In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 135 The most common tricks

Lu Chuan followed Fang Yuan, seemingly speaking without saying a word: "Do you think I can find a job in the village after I go to university?"

In fact, every sentence is a trap, leading Fang Yuan to slip into the trap.

That was definitely not going to work. Fang Yuan looked up at Lu Chuan and seriously suggested, "Wouldn't it be better for you to live in a workhouse with me?"

Lu Chuan twitched his lips. In order to save the crane, his wife went crazy and the couple lived in a work shed. Fortunately, Fang Yuan could think of it.

Then Lu Chuan didn't say it was not good to live in a work shed. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "I mainly think about my children. Is it a bit aggrieved to live in a work shed?"

He even took a special look at Fang Yuan's belly.

Fang Yuan also looked at her belly, which had nothing in it. The child must not be wronged, and there would definitely be a child.

Therefore, in Fang Yuan's plan, children have always existed, and she said cruelly: "Some money still has to be spent." Fang Yuan was willing to give up for the sake of her children.

Fang Yuan stomped her feet and grinded her molars: "I just think that all my hard work has been in vain. It's really better to buy a mixer. That thing can make money."

Lu Chuan didn't talk about money or houses, but people just talked about the children: "Isn't it true? You said it's not easy to raise children. All mothers are great. They are not generous for men or themselves. They are so willing to do it for their children. .”

Fang Yuan glared and said to Lu Chuan, "That's a must. That's a child, it's a must."

That is, Lu Chuan can still control Fang Yuan's pursuit of children.

You see, Lu Chuan handled this perfectly.So who has the final say on how to spend money? It’s really hard to draw a conclusion.

Although the two of them were willing to spend money, they really had no direction on where to buy a house.

Fang Yuan said, something so expensive here will definitely not work.When people buy a house, there is a price limit.

Lu Chuanxin said, we can't buy it here either.And it’s really hard to say what the price of the house will be.Fang Yuan knew it when she bought it.

The two people were chatting here, and the uncle over there listened for a long time, and he also understood why this guy had deceived his wife.

Fortunately, the couple who received the certificate seemed to have a good relationship with the brother-in-law and brother-in-law, otherwise the uncle would really regard Lu Chuan as a pretty boy.

However, buying a house is to buy a family property. It is a serious matter. The uncle then said: "You are quite wealthy. This is all about buying a house."

Lu Chuan was very modest as his wealth was not exposed, "Uncle, that's the plan. We are young, we must have some hope and run towards life."

The uncle had a good impression of Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan, and was willing to say a few more words: "It's done, your wife is a hard-working wife, so there will be no difference in life."

Then he said: "The houses here are indeed expensive and troublesome. I bought them without knowing the reason. If you don't evict so many residents, they will be troublesome."

Hearing this, Lu Chuan knew that what they were saying was just useful information, so he quickly poured water for the uncle. He would not suffer any loss if he listened to a few more words. He was not being humble anymore: "Uncle, please say a few more words. We don't understand the secrets here." ."

The uncle was happy. When he met someone who understood, he didn't push Lu Chuan. That was not his attitude just now.

The uncle said a few words roughly: "The houses on the edge of the city are cheap. Don't be afraid of being out of the way. Don't be afraid of breaking down. Repair it yourself. It will be more comfortable than living in a large courtyard with a group of people. There is no trouble."

Fang Yuan is not afraid of hearing the word "cheap": "Uncle, we are not afraid of cheapness or remoteness. We have people who can repair the house."

The uncle couldn't help laughing and teased Fang Yuan: "I know you have someone."

Lu Chuan interrupted this unpleasant conversation: "You can't talk nonsense, there are no people around, and it can't be too remote. The children will go to school in the future."

The uncle glanced at Lu Chuan: "You think far ahead." Fang Yuan: "That's right, I still have a few years to go to school. Let's go and walk around the city. Choose one where no one lives, right? Uncle."

The uncle nodded, but he understood the key points and said jokingly: "Girl, you are so impressive that you are not afraid of people living there. If you let us move, no one will dare to refuse."

Fang Yuan turned around and asked Lu Chuan seriously: "It's not like you're praising me."

The uncle has already put down the cup and left. This young couple is quite capable.

Lu Chuan didn't even know that the uncle's few words were so effective that he could locate the house wherever he went.

Fang Yuan, she is really an activist.Lu Chuan just started to slowly convince him, but they had already taken action.

Lu Chuan wanted to say that he still had plenty of money, so he could look for it somewhere closer to the city.

It's a pity that Fang Yuan really didn't think about how much money she had to make.If you are looking for something cheap, you can find a place.I have no pursuit of this person.

Lu Chuan coaxed Fang Yuan: "It's better than a compliment." Then the young couple happily went out to tour the house.

I have never thought that buying a house is still a technical job, and it does not mean that you can buy it if you have money.

Lu Chuan took Fang Yuan around the provincial capital on a bicycle. Fang Yuan was only interested in looking at the house, but it was a pity that he couldn't do it the right way. You may not sell it if you like it.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry. He mainly wanted to take his wife to spend a day in the provincial capital. The house was a big deal. I had never heard of it. I bought it immediately if I wanted to. There was no rush.

I have never seen Fang Yuan so impatient. When she said she wanted to buy, she had to rush to the house.

It was an impetuous person wandering around the streets with a careless attitude.

When he saw uneaten snacks on the road, Lu Chuan stopped and ran over to buy them for Fang Yuan.He stuffed it into Fang Yuan's mouth like a treasure.

Fang Yuan couldn't refuse to eat, but after eating, she complained to Lu Chuan: "I still have too much change in your hand. Why don't you buy everything."

People are eating it and disgusting it with their mouths, and they belong to the group of people who avoid buying but not eating.

Lu Chuan was not annoyed. As long as Fang Yuan likes to eat, everyone will remember it and will buy it next time: "It's okay. You can give her less later."

He doesn't care about how much money he has in his hand. Fang Yuan won't see him having no money in his pocket anyway.

Fang Yuan was a little annoyed. She let Lu Chuan take control of this matter. She was afraid that Lu Chuan didn't have enough money, so she gave her too much. As a result, Lu Chuan was buying things randomly everywhere.

Fang Yuan ate delicious snacks: "You don't spend so much money outside, do you?"

Lu Chuan: "You can check the account. How much did you give me, how did you spend it, how much did you eat, how much did you spend, and I will report it to you in the evening."

Lu Chuan was so open-minded that he could talk more with Fang Yuan, which showed that Fang Yuan cared about him to the extreme.

This was quite good. Fang Yuan was willing to do so. Then Fang Yuan asked a rare and considerate question: "Will it make me look stingy?"

Lu Chuan, the love brain, opened his mouth and said, "It means you care about me." He doesn't care who checks this thing, right?Anyway, that's what Lu Chuan didn't think about.

Fang Yuan: "Then forget it." She actually didn't have the spare time.

Lu Chuan didn't know whether he should feel disappointed or not. His wife didn't want to care about him so much.

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