In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 161: If you don’t use it well, you can’t defeat it.

Lu Chuan pulled Fang Yuan and faced the open door, even more unbelievable than Fang Yuan: "Did she sincerely come here to disgust me? Fang Yuan, this must be my enemy, right?" Otherwise, how could they be so malicious in provoking Their relationship as husband and wife.

Fang Yuan reiterated angrily: "That's disgusting to me." After saying that, she glared at Lu Chuan, what kind of hatred is this?
Then he looked at Lu Chuan and asked fiercely: "Did our Fang family bully you?" This was definitely a stab in the lungs.

Fang Yuan always grasps the key points and is always so accurate. Lu Chuan also admires her: "Let's not fall into the trap. Stay calm. It's time to use your wisdom."

Fang Yuan was furious: "I don't have that thing."

Zhang Xiaole burst out laughing, and Zhu Xiaosan couldn't help laughing and helped Fang Yuan out: "Whoever is angry can't calm down. That person just now really went too far. Don't blame Fang Yuan for not being calm."

Lu Chuan glared at the two people watching the fun and coaxed Fang Yuan and said: "Then it can't be done. What you just said is so good. That woman is so angry that she can't do bad things. She deliberately disgusts us. That's all. Become more capable."

Fang Yuan was furious: "Do you still think how capable she is?"

Lu Chuan: "How capable we are has nothing to do with us. Apart from us and our husband, we are all outsiders."

Fang Yuan no longer has her temper with Lu Chuan. What she said is right.Don't be angry with the same outsider.

Turning to look at Gong Er: "You are not a good person, get out." Fang Yuan didn't have much good temper, and all of it was used by Lu Chuan.

Gong Er didn't look good on his face and shouted to Lu Chuan: "Lu Chuan, this is your wife, how can you talk? If you spoil your wife so much, our friendship will break up."

Lu Chuan glanced at Gong Er and wanted to kick him to death: "I have never had any friendship with you, so don't come here anymore."

They sent Gong Er away without hesitation.If they don't wish them well as a couple, they are not good people.

This made Gong Er feel extremely embarrassed. He shouted in a low voice in the courtyard: "You, Lu Chuan, you have been admitted to university and you look down on others."

Fang Yuan: "If you don't bother others, you are looking down on you. It's just you, don't you have any idea?"

If you don’t spoil my wife, should I spoil you?Or do you think I'm just as stupid as you?

Gong Er turned around and left. Zhu Xiaosan was a little worried: "Gong Er is just a villain. If you annoy him like this, I'm afraid he will get bad ideas."

Zhang Xiaole: "He didn't even wipe his butt clean, but he still did what Mrs. Wang did. What does he want to do?"

Zhang Xiaole said bitterly: "Damei was still looking for him everywhere at noon. He can hide."

Fang Yuan: "What does Damei do? What does it have to do with him?"

Zhang Xiaole said more, focusing on saying that Gong Er was not a thing, he was hooking up with other girls in the school, and the beautiful girl in the village was determined to be with someone else.

Damei didn't dare to tell her family yet. Damei had already recommended several partners to her family.

When Fang Yuan heard this, she sneered, turned around and went out.Gong Er still wanted to cause trouble for her, but he didn't even take a look at who Fang Yuan was. Is she so easy to provoke?I'll give you a drink first.

Zhang Xiaole looked at Fang Yuan's back, a little anxious, why did he leave without saying anything: "What does she want to do?"

Then: "I didn't say anything. She won't go to Damei. Let's talk about this. By then, I, a grown man, will no longer be a gossip."

Zhu Xiaosan looked at Zhang Xiaole and thought to himself, I wish you had realized this when you were gossiping just now.

I don’t even want to think about the role of the sister of the five tigers of the Fang family. Could she be the one who suffered the loss?

Lu Chuan comforted Zhang Xiaole: "Don't worry, don't worry, Fang Yuan will definitely not involve you." His wife is quite reliable in her work.

