"Are you Cui Wenzi?"

"You guys get out first!"

Yi Huawei waved his hand, motioning Ada and the others to leave. He turned to look at Princess Chenxi, who was full of curiosity, and said, "Your Highness, you have also seen this man. Please leave for a while. I will ask him some questions."

"You ask, I'm... okay!"

Chenxi looked at Yi Huawei's eyes and curled her lips: "Then hurry up, I'll wait for you outside!"

She just wanted to stay with Yi Huawei for a while longer and was not interested in the old man Cui Wenzi.

"Doctor Cui, we meet again!" After Princess Chenxi left, Yi Huawei slowly sat in front of Cui Wenzi, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile: "How are you?"

Cui Wenzi snorted coldly and turned his head away stubbornly, his face full of indignation: "Humph! I'm fine! It would be better if I hadn't seen you!"

"Haha, if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished by drinking wine!"

A hint of coldness flashed across Yi Huawei's eyes, and after smiling, he suddenly kicked out. He only used 20% of his strength in this kick, but it was powerful enough to kick Cui Wenzi flying in an instant.


Cui Wenzi's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, hit the wall heavily, and slid down again. A mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth, staining his clothes red.

Yi Huawei looked at Cui Wenzi quietly, and seeing his embarrassed and helpless appearance, he couldn't help but relax a little. Very good, it seems that this Cui Wenzi is not a mysterious existence like a fairy or a monster. He breathed a sigh of relief, after all, facing unknown supernatural forces, people always feel uneasy... even if Yi Huawei has a cheat.

In this spooky plot, there is a tiger talisman that can mutate the body; there is also a medicine that can make people immortal; there is a mysterious box that is similar to nanotechnology; there is a star that can resist gravity...

Thinking of this, he secretly sighed in his heart. In such a world full of strange things, he really didn't know what would happen next. He even felt that if a goddess of the sky suddenly appeared, he wouldn't feel strange at all. Maybe in this world, everything is possible, and those gods and monsters that only exist in legends may appear before his eyes at any time.

Smiling, Yi Huawei looked at Cui Wenzi quietly, waiting for his reaction.

After struggling to get up from the ground, Cui Wenzi's face was full of pain. He trembled as he took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it hastily. It took him a while to calm down his surging blood. He wiped the blood from his lips and looked at Yi Huawei with a mixture of shock and anger: "Zhao Gao, why did you hit me? Can't you talk about it calmly?"

"Will you listen carefully if I tell you so?"

Yi Huawei still had a smile on his face, but his tone was unquestionable: "Okay, I asked you to come here because I want you to make the elixir of life."

Yi Huawei narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't know how Cui Wenzi made this thing, but he only knew that Cui Wenzi had studied the elixir of immortality for his whole life, until the appearance of Tianxing, and then he succeeded in refining it by adding the residue of Tianxing. Was it because of the mysterious power of Tianxing, or because of Cui Wenzi's superb medicine skills?

From now on, it seems that Tianxing plays a greater role.

"Elixir of immortality? If I could make it, I would still be here?" Cui Wenzi was full of indignation and snorted heavily. He raised his chin slightly, and his eyes revealed a hint of helplessness and ridicule: "There is an immortal in the East China Sea. You might as well go and ask him for help. Maybe if the immortal is happy, he will give you the method of immortality."

"Haha, I said you can practice if you can."

Yi Huawei narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and revealed a confident smile: "Have you heard about the recent alien star falling from the sky? I have prepared some crumbs for you, take them back and study them. ...Come in!"

After that, Yi Huawei waved his hand gently, and a servant came in and presented an exquisite box. Yi Huawei opened the box, revealing some fragments that sparkled with mysterious light.

Cui Wenzi looked at the fragments and felt a little moved. This falling alien star was a big deal, and these fragments might really have magical powers. But he also understood that refining the elixir of immortality was not an easy task, and even with these fragments, it might not be successful.

After hesitating for a moment, Cui Wenzi slowly said, "Although this alien star fragment is magical, the refining of the elixir of immortality... I can't guarantee that it will succeed."

Yi Huawei's eyes shone, and he said in a deep voice: "Just do it. If you succeed, you will enjoy endless wealth and glory. If you fail... humph, you know the consequences."

