Chapter 145 Swastika
In the team building of the ninth division, Hitsugaya rose directly into the sky after releasing his swastika - huge ice wings were spread out behind his back, and his limbs were covered with a layer of ice. He was holding a "Zanpakutō" "One hand is like a dragon spitting a sword from its mouth, and the ice on its feet is like a claw...

It seemed like there was a double-winged ice dragon attached to him, with three four-petaled ice flowers floating around him, like his "floating cannon"!
On the one hand, Hitsugaya was obviously anxious under Ichiryu's attack on the heart; on the other hand, even if he was not in a hurry, he still liked to use [Swastika] in battle...

But Yilong smiled slightly at this time and used [Swastika Interpretation] at the same time - judging from the situation, Yilong was not forced to use [Swastika Interpretation], and he might not be unable to win if he only used the ability of [Complete First Interpretation].

After all, Hitsugaya’s [Swastika interpretation] is not complete now!

However, in view of Ichiryu's previous performance in [Full Shikai], even if in Soul Society, the spiritual pressure has been maintained at the third level of spiritual power, there are already more and more people who do not believe that he does not have [Swastika] …

Rather than hiding it like this, it's better to expose part of it to give them a little peace of mind.

After all, the lesson of Aizen's [Kyouka Suigetsu] is still in front of us - because Aizen concealed the effect of [Zanpakuto] from the beginning to the end, everyone was fooled!
As long as a dragon does not understand [Swastika], their hearts will be hung up.

As for whether the details will be exposed?
Ichiryu is not worried. Whether his [Swastika] or [Complete Shikai], they are actually just "using the Zanpakutō to exert his power"!
The real effect of [Zanpakuto] is to more conveniently materialize personal abilities, making it easier to develop special abilities.

And Ichiryu has developed his own abilities over a long period of time. In order to appear "social" in Soul Society, he used the "Shallow Attack" that Aizen gave him and packaged them into [Zanpakuto] 】——In fact, even if the knife is broken, it will not affect Yilong's ability.

Regardless of whether Ichiryu's spiritual pressure is not good - on the level of Yamamoto and Aizen, Ichiryu's spiritual pressure is not good - but in terms of the ability development of the [Zanpakuto], Ichiryu is not inferior to anyone.

Therefore, the ability of a dragon is more essential, and the type itself is not easy to guess.

Just like now, even if he exposes [Complete Original Interpretation], because of the appearance and name of [Fatian Hexagonal Pillar], people familiar with the matter believe that this is some kind of "law and rule" type ability, used to increase [ Ghost Path]——But he didn’t know that this one actually saw the outside and fell into Ichiryu’s thinking trap!

The same is true now...

After seeing a dragon [Swastika], he also took off into the sky - in Soul Society, unlike the real world, if you want to stay in the sky all the time, you basically have the ability to fly. Of course, if you have enough spiritual pressure, you can keep bursting [Shunpo] 】It's not impossible to walk in the air, but that doesn't count as flying ability.

But now Ichiryu's appearance, like Hitsugaya's, doesn't look like he is forcibly walking through the air...

Moreover, Hitsugaya has huge ice wings "growing" from his back, so it is not surprising that he can fly. And now...Ichiryuu seems to be sitting on a throne that appears in [Swastika], just sitting in a sitting position, Flying straight up together with the throne - that's right, Ichiryu's [Zanpakuto], after the "Swastika" is released, it becomes a "throne" that looks majestic, majestic and well-fitting!
At the same time, Yilong's "Death Overlord Costume" also became more gorgeous, and even... because it was cumbersome, it seemed a little unsuitable for fierce battles, but of course it was just right for the throne.

Seeing this, Hitsugaya's face became more serious, but he was not surprised. Instead, he said: "As expected, you have been hiding your swastika, just like...Aizen!"

"No, no, no, I just learned it..." Yilong said calmly.

"This is my first time [Swastika] in front of you, right? This is... [Daigurren Hyōrinmaru]!" Hitsugaya's spiritual pressure increased.

The surrounding air is getting colder...

This is also the ability of the "Daigouren Hyōrinmaru" after [Swastika] - at the time of [First Release], it only "distributes cold air" to achieve the effect of creating ice out of thin air, but after [Swastika], "Big Red" "Renhyōrinmaru" can begin to control celestial phenomena and directly change the environment.

Theoretically, it has the same properties as Old Man Yamamoto's [Zanpakutō], but Old Man Yamamoto's level of development is far greater than that of Hitsugaya...