But Lu Chuan really didn't know whether Fang Yuan was so reckless in her rage.

He said to Lu Chuan again: "Fang Yuan doesn't know anyone in the village." Zhang Xiaole didn't feel comforted at all, and felt very anxious.Fang Yuan didn't know anyone, but it was enough that she knew Sister-in-law Sun next door.

Originally, Fang Yuan wanted to find a loudspeaker in the village and broadcast the whereabouts of Gong Er so that Damei could find him.

But the village party secretary didn't necessarily listen to her, or be willing to fulfill her good intentions.

So when people came to see Sister-in-law Sun, they greeted her through the wall: "Sister-in-law, can I ask you something?"

Sister-in-law Sun was very happy. The yard here was lively, and she had long wanted to join in. She replied instantly: "Oh, it's Fang Yuan, it's not my sister-in-law. There is nothing in this village that my sister-in-law doesn't know. Ask the right person." You’re here, let’s talk.”

Zhang Xiaole took Lu Chuan's arm and said, "Do you need to know anyone else? Sister-in-law Sun's nickname is Sun Banzhuang. Her mouth is dedicated to conveying news."

Zhu Xiaosan was on the side, nodding vigorously, wanting to suffer.

Lu Chuan: "You have to believe my wife, Fang Yuan knows it well." He covered Zhang Xiaole's mouth to prevent him from speaking.

To be honest, if Lu Chuan didn't cover her up, Zhang Xiaole wouldn't dare to provoke Fang Yuan. This really shows how powerful Fang Yuan is.

Zhu Xiaosan couldn't hold it back. He opened the window in the cold weather and put his head out to listen.

Fang Yuan was so generous and generous: "Sister-in-law, do you know Gong Er? I heard that the girl from their school is dating someone else. Just now, the girl came to my house to look for Gong Er."

Sister-in-law Sun was surprised: "Do you know the second boy of the old Gong family? I just said that your house was so lively just now. Is there such a thing? They have all come to the family and haven't heard of it. Where is this boy Gong Er?" "

Fang Yuan shook her head: "I don't know."

Then he quickly retreated from the wall.No one has much to say.

This made Sister-in-law Sun anxious: "Fang Yuan, no, Fang Yuan, please say a few more words. My sister-in-law only listened to half of it, she is so anxious."

Fang Yuan has already entered the room, and this is the effect she wants.Are you anxious to go out and inquire?

Zhang Xiaole patted his heart: "It's over, it's over, Sister-in-law Sun knows it, everyone knows it."

Zhu Xiaosan: "Isn't that great? It saves Damei from being stupid. She always lets Gong Er's grandson coax her."

Zhang Xiaole looked at Fang Yuan who entered the room as if nothing had happened. He was so impressed that he couldn't calm down: "You won't find me when you look back."

Fang Yuan was confused: "What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Xiaole almost thought that nothing happened to him: "If someone wants to ask you, who said what to do?"

Fang Yuan answered naturally: "Sun Hongyan said it."

Oh my god, it sounds like it's true.Zhu Xiaosan even suspected that he had missed something just now. Did he hear Sun Hongyan say this?
Zhang Xiaole looked at Fang Yuan dumbfounded, could he still be like this: "Is it done?"

Fang Yuan: "I said yes because I was afraid that no matter what he did, he would not be a good person. I didn't say that he was good with Sun Hongyan, so that's good."

Zhu Xiaosan patted his heart, it turned out that it was not true, the honest child said: "It's not good to spread rumors, isn't it?"

Fang Yuan replied blankly: "Would you rather steal a man?"

Zhu Xiaosan shook his head: "That's definitely not good." That was exactly what Fang Yuan said, and he just replied back, which made him and Mrs. Lu have a fight.Lu Chuan had no chance to interrupt from the beginning to the end.It's really depressing.

Fang Yuan: "Then it's hard to use and deal with. I think it's pretty good."

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