The son-in-law of Mr. Hachishaku

Chapter 87 Big Brother, Myself!

Chapter 87 Big Brother, Myself!

In order to get in touch with McMullen, Alex went to the military base near the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.

By absorbing the memories of a Blackwatch commander, he learned:

McMullen developed the virus detection equipment that was placed around the Genetec Building. Now this technology has been upgraded, and a more portable drone-mounted version has appeared.

It is capable of detecting viruses at concentrations of one in [-] in the air.

With these keen drones, Blackwatch has a plan to capture them.

Alex immediately realizes that not only is he safe, but the places he has been are no longer safe.

And he had just left his sister's hiding place.

I have a special ability to escape at any time, but Dina can't do it.

For the sake of his sister, Alex had to temporarily put aside the task of finding McMullen, and turned around to eliminate the drone detectors around the hideout.

In fact, he was worried about whether there would be any problems with Karen, but in comparison, his sister was more important.

Besides, Karen still has Li Ang to protect him, so maybe he is not needed at all.

Unfortunately, Alex thought too much. The messenger he thought was protecting the flowers was currently staying at the Red Crown Base as General Randall.

General's office.

Li Ang tapped his fingers on the desktop regularly, and the computer in front of him was broadcasting the latest news about the virus:
[The Gentech biological leakage incident has now been determined by the authorities as a biological attack on the entire city, and the suspect Alex Mercer has been listed as the most wanted criminal]
[See details about the suspect next]
Li Ang closed the computer and the broadcast stopped abruptly.

Even though he, the commander, has not shown up for a long time, Black Watch has done a lot of work. Everyone knows that the blame has been passed to Brother A, and his subjective initiative is very high.

"Captain Cross."

"I'm here, sir!" The tall and burly Cross stepped forward, his resolute face and the scar on his lip added a hint of ferocity to him.

Li Ang stood up, walked around the desk and patted him on the shoulder.

"Keep your men on standby and there will be work soon."

Cross stood at attention and saluted: "Yes, sir!"

"In addition." Leon paused: "Drop all charges against Leon Vladimir and stop arresting him."

As soon as the words came out, Cross immediately widened his eyes: "But."

Li Ang sat back on the chair and leaned back: "Not so much, but times have changed, he is now one of us, obey orders!"

"Yes, sir!" Cross said loudly.

He had just doubted it before, but now he was finally sure that the Randall in front of him was definitely the original body Odin.

He just had some doubts in his heart as to why Elizabeth didn't tell him such an important thing.

Just as he was trying to contact Elizabeth through the brood consciousness, a person next to him who had remained silent said, "General, what do you mean by your own people?"

There are actually only three people in the office. Apart from Leon and Cross, the remaining one is Dr. McMullen, whom Brother A is obsessed with.

McMullen is 49 years old this year. He wears glasses, his hair is meticulously combed, and he wears a well-dressed black suit. He exudes the aura of a scholar, but his too high nose bridge and deep-set eye sockets make his expression look ugly. It looks a little gloomy.

"General, I'm not questioning you, I just want to know, what do you mean by your own people?"

McMullen repeated the previous question.

Li Ang said with a normal face: "Odin found me in private and expressed his willingness to serve Black Watch, so I incorporated him into my personal guard. Do you have any questions, doctor?"

Speaking of this, he turned his head and said to Cross: "I almost forgot, go and write a set of personal information for Lieutenant Leon, and say that he is a participant in the super soldier project."

"Understood!" Chris nodded in agreement, while thinking to himself.

He, the elite captain and the supreme commander, are both infected, and now there are multiple virus pathogens in the team. Although the latter two are the same person, it is enough to explain a lot of problems.

This Black Watch will end sooner or later!
McMullen next to him was a little anxious: "General, do you want to think about it again before making a decision? The original virus is very dangerous, especially Odin's identity and background is so mysterious. I'm afraid he has other purposes that will be detrimental to the general."

"My suggestion is to temporarily hand him over to me for preliminary research and find a way to control him, so that nothing will go wrong."

