just to say that the world is so big, it is not easy to find them. What's more, I have become a wanted criminal now. There is no place for me in the world... This? "

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly flashed with determination, and he held Liu Bang's hand tightly: "Brother, even if we have to travel all over the world, we must find them. We must not retreat. This world must not fall into his hands!
"Brother, think about it. Gao Yao will do anything to achieve his goal. If the world is controlled by him, not only you, but also the people of the world will be doomed. Only you, brother, who has a kind heart and great talent, can save the people from the water and fire!"

Yi Xiaochuan stared at Liu Bang, his eyes full of expectation. Liu Bang was slightly moved, but still had some doubts. Seeing this, Yi Xiaochuan continued, "Brother, do you know why I can find you so easily? That's because I was taught by a master and learned the art of looking at qi. Now you are covered with purple qi, which is the appearance of an emperor. Brother, this is the mission given to you by God, you can't refuse it."

Yi Xiaochuan paused, and then continued: "I have been studying the method of observing qi day and night with the master, just to find a wise leader in this chaotic world. When I first saw you, brother, I knew that you were definitely not an ordinary person. You exude a unique temperament, a temperament that can accomplish great things. Brother, you must believe in yourself and lead us to overthrow the tyrannical Qin and establish a peaceful and prosperous era."

Liu Bang was surprised when he heard this. He stared at Yi Xiaochuan in a daze, as if he couldn't believe his ears. Then, he reached out and touched Yi Xiaochuan's forehead, and said worriedly: "Brother, don't talk nonsense. How can I be so worthy of such praise? I am just a person who survives in this chaotic world."

"That's what a man should do!"

Yi Xiaochuan grabbed Liu Bang's hand and stared at him with burning eyes. "Brother, don't underestimate yourself. From the day we met, I knew you were extraordinary. You have leadership talent, a kind heart, and an unyielding will. The world is in chaos now, and it is the time for heroes to emerge. If we don't rise up to resist, are we going to watch the people suffer? Brother, you must believe in yourself. We will definitely accomplish great things and let the people live a stable life."

Liu Bang's arm was so painfully gripped by Yi Xiaochuan that he frowned, but when he heard Yi Xiaochuan's words, his heart moved. A complex look flashed in his eyes, with hesitation, confusion, but also a hint of desire. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "My dear brother, this matter is serious. Let me think about it again."

Yi Xiaochuan looked at Liu Bang and knew that he was already wavering in his heart, so he said no more, but just held his hand tightly to give him confidence.

"Ouch~, dear brother, let's talk slowly, let go first, it hurts!"

After a while, until Liu Bang felt goose bumps all over his body and shook off Yi Xiaochuan's hand, Yi Xiaochuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Brother, from now on, we must be more cautious. Gao will not give up. We must secretly accumulate strength and wait for the right time to strike in one fell swoop."

…………Xianyang Palace, Ganlin Hall.

The sunlight shines into the hall through the hollow carved window frames, leaving mottled shadows on the ground.

Yu Shu was wearing a gorgeous white palace dress, with her cloud-like hair gently tied up, and a few strands of hair hanging on her cheeks, adding a bit of softness. With a hint of doubt in her clear eyes, she looked at Xiao Yue quietly.

Xiaoyue, who was wearing a pink palace maid's uniform, had a dazed look in her eyes. She stared out the window in silence, seemingly immersed in her own thoughts.

"What are you looking at? Why are you so absent-minded these days?"

Yu Shu tilted her head slightly, her voice soft and melodious, as sweet as the sound of a yellow oriole singing in a valley. She walked to Xiao Yue's side with lotus steps, and stretched out her slender fingers to gently place on Xiao Yue's arm.

Hearing Yu Shu's question, Xiao Yue suddenly came back to her senses, with a flash of panic in her eyes. "Nothing... nothing, Princess." She lowered her head quickly, not daring to look Yu Shu in the eye.

Yu Shu frowned slightly, gently held Xiaoyue's hand, and said in a gentle and caring tone: "Xiaoyue, you and I are like sisters, is there anything you can't tell me? I have seen your abnormal behavior in the past few days, and there must be something bothering you. Tell me about it?"

