In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 274 For the sake of my wife

It's a bit inappropriate to even get a red envelope. Fang Yuan said: "For me? This is inappropriate. I'm about to give birth to a child, so it doesn't count as a child."

Ding Min's mother finally said something more down-to-earth: "Just think of it as saving it for your children first."

Ding Min's father: "You are young and pregnant with a child. It's a joy to get a red envelope."

I have to admit that Ding Min’s parents did this in a very elder-like manner.

Fang Yuan always does things quickly and takes it as she is asked: "Okay, I'll take it then. Thank you, uncle and aunt."

Ding Min's father said to himself that this girl was straight-minded and quick-tempered, so she could get along with their Ding Min.

Ding Min's mother said to herself, this is a difficult person to deal with. Just thank him and he will be fine. His mouth is not sweet at all and he doesn't know how to coax people.

Look at Lu Chuan again, a college student was blinded in vain.Look at my daughter again, she is a clever woman but a clumsy husband.

So people who don't like it really can't adjust for a while.No matter how you look at it, it’s still not pleasing to the eye.

Fang Yuan glanced at Ding Min's mother. Although she didn't know what this woman was thinking, she also knew that it was definitely not a good thing. She pulled Lu Chuan to sit next to her and said to herself, look at it, it doesn't belong to your family.

Although it was a silent communication, the two people communicated through artistic conception.Ding Min's mother curled her lips and hummed.

Fang Yuan stuffed the red envelope into her pocket and raised her eyebrows.This means that although the red envelope is accepted, people still don’t like it.

The whole family entertained them warmly, chatting and laughing without interruption, but everyone knew that others were there to adjust the atmosphere.Ding Min's mother's chin was always raised.I don’t know what she is proud of.

The Five Tigers felt uncomfortable, no matter what, they were like a tiger that strayed into a group of lions.

Especially the look in Ding Min's mother's eyes was so piercing that Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan came together.

Fang Yuan was the one who attracted fire. She saw that Fifth Brother was uncomfortable, so she started to stir things up.

She is not afraid of what people will say about her or dislike her. The purpose of people coming here is just to make Fifth Brother feel more at ease.Helping Fifth Brother withstand thunder.

Lu Chuan really didn't realize until now that the fifth brother's friendship with Fang Yuan and the tacit understanding between the two brothers didn't even need to be spoken.

Didn't you see that from beginning to end, Fang Yuan firmly attracted the attention of Ding Min's mother.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan sighed and felt sad for this brother-sister relationship.As expected of twins.

Ding Min protected the man and his sister-in-law, and left quickly after dinner.There wasn't much room for her mother to show off.

When Lu Chuan and the others went out, Ding Min turned back to his family and said, "This house makes me feel at home as a man. If I come back more often, if I feel uncomfortable staying, I will come back less often in the future. Home is two people, it is a whole." "

Just say, if you look down on your daughter's man, you look down on your daughter.

After speaking neatly, he left.The water thrown by the married daughter was felt vividly on Ding Min.

Ding Min's mother's face was so dark that she couldn't look at it: "She is married. She is not cutting off her bones to pay for her father and cutting her flesh for her mother. This family can't tolerate her anymore."

Ding Min's father: "Don't do this to me, my daughter will come back."

Ding Min's mother: "Can I still support the person who kidnapped my daughter?" Can't she just let her be happy?
Doctor Wu advised him sincerely: "My uncle is a spoiled guest, and he shouldn't be cold, even if he doesn't support him. You have to change your mentality. If you think about it, we have many sons in our family, and if you always think so, your uncle Home, many daughters."

What is not said is, which one counts, you add it up in your mind.My mother-in-law is actually not very thoughtful.

Ding Min's mother was furious. Did she lack a son? "I can still let her control him."

If you can't control it, just wait until your daughter doesn't come home.There was definitely no way to persuade her. Doctor Wu felt that she should let her mother-in-law feel her determination to turn her elbows outward as her daughter belonged to someone else.The old lady just doesn't want to face reality.

Ding Min's father also feels that only by experiencing it for himself can his lover understand the difference.This matter should be left to time, but unfortunately the temperament of this daughter and uncle may not have the patience to give their lover enough time.

They also have parents. It’s cold here, but it’s not cold over there with the in-laws.After a long time, my daughter-in-law was obviously coaxed away.

Lu Chuan saw that Fifth Brother was in a bad mood: "Fifth Brother, I feel like you are so nervous at my sister-in-law's house, and you are always tense."

Wuhu was depressed and not in a good mood: "I'm really nervous." They were all married, but the old mother-in-law still didn't like him.

Ding Min: "Why are you nervous? We can come and go often from now on, but that's okay."

Wuhu actually comforted Ding Min: "You will be fine in the future if you take your time."

Then while carrying Ding Min on his back, Wuhu told Fang Yuan that he wanted Fang Yuan to accompany him to night school.

Fang Yuan almost thought she was hallucinating. Her fifth brother was not eager to learn: "Why, we don't want to go to school."

Wuhu: "Brother, in front of your fifth sister-in-law and her family, I can't let go. To put it bluntly, I have low self-esteem and know that I am not worthy of my daughter."

Fang Yuan's thoughts were straightforward: "Is it enough to go to school?"

Wu Hu felt very hesitant about going to school, and he thought in his mind: "At least, your sister-in-law rarely goes to school."

It was obvious that Ding Min's mother was jealous of Lu Chuan.

Fang Yuan: "I think it's redundant. It's okay if my sister-in-law cares about you. It doesn't matter whether her mother cares about her or not. We don't live with her mother. But if you want to go, then go and I'll accompany you."

Although it is superfluous, she still has to go through the trouble with her. This is her Fang Yuan.Wuhu's complexion finally improved a little.

Wuhu: "I don't do it for anything else. I just want to get along better so that your sister-in-law won't be in trouble. After all, this is your sister-in-law's natal family."

I feel sorry for my wife, Fang Yuan understands.

Fang Yuan then said, "But you can't keep this secret. Fifth sister-in-law will definitely know."

Wuhu: "Let's talk about it later. Later, your sister-in-law and I will treat their colleagues to dinner. You and Lu Chuan remember to go together."

Fang Yuan responded cheerfully: "I'll be there for dinner even if you don't call me."

After the two brothers finished talking, Wuhu felt much better.

Lu Xiaosan wanted to go back to the village after the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, but Fang Yuan asked him to stay behind: "What are you doing in the village alone? Stay here with your parents. Otherwise, you can ride with me and take us in the village." We will visit the provincial capital and go back after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

It doesn't matter whether Lu Xiaosan comes back or not, but he feels that being here for so long is enough to disturb him: "It's no good to be out for so long, at home..."

Fang Yuan: "You are often away from home, but for a few days, you listen to me and make mom happy. Why are you so polite to me? If I don't want to see you, I will make it clear to you directly."

It means I didn’t say anything, I just wanted to see you.I have never seen anyone more straightforward than this second sister-in-law.

Just saying this, Lu Xiaosan really stayed.

Stay down to earth.

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