Chapter 246 Conspiracy

Aqina is a noble with a title, and her daughters are also well-educated ladies, so when traveling or moving, you need to consider all aspects.

To put it simply, it is dilly-dallying.

Li Ang clearly remembered that before downloading the dungeon, the mother and daughter spent a whole day sorting out all kinds of clothing and matching jewelry. The situation was similar when they moved from Jade Ranch to Saint Denis this time.

We obviously promised to set off in the morning, but it was noon at noon.

A very interesting thing happened during this period. An African lion actually appeared near the ranch.

This is not the modern era of convenient transportation and advanced technology, but 1899.

Most people living in the American continent may have never seen what an African lion looks like in their entire lives.

But people are not stupid either. Just by looking at its ferocious appearance, they know it is not easy to mess with.

So they came to the ranch to ask for help, hoping that the ranch could help them deal with this beast.

However, Nether Dog has also never seen a living lion. After all, it is difficult to see even a cat in 2077.

Fortunately, for the Nether Dog, catching a big cat is no different than catching a kitten.

In this way, Li Ang's family received a strong lion as a gift before leaving.

"My dear, the cat is so cute. How about we raise it?" The eldest lady was full of love and squatted in front of the cage to observe the big cat curiously.

She has never had close contact with this thing.

The lion may have just arrived, and he seemed very uneasy. He kept making threatening growls and roaring like a high-horsepower engine.

Occasionally, it makes pouncing and biting movements in an attempt to scare away the terrifying erect apes surrounding the iron cage.

"It's up to you to decide." Li Ang has no interest in raising ordinary creatures: "But remember to ask your wife for her opinion first. She doesn't want smelly beasts to enter her territory."

Bella agreed: "No problem, I will bathe it often."

The lion didn't know that he had a new master, he just kept roaring, so the eldest lady also showed the fangs in her mouth.

"You're not good, Big Cat."

Under the terrifying pressure of the vampire bride, the African King surrendered instantly, and even his eyes became much clearer.

Seeing it obediently showing its belly, the eldest lady retracted her fangs and showed a satisfied smile.

"Open the cage and take it to take a bath."

"Be obedient from now on, or I'll have to get a new carpet."

Watching the lion, who had no temperament as a beast king, rubbing Bella's hand diligently, Li Ang suddenly remembered how it came to be.

Circus, a circus from England.

The leader of the group is a strange transvestite who claims to be the world's number one female animal trainer. In the group there is a mule dressed as a zebra, a dog disguised as a lion, and an American with stripes painted on it that is said to be a tiger. lion.

The lion that ran to the pasture was the only real thing in the entire circus.

It's the Wild West, it's really wild.

After sighing, Li Ang went directly to the madam.

It happened that Aqina and her two daughters had almost packed up and were finally ready to set off.

Saint-Denis is located southeast of Emerald Ranch and is a long way away. In view of time constraints, the family will first go to Rhodes Town to stay one night to inspect the territory, and then transfer to Saint-Denis.

It was still the big black carriage and its driver Bayek, while Li Ang was sitting in the carriage with the mother and daughter of the Ti family.

When the land under their feet gradually turned reddish brown, it proved that they had left the heart of the earth and entered the southern state of Lemoyne.

The temperature here is higher than that of New Hanover, but it does not appear dry due to the abundant water in the surrounding area.

Li Ang and the others first stopped at Iron Lake for a while and enjoyed the lake view before heading to Rhodes Town.

Rhodes is an old-fashioned and formal town. Although the unique red soil and the constant wind and sand make it look more like the West described in the movie, it is indeed a southern town where plantations are the mainstay. The Lord’s economic model also proves this.

It is worth mentioning that during the Civil War, Lodz was a frontline battlefield, and many war relics still remain.

There are countless retired or disabled Confederate veterans. Many of them have always had deep resentment for the defeat of the South and were unwilling to integrate into normal life. They gathered together to form a gang called the "Lemoyne Raiders" and engaged in Arms trafficking, robbery, theft and other illegal businesses.

But this is all in the past. Since Han Sen came to power, he has begun to expel this group of looters. Those who dare to stay near Rhodes Town basically have only two consequences: hanging or shooting.

