
In the dormitory, there was a vague and ambiguous atmosphere in the air. Soft light shone through the thin veil into the room, casting a layer of warm halo.

Chenxi lazily rested her head on Yi Huawei's chest, caressing it gently with her jade hands. After a while, Chenxi raised her eyes slightly, with a hint of worry and expectation in her eyes, and looked at Yi Huawei and said:

"Zhao Lang, I don't know when my father will be back. Can you persuade His Majesty? My father has just returned a few days ago, and he has to go to the East China Sea again. The East China Sea is vast, and I don't know how long it will take to go there."

Yi Huawei frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to rub Chenxi's round and soft shoulders, and said softly: "This is an errand that your father personally asked His Majesty for. His Majesty has already agreed, and this matter is probably difficult to change."

Chenxi sighed softly, a hint of loss flashed in her eyes, and she snuggled tightly in Yi Huawei's arms, as if seeking a little comfort: "I really can't let my father go. The East China Sea is full of unknown dangers. I'm really afraid that he will encounter some unexpected events."

Yi Huawei gently patted Chenxi's back, trying to calm her down: "You don't have to worry too much. General Xin Sheng is accompanying the young master, and he will be able to handle any situation. And since His Majesty has agreed to his request, I'm sure he will make corresponding arrangements to ensure his safety."

Chenxi nodded slightly, but the worry in her heart was like a vine, tightly wrapped around her, and she did not reduce it at all. After a long time, she opened her mouth again and asked, "Zhao Lang, do you think there really are goddesses and immortality pills in this world?"

"Perhaps. Didn't Your Majesty personally examine the corpse of the mermaid? The scars there were definitely not caused by human power."

Yi Huawei gently embraced Chenxi, resting his chin on the top of her head, and spoke thoughtfully: "However, I really don't know whether the elixir of immortality exists. Do you also want to live forever?"

Chenxi's red lips slightly raised, a gentle light flashed in her eyes, and her voice was like the gurgling of a spring, full of attachment: "I have never hoped for immortality. If I don't have you by my side, what is the meaning of immortality?"

"Ha ha!"

Yi Huawei lifted Chenxi's chin slightly and kissed her beautiful red lips. He stared into her eyes and said softly, "If there really is an elixir of immortality, I will find one for you. When the world is stable, I will take you to travel around the world, and we will be a pair of immortal lovers, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world."


Chenxi looked up at Yi Huawei, slowly closed her eyes, and pressed her red lips against Yi Huawei's.

After a long while, Chenxi gently pushed Yi Huawei away, her cheeks flushed: "Zhao Lang, do you think my father will meet the goddess in the East China Sea? Can he ask for the elixir of immortality?"

Yi Huawei smiled and gently scratched Chenxi's nose: "Maybe. However, whether there is an elixir of immortality or not, your father will definitely return safely. We just need to wait patiently."


The sun sets in the west, and the afterglow slowly spreads over the earth like a golden veil.

After seeing Chenxi off, Yi Huawei walked to the next yard.

In the main hall, Lü Zhi was taking four-year-old Liu Ying to copy the Qin Law. Lü Zhi was wearing a light blue long skirt, with her black and shiny hair simply tied into a bun, and a few strands of hair hanging by her cheeks, making her look more charming and attractive. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, like a blooming peach blossom, delicate and beautiful.

Liu Ying was wearing a small plain robe, with his hair neatly combed and tied up with a blue ribbon. He had a chubby face, and was holding a brush in his small hands, copying the Qin Law seriously. He looked very cute.

Seeing Yi Huawei coming in, Lu Zhi's cheeks turned redder. She spat softly and patted Liu Ying on the shoulder:

"Ying'er, go inside and have a rest!"


Liu Ying stood up, bowed to Yi Huawei, then turned and walked towards the inner room.

After Liu Ying entered, Lü Zhi turned her head slowly and looked at Yi Huawei. A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and a complex and incomprehensible light flashed in her eyes: "Lord Zhao, you are really bold. You dare to seduce the princess. You... don't you know the seriousness of this?"

Yi Huawei's expression remained calm, and his cold eyes glanced at her indifferently like a cold blade: "Some things are not your business. Tell me, how is Qin Lu doing in his studies?"

Lü Zhi slightly suppressed her smile, knitted her eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, she slowly opened her lips and said, "As the saying goes, the Qin government is more ferocious than a tiger, and this is indeed true. Although the Qin laws have the effect of maintaining order, they are too harsh. The people will violate the law if they are not careful."

