Sunshine of Death's cheerful big boy

Chapter 17 The Order of Broken Bee

Chapter 17 The Order of Broken Bee

"Eh? Ginjo Kūgo? I've already told you... When the people in Room 46 were worried that Captain Ukitake was involved with him, I believed in Captain Ukitake and repeatedly guaranteed it to Room 46! What's the point? Can't you say it?" Yilong said matter-of-factly.


"Sifengyuan Yilong... the deputy captain!"

"Captain Fuzhu is not feeling well, let me see the guests off!"

Seeing that Ukitake was about to cough to death in front of him, plus Xiaochun Xiantaro and Huche Qingyin were about to draw their swords...

Yilong was also afraid that Fuzhu was really dead and they would blackmail him, so he accepted the "seeing off" and turned to leave.

"Captain Ukitake pay attention to self-cultivation. Whether it's a travel accident or acting as a Shinigami, I will handle it... huh? I didn't mention Ginjo Kugo this time? Okay, okay, I'm leaving, don't send it off... "


"[...Ask me what role I'm playing? I looked at my identity and said that I am—a sunny and cheerful boy~ Sunny and cheerful...] ​​Uh..." Yilong hummed and returned to the second team team building.

As soon as the result came back...

I felt Captain Broken Bee's spiritual pressure in his own room—this kind of situation where you can directly feel the spiritual pressure is usually caused by the other party on purpose.

Yilong opened the door with a guilty conscience and came in, only to see that Broken Bee was using Yilong's tea set, making tea for himself, and said, "What are you doing? Didn't you say you want to rest?"

"No, um... I heard that Captain Ukitake has been seriously ill recently, so I went to visit him." Yilong's reason was sanctimonious and easy to come by.

"Oh? So, Captain Fuzhu still enjoys talking with you?" Broken Bee asked mockingly.

"That's right, we were chatting and laughing today, if he hadn't coughed too much..." Yilong nodded and took it without embarrassment at all.

"If you're so boring, go to Liuhun Street with me tomorrow." Firstly, Suifeng feels that this guy doesn't understand what "low-key and cautious" means, and secondly... Suifeng really needs help, and the other team members can't help .

"Ruhun Street? It's not necessary...Room 46 also said that there is no need to leave Seireitei." Yilong immediately retreated after hearing this.

In fact, Yilong knew before that Broken Bee came out of Seireitei today—after all, the monitoring force is not a decoration.

This is contrary to the order of the chief commander. After all, the "order of room 46" conveyed by the chief commander is to guard the thirteenth team of the Gotei to guard the Seireitei, and wait for the trip to fall into the trap or leave on its own, leaving Liuhun Street alone.

Unlike the "rulers and commoners" in the modern world, the "rectification" of Rukongai is not civilians to the Shinigami, and there is no such thing as "taxation" or "corvee" for Rukongai.

The "rectification" of Liuhun Street, for the gods of death, is just "disposing of recyclables that can be used" and "resources that would be bad if eaten by Xu", so it needs to be "generally tidied up", so for Liao In the area of ​​Ruhun Street farther away from Seireitei, even "making rules" is superfluous, just take a look around and don't get eaten too much by the infiltrated "Xu".

Unless it is attacked by Xu, or the number of sudden deaths is too large, which affects the balance between the Xu circle and the soul world, it will intervene.

Although it has been said that since thousands of years ago, the "Zheng" of Ruhun Street has the opportunity to become the god of death and enter Seireitei, but... the proportion is here!

Therefore, when Bai Zai wanted to marry Fei Zhen, in everyone's eyes, it was a big nobleman who had a serious fetish...

Right now, Yilong can probably guess Broken Bee's intentions.

As a lower-level noble and a retainer of the Shifengyuan clan, Zaibei’s family is a confidant of the previous generation’s head of the family, Yoruichi. She has a deep affection for the head of the Yoruichi family, so... she is also “full of responsibility”. !
Suihou was very angry about Yoruichi's defection, not because of how loyal he was to Soul Society, but only wanted to defect with that bastard Urahara and didn't take me with you?
In short, for Sui Feng, Ye Yi's defection was a betrayal of himself.

Yilong couldn't understand Sui Feng's feelings for Ye Yi very well.

At the same time, Broken Bee was influenced by Yilong, and also greatly improved the "Penal Army", and its intelligence capabilities were greatly improved. Originally, the Criminal Army was the first legion of the "Clandestine Operations Force", its responsibility was to carry out internal executions, and its intelligence capabilities were slightly inferior.

Now it has been discovered that there is a "black cat" coming with the "travel disasters"!
So now Mao's orders from Room 46, or Commander Yamamoto's orders, can no longer restrain her—"travel accidents" and so on can be wiped out after entering Seireitei as Room 46 said, but "then A black cat"... She didn't want to wait a moment!
It's just that Yilong doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, let alone meet the "old master".

"They must be in West Rukongai. Do you want to choose the first [-] districts or the bottom [-] districts?" Zaibei made up his mind to search them out in Rukongai.

"With such a large area, it's useless to send out the criminal army and the supervisory force. How can the two of us find it...Okay, I'll choose the first forty districts, and you will suffer." Yilong Jianzaifeng didn't give it to him at all. I declined the opportunity and had no choice but to agree.

But Yilong has already made up his mind, it will be good to paddle tomorrow...

The scope of Liuhun Street is indeed very large, and it is normal not to find those "travel accidents".

There are four Liuhun Streets in the southeast, northwest, and each of them is divided into [-] districts. Each district has hundreds of millions of "whole", that is, ordinary souls.

The total number of "wholes" in the world of corpses and souls exceeds 300 billion, which is thirty times the number of human beings in the present world. (Note 1)

Only "Zheng" who "died at a young age" in this world will come to Soul Society. If they die, they will be reincarnated on their own without passing through Soul Society.

Although "Zheng" also has birth, old age, sickness and death in the world of corpses and souls, they are different from life in this world. Apart from "death", they have a better way to return - to rebirth.

However, the "number" of reincarnation is limited!
Although in the present world, with the improvement of the civilization of the utensils, the population is increasing, but... the number of places for the reincarnation is not determined by this, but has a deeper reason.

The spirit body at the bottom level does not need to eat, as long as it freely absorbs the spirit particles in the air and drinks water, but...

This kind of spirit body has the weakest power and the shortest lifespan. There is no such thing as "life" and it is just waiting for "death".

At least a relatively strong spirit body is needed to be able to conceive life. This has little to do with "Liuhun Street". More than [-]% of the wandering souls in Liuhun Street do not have this opportunity. The huge number of wandering souls, most of them They are all "dead" in this world.

Moreover, "food" and other necessities are produced in a different way, requiring no farming or industrial production.

Therefore, the area of ​​each district is not so large, and it is basically "residential area" and "wilderness".

Most of the residential areas on Liuhun Street are like the most crowded slums. You can squeeze many wandering souls into any place, regardless of arable land, industrial land, or even reasonableness, let alone comfort.

In contrast, in each direction of Rukongai, because the higher the area is, the closer it is to the Seireitei, the richer the materials available and the more complete the rules - after all, no one wants to live in a garbage dump.

Now Broken Bee and Yilong are going to share the search area. Of course, Yilong will choose a more comfortable area with a higher serial number, and then there will be some fishing entertainment.

The poor mountains and rivers at the back of the queue provide no entertainment for Yilong...


Note 1: The current setting has been greatly changed, and has nothing to do with reality. It is an imaginary modern urban background, so the population is not as large as the earth, and the area is not as large.

The setting of "The Dragon and the Witch" makes no reference and does not distinguish between East and West.

(End of this chapter)

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