Not to mention the defeated Confederate Army, even the regular American army was more than capable of defeating the Ghost Dogs.

Therefore, the predators who were afraid of being killed could only hide in the swamp area to the east and watch the big crocodile baring its teeth all day long.

Coupled with the fact that the two major plantation families that have been here for more than a hundred years have been swept into the garbage heap of history by Han Sen, the security situation in Rhodes Town and surrounding areas has jumped to the best in history.

The Leon family moved into the large manor that was once the territory of one of the families and has now been renamed Dimitrescu.

Although the interior decoration was not as luxurious as the Tijia Castle, it was much better than the Emerald Ranch. Aqina was very satisfied and immediately took her three daughters to visit their new home.

Li Ang was not interested in this and was going to go out with Han Sen to talk about something.

The two got on their horses and walked slowly toward the town at a walking pace.

"Sir, don't you plan to stay in Rhodes for a few more days?" Han Sen asked.

Li Ang looked at the good-growing farmland on both sides of the road: "It depends on Bella and the others' opinions. After all, the purpose of going out this time is to take them to play. It doesn't matter where I go."

Han Sen couldn't help but sigh: "You are really doting on these ladies."

Smart people know not to talk too much about their leader's family affairs, so after saying this, he changed the subject.

"What you just passed through is a tobacco field. In the past, the Gray family's industry, and its rival Braithwaite family started by brewing moonshine. They have monopolized these two industries in Lemoyne State and have made profits for many years. Quite rich, the family assets are no less than those of the mining tycoons."

"By the way, the Braithwaite family has the habit of raising stallions, all of which are top-notch thoroughbred horses."

"There is a dark-colored Turkmen and two Arabians, both of which are reserved for you."

"I've heard that the value of any purebred horse is more than 5000 US dollars, which is more valuable than that boy Arthur's head!"

Li Ang smiled and said: "Mr. Morgan will probably be very unhappy after hearing this."

"Keep those three horses for the ladies. It's enough for me to have Thoret."

As he spoke, he patted the spirit horse's neck.

Torrett snorted happily in response.

Han Sen knew that the spirit horse could understand human speech, so he wisely did not continue talking about other horses in front of it.

Anyway, the things have been sent out, and it is Li Ang's business how to distribute them.

"Sir, I have something to ask your opinion about."

"The Braithwaites have a channel for selling bootleg liquor in Saint-Denis, and they are related to an Italian. This man is a mafia leader and a local gangster in Saint-Denis. Because of the relationship between the Braithwaites and the Braithwaites, he is dissatisfied with us. Feels like we ruined his business.”

"If I want to get rid of him, will it disrupt your original plan?"

Leon asked: "Angelo Bronte?"

Han Sen immediately exclaimed: "Sir, it's him who has such a clever plan!"

Li Ang couldn't predict the situation, but he understood the plot: "He has some relationship with the mayor of Saint-Denis. Just pay attention to this when dealing with it. There will be no other impact."

"I understand." Han Sen nodded: "It's time to take this opportunity to expand our sphere of influence to Saint Denis."

The two of them were chatting when a man suddenly jumped out of the grass next to them.

His hair was frizzy, his whole body smelled bad, he looked panicked, and he looked behind him from time to time.

When he saw Li Ang, he immediately took out a dagger and threatened with a fierce expression: "Get off the horse quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen next."

While talking, the man came to Han Sen's horse and seemed to want to pull him off.

Thanks to the fact that Torret had a pair of horns, he was mistaken for a cow and was not suitable for escaping, so he was subconsciously ignored.

Han Sen looked at the sullen man and frowned.

Half an hour ago, I had boasted to Li Ang about the good security in Rhodes Town, but when I went out, I was blocked and robbed. It was a slap in the face.

"Anders Brotherhood?"

The man was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

"Then you don't know me?" An angry Han Sen took out his gun and blew his head off.

The Anders Brotherhood is a small local gang in Rhodes with only a few members, but they cheat and commit all kinds of evil. The Nether Dogs are encircling them these days.

"I'm extremely sorry for making you laugh." Han Sen said in shame.

Li Ang said indifferently: "There is no need to blame yourself. In these days, desperadoes are like weeds and can never be cleaned up."

Just as he was talking, another 'desperate' emerged from the grass.

