Speaking of which, it was easy for this honest man to conquer others. Mrs. Lu defeated Ding Min's mother with just two words.

Ding Min's mother was somewhat dissatisfied, and she couldn't express it to someone like Mrs. Lu.

What's more, Ding Min's mother found this man's words very useful.

The unpretentious words spoken by Madam Lu made her eyebrows relax, and she no longer looked dignified, and her raised chin became flat.

The words that Mrs. Lu came out of her mouth were mainly sincere flattery.

Ding Min's mother: "My mother-in-law, I am older than you, but I don't dare to call myself a big sister. My eldest son is almost forty."

Mrs. Lu immediately changed her mind: "Sister, why do you look so young? In my eyes, you are not even forty years old."

Fang Yuan shuddered, these words were too false, her mother-in-law actually had such a side.

Lu Chuan muttered from the side: "My mother usually treats you like this, aren't you used to it?"

Fang Yuan kicked Lu Chuan on purpose.

But Ding Min's mother believed this exaggerated statement: "Sister, if you see me outside, I will call you my mother-in-law. It's nothing to me. All the old colleagues in the compound take care of me like this. My mother-in-law can support me." It’s the college students that I admire.”

Ding Min's mother has never said such down-to-earth words to Wuhu.They even flattered each other.

You said that the people listening next to you were all in a particularly wonderful mood, and they all stared at Mrs. Lu with those magical eyes.

Mrs. Lu: "My mother-in-law, ahem, am I being too high-spirited? I've never heard of the words you said, but they sound nice, like they're complimenting me."

Ding Min's mother burst into laughter: "My mother-in-law, you are here to serve your daughter-in-law. From now on, we will often come and go. I will introduce you to some new friends someday, and I will save you from having no one to talk to in the provincial capital." , don’t worry, they are all good-natured and easy to get along with.”

Mrs. Lu was so embarrassed. She really didn't expect that the educated people in this provincial capital were so kind-hearted and easy to get along with.

I felt a little embarrassed: "Is it okay? I'm willing to do it, but I can't embarrass my mother-in-law."

Ding Min's mother had never seen such a considerate and simple person. She was very surprised: "It's not easy to be a college student in a provincial capital. Just go. If they laugh at you, it's because they have no self-cultivation. You can't make friends like this." No matter what, I will break off the relationship."

Doctor Wu thought to himself that this mother-in-law turned out to be so easy to please. In the past, they used the wrong approach as a daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Lu was anxious. This mother-in-law was so righteous and she couldn't bring trouble to others: "Mother-in-law, that can't be like this. It won't affect you."

You said that the two of them started chatting like that, but no one expected it.

The most depressing one is Wu Hu. If he tries to please his mother-in-law like this, what will be the effect?

When Mrs. Lu was cooking, Ding Min's mother was surprised: "This dish is actually good."

This is what Mrs. Lu is most proud of in her life: "Fang Yuan likes to eat the food in the cafeteria of Lu Chuan's school. We both have learned it. But today, it is made according to Fang Yuan's taste. Mom, what do you like the other day?" As for the taste, I’ll make it according to your liking.”

Ding Min's mother likes such sincere friends very much: "Then I will definitely come back someday."

They even said to the eldest daughter-in-law behind her back: "What a simple mother-in-law. I don't have such a good life to meet such a simple mother-in-law."

She despises Wang Cuixiang for being powerful and evil-minded.

Dr. Wu glanced at his brother-in-law's face over there and sincerely suggested: "No matter how good it is, it's someone else's. You'd better look at your own."

Ding Min's mother's face was full of disgust: "Don't say a word, what do you think." Doctor Wu: "I really don't blame your uncle for this. It was not like this when you didn't come. You have too much aura."

Ding Min's mother glanced at her uncle with disdain: "You still don't have much knowledge."

Otherwise, why wouldn't Lu Chuan be suppressed by her aura? Dr. Wu said, "Don't talk about Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan is not your uncle. People don't even need to see what your face looks like. How can the Five Tigers do it? That's not marrying your daughter. Does it look at your face?"

Ding Min's mother snorted. She had also seen her daughter's house, and it was ordinary, not outstanding.

This uncle is just ordinary, not the most handsome in appearance, and I don’t know why Ding Min has to marry Wuhu as if he is possessed by a demon.

When Wuhu glanced at Ding Min's mother's eyes, his palms became sweaty. He was really cowardly and had no confidence.

Don't talk, talk, don't even dare to eat.Ding Min felt distressed looking at her: "If you are so afraid of her, why did you go over to pick her up?"

Five Tigers: "Isn't that lively? It makes you happy. Just have more contact."

Ding Min: "That's my mother. You're too cowardly to do anything to you." This big and thick guy is blind.She was even more moved by Wuhu's devotion to her.

Wuhu glanced at his mother-in-law over there: "Ahem, it will be fine, it will be fine."

There was such a guilty conscience in everything he said.

Ding Min's father: "I saw your place. It's quite big. Put up the shelves first. Do young people start a business? It's like this at the beginning."

Lu Chuan gave the opportunity to Fifth Brother, who said, "Ahem, let's take our time and don't rush. When we have money in the future, we will build a decent building. We also plan to buy a car."

Ding Min's father nodded and said, "Go step by step and do it steadily. The idea is good."

Ding Min's mother frowned, what kind of plan was this? "It comes up as soon as you think about it." Wu Hu stopped talking.

Lu Chuan: "The main reason is that we just came to the provincial capital. We have not established a firm foothold and our reputation is not obvious. Without these external packaging, others will not know who we are. When people know that we have the strength in the future, naturally there will be no need to do this. It’s a toss-up. It makes you laugh.”

Ding Min's mother: "The analysis is quite clear and coherent. Although the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley, the business does need to be run. It can be regarded as careful."

Ding Min: "Mom, when Wu Hu said it, you didn't have this attitude."

Ding Min's mother glanced and said arrogantly: "Did he make it clear?"

Wuhu quickly said with sincerity: "I am clumsy and didn't express myself clearly. I will learn from my brother-in-law in the future."

Ding Min’s father: “You are all still young. If you want to learn, you should find a better teacher.”

Wuhu really never thought about becoming a disciple.Ding Min teased Wuhu, but Wuhu really didn't understand.

It was Dr. Wu who said: "My mother originally taught economics in school, so why should we learn from others? We have teachers at home."

The five tigers' eyes widened: "Mom?"

Ding Min's mother was annoyed by Wuhu's shocked expression. Is it that incredible? "What, is it so hard to imagine?"

To be honest, Lu Chuan didn't expect that this lady really didn't look like a very profound person.

After all, that face is not pretty.It's not like he has a high level of cultural literacy.

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