With a sigh, Lü Zhi continued, "The Qin laws are so detailed that they are almost dazzling. From farming to corvée, from business to punishment, everything has extremely strict regulations. The people are trembling with fear under the cover of these laws, as if they are on the edge of an abyss. If this continues, public resentment will inevitably grow. Moreover, the Qin laws impose heavy penalties, even for minor crimes, which makes people panic and unable to have a moment of peace.

Seeing Yi Huawei in silence, Lu Zhi pursed her lips slightly and continued to speak:
"After the fall of Chu, the imperial court sent county governors to govern the area. In the first two years, the area was governed according to local customs, and the people lived in peace. However, since last year, the laws and regulations have been widely disseminated in counties and towns, and the people have been required to take the law as their teaching and the officials as their teachers."

Lü Zhi frowned slightly, with a trace of worry in her eyes: "The laws are extremely complicated, and most people don't know Qin seal script. They are often shaved, tattooed, and become prisoners for some insignificant mistakes. Take Pei County as an example. In just a few years, the prisons were filled to the brim with prisoners. In this way, there are people working on the construction site, but the complaints from the people are endless."

Lü Zhi sighed slightly and continued, "In addition, after the three-year tax exemption period ended, the government began to collect land rent, head tax, and corvée from Pei County. The burden was even heavier than that of the Chu State. The people complained to the township officials, but the township officials pushed the responsibility to the county officials, and the county officials said it was the will of the county. With such layers of shirking, the people's resentment was all concentrated on the Qin officials."

"What's worse, in the past six months, the imperial court has issued one decree after another. First, it was announced that the old weights and measures and coins could no longer be used, and all had to adopt the Qin scales and half-liang coins. Officials searched along the streets, and if they found anyone hiding old weights and coins in the market, they would be arrested and imprisoned on the spot. That's fine, after all, the weights and measures and coins in the two places are different, which is indeed quite inconvenient. But requiring counties to abolish their own characters within three years and replace them with Qin seal script and Qin official script is a bit unreasonable..."

After finishing all this in one breath, Lü Zhi paused for a moment, sorted out her thoughts, and then continued: "The emperor's decrees are complicated, and he often issues several orders in a month. In order to execute them within the prescribed time limit, the counties and prefectures are very harsh on the petty officials and the people. Little do they know that the more complicated the things are, the more tired the people are; the more laws there are, the more resentful the people are."

"I think that what the people of the world need most now is not these endless political orders, not harsh laws and heavy labor, but rest and recuperation. If we can combine the laws of Shang Yang and the teachings of Huang Lao, follow the way of heaven, use both punishment and virtue, and implement a policy of tranquility and inaction, then the people will be influenced."

At this point, Lü Zhi suddenly saw Yi Huawei's half-smiley eyes, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly said: "I am talking nonsense about state affairs, I hope Lord Zhao will not blame me..."

Lü Zhi was quite insightful in proposing to rule the world with the teachings of Huang-Lao and recuperate. But Yi Huawei knew that Lü Zhi might not have any good intentions. Qin Shihuang was a dictatorial person who relied on the Legalists to conquer the world. It would be difficult to implement the Huang-Lao policy now. I'm afraid that if I propose it today, I will be exiled back to my hometown tomorrow!
"You are quite sensible and you didn't hide anything. Your method is also appropriate."

Yi Huawei narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lu Zhi's seemingly sincere face, and smiled: "To ask Your Majesty to listen to people talking about Huang Lao's art is like Qin Xiaogong listening to Shang Yang's talk about the imperial way and the kingly way of governing the country. He simply couldn't listen. However, your idea is right... In a few years, when Your Majesty finishes building the fortifications, perhaps your concept will change! I hope that by then, you can come up with a specific strategy!" "Yes..."

Seeing the smile in Yi Huawei's eyes, Lu Zhi's heart skipped a beat, as if her thoughts were seen through, and she quickly lowered her head and saluted.


After walking out of Lu Zhi's courtyard, Yi Huawei changed into casual clothes, asked Xiao Xizi to bring Wuzhui over, and then took the two of them out of Nanyuan.

"Where are you going, Lord Zhao? Please stay for now. The Queen wants to see you!"

As soon as we left Nanyuan, we heard a crisp sound. Eight people carrying a gorgeous carriage walked away from the left. The carriage was surrounded by pink gauze curtains, which fluttered gently in the wind. Xiaoyue lifted the door curtain, revealing her fair and pretty face, and waved to Yi Huawei.

Yi Huawei frowned slightly, then gently squeezed the horse's back, and the black horse slowly stopped. He got off the horse and walked to the front of the carriage and bowed: "What do you want, Your Majesty?"