This man wore a black gambler's hat, a beard, a bullet belt on his back, and a bag on his waist. He was tall and burly.

Li Ang suddenly showed a strange smile when he saw this.

"Wow, Mr. Morgan, is there anything more coincidental than meeting old friends again?"

When Arthur saw these two familiar faces, he couldn't wait to get back into the grass. You can meet him wherever you go! Oh, this is someone else’s territory, so that’s okay.

"Mr. Li Ang, Colonel Han Sen, good afternoon."

Li Ang nodded in greeting, but Han Sen looked serious.

"Didn't you promise me that you won't appear near Rhodes in the future?"

Arthur adjusted his holster awkwardly, for the specific reason he was too embarrassed to explain clearly.

After the riot in Valentine, the Fan Gang could no longer stay in New Hanover and had to flee.

There are snow-capped mountains to the north, a bitter cold land to the east, and Blackwater Town to the west. Going south is the only good choice.

Arthur's initial suggestion was to locate the new camp in a marshy area between Rhodes and Saint-Denis.

Although the environment there is ordinary, it is inaccessible and it is a good place to hide.

Dutch did the opposite and insisted on stationing the camp at Clemons Point next to Iron Lake.

The reason given is also quite sufficient: with Li Ang and Han Sen here, Rhodes Town is the safest place in the world.

When Arthur thought about it carefully, it really made sense.

Hosea had no objection. He was one of the few people in the gang who advocated cooperation with Li Ang.

The agreement of the three giants meant that the others agreed, so all members of the Fan Gang quietly established a new base in Clemons this morning.

When arriving in a new place, it is natural to get familiar with the surrounding environment. The three giants of the Fan Gang simply took a short trip to visit Rhodes Town.

Halfway through, I encountered the Ghost Dogs hunting down the Anders Brotherhood.

Dutch came up with an idea. Since the gang was going to work in Rhodes Town in the future, they would inevitably have to deal with Hansen. It would be beneficial to the gang to make friends with him without any harm.

So he decided to send his general, Arthur, to help the Nether Dog catch the criminals.

Although Arthur felt that it was ridiculous, there was no reason for a thief to catch a thief, but in the end he still chose to carry out the boss's order.

He ran away, chased, chased, and finally caught up to Li Ang.

"I'm helping the Sheriff of Rhodes Town catch the criminal." Arthur explained awkwardly.

Han Sen raised his eyebrows and asked teasingly: "What, you finally understand that there is no future in joining a gang, and are you planning to change your career to become a bounty hunter?"

Li Ang opened his mouth to help Arthur: "Go and see if that corpse is the person you want to arrest. If so, the colonel should give Mr. Morgan a credit."

Han Sen couldn't help but mutter: "I beat him to death."

"It's because I chased him here that you had the chance to kill him." Arthur didn't suffer at all.

After inspecting the body and confirming that it was correct, the top thug carried it on his horse, apparently treating it as his trophy.

It's a pity that I couldn't search the corpse for property in front of Li Ang and Han Sen. It was a loss.

Han Sen didn't care about Arthur, because no matter who caught the criminal, it would all be attributed to his good governance as the mayor.

"Sir, do you want to see Mr. Van der Linde?"

Li Ang nodded in agreement: "Let's go, it's also idle to be idle."

Arthur was a little nervous after hearing this.

I hope that Daqi will not have any conflict with Li Ang because of the last beating.

Soon, the two waves of people converged.

It turned out that Arthur's worries were unnecessary.

Daqi has been around the world for so many years, and he is very good at talking nonsense to people and ghosts. He praised Li Ang and Han Sen for it.

All kinds of good words came out of his mouth in different ways.

Even Hosea, who has known him for decades, was surprised by his low posture. Is this still the extremely proud Dutch van der Linde?

Li Ang listened with interest to the King of Ideas' free compliment.

At this moment, Han Sen had already set his sights on Arthur: "Mr. Morgan, he said that your marksmanship is quite good and your skills are also good. Are you interested in coming to the town and becoming a police chief?"

"???" Arthur looked confused, suspecting that he heard wrongly.

He was wanted by two states, West Elizabeth and New Hanover, and he was actually qualified as a police sergeant in Lemoyne. This mayor must be mentally ill.