"This is indeed the first time I have seen it with my own eyes... I also asked Captain Hitsugaya for advice. This is my [Swastika] - the Throne of the Sky!" Ichiryu said calmly.

Hitsugaya can be said to be the captain who likes to use [Swastika] the most. Perhaps because as a "genius", not only does it go smoothly, but it is also easy to develop [Swastika], so when he feels a little pressure, he will use [Swastika]. Swastika].

Therefore, many people know the name of [Daigoren Hyōrinmaru], but this is the first time for Ichiryu to see it with his own eyes. After all, he has never fought with Hitsugaya before.

As for Yilong’s [Swastika] name, it is indeed true!
Although it is said that the [Zanpakutō] is packaged by Ichiryu himself, if you do use the [Zanpakutō], you must abide by some rules-from the time Nigeya Oue created the [Zanpakutō], it has been the same as the [Zanpakutō]. Just like Ghost Road, they abide by the rules of "word spirit", especially relying on the "true name" in "word spirit"!
During the [Initial Interpretation], it is even necessary to call its true name. If there are any reservations, the [Initial Interpretation] will be incomplete. [Swastika] Although there is no need to shout it out, as long as it is spoken, it must be the "real name"...

If the "real name" you know is also wrong, the [Swastika interpretation] will be incomplete.

Calling Kana will affect the power of [Zanpakutō], just like Aizen, who only misinterprets the ability of [Kingka Suigetsu], and insists that the name of this image flow is a physical explanation of "light refraction", and The real name [Flower in the Mirror, Water and Moon] was not directly concealed.

"The Throne of the Sky..." Hitsugaya chewed the name again in his mouth. Looking at the style of Shifengyuan in front of him, he wanted to complain a little - you are sitting quite solidly, not "empty"... …

Could it mean "sky"?A floating throne in the sky?
He hasn't seen more abilities being used yet, and Hitsugaya can't be sure of anything just from this name.

Yilong's [Swastika] is indeed called [The Throne of the Sky], but...

This name has nothing to do with the essence of its ability, but is related to the process and scene of Yilong's ability to comprehend it. Just comparing its name and ability, if it is taken literally, it will be misleading.

In contrast, Hitsugaya's "ice element is the strongest" is indeed straightforward - [Haijie] is cold air, [Swastika] is also cold air!
Now that Shifengyuan has truly opened [Swastika], Hitsugaya does not dare to be careless...

Just when Hitsugaya wanted to test the effect of Shifengin's [Swastika], two lines of spiritual pressure suddenly approached without concealment!
"team leader!"

"Ah! Sure enough..."

I saw that it was Rangiku and Ichigo who rushed over after feeling the collision of [Swastika] spiritual pressure!
Seeing that the captain rose into the air first, Rangiku felt nervous - Mr. Yamamoto must be angry again.

And Ichigo saw Ichiryu coming out later...

Although there are some differences between his body and his body, the way Ichigo usually sees him in the "real world" does not have such exaggerated earrings and his hairstyle is more moderate, but... he can still recognize it at a glance. Isn't this his old appearance? father?


"Matsumoto, calm down first!" Hisagi Shuhei immediately stopped Rangiku.

"Hisaki, are you going to stop me?" Rangiku didn't buy it.

Although they usually drink together,... the last time they drank together, Kira Izuru, had also fought with a real sword during the Aizen Rebellion!
Of course, after the Aizen incident, the three of them still drank together without any hard feelings.

When Ichigo saw the two people's spiritual pressure colliding in the sky, he immediately stopped caring and shouted directly: "Shifengyuan! I will be your opponent!"

After saying this, Ichigo was seen wielding his Zanpakutō: "Blow the Star!"

I saw that after the "spiritual gathering", it was like a real slash, directly attacking Hitsugaya...

Fortunately, Hitsugaya reacted quickly and quickly blocked the attack with his sword, so that he was not "dropped" by a single blow.

Hitsugaya, Rangiku, Hisagi:? ? ?
Hitsugaya was looking at the travel disaster, it was the Death God agent, and he was very angry!

Although I haven't seen it before, I heard Rangiku mention it before. In Rangiku's description, Hitsugaya thought that Ichigo was an upright young man with a sense of justice. Now it seems... upright?You call this "Sifengyuan" and rush to chop me down. Do you call this upright?

(End of this chapter)

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