Chapter 269 Showdown
Grizzi Tessai sent Jinta and Koameji away - on the one hand, he didn't want them to mention Urahara's matter in front of Shifengin; on the other hand, he also didn't want Shifengin to have any contact with these two children.

after all……

Others don't know their origins, but it's not like Grib Tessai doesn't know!
Even though it was already too late for him to be on guard, Yilong had already seen some clues in them. If Yilong saw it correctly, they should be completely "artificial" life forms like Nirvana...

However, the degree of completion is much higher than that of Nirvana, and it is already a completely independent life.

From this point of view, Nirvana's desire to surpass Kisuke Urahara by "completing the true creation of life" is completely wishful thinking on his part.

The "end" he has been striving for has long been behind Urahara Kisuke.

From body to will, Jin Tai and Xiao Yu are already truly independent beings.

Even their true "identity" is...

"Captain Sifengyuan, I won't bother you to worry about it here." At this time, Xi Ling Te Zhai came over again, blocking Yilong's gaze from looking at the two children, looking very wary.

At this time, the other Shinigami who had been "transported away from the mountain" had also rushed back, including many Shinigami from the medical team. The injured "Masked Shinigami" had been treated one after another.

Even Zhifeng, who was not there originally, rushed back because of the previous fluctuations in spiritual pressure.

At present, those with relatively minor injuries have woken up, and those with relatively serious injuries, such as Fengqiaolou Juro and Aikawa Luowu, are no longer in danger...

"No effort? Captain Urahara was caught in Xuye Palace. No matter as the commander of the expeditionary army or as the family governor of Shifengyuan, I can't sit idly by and ignore it. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to my old family master!" Yilong said with awe-inspiring righteousness! said.

Hearing this, Broken Bee rolled his eyes at the side.

Grizzly Tessai didn't know how to refute for a moment, after all...

It is true that Urahara never said that he betrayed the Shifengin clan and was no longer a retainer of the Shifengin, but before that, no one except Yoruichi regarded him as a member of the Shifengin.

Moreover, Giryo Tessai is not very good at things other than [Kidō] and muscles. Otherwise, with his status as [Daiki Dao Master], he would not have become a wanted criminal in a muddle-headed way.

After holding it in for a long time, Zhi Ling Te Zhai could only say one sentence: "You...have also confessed to Miss Yoichi?"

Yilong pretended not to hear the slander that questioned his loyalty to the Sifengyuan family.

At this time, Pingzi, who had just woken up, interrupted: "Then what are you going to do now? Go to Xuye Palace to rescue Urahara?"

"No, this is exactly what Aizen wants, and... we have more important things now!" Yilong's tone was serious.

"What's more important? More important than defeating Aizen?" Hirako didn't think there was anything more important than this.

"It can also be said to be some preparations for the crusade against Aizen..." Ichiryu's words attracted everyone's attention - not only the Masked Shinigami, but also other vice-captains and chief officers present.

After all, those Yilong brought to the world were all the elites of the crusade, and... they were basically civilian Death Gods.

At this time, Ichiryu no longer pretended, but said it directly: "The crusade against Aizen is ultimately a matter for the entire Seireitei, and it should be done by gathering the strength of the entire Seireitei, not just relying on us."

"Assemble the entire Seireitei..." Hirako rolled his eyes at this time, seeming to have understood what Ichiryu meant.

"Then I wonder how Captain Shifengyuan plans to gather the power of the entire Seireitei." Hirako asked knowingly. "Now that the Seireitei is dominated by traitors, powerful men like Captain Hirako, Captain Shiha, and you all have been framed. The expeditionary army has been squeezed out many times before... We need to assemble the entire Seireitei. With my own power, I should first eliminate all the shortcomings of the Seireitei!" Yilong said it without any cover at this time.

Not only was the [Masked Military Force] who had woken up a little surprised, but also...

Hinamori, Kira, Madarame, Ayase River... these vice-captains and chief officers were also stunned.

"Hey, we don't have time to play Game of Thrones with you." Yazomaru said coldly at this time.

"No, this is not a game of thrones, but a crucial preparation before the crusade against Aizen." Yilong said seriously.

"Commander, Captain, what you call a sycophant..." Kira Izuru had an ominous premonition at this time.

"You will definitely be shocked when I say it, but it is indeed true, it is... the Tsunayashiro family!" Ichiryu said the name "Tsunayashiro" righteously.

Kira Izuru and others heard this...

They all breathed a sigh of relief!

Just now, they thought that Shifengin Ichiryu would say the name "Yamamoto Shigekuni" in the next moment!

When they were in Hueco Mundo, they were not completely unaware of some of the "changes" in the crusade... at least not everyone was completely unaware!
In contrast, the commander-in-chief of Sifengyuan now pointed the finger at a noble...

Even one of the largest nobles is not worth their fuss!
After all, this seems a lot normal. Although it is a bit unfamiliar to "new talents" like Kira Izuru who only became the vice-captain more than 30 years ago, for old gangsters like Madarame and Ayasegawa, the blood of nobles Infighting...and using the power of the Gotei [-] in the infighting. This kind of thing happened more than once or twice in their Shinigami career.

Of course, the former Squad [-] was never involved.

Firstly, it's because Captain Zaraki is not interested in these things; secondly...the former Gotei [-] had old man Yamamoto in charge, and even if a certain squadron was occasionally involved, the involvement would be limited after all; thirdly, it stirred up internal conflicts. The fighting nobles were often wary of the Gotei [-] and did not rely solely on them.

Yilong is now talking about this matter in front of these vice-captains and chief officers, undoubtedly to stabilize these Shinigami for the core circle.

Seeing that no one directly objected, Yilong also revealed the evidence of the Tsunayashiro family's crimes at this time.

When everyone heard that the Tsunayashiro family not only used the collected spiritual pressure to conduct various secret experiments, but also... As expected, those civilian Shinigami who married into or married into the Tsunayashiro family "died" one after another, Even when they were used as experimental subjects, they were both shocked and angry.

Of course, on top of this, there are still some doubts - the prerequisite is that the commander of the Sifengyuan Army did not lie!
Although Yilong also mentioned Zhanfeng, and Zhanfeng did not deny his words, but... based on the relationship between Zhanfeng and him, it is difficult to call it evidence.

And just when many gods of death are still doubtful...

"The Commander of the Sifengyuan Corps is right, and I can prove it!"

At this moment, I saw Yagyu Kyubei coming out...


Dongdong: I’m home. I originally wanted to update again, but I’m feeling dizzy, so I’ll just update today... Updates will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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