Cui Wenzi's heart tightened, he knew he had no way out. He gritted his teeth and took the box: "Okay, I'll try."

Yi Huawei smiled with satisfaction. His smile was like the warm sunshine in spring, but it also carried a hint of elusive meaning. He raised his chin slightly, fixed his eyes on Cui Wenzi, and said slowly:

"From today on, you will refine the elixir here. If you need anything, I will bring it to you."

Yi Huawei is now the Shaofu, and the rare medicinal materials in the inner storehouse are piled up like mountains, and he can get as many as he wants. And the most critical main ingredient, Tianxing powder, has been handed over to Cui Wenzi. According to the established plot, Cui Wenzi should be able to refine the elixir of immortality soon.

Normally, one furnace can produce nine pills, but in the original drama, Cui Wenzi only gave Yi Xiaochuan three elixirs and stopped refining them.

A trace of doubt rose in Yi Huawei's heart. He didn't know if Cui Wenzi had concealed something, but now that Cui Wenzi was in his hands, he had enough confidence to make him hand over all the elixirs.

After all, this is the elixir of life, not the powerful diamond pill. It has no additional functions except immortality. If Cui Wenzi dares to swallow the pills privately or run away with them, Yi Huawei will let him know what it means to live a life worse than death.

By then, even dying together might not be an easy thing.

Cui Wenzi looked at the coldness flashing across Yi Huawei's eyes, and secretly complained in his heart. He felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless quagmire, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape. He sighed helplessly, knowing that he had no choice.

After instructing Ada to send two hundred Lang guards to guard Cui Wenzi, Yi Huawei led Chenxi back to the Xianyang Palace.


In the South Garden, sunlight shines into the hall, creating a faint halo.

"Master Zhao, I heard that your sister's skills are unparalleled in the world, and she is the reincarnation of the god of craftsmanship."

Princess Chenxi's face was full of curiosity, and her eyes were shining with excitement. Like a cheerful bird, she chirped about all the rumors she had heard from others: "I also heard that she is strong and muscular, and when she runs, even a carriage can't catch up with her. Moreover, she has natural supernatural powers, and ten ordinary men are no match for her..."

As Chenxi spoke, she gestured with her hands, as if she was imagining the appearance of Yi Huawei's mysterious stepsister in her mind. Her cheeks flushed slightly with excitement, and her innocent look made people laugh.

"Hehe, where did you hear all this from?"

Yi Huawei smiled and poured the brewed tea into the teacup in front of Chenxi.

Because Xiaolan never rode in a carriage, she walked everywhere, but her speed was no slower than that of a carriage. She was also as strong as an ox, and could easily lift some materials that required several people to lift together. As a result, all kinds of strange rumors about Yilan gradually spread.
"Several embroiderers in my mansion heard about this from the General's Mansion." Chenxi took a sip of hot tea, nodded, and said with a smile: "The tea here is still the best!"

"If you like it, I'll bring some back later."

Yi Huawei smiled and said, "My sister has many outstanding qualities, but they are not that exaggerated. She is currently supervising the construction of the Lishan Fairy Palace. I will take you to meet her when I have time."


Chenxi nodded happily.

"It's getting late, and it looks like it's going to rain. Your Highness should go back early!"

After chatting for a while, Yi Huawei looked at the sky outside the window, then turned to look at the morning light.

"All right…"

Putting down the teacup, Chenxi nodded slowly.

Splash~ Splash... Raindrops big and small fell fiercely on the ochre-red eaves of the corner beam, making a crisp and loud sound. At the moment of collision with the eaves, they broke into dozens of smaller water droplets. The tiny water droplets slowly slid down the eaves like strings of crystal clear bead curtains and gathered into small puddles on the ground.

"It's raining?"

Just as she reached the door, Chenxi frowned slightly, looking at the heavy rain pouring down like a curtain outside the window. A hint of joy flashed in her eyes, and she turned to look at Yi Huawei: "It seems that I have to nag Master Zhao again!"

"This rain...alright!!"

The rain comes at a really bad time. I originally wanted to see Yu Shu, but now I can only stay with Chen Xi for a while longer.

Yi Huawei nodded slightly and said:

"It's almost dinner time. Is there anything the princess would like to eat? I'll tell them to make it."

Chenxi smiled slightly, her eyes moving: "The guest should follow the host's wishes. I will eat whatever Lord Zhao eats."

