In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 284: Not very useful at critical moments

Doctor Wu came out of the delivery room and said to the people waiting outside the delivery room: "It will take a while. You guys will see who comes into the delivery room to accompany Fang Yuan."

Lu Chuan stood up and was about to go in, but Wang Cuixiang pulled him away: "My mother-in-law and I are staying with Fang Yuan."

Then he glanced at Lu Chuan: "This uncle is not very useful at critical times." He said it with disgust.

Doctor Wu just laughed. Country people are very particular and don't want men to enter the delivery room. Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan's mother felt very sorry for her uncle.

Only Dr. Wu felt Wang Cuixiang's thoughtfulness. Lu Chuan stared at the delivery room, feeling unhappy.

Mrs. Lu suddenly realized: "My mother-in-law, our family is not that particular. Fang Yuan is important."

Lu Chuan: "Mom, let me go in. If I don't look at this, I won't feel at ease."

Wang Cuixiang really thought that Lu Chuan was useless: "My mother-in-law, look at my uncle, you should wait here. Don't be frightened anymore."

Mrs. Lu looked at her son. His face was pale and he was sweating: "It's really not very useful."

Well, no one asked Lu Chuan for his opinion, so they just left him alone.

Father Lu came in with the package. When he saw his son, he asked, how is Fang Yuan doing?Lu Chuan's forehead was covered in sweat.

After all, Father Lu knew how to comfort his son: "Isn't there no movement? Why are you so anxious? Your mother and your mother-in-law are inside. Just stay calm."

Lu Chuan took Father Lu's hand and said with trembling lips: "Dad, don't you think it's scarier to be silent?"

Father Lu thought to himself, this is nothing. "Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about?" Well, this style of painting has been completely distorted.

An old lady on the side glanced this way and came over to talk: "Eldest nephew, you are dressed like someone from the provincial capital. I almost didn't recognize you."

Father Lu didn't dare to talk to him. At his age, he couldn't rush to be someone's nephew.What does old lady mean?
Lu Chuan didn't want to speak. He looked at the old lady and politely replied, "Mom."

Old lady: "My daughter-in-law is also giving birth inside. I'm sitting here, and I don't dare to say anything. I'm afraid that people will laugh at us country people for being ignorant. But seeing you like this, I feel at ease."

The behavior of Father Lu and Mother Lu is so down-to-earth that it makes people think that they are nothing like country people.

Father Lu pursed his lips, and his words sounded like he was looking for trouble: "Sister-in-law, my child is young and has not gone through this battle, so you are laughing at me."

Old lady: "No, there's nothing wrong with this young man. I just saw the big girl's action of slapping her forehead just now. It was neat and quick. Brother, no matter what you did just now, we are the same as each other."

Father Lu pursed his lips and said nothing.He looked at the elder sister next to him with special resentment.

She even blamed her son. If Lu Chuan hadn't taken the responsibility, would he have been able to be laughed at?
Ding Min and the Five Tigers came over and heard this. It was quite a serious and anxious situation, so they turned around to suppress their laughter.

Lu Chuan looked at the aunt blankly and said sincerely: "You are teasing me now, but I can't laugh. My wife is giving birth inside."

The aunt was particularly wronged: "No, the aunt is not a naive person who doesn't care about the situation. The aunt just feels that she feels at ease when she sees you. We are in the same group."

How should I express this so that this young man knows that she just feels friendly?The aunt is a little anxious.

Ding Min bit her lip and said to Wuhu: "Go over and comfort my aunt."

Then, she ran out. She couldn't help but want to laugh.Really, I don’t know why, but my life is so happy.

Wuhu also held back his laughter and said, "Auntie, my brother-in-law hasn't had much rest since my sister got pregnant. Don't pay attention to him. He's hysterical." Auntie said: "You can see it, you can see it. . This is still a wife who loves her dearly."

The Five Tigers don't know what to say, you don't need to see this.Fortunately, someone over there helped the old lady away.

Wuhu went over and helped Father Lu sit down: "Uncle, don't worry, it's okay. We, Fang Yuan, bring our own blessings."

Father Lu nodded vigorously: "That's it, that's it." Then he looked at Lu Chuan one by one, worried about his son.The lips are all discolored.

When Ding Min came in, there was Ding Min's mother beside her.

Ding Min's mother just scolded Ding Min. When her sister-in-law gave birth to a baby, she didn't hurry over to watch, but she actually laughed outside. If others saw this, what would they say?Too ignorant.

Ding Min couldn't say that the scenes inside made people unable to enter the situation.Strangely unjust.

Wuhu was a little surprised to see the people next to Ding Min. He really didn't expect that his mother-in-law, who didn't know much about human relations, came over at this time.

To be honest, just for this reason, no matter how much the old mother-in-law despises him in the future, if he can come over to suppress the situation at this time, Wuhu will feel that this mother-in-law is worthy of respect.

Father Lu came over and said politely: "It even alarmed the in-laws."

Ding Min's mother said in a serious tone: "Of course I have to come over. The second daughter-in-law is cooking porridge at home and will deliver it to Fang Yuan later."

The arrangements are very thoughtful, and the etiquette is definitely not bad. What's more, Ding Min's mother and Mrs. Lu get along well.

Originally, the old lady over there wanted to say a few words, but when she saw Ding Min's mother coming, she automatically avoided her without saying a word. She knew by her temperament that she was not from the same group.

Wuhu was grateful to his mother-in-law for coming over at this time, and spoke more attentively: "Mom, please sit down."

Ding Min's mother nodded and began to assign tasks: "During this period, you should run more towards Fang Yuan. They are too busy."

Wuhu: "I listen to my mother."

Ding Min and Ding Min's mother looked at Wuhu together, wondering why the uncle's stiffness was gone now.This sounds so awkward.

Wu Hu: "Mom, my mother and my aunt are both in the delivery room, but there is no sound. It's really worrying."

Lu Chuan followed and looked over, yes, why was there no sound?

Ding Min's mother felt a little uncomfortable. This uncle had never spoken to her in such a natural tone: "It's not yet time."

Then he looked at the pale Lu Chuan over there: "You'd better help Lu Chuan, why does he seem uncomfortable?"

Wuhu glanced at Lu Chuan with disgust, but he still wanted to take care of him at this time: "It will be fine if Fang Yuan gives birth. My brother-in-law is just a little scared."

Ding Min's mother looked at Lu Chuan, her daughter-in-law was giving birth to a baby, it was the time for employment, how could he be frightened?

Fang Yuan was not feeling well inside. She didn't feel any pain at first, but now she felt a little pain. She murmured to Mrs. Lu, "It's all Lu Chuan who asked me. He keeps asking me if it hurts. It's better this time. It does hurt a little. Let him do whatever he wants." .”

Doctor Wu had to say that Lu Chuan was a little unjust, and it would hurt even if he asked about giving birth.

Said Fang Yuan: "Okay, don't think so much, there is no pain in giving birth. Just concentrate."

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