After hearing this, Dutch was extremely positive and kept winking at Arthur.

"The mayor has a unique vision! As a brother of mine, with his good skills and strong sense of justice, he is the perfect choice for the Sheriff!"

"Hosea, are you right?"

Hosea also reacted at this time: "Yes, yes, Dutch is right. As a member of Rhodes Town, I support Arthur being the Sheriff with both hands!"

If Arthur becomes Sheriff, it will not only benefit him alone, but the entire gang will benefit. This is absolutely a piece of cake for the Fan Gang, who is almost at the end of their rope.

Li Ang saw that it was quite interesting for the two of them to sing in harmony, so he agreed: "Indeed."

Four votes to one, Arthur couldn't do it even if he didn't want to.

"Then let me try?"

Dutch happily patted his shoulders: "Congratulations, Sheriff Morgan!"

Then, the King of Ideas changed the topic: "Although Arthur is very capable, his personality is always a bit reckless. How about you let me stay with him as a deputy police chief, a police officer or something, and help him come up with ideas?"

The purpose of this move was to test whether Han Sen could speak well, and he became a deputy police chief in Bai Lao. If he failed, there would be no loss.

Of course, Han Sen couldn't be fooled, so he refused without mercy: "You have a good idea, do you need me to put all the members of your gang into the police station?"

Dutch chuckled: "Don't be angry, Mr. Mayor, I just said it casually."

The originally lively atmosphere among a few people turned cold.

Arthur wanted to stand with Dutch, but he was afraid of living up to his and Hosea's expectations, so he could only stand aside silently.

At the same time, I have already predicted that this police chief may not be that easy to be.

Li Ang broke the silence at the right time, this time the target was Hosea.

"Mr. Matthews, I heard that you are a talkative gentleman with many connections in nearby states. Are you interested in doing me a favor?"

Hosea immediately said: "You are too polite. Just say it, I will try my best."

"That's it." Li Ang said slowly: "I recently started a new private wine business, selling it to Saint-Denis, but I lack a calm and experienced person to help me deal with that group of city dwellers. Are you interested in cooperating? "

Hosea hesitated and looked at Dutch subconsciously.

Dutch nodded calmly, meaning that he could agree first. This would also be an opportunity for the gang to make money.

But Hosea was still hesitant. He always felt that something was wrong.

"Can I go back and think about it first?"

Li Ang agreed: "Of course there is no problem. Since it is cooperation, both parties must be satisfied."

Hosea said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Li Ang. I will give you an accurate answer as soon as possible."

"Easy to say." Li Ang waved his hand: "That's it for today. It's getting late. Mr. Morgan remember to come to the town Sheriff's Office tomorrow. Don't be late on the first day of work."

"I will." Arthur replied muffledly.

Afterwards, Li Ang and Han Sen fought and left, leaving the three giants of the Fan Gang behind.

Dutch could no longer hold back his excitement and laughed: "Hahaha, what did I say before I came here? Rhodes Town is our blessed place!"

“You’ve got the position of Sheriff, but you’re still worried that you won’t be able to make any money?”

"It won't be long before we can grow mangoes in Tahiti!"

Arthur agreed perfunctorily: "Yes, you are right."

He was thinking about what he should do as a police chief. If a gang member committed a crime, would they bend the law for personal gain or exterminate relatives for justice?

Judging from the current situation, he will definitely choose the latter.

Hosea expressed his concerns: "I'm afraid that I will be too closely tied to Ross and end up becoming their vassal."

Dutch is still optimistic: "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on you and get out immediately if there is any problem."

"I hope so." Hosea rubbed his eyebrows.

As the sky loses its last light, the Big Three return to their new camp and inform all the gang members about Arthur's appointment as Sheriff.

Everyone was so happy.

Is there such a good thing in the world? Are you not allowed to walk sideways in Rhodes Town from now on? It should be no problem to engage in some illegal small businesses. Who let them have Sheriff Morgan?

Fortunately, Dutch still has a conscience and knows that Arthur, the police chief, is not easy to do, so he vaccinates the members in advance.

From now on all illegal gang activity, please avoid Rhodes Town.

Of course, he has no control over gray activities that cannot be considered crimes, such as lending and credit.

(End of this chapter)

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