"Haha~, let's eat braised pork!"

Yi Huawei raised his lips and instructed Xiao Xizi: "In addition to the dishes we usually eat, make another bowl of braised pork and a bowl of jade white jade soup."

"Red-braised pork? Jade white jade soup?"

Princess Chenxi's face was full of curiosity, her big, lively eyes flickered, she tilted her head slightly, and her tone was full of confusion: "What is that?"

Yi Huawei smiled but said nothing: "The princess will know when she sees it later."

Since I came here, the biggest thing I am not used to is not the lack of TV and Internet, but the food. In today's world, the diet is much simpler than you can imagine. There are three main types of staple food: five grains, six grains, and nine grains. But in general, there are millet (rhubarb rice), millet, sorghum, wheat (barley, wheat, buckwheat), rice, beans (black beans, soybeans), wild rice (wild rice seeds), hemp (ramie, ramie, etc.), sorghum (rice sorghum), and yam (yam, taro). Not to mention the common people, even Qin Shihuang ate simply.

Ordinary people only eat two meals a day, one in the morning is called breakfast, and the other in the afternoon is called dinner. As for midnight snacks, forget it.

At this time, people also pay attention to the combination of vegetables and meat. The five vegetables they often eat are sunflower (Amaranth), bean sprouts, scallions, onions, and chives. There are also vegetables such as cabbage, radish, shepherd's purse, amaranth, mustard, celery, and some seasonal wild vegetables, such as duckweed, artemisia, water chestnut, and Chinese toon. In addition, there are bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, lotus roots, water chestnuts, and other vegetables in the south. But in winter, the most eaten thing is pickles.

Seasonings were extremely scarce in this era, and only salt was available. Yi Huawei spent more than half a year and made several attempts before he finally made a jar of soy sauce. This hard-earned achievement can be regarded as the simplest and easiest seasoning to make at present.

As soon as the finished product was made, Yi Huawei immediately ordered his men to record the production process in detail. Yi Huawei was preparing to find a few apprentices to follow the masters and start brewing soy sauce on a large scale.

Yi Huawei has a clear plan for this new condiment. First, the soy sauce will be operated by the government to ensure the quality and stable supply of soy sauce. After the soy sauce gradually becomes popular and is known and accepted by the people, the management rights will be decentralized to allow more people to participate in the production and sales of soy sauce.

Soy sauce is suitable for people in both the north and south. In the south, people can use it to make delicious braised pork, while in the north, people can eat green onions and pancakes with soy sauce, which is a unique flavor. The addition of soy sauce has undoubtedly enriched the taste of ordinary people and added a different color to their originally monotonous diet.

In addition to providing a taste change for the people, soy sauce can also increase revenue for the imperial court, killing two birds with one stone.

After chatting with Chenxi for a while, the food was served. In addition to the stewed venison, a bowl of red-colored braised pork, which was fat but not greasy and exuded an attractive aroma, was placed in the middle, and next to it was the emerald white jade soup. The green vegetables and white tofu set off each other, which was pleasing to the eye.

"This is the braised pork and jade white jade soup?"

Princess Chenxi looked at these dishes she had never seen before, her eyes full of curiosity. She carefully picked up a piece of braised pork and put it into her mouth, chewing it slowly.

The rich flavor instantly spread in the mouth. The plump meat and the mellow sauce blended perfectly, causing Princess Chenxi to exclaim in admiration: "Lord Zhao, this braised pork is really delicious and has a sweet aroma. Did you add honey?"

Now there is no white sugar, so cooks use honey, which ordinary people cannot afford.

"Haha, the princess is awesome!"

Yi Huawei nodded and said with a smile: "If the princess likes it, eat more!"

"Hmm... Let me try this Jade White Soup!"

After swallowing the braised pork, Chenxi couldn't wait to taste the jade white jade soup. The refreshing taste made her taste buds seem to dance in the spring breeze. "This soup is also very delicious. Lord Zhao's cook is really good at cooking. I'll ask the cook in the mansion to come and learn. Lord Zhao, please don't be too proud of your own things."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of tofu and asked curiously, "What is this? I have never seen it before."

“It’s called tofu!”

Yi Huawei smiled and said, "It's made from soybeans. The secret of this braised pork lies in the seasoning."

(End of this chapter)

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