The driver put down the carriage, Xiaoyue reached out and lifted the curtain completely, and Yu Shu slowly walked out of the carriage. She was wearing a water blue wide-sleeved fairy dress, which was embroidered with exquisite phoenix patterns in gold thread, shining in the sun. A white ribbon was tied around her waist, with a round sapphire inlaid on it. Her black hair was tied up high and combed into a gorgeous flying fairy bun, with a golden hairpin inserted in the bun, which swayed gently with her movements, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Master Zhao, are you going out?" Yu Shu asked softly.

Yi Huawei nodded slightly, clasped his hands and said, "I am here to do some business at the order of His Majesty. What is your Majesty's business?"

Yu Shu pursed her lips slightly, her eyes wandered, and she said softly: "Xiao go down first."

Xiaoyue's eyes widened, with a hint of surprise and disappointment in them. She looked at Yushu with a hint of grievance and confusion in her eyes, but she still responded obediently:
"Yes, ma'am."

Then he got off the carriage in a depressed mood. He thought to himself, I don't know since when did Yu Shu always avoid me when talking to Zhao Gao? Did I do something wrong?

Yi Huawei stood quietly by the side, waiting patiently for her next words.

"Lord Zhao,"

Yu Shu opened her red lips slightly, her voice trembling slightly, biting her pearly white teeth gently, her eyes revealing deep worry and uneasiness: "If you leave the palace, can you help me take a video of my mother for me?"

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Yi Huawei.

"I've been having nightmares these past two days,"

Looking at Yi Huawei, Yu Shu lowered her head slightly, frowning: "I dreamed that my mother's seven orifices were bleeding... That scene was really terrible."

As he spoke, his body trembled involuntarily and his hands were clenched tightly together: "I always feel uneasy in my heart, as if something is going to happen." After saying this, he raised his head and looked at Yi Huawei again, his eyes full of pleading.

"Don't worry, Queen Tuan is fine now!"

Yi Huawei nodded slightly, looking at Yu Shu's still worried expression, his heart moved slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he said: "You dream about what you think about during the day, your majesty is worrying too much, so just relax... Forget it, I'll come back and shoot a video for her!"

"...Okay, then thank you, Master Zhao!"

A smile finally appeared on Yu Shu's face. She nodded gently, then slowly turned around and gracefully returned to the magnificent carriage.

Xiaoyue stood aside, looking at Yu Shu's back, with a complex emotion in her heart. She walked forward silently, lowered the curtain, and looked up at Yi Huawei, with a barely perceptible concern in her eyes.

Yi Huawei was slightly stunned, then nodded to Xiaoyue, got on his horse, and continued to walk out of the palace with Xiaoxizi and Ada. The sound of horse hooves rang out on the empty road, gradually fading away, leaving only a cloud of flying dust.


Yi Huawei rode on his horse, the hooves of the horse clattering as it slowly stopped in front of the Wu family's mansion. He dismounted neatly and looked up at the magnificent mansion in front of him.

The high-rise buildings were well-arranged, with exquisite carved beams and painted buildings. They sparkled in the sunlight, showing the owner's nobility and luxury. Yi Huawei couldn't help but secretly admired in his heart: He is indeed one of the richest people in the world, this house is extraordinary.

It’s not that Yi Huawei has never seen the world. After all, he now lives in the Xianyang Palace, and every now and then he has to accompany Qin Shihuang to the Afang Palace to stay for two days. Where in the world is there a more magnificent house than that?

However, this is the capital after all, and as the saying goes, "rice is expensive in Chang'an, and it's not easy to live in a big city." The housing prices in the capital are not low either.

Take Doushili for example. Their annual salary is 96 dan of rice. According to the current price of 30 coins per dan of rice, plus some travel allowances, their annual salary is about coins. This is the income level of ordinary civil servants in Xianyang. With such an income, it is not easy to buy a house in Xianyang.

The prices of the mansions where the nobles lived ranged from 500,000 coins to 1 million coins, depending on the size of the area. Just like the mansion of Wu Shiluo in front of us, it covers an area of ​​nearly 80 acres. A homestead of this size cannot be obtained without 2 million coins.

But for the wealthy Wu family, these two million yuan were just a drop in the bucket. You know, in the Qin Dynasty, a family with a fortune of 100,000 yuan was considered a well-off family. The standard for the wealthy families who were relocated to Xianyang was a family with a fortune of one million yuan. If one could reach a family fortune of 10 million yuan, he would be a well-deserved "noble".

Of course, having money is not enough. If Qin Shihuang had not made him a noble and had not been in charge of court affairs, he would not have been able to build such a big house.

(End of this chapter)

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