Chapter 215 Curse
In response to Shifengyuan Ichiryu's shameless request, Yagyu Kyubei tightened his grip on his clothes, looked at him with tears in his eyes and gritted teeth, looking angry and helpless, but in the end he could only compromise...

Either tell Shifengin Ichiryu and Zaihou and pray that they don't leak it out, or Ichiryu takes away the [Soul King's Girdle], and her secret will be made public directly, and the Tsunayashiro family will completely turn into mad dogs.

Although from Yagyu Kyubei's point of view, Shifouin Ichiryu is not that trustworthy, but... the worst result is still one step away from giving up [Spirit King's Girdle] directly now!

Yagyu Kyubei can also tell "incomplete truth"!
After taking a few deep breaths, Yagyu Kyubei said: "The Yagyu family has been in a single line for more than twenty generations, but... at least they are all male, so after I was born, my father did not want to admit that he was giving birth to a daughter. "

"I see, that's why you borrowed the [Spirit King's Girdle] from the Sifengyuan family?" Broken Bee looked surprised when he heard this.

Yagyu Kyubei nodded when he heard this - she only said the "secondary reason", and the more important reason was still hidden. As long as Ichiryu and Zaihou didn't know about the "prophecy", they wouldn't have guessed it!

Although Ichiryu didn't know the "prophecy" of the Yagyu family, he still said: "No, this cannot explain the hostility of the Tsunayashiro family. You still have nothing to say."

Kyuubei was about to retort, hoping that Ichiryu would be as easy to deceive as Zai Bee. Unexpectedly, Zai Bee also said at this time: "That's right, when I said 'I see' just now, your expression flashed, obviously I feel like I was deceived and must have concealed important information.”


These two bastards are devils!
Broken Bee is the commander-in-chief of the [Secret Mobile Force]. He has interrogated countless Shinigami, what have you not seen?

"In short, that's it! If you don't believe it, you can ask that old guy!" Jiubei was angry at this time and called her father resentfully.

Yilong did not accept this trick and said directly: "If this is the case, I don't think the previous generation of family masters would agree to lend the [God-given Weapons] to your father, especially if it has been lent for such a long time, at least if it is up to me to judge. ...That means not borrowing it!
"Instead of going through so much trouble and having to pay the price of completely confusing your gender identity, it would be more reasonable for the head of the Yagyu family to accept the reality and you can grow up normally."

Yilong's words are also very reasonable - after all, the 21st generation head of the family named his daughter Yoruichi as his successor. How could he borrow the [God-given Weaponry] because of Yagyu Yuju's personal stubbornness in this regard? Out for so long?

Moreover, in Yilong's words, there was some intention of standing up for Jiubei.

After hearing this, Suifeng looked over sensitively, as if to say: If you want to attack your heart, attack your heart, don't pretend to be a warm-hearted person.

Yilong gave an "innocent" look in response to Broken Bee's expression...

At this time, Yagyu Kyubei did not notice the exchange of glances between the two of them, but said after a moment of silence: "The reason why the Yagyu family... has always been a single lineage, also involves a prophecy, no, a rumor... about the Soul King. Even if I tell you about His Majesty’s rumors, you probably won’t believe them.”

Kyuubei's tone was somewhat sarcastic, but it was not towards Ichiryu and Zaihou, but towards the nobles who knew the truth but deceived themselves and others, even the royal agents of the Zero Squadron.

Yilong's expression changed when he heard this, and then he coughed dryly and said: "Zoufeng, go and look around first, and be on guard to see if the Tsunayashiro family will try to kill him or not."

If it involves the "Spirit King", then Sui Feng, who does not know and is not suitable to know the true status of the "Spirit King", is not suitable to listen to the following content.

It was natural that Sui Feng wouldn't fail to hear that he was avoiding himself so obviously, and immediately glared at Yi Long - Forget it if you don't tell me, but you won't allow me to listen to what others have to say?

This time Yilong looked at her calmly, and Suiyu sighed when he saw this, but still said uneasily: "Turn around first... put your clothes on! Do you still want to talk to him alone like this?" Isn’t it? It can’t be intentional, how can it be so decent..."

Said Zhihou, he took the opportunity to scold Jiubei again!
Originally, Sui Feng had not reminded her before, nor had he given her time to put her clothes in order, in order to put extra pressure on her and create a psychological advantage during the interrogation - after all, Sui Feng was a "professional".But……

Now that Yilong is alone with her, Zhanfeng doesn't care about professionalism... No!It is out of professional considerations, and I am worried that someone will be adversely interfered with and affect the efficiency of the interrogation!

After weighing the situation, in the end PUA Jiubei asked her to put on her clothes after guarding her for a while, and then Zaifeng left a little bit.

Now that he had left, the Broken Bee did not try to be clever and hide around to eavesdrop, but actually walked some distance away.

Jiubei had just been scolded by Zaihou, and his heart was in confusion. When he saw the attitude of Shifengyuan Ichiryu, he hesitated and asked: "Do you know about the Soul King?"

Si Fengyuan Yilong specially asked Zai Feng to leave, so he probably knew something about the Soul King, so he didn't want Zui Feng to know about it.

"Well, if it refers to the four ancestors of your family joining forces to attack the Spirit King, I know it." Yilong said calmly.

Kyubey was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot: "What are our four families? It's obviously your four families! We, the Yagyu clan, as the Soul King's bodyguards, want to protect the Soul King!"

"Isn't that right? We, the Sifengyuan clan, are preparing to develop magical weapons that can be used as 'wedges'. We don't agree with your plan..." Yilong is conscientious towards the Sifengyuan clan and will never take the blame.

"I... let's not talk about this for now! It was the Tsunayashiro family who attacked the Soul King! The important point is that after..." Kyubei first put the pot on the Tsunayashiro family, and then continued to talk.

"Since then, the Yagyu clan, which failed to protect the Soul King, began to become a single lineage, and each generation... is very short, so there are rumors that this is the curse of His Majesty the Soul King. When the Yagyu clan's curse When it disappears, it is when the Spirit King is about to return." Yagyu Kyubei revealed the most important secret.

Generations are very short...

Ichiryu looked at Kyubei and understood that this was a euphemism - Yagyu Yuki and Toshimosai, who are less than 1.2 meters tall, are not short, but completely dwarf-like deformities.

In contrast, before, Ichiryu just thought that Jiubei was "a little short" - after all, the male was only 1.5 meters seven, so he was indeed short.

But considering that "he" comes from the Yagyu family, this is already a miracle of genetics...


At this time, Yilong looked at the "belt" in his hand, and suddenly he understood - if Kyubei is a woman, then... 1.5 meters [-] is actually considered a normal height!
"This prophecy...are you sure this is just what it says? Doesn't it mean that the descendants of the Yagyu family who have escaped the curse will awaken the Spirit King?" Yilong was still a little hesitant.

According to what Yagyu Kyubey says now, the meaning of this "prophecy" is that the appearance of Kyubey is just a "premonition" and not a matter of cause and effect. So why did the Tsunayashiro family want to kill "him"?
If you blow up the earthquake monitoring center, there won't be any earthquakes?

"No! This isn't a prophecy, it's just an explanation about my family's curse! Tsunayashiro's guys...are all crazy dogs!" Jiubeyi also knew what Yilong was suspecting.

Hearing this, Yilong nodded slowly - anyone else would not be able to use this excuse, but the explanation of "they are all mad dogs" seems very reasonable when applied to the Tsunayashiro family.

(End of this chapter)

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