These words almost made Li Ang angry, and the abacus pearls almost collapsed on his face.

Others have other purposes, but you, McMullen, don’t?

As far as Li Ang knew, the Gentec research director always believed that all Blackwatch, including General Randall, were a group of stupid and short-sighted people.

Only science can unravel the mysteries of viruses and their impact on life on Earth.

In order to be qualified to study black light, he founded Gentek, and he did not hesitate to cooperate with Black Watch, which he had always looked down on.

To some extent, McMullen and Elizabeth are essentially the same kind of people, they are the kind of people who will not give up until they reach their goals, and are willing to give up everything for their ideals and ambitions.

He had long been interested in the virogen, even obsessed.

Alex couldn't get it in a short time, so it was counted on Li Ang.

Naturally, Li Ang would not let him get his wish and directly changed the subject: "Don't you have something to share with us today? Now that I have time, let's take it out and take a look."

The strength of the general made McMullen temporarily dismiss the thoughts in his mind, and he could only continue to follow the topic:

"Well, I have newly developed a portable virus detector. I want the general to observe the effect. If possible, I would like to deploy a large number of them in the Scarlet Crown to strengthen the defense of the base."

"Portable?" Li Ang really didn't have any impression of the plot: "Take it out and have a look."

After hearing this, McMullen took out a rectangular instrument from the box he carried with him.

There are many wires and a few buttons on it, plus a row of warning lights.

"Let me briefly show its function for the two of you. As long as the machine is running, if no virus is detected around, the green light will be on. If there is, then it will be on red light, accompanied by a piercing sound"

While speaking, he pressed the start button.

Suddenly, the warning light on the machine flashed red crazily, accompanied by a shrill siren.

McMullen's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at the two people in front of him in disbelief.

Li Ang's face was still calm, and he said with a smile: "Doctor, there should be no problem with this thing? Could there be infected people in my office?"

"Are you right, Captain?"

Chris had a dull expression, staring straight at the machine in McMullen's hand.

Fortunately, he reacted immediately and echoed: "Yes, the general is right! How could there be infected people in the base, it is simply an insult to our Black Watch."

McMullen hurriedly turned off the machine and couldn't help but take out his handkerchief and wipe the sweat from his forehead.He also suspected that the detector might be broken.

After all, only the original virus can disguise itself as someone else, and with two people in front of him, it is impossible for both people to be disguised as the original virus.

"I'm sorry to make you and the captain laugh, General. There must be something wrong with the machine."

Li Ang waved his hand magnanimously: "It doesn't matter. If there is a problem, just improve it. Failure once is not terrible, failure is terrible."

"Yes, you are right." McMullen kept sweating on his forehead, and he kept wiping it.

In any case, he didn't dare to stay in this place any longer, what if the detector wasn't actually broken.

"General, I have other things to do here, so I won't bother you, and leave."

How could Li Ang let him leave easily, and winked directly at Cross.

Cross also knew that the two were now grasshoppers on a rope, and if they were exposed, it would be all over, so he kicked McMullen's knee violently, knocking him down and subduing him.

A scholar meets a soldier. No matter how smart the doctor is, he is just a weak scientific researcher. How can he be the opponent of a soldier like Cross? One of his legs was almost kicked off on the spot.

Beads of sweat rolled down from between his brows, his neck was bulging, his face turned purple, and before he could scream out, Cross covered his mouth.

Li Ang walked from behind the desk to McMullen, kicked his unconscious leg, and pretended to blame: "Captain, you hit too hard, be gentle with our doctor!"

Cross knelt on McMullen's neck as he drew a belt to bind his hands.

"Sorry sir, I was negligent!"

McMullen finally recovered from the severe pain. While coughing due to suffocation, he asked: "Are you Alex?"

Li Ang knelt down and looked at him: "The person you are looking for is not here." Then he said to the captain indifferently: "Kill him."

Cross acted immediately and wiped McMullen's neck with a tactical dagger.

The blood stained the floor instantly, McMullen's eyes became darker and darker, his body twitched twice and then stopped moving.

