In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 141 A big wave of dog food is coming

Chapter 141 A big wave of dog food is coming
When they returned home, the five tigers asked Fang Yuan privately: "What's going on with you? You have to carry a hot water bottle when you go out."

You're not this delicate when you're at home, right?
Fang Yuan glanced at Wuhu: "The doctor said, if you want to have children, you have to be careful."

Wu Hu: "No, when did you find the doctor? Or was it because your brother-in-law urged you to get anxious?"

As an older brother, he still cares about girls. Although he is anxious about this matter, he cannot bear it all on his own.

As a result, Fang Yuan said: "Shouldn't you be anxious? I want to be pregnant with his child, so why shouldn't he be anxious?"

Wuhu was suffocated by Fang Yuan, so he couldn't say, I was afraid that you would be stressed because there were no children at home to be upset.

Do you feel like you are a bit redundant?You worry too much, and people still don't appreciate it.

Wuhu looked at Fang Yuan, she was his sister, he couldn't be angry, and comforted her with a few words: "Don't be too anxious about the child. The eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law, and the third sister-in-law didn't get pregnant for a year and a half. "

Fang Yuan's thinking was something that the Five Tigers would never be able to catch up with in their lifetime, so they heard Fang Yuan say: "I can't compare to that misbehaving one, Fifth Brother, do you think it's our family that can't do it?"

Wuhu was really angry when he faced Fang Yuan. The first sentence was forgotten, but the latter sentence was taken care of: "Did the brother-in-law say that?"

Fang Yuan is much more powerful than the Five Tigers: "He dares."

Wuhuxin said, I don't dare to look at him.Then his expression softened: "You can't bury your own family like this."

Fang Yuan: "But tell me, why am I not pregnant?" I have never seen someone push my own family so hard.

Wuhu refused to discuss this issue with his sister. It would be amazing if he knew.It definitely has nothing to do with their family not being able to do it, the Fang family has to do it.

Wuhu rubbed his scalp and comforted Fang Yuan: "Don't worry, you are still young, and my brother-in-law is still in school."

Fang Yuan: "But he is not young anymore. When my eldest brother was his age, he hugged his son."

Wu Hu: "Don't think too much. I told my brother-in-law not to worry."

Fang Yuan immediately turned her face: "What? You have to make him anxious. Do you know how to be sensible?" Is it possible to persuade people? Fifth brother is not good at this.

You talk about the mood of the five tigers, who wants a child or who can't get pregnant? Why can't you figure it out so much?

Wuhu asked Lu Chuan to go out for a drink at night. Lu Chuan was reluctant: "Brother Wu, it's cold at night. Go back to the house and bring the cold wind. Don't go."

Then: "It's so boring to leave Fang Yuan at home alone. Otherwise, let's ask Fang Yuan to go with us, or buy it back and eat it."

The Five Tigers took the person away directly.drink wine.

No matter how good the relationship with Lu Chuan is, they still have to discuss the issue of having children. Wuhu: "Brother-in-law, are you anxious to have a child?"

Lu Chuan was absentmindedly accompanying his uncle, his thoughts were on his wife: "Don't be in a hurry."

Wuhu: "Then you are worried that Fang Yuan won't get pregnant, so you are anxious to send her to the hospital. Wuhu has no other intention, he just wants to ask."

Lu Chuan finally focused on the fifth brother. No wonder the fifth brother had to invite him to drink in the cold weather. He couldn't help but laugh.

Wuhuxin said, I'm asking you seriously, why are you laughing?

Lu Chuan: "Fifth brother, I didn't go there. If I can't get pregnant this month, Fang Yuan will probably think I'm sick and take me to the hospital."

Wuhu didn't dare to say that it was impossible. After all, Fang Yuan asked him to persuade Lu Chuan to have a child in a hurry.What my brother-in-law said was really unstoppable.

He wanted to find out what was going on between these two couples.Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain to my dad and mom when I get home.

Wu Hu thought of Fang Yuan's words: "Aren't you eager to have a child?"

Lu Chuan said casually, but his meaning was really deep and important: "We have just been married, it has only been a month, why are we in a hurry." The five tigers just stupidly digested this unexpected news. The timing is wrong, it has been half a year since they got married. Asked: "One month?"

Lu Chuan shut up and said no more.At this point in time, Fifth Brother needs to realize it himself.

As expected of brother and sister, Satoru understood, but the direction of the question was unexpected. Wuhu: "You didn't like my sister at first."

Lu Chuan: "Fifth brother, without any wrongdoing, just say, whether you like it or not, am I the one who has the final say on what happens at home, inside, and outside?"

Lu Chuan's question was too unforgettable and too clear.

Wu Hu believed it and nodded: "That's true." It didn't matter what Lu Chuan thought about Fang Yuan's temperament.

Lu Chuan could be regarded as successfully passing the test.

Then Lu Chuan spoke more relaxedly: "I haven't had a child for a month, so I went to the hospital immediately. Fifth brother, you know, you are so impatient. I laugh when I think about it."

He was kicked by the five tigers, which made him laugh, but his own sister was really like this, there was nothing he could say about it.

Lu Chuan coughed twice and said, "It's good to let the doctor take a look at it. It's good to recuperate your body."

Wu Hu: "Brother-in-law, I noticed that after you arrived in the provincial capital, you have changed a lot. You are becoming more and more good at spending money. Even if you are not sick, you are looking for medicine."

Lu Chuan looked up at Fifth Brother and quickly admitted his mistake: "I will change it."

Otherwise, what can we do? Can you tell me, Fifth Brother, do you and Fang Yuan have similar reactions?

Lu Chuan: "Fifth brother, don't worry about the child. Let Fang Yuan worry about it. If we really can't conceive in two years, we will go check it out together."

People are not taboo about seeing doctors or anything like that. Wuhu said, "Don't let her be too easy."

Lu Chuan smiled again: "Fifth brother, I think it's pretty good."

Wuhu felt as if someone had stuffed a bowl of greasy stuff into his stomach, which made him feel extremely stuffed.

From now on, it would be better for me to stay less involved in the couple's affairs: "Brother-in-law, let me tell you, when I came to the provincial capital, my mother asked me to keep an eye on her, either because she was afraid that you would bully Fang Yuan or because she wanted to watch. Let’s see how you two get along.”

Lu Chuan muttered: "Mom is afraid that Fang Yuan will bully me."

The Five Tigers can't say that this is really not the case: "We are all a family, and no one can bully anyone. However, I really won't get along with each other in the future, and I feel sad when I see it."

Lu Chuan stared at Brother Fifth with a look that said, "We get along well, why are you feeling sad?"I really don’t understand the reversal of Fifth Brother.

Wuhu: "Brother wants to get married, and he also wants to find someone who will treat her well with all my heart."

You see, Lu Chuan is so proud and envied by his fifth brother.

Then Wuhu asked: "Brother-in-law, what do you see about Fang Yuan?" He was really asking for advice humbly, but he really didn't understand.

That last sentence must have come from drinking too much.Otherwise, this wouldn't be something a brother-in-law can say.

When Lu Chuan helped Wuhu go back: "When I saw Fang Yuan, I wanted to laugh. I felt happy, happy from the bottom of my heart."

Wuhu: "I'd be happy if I didn't spend money on you."

Lu Chuan: "Well, I would be even happier if I could coax Fang Yuan to spend money on me. Fifth brother, I'm just happy because I miss her."

(End of this chapter)

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