In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 156 The request is a bit simple

Lu Chuan felt sorry for his mother-in-law and advised Fang Yuan: "Mom will definitely be worried if we are away from home all year round. When you come back in the future, you will talk to her about big and small things to reassure her."

Fang Yuan is really thoughtful, but she only uses it to help others: "Then what if she talks nonsense?"

Lu Chuan felt that he was still aboveboard: "There is nothing we are afraid of our mother knowing about?"

Fang Yuan: "Fifth brother still has something going on there, and it's not appropriate for our mother to know about it."

Lu Chuan laughed. The old mother-in-law's side is not easy to use for the stubbornness of the daughter-in-law and the fifth brother. "Don't worry, our mother is a sensible person. You and the fifth brother don't have to worry about the selfishness of you and the fifth brother." Use it in front of mom."

Fang Yuan: "Do you look down on us brothers?" She became annoyed when she spoke, and she even stopped covering her hands with Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan fooled Fang Yuan: "I envy you and fifth brother. Really, people with so many evil intentions don't even have a companion."

Fang Yuan was so fooled that she accidentally told the truth: "That's true, let me tell you, if you didn't have the brain to make money, I wouldn't want to play with you."

If it weren't for this couple, Fang Yuan would definitely be hiding from Lu Chuan. She was not the only one who was so thoughtful.

Lu Chuan had an expression on his face, and he really didn't know what to say: "You look down on me so much. You don't look at my face except for my brain." He didn't dare to ask Fang Yuan to see the connotation.

Fang Yuan's face was filled with disgust, but that was not a plus: "You are not reliable if you look at a pretty boy. It's better not to look at him."

Don’t think about this carefully. Does it mean that if it was a blind date, Fang Yuan would not take herself into consideration?

Why is this realization so frustrating?

Lu Chuan felt that the room was hot and irritating: "Fang Yuan, I tell you, I have a bad temper, you can't be so unkind to me. Be careful of me getting angry."

Fang Yuan didn't take it seriously. What could she do if she got annoyed?He can still go to heaven: "Don't talk anymore, I haven't slept anymore. Go out for a while. Isn't it busy outside?"

Lu Chuan was easily brought up by Fang Yuan and said, "Let's just do that. I originally thought of inviting a few companions to come over and have fun, but the result is famine. We might as well just stay at home."

Fang Yuan had no idea about this. Lu Chuan and the others could arrange it no matter what: "Then we should go over to mom's place. It would be fun to talk as a family together."

Followed by: "It's okay to watch other people's excitement, but it will cause trouble for yourself."

Lu Chuan pulled Fang Yuan, and the two of them sat on the hot bed, squinting quietly and talking without a word. Such a scene had never happened in the provincial capital. They were either busy with one thing or another.

Fang Yuan sighed comfortably: "Otherwise this person would be thinking about having a family."

Lu Chuan nodded. It seemed that Fang Yuan was living a comfortable life.This home is quite cozy.This is what I strive for.

Then I heard Fang Yuan say: "We are just missing a child."

Lu Chuan was almost angry, couldn't he be prouder for a while: "You think you can still be so leisurely after you have a child."

Fang Yuan: "How about living your life? It's not painful to be idle like this all day long."

Lu Chuanxin said, my balls don't hurt.

Fang Yuan: "Get up, get up, go read a book if you have nothing to do, I brought it back for you."

Lu Chuan twitched his lips. In fact, there was nothing he could do about his progress. His wife would not look down on idle people.

When they have nothing to do, the couple still study something with a dictionary.Of course, Fang Yuan must be looking at someone like Xiaolin.

Lu Xiaosan came over to greet the two of them for dinner, and then Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan came out of the room.

Fang Yuan: "Mom, we won't be back for a short time, and there is no fire at home. Please come over here to trouble you and my dad."

Mrs. Lu: "What are you talking about? Isn't that what you should do? I come back for just a few days at the end of the year, and you can still cook?" Lu Xiaosan: "Second sister-in-law, I can also take advantage of it and improve my life."

Then the whole family eats together, and it’s quite lively when the whole family sits together.

Mrs. Lu waited until after dinner before telling Fang Yuan about giving Li Meng 50 yuan.

Fang Yuan acted very reasonable: "We have no control over how our parents' money is spent. Mom doesn't need to tell us, but whenever she becomes a monster, remember to ask her for the account and don't let her do it."

Mrs. Lu said to herself that if she were someone else's daughter-in-law, this matter would definitely cause a fuss, so she said that their family Fang Yuan was very grand: "Mom, remember, I won't let her get involved."

Father Lu: "After dinner, let Lu Chuan take you out for a walk. Although you are not at home, you still live in the same village."

Fang Yuan: "Well, I listen to dad."

Lu Xiaosan laughed: "My second brother is taking my second sister-in-law out, where can I go? My second brother has been immersed in studying these years and has never been around anyone else's house."

Lu Chuan looked a little embarrassed: "If it weren't for marrying a wife, I would still be a stupid student." Between the lines, people praised the wife.

Fang Yuan: "It's okay. No matter who you enter, you can't get us out."

He was so generous that the Lu family admired him.

Fang Yuan raised her head and said somewhat apologetically: "It's just that I may not be able to get along with others."

Lu Xiaosan and Lu Chuan looked at Fang Yuan. Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan still had such self-awareness.

Neither Father Lu nor Mother Lu expected that Fang Yuan knew her temperament quite well: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, just don't suffer a loss." She didn't have high requirements.

Fang Yuan: "Don't worry, I can do it."

Lu Chuan turned away again and looked in the direction of the door, otherwise he was afraid of laughing.

Lu Xiaosan: "No, no, don't worry about this second sister-in-law, she definitely won't. No matter which house you go to, they will coax you and provide for you."

Lu Xiaosan: "Really, everyone knows that my second brother is in the provincial capital, and there are many people who want my second brother to help find work in the provincial capital."

When Fang Yuan heard this, she stopped going out: "I don't have the ability, so forget it. Let's stay at home."

Mrs. Lu: "I finally came back and you're just lying around in the house. You're going to suffer a lot, otherwise my mother would take you out for a walk. If anyone really asks, my mother will answer you."

Lu Chuan: "You don't have to worry about this. I'm here, don't worry."

Lu Chuan discovered that his biggest love rival when he returned home was his mother.He competes with his son for tasks such as accompanying his wife.

Then Mrs. Lu realized that she had thought wrong. She had no chance to eat the food prepared for her children at home.My son and daughter-in-law have no time to stay at home.

In the evening, someone invited Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan away.The couple is busy.

Workers from the village next door went to work in the provincial capital with the other five tigers.

The visitor was not polite, and without saying anything else, he took Fang Yuan and left. They were all familiar people. They knew him well and knew that when Fang Yuan left, Lu Chuan would naturally follow.

Madam Lu was very depressed. It was useless to prepare so many things with her.

The next day was the New Year's Eve. Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan went out to play with the group of people at the river for a long time, and brought back several big fish.

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