Li Ang returned to his seat and asked meaningfully: "Captain, I often hear people say that only dead people keep secrets. Do you agree?"

Cross understood the subtext of the words, and quickly replied: "I don't agree, sir, I can also keep a secret."

"Very good." Li Ang changed the topic: "Contact Elizabeth, and she will tell you what to do."

Cross wanted to contact the mother body a long time ago, but before he could exchange a few words, his face quickly stepped down, and he murmured: "She said, let me listen to you, sir."

Li Ang showed an expected smile. He was now Elizabeth's favorite and the first in line to succeed.

"In that case, I have a task for you."

Cross lowered his head respectfully: "You say."

"Go to St. Paul's Hospital and find a doctor named Grande and bring him to me."

"Also, there is the first patient infected with the virus in New York in an abandoned base in the quarantine area. Bring him here too."

Cross nodded in agreement and had to dispose of McMullen's body when he left.

But Li Ang stopped him: "Keep it, I'm still useful."

"As ordered." Cross walked out of the office and gathered people to find the person Li Ang wanted.

On the other side, Alex, who experienced a bloody storm, destroyed more than a dozen armored vehicles and helicopters, killed hundreds of Black Watch soldiers, and finally solved all the drone detectors before they found his sister.

After confirming that the hideout was safe, they set off again to find McMullen, not forgetting to collect virus genetic samples along the way.

After a period of exploration, Alex collected a sufficient number of virus samples, but still could not find a way to enter the Reagan, which made him a little discouraged.

In desperation, I decided to go back to my sister first.

As a result, as soon as she arrived at the hideout, Dina gave Alex a surprise. She thought of a way to contact McMullen.

It turned out that she learned through the news that Black Watch's scientific research team was constantly sending people to infected nests across New York. It seemed that there was something eager to investigate.

And these scientific research groups must have come into contact with McMullen, who is also a scientific researcher.

Find them, and extract McMullen's whereabouts from them.

Alex thought his sister had a good idea, so he went ahead and immediately set off to the infected lair in the quarantine area to find the Black Watch research team.

The infected's lair and Elizabeth's lair are not the same thing, but they are similar. They are both buildings that have been contaminated by the virus due to the gathering of too many infected people.

Alex easily found a member of the scientific research team near the lair. After absorbing and assimilating him, an even bigger surprise hit him.

The purpose of the scientific research team here is to cooperate with the Blackwatch combat troops to clean up the infected people inside the lair, reduce the virus concentration, and prepare for McMullen to enter the lair to study the virus.

Alex was overjoyed to learn the news, unaware that the person he wanted to see was almost bleeding out.

Go back to Li Ang.

He absorbed and assimilated McMullen's body, leaving no trace behind.

When it comes to destroying corpses and eradicating traces, the black light virus is number one.

What surprised him even more was that although McMullen's memory was not acquired after being absorbed after death, the disguise was still unaffected.

Li Ang suddenly felt interesting, he and Brother A could meet again soon.

Just as I was thinking, someone knocked on the door outside.

Li Ang sat upright, and said solemnly: "Come in."

An officer wearing a white combat uniform walked into the office, first saluted, and then said: "Report sir, I'm here to find Dr. McMullen, his helicopter is ready, and he can set off to search the lairs of infected people at any time!"

Li Ang thought for a moment, and replied: "The plan is canceled and changed to another time. The doctor has other tasks today."

The officer seemed a little worried: "Sir, where is the doctor? I'll ask him to confirm."

Li Ang heard that he grabbed a stack of documents on the table, slammed them on him, and angrily said: "Are you his subordinate or mine, get out and do something!"

Only then did the officer realize that he had committed a taboo, he quickly picked up the scattered documents and put them away, and ran out of the office in despair.

Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

Picking up the phone on the table, he said: "As soon as Captain Cross comes back, ask him to come to the office to see me. Also, sort out all the information about the untouchables and send it to me."

 Let's count the tickets, please, please~
(End of this chapter)

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