Sunshine of Death's cheerful big boy

Chapter 178 The captured Arrancar

Chapter 178 The captured Arrancar

"Commander-in-Chief Kyoraku, are you sure that Aizen's men were defeated and the [King's Seal] was obtained by a third party?" Yilong asked somewhat aggressively at this time.

It's completely questioning Kyoryaku's attitude of "whether he really defeated Aizen's tribe" - if the [King's Seal] was taken away by Aizen, then it's completely "he knew the situation in advance but failed to notify everyone in time." Kyōraku’s fault.

Facing Sifengyuan's questioning, Jingraku did not show any anger, and said with a normal expression: "Of's just a pity that the other party has an escape weapon like [anti-membrane], so they couldn't leave one or two behind."

As he spoke, he looked at Sifengyuan specifically, as if to say: Is this what you want to ask?Let me tell you, no one was caught, are you relieved?

However, Yilong just pretended not to understand his eyes and asked at the same time: "What's going on with the Technology Development Bureau? Lingxu, whose anti-membrane can ignore all spaces, returns to Hueco Mundo. If he can't find it even if he enters the Seireitei, then what will happen in the future?" Doesn’t it mean that the Xu under Ran’s hand can come and leave whenever he wants?”

Jingraku also nodded and said, "That's right, so..."

At this moment, a bell sounded, and then the four people present felt a strange fluctuation, and they immediately understood what happened, because this kind of fluctuation was just experienced a few months ago, and everyone is familiar with it——" The Soul-Shielding Film is on!

In this way, not only does it have basic defensive properties, but any spirit that forcibly enters the Seireitei will trigger an alarm, regardless of whether it is "virtual" or not.

"Come here, I have already applied to Room 46 before. It seems that the Ghost Daoists have received the order." Jingle said at this time.

Since it is impossible to judge the intrusion of "virtual", naturally we can only protect it completely.

However, Yilong continued to say reluctantly: "Did this happen suddenly? This is due to lack of preparation at ordinary times! The accuracy of Seireitei's alarm system has increased over the years. Has Niryuri worked seriously?"

In fact, Yilong has already guessed why Seireitei's alarm system is not easy to use - before Niryuri stuffed himself into the "back door" of the monitoring system, there was no way to upgrade the system.

It's just that now this matter is entirely the responsibility of the "Guardian Forces" and "Service Forces", so of course Yilong took the opportunity to speak nonsense...

"Yes, yes, I will question Captain Nirvana later, but now is not the time to pursue this." Kyoryu dealt with it casually.

"In this case, instead of sitting here, we might as well go to the scene and take a look." Zhanfeng said very pragmatically at this time.

"Then we need professionals like you, Captain." Yilong said and deliberately called Sui Feng "Captain", but Sui Feng rolled his eyes.

Regarding this kind of flirting during the meeting, Kuchiki treated him coldly and became even more serious. Unfortunately, he failed to set an example.

"We can go and take a look together." Kyoryu looked at Shifengyuan and said.

"No, I'm not a professional... Unless Room 46 decides to go to war with Hueco Mundo because of this, it has nothing to do with the [Conquest Force], so I won't accompany you any longer." Yilong refused directly.

However, [King Seal] was missing, and it was appropriate for the "Secret Mobile Force" to intervene in the investigation, so... when leaving the "Guardian Force" team building, except for Yilong, the other three people left together.

Yilong, on the other hand, looked indifferent and prepared to return to his team building, but...

Yilong was not at peace in his heart!
Aizen sent [Arrancar] to rob [King's Seal], why didn't he inform him at all?
Or is this just a smoke screen for Kyōraku?

If this is true, did Kyōraku really not catch any of the incoming [Arrancars]?

Ichiryu's doubts were soon answered... The prison team originally had Ichiryu's confidants, and now that Komamura was injured in the attack, the situation of the prison team could not be hidden from Ichiryu's eyes and ears!

Not long after leaving the guard unit's team building, Oo Huohu came to report - this morning, Kyoraku Shunsui secretly transferred a murderer and took him into custody in Seireitei Prison.

"This morning... is it still mysterious?" Yilong has already guessed that the prisoner must be related to the robbery of the [King's Seal].

"That's right, Captain Kyoraku seems to... want to avoid us." Oohuohu said - "we" naturally refers to Yilong's confidants who stayed in the prison team.

However, Wei Huohu and the others are not idle. They have already penetrated into the prison team. Even if they do not pass through them directly, they can still get information from other chief officers!
It's not that Kyoraku has to rely on the prison team, it's just...

The other two more secure prisons are even more unusable by Kyoraku - [Maggot Nest] is guarded by the secret mobile unit, which makes it even more undefended for Shifengyuan, and [Mujian] is in the main division, also It is the underground of the current Marshal's Headquarters. You must have a warrant from Room 46 to open it!
"Who is being detained?" Yilong asked.

"It's the legendary [Arrancar]! It looks like a human being, but it has an incomplete Hollow Mask on its head, and the Hollow Hole is also on its head..." Taihuo Hu said quickly.

Seireitei had not had direct contact with [Arrancar] before, but had only "heard about it", so he had doubts about Ichiryu.

Yilong nodded at this time, understanding that Kyoryu was avoiding the important matter before - he did not explain the appearance of [Arrancar] in detail, he just said "breaking the boundary between Hollow and Shinigami", as if he didn't know this before Kuchiki and Zaihou couldn't imagine what the current [Arrancar] looked like from what he said. They might only be imagining the "Hollow" with part of the mask broken.

"What does it look like?" Yilong obviously didn't just want to ask [Arrancar], but wanted to know if it was [Arrancar] he knew.

But Ichiryu is not worried. They are the [Arrancars] who are most familiar with him - if they were them, even if they were ambushed by the "Masks", they would not be able to use the "black cavity" to escape, and …

If it were them, even if they were fighting in a remote place in the Seireitei, Ichiryu should be able to feel the full force of their spiritual pressure.

"She looks like a short woman. Although she is very embarrassed, it can be seen that her hair is purple. When she was first delivered, she was still seriously injured. There were residues similar to moth-like voids on her body. Later, as she quickly After self-healing, the characteristics of the void disappeared, and he returned to his human form. He is currently sealed in a prison." Wei Huohu recalled and described it in detail.

"Not tall...purple hair...moth? Is the mask fragment on the left forehead, looking like a spiny cocoon, with the hole in the middle of the mask fragments?" Yilong confirmed after thinking for a while.

"That's right, congratulations, Captain!" Wei Huohu immediately flattered him.

"Let's go back to the prison team." Yilong said directly, as if he was going back to his own home.

After hearing this, Tai Huohu was still a little hesitant: "Master Yilong, if Captain Kyoryu and the others find out..."

"It doesn't matter. Since it's [Arrancar] from Hueco Mundo, it can't be said that it has nothing to do with the [Conquest Force] responsible for foreign wars! It's normal for me to go and interrogate him." Yilong said majestically.

Although it is no longer a department, but...Komamura was injured, and no one in the entire prison team would stop Shifengin. On the contrary, all aspects were very cooperative - even if the deputy captain Hisagi was here, he would only feel slightly uneasy at most. Ask, and the vice-captain is not here now!

Soon Ichiryu was in a sealed prison and saw the female Arrancar who was completely sealed on a cross restraint prop - Tiruti Sandaviki!

Yilong knew her...because she was originally a member of the Ten Blades!

But what number she has now, Ichiryu doesn't know. After Nero and the others were brought by Ichiryu to "join" and Stark was also found, she was squeezed out of the "Ten Blades". According to Aizen, Based on the number assignment logic, she should now be in three digits.

(End of this chapter)

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