Chapter 207 Duties
If someone had told Asido before, he would have seen the brilliance of a wise man in "Xu" and discussed with him the "responsibility of the God of Death" and even "the meaning of the existence of the God of Death" and "the true balance of the three realms"...

Asido will definitely think that man is crazy!
Even if Kariyashiki came to tell him that there was such a "hollow", he would only believe half of it at most.

But such an incredible thing actually happened more than 30 years after Asido came to Hueco Mundo.

A long conversation with "Lin" made Asido more clear about his "real responsibility" as the God of Death.

After that, Asido stopped hunting those "harmless" Kilians - the brainless Kilians would indeed cause huge damage if they appeared in the "real world", but... in Hueco Mundo, It's just a spiritual pressure containing device.

Whether it devours the same kind or is swallowed, before becoming "Yachukas", it was just a "harmless" prop.

Asido's attention began to focus on those "random black cavities" that were opened - allowing Hollow to enter the Rukongai of Soul Society or the Chongrei Land in this world are the real "harmful"!
When the "random black cavity" appears, Asido will stay there and kill all the "hollows" that want to pass through.

Originally, Asido and his comrades were unable to move freely in the "Forest of the Great Void", but...

"Lin" provides them with a solution!
"The body is the prison of the soul, the world is the prison of the body, madness is bound, and desire is suppressed... To gain absolute free will, one needs to break the cage, indulge desires, maintain sanity, and step into madness..."

Under the teachings of "Lin", Asido was the first to transform into [Mask]!
If nothing else, this should also be the first [Mask] born in the Three Realms since the Soul King fell asleep.

Compared to letting "Hollow" perform autonomous [Arrancar], it is much easier for "Reaper" to perform autonomous [Mask]...

And [Persona] is not exactly a counterpoint to [Arrancar]...

After [Arrancar], Hollow's spiritual pressure is usually more stable, but he can still feel that he is "Hollow", but after [Returning Blade], he is even more hollow than Hollow!

As for a Shinigami who has mastered the transformation of [Mask], his normal spiritual pressure is no different from before. When he transforms into [Mask], his spiritual pressure feels more hollow.

In other words, it is far easier for a "God of Death" to become a "Void" than the other way around.

This also made Yilong believe that Xu is the representative of "spiritual life", and Death is just a specialization...

Over the next 200 years, Asido's remaining six companions gradually mastered the power of [Mask].

In this way, they rely on the power of Hollows to avoid being besieged by the unconscious "Killians" who only sense spiritual pressure in the Great Hollow Forest. As for ordinary Hollows with consciousness, even if they know that they are the gods of death, they are not theirs. opponent!
In the 280 years since then, Asido's companions have never been reduced in number...

This is "one of the reasons" why Asido and others are grateful to "Lin".

At this time, hearing Yoruichi playfully say the name "Lin", Asido turned to look at her.

When facing Asido, Yoruichi's attitude is more serious - this has nothing to do with strength, but respect for the noble senior Shinigami.

If you are willing to stay in a place like "Daxu Forest" for more than 200 years, it is more than enough to be called "noble character".

"Mr. Asido, do you know who Lin is?" Yoichi used the neutral word "person".

Acedo also understood what Yoruichi meant and said directly: "The God of Death."

"Eh?" Ye Yi was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect... Mr. Asido would lie to him so blatantly?

The identity of Sifengyuan Yilong is only separated by a layer of window paper. At this time, he still calls him the "god of death"?
"Are you the former head of the Sifengyuan family? You should know what the God of Death is, right?" Asido asked in return.

"Of course I..." Yoruichi wanted to answer instinctively, but suddenly paused and vaguely understood what Asido meant.

"Yes, the spirit life that maintains the balance of the three realms is the God of Death." Asido said calmly and with certainty.It was by accepting this idea that Asido was willing to become a mask.

As for the nature of reiatsu and even bloodline, they are just trivial details.

Broken Bee was frowning slightly at this time, as if he was thinking about something...

"As expected of Mr. Asido..." Yoruichi praised with a hint of embarrassment - Asido's words just now made him seem to be of a low level.

Of course, what Yoruichi and Urahara have always wanted to know, what can truly judge the enemy and ourselves, is also Ichiryu's purpose.

Otherwise, Urahara would not have rescued the Shinigami who were framed by Aizen's "Hollow Experiment". For this reason, he and Yoruichi had to defect from the Seireitei - after all, the nobles could not see the "Hollow Power" "Such a dirty power.

If there is "the power of virtualization" in the body, [Mask] is a means of controlling virtualization, which is easier than "autonomous masking"...

But once it fails, the God of Death will completely turn into a "hollow" and lose consciousness!
"Recently, there are Arrancars sent by Xu Ye Palace in the Daxu Forest. For some reason, they can even control other Kilians." Asido said to Yilong.

Normally, although [Arrancar] can come in, they cannot control the "Killian" here.

Yoruichi even felt that his level was low - look at Asido, the first "business" he wanted to talk about was the changes in the Great Void Forest, not how to distinguish between friend and foe.

"I already know that the Great Void Forest...does not need to be guarded for the time being. You can go with me to defeat the army." Yilongya said businesslikely.

"Okay." Asido seemed to have been prepared for a long time.

Faced with Asido's attitude towards Yilong, Yoruichi had to waver a bit...

After all, the "contribution" of the Asido Expeditionary Force is obvious to all. Although there are only seven people, the effect they played is equivalent to a hundred!

Three hundred years ago, nine... no, eight Chongling Lands could not be assigned to one or two low-ranking officials to guard them on a daily basis.

There is also a Chongling Land, which was formed within 300 years. It was also at that time that Asido and Yilong discovered that the area of ​​​​the Great Void Forest would increase, corresponded to the "Chongling Land in the Real World"!
If Seireitei's organization hadn't been rigid enough, in fact, after Asido and the others had established a foothold in Daixu Forest, the personnel quota of the Thirteenth Division, also known as the "Purification Team", could have been greatly reduced, and there was no need for " Second only to Squadron [-]."


In the eyes of Acedo and others, they and "Lin" are the real "gods of death", and Seireitei is just a bunch of people who are just too busy to do anything. This is a feeling of overlooking that arises spontaneously.

After Asido regained contact with the Seireitei, because of the bad news about Kenpachi Kariyashiki and Asido's uneasiness about his "hollow power", they did not want to return to the Seireitei...

However, Asido trusted Yilong far more than Seireitei, and he directly agreed to go together to conquer Jun Huihe.

At the same time, Yoruichi found that Suihou was also whispering something to Yilong...

"Your power as a Hollow is extremely poisonous to a Quincy, right? So... as a Hollow's body, have you not been tasted yet?" Broken Bee said and licked his lips.

Night One:  …


Dongdong: Although I am going out for the Mid-Autumn Festival, I still released Chapter 3. This monthly pass is not a big deal...

(End of this chapter)

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