Knowing that Yu Shu would get irritated when she heard the name Zhao Gao, Xiao Yue bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and shook her head: "Princess, I... I'm just thinking about something, and I feel a little uneasy."

Yu Shu sighed softly, pulled Xiaoyue to sit on the soft couch beside her: "Xiaoyue, if you have something on your mind, you might as well tell me, maybe I can help you share some of it."

Xiaoyue looked at Yu Shu, her heart warmed, and she slowly said, "Princess, I've been dreaming of some strange scenes recently, and I'm a little worried. Moreover, I always feel that something seems to be happening in this palace..."

Yu Shu leaned forward slightly, her watery eyes full of curiosity, and looked at Xiao Yue intently, and asked softly: "Oh? What did you dream about?"

Xiaoyue's eyes revealed a trace of confusion and uneasiness. She bit her lower lip gently and said slowly: "Princess, I dreamed of countless figures struggling and shouting in the darkness. The scene was very terrible, as if a huge disaster was about to befall. In the darkness, I saw some soldiers in armor fighting fiercely, with swords flashing and shouts shaking the sky. There was also a blazing fire, and the fire was so fierce that it seemed to devour everything. I seemed to see the Xianyang Palace crumbling in the fire, the walls of the palace collapsed, and the pillars fell down. In this chaos, I have been looking for you, my queen, but I can't find you..."

Yu Shu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she said, "Xiao Yue, dreams are often illusory. Perhaps you have been too tired recently, so you have these strange dreams. However, if you are really uneasy, we can find an opportunity to ask the priests in the palace to see if they can interpret any omens from these dreams."

Xiaoyue nodded gently, with a hint of worry in her eyes: "Princess, I hope I'm just worrying too much. But in the past few days, this feeling of uneasiness has become stronger and stronger. I'm really worried that something bad will happen."

Yu Shu held Xiao Yue's hand and comforted her:

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyue. No matter what happens, I will be by your side."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Xiaoyue held Yu Shu's hand tightly and nodded gratefully.

"Your Highness, Master Zhao...Master Zhao wants to see you!"

A palace maid walked in with light steps, bowed her head slightly, and bowed respectfully to Yu Shu. Her eyes were full of tension and awe, as if she was full of fear of the approaching Zhao Gao.

This Shaofu Zhao usually looked kind and had a gentle smile on his face. However, during this period of time, he had punished several palace maids and eunuchs, and even had several eunuchs beaten to death.

In the corners of the palace, one could often hear their screams when they were beaten with a stick. The entire palace was shrouded in fear, and everyone was afraid that they would accidentally anger the ruthless Shaofu Zhao.

The palace maids walked very carefully, not daring to make any noise, for fear of attracting his attention. The eunuchs were even more trembling, treading on thin ice, fearing that they would lose their lives if they were not careful.

Yu Shu was slightly stunned, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. Why did Zhao Gao ask for an audience at this time? Countless thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant. Was he trying to take advantage of her again?

But thinking of the many handles he had in the hands of this 'bastard', he finally gritted his teeth and gently waved his hand, signaling the palace maid to stand up:
"Let him in."

After a while, Yi Huawei strode in. The official uniform was embroidered with exquisite patterns, and the patterns outlined with gold thread sparkled in the sun.

Walking in front of Yu Shu, Yi Huawei bowed slightly and saluted respectfully, his movements elegant yet dignified: "Your Highness, I am Zhao Gao. I greet you."

After saying that, without waiting for Yu Shu to speak, he stood up and glanced at Xiao Yue, tilted his head slightly, and motioned for her to leave. Xiao Yue felt bitter in her heart, bit her teeth lightly, and her white teeth left a shallow mark on her red lips. Just as she was about to stand up, she was pulled by Yu Shu.

"Don't leave, just stay here with me!"

Yu Shu's voice trembled slightly, and her slender white hands tightly grasped Xiao Yue's wrist, as if she had grabbed the last straw. Her eyes were full of determination, and she would not allow Xiao Yue to refuse in the slightest.

Yu Shu is now really afraid of being alone with Yi Huawei. Whenever she thinks of facing this ruthless and sinister Zhao Gao alone, an indescribable fear surges in her heart.

She leaned against Xiaoyue tightly, as if only Xiaoyue's presence could give her a sense of security. Her heart was beating fast, and tension filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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