Father Lu then said, "Don't say it's Lu Chuan, I'm happy even if I'm not drunk."

In order to rescue his son, Father Lu worked hard.He was tired from standing all day.

Wang Cuixiang then said: "They are also children. Seeing this scene today, I am also happy for the two of them. They have worked hard in the provincial capital. It is not easy with so many people here."

These words immediately lead to the right place. As for today's scene, whoever has no idea is indeed worthy of pride.

Didn't it come to Father Lu's heart?So if my son drinks too much when he is happy, there is nothing to be ashamed of.It's the son's own disgrace that makes him lose face.

When Lu Chuan sobered up in the evening, Wang Cuixiang made pimple soup to warm his stomach and relieve his hangover.The mother-in-law will come to trouble.

Lu Chuan felt embarrassed and said, "Mom, I asked you to work for me." As for what he did after being drunk, I can't help but tell the story.forget.

Wang Cuixiang glanced at Mrs. Lu who was walking around her daughter-in-law, and said resentfully: "I just want to work around Fang Yuan, it's nothing to do with me."

Lu Chuan was deeply touched and glanced over there. He was even more resentful than his mother-in-law: "Mom, it's nothing to do with me. My daughter-in-law has to look for men to buy whatever she wants during pregnancy. Our family is good, but they don't give it to me. This opportunity.”

Wang Cuixiang twitched the corner of her mouth. This is a man who is blessed with blessings. He has never been in trouble between his wife and his mother. Otherwise, see if he could say such a thing. He is beautiful.

I don't want to hear my uncle's pretentiousness: "Mom wants to tell you that Fang Yuan has your mother here. I don't worry about it. It's okay. Mom will go back."

Lu Chuan: "No, you can't get used to staying here. It's okay to go to Fifth Brother's place. You have to stay here for a month no matter what."

Wang Cuixiang's expression was hard to describe: "Even your fifth brother is with you or his mother-in-law, what am I doing here? I miss my daughter and grandson, so I'm coming here by myself. Don't talk nonsense."

When Lu Chuan heard this, he was too embarrassed to continue to be humble: "Mom, then tell the truth."

Wang Cuixiang: "I just want to say, from now on, when you have children, you should live a steady life. Fang Yuan has a short temper, so don't always accommodate her. Let her change when she needs to."

If Lu Chuan wants to speak, there is nothing my wife needs to change, everything will be fine.

Wang Cuixiang: "Don't say you are curious about Fang Yuan's temper. One year, two years, ten years later, can you still say that? He has disliked and changed his mind, and it is my grandson who will suffer. For the sake of longevity, you have to have a good relationship with Fang Yuan. Think about it, think about how to live your life in the future.”

The way for a couple to get along cannot be achieved through tolerance alone. As long as the daughter was not too blunt, Wang Cuixiang would not have to worry about coming to her uncle's side.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to agree easily: "Mom, I understand, I understand. Don't worry, I want to be with Fang Yuan for a long time."

It's strange that Wang Cuixiang can feel relieved. Seeing her uncle's fight today, she is even more uneasy. Fang Yuan is not an all-around good-natured person. Her uncle's stall is too big for Fang Yuan to handle.You can't say these things to anyone.

When other people look at the beauty of my uncle and daughter, they are all envious and think she is showing off. Wang Cuixiang knows it herself and hopes that her uncle can live a safe and prosperous life.

People are worried that their daughter will be dumped by her wealthy uncle.

Lu Chuan: "Mom, don't look at me working hard in the provincial capital. It looks good. In fact, it's not as good as Fang Yuan's working hard in the past two years. When we get along as husband and wife, Fang Yuan is the one who dares to rush forward, and I am the one behind."

Wang Cuixiang: "Stop talking. Mom is really relieved. For me, you have to bury yourself."

Lu Chuan himself knew whether he was being eliminated or not.Fang Yuan had created a lot of things, and he was the one who helped Fang Yuan take care of things.Unfortunately, it was obvious that his mother-in-law didn't believe it. Lu Chuan wanted to say that I was also the one who was chasing after him emotionally. He was afraid that his mother-in-law would say that he was perfunctory, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Only they themselves know how the couple lives and how they live, no one would believe them if they told outsiders.

If there was a problem between them as a couple, Fang Yuan could just throw away her hands and leave, but he, Lu Chuan, would be the one who couldn't, and probably no one would believe him.

Therefore, there was an eventuality between the husband and wife. Lu Chuan believed that he was the one who would lose both his life and wealth, and would also take the blame and lose his reputation.

The mother-in-law doesn't know. No matter what the reason is, he has to manage the marriage well.

Thinking of his daughter-in-law, Lu Chuan felt warm in his heart, and the mother-in-law was worried unnecessarily.

Early the next morning, Wang Cuixiang and her daughters-in-law helped clean up the house, and then returned to her hometown with her son, daughter-in-law, and the drunk Fang Daleng.

Ding Min was eager to show off in front of her mother-in-law and said she wanted to send Wang Cuixiang away.

Wang Cuixiang: "Whenever Mom wants to come to the provincial capital, I will ask you to pick her up and drop her off. Mom is very generous. Don't worry about anything else. This is the condition of the family."

Ding Minxin said, what does this mean, you don’t need to send it yourself?My mother-in-law annoyed me, but I didn't offend my mother-in-law.

Look at the five tigers one at a time and let the five tigers say something.Wu Hu: "Just do whatever mom says, and you are right to listen to mom."

Ding Min said nothing.But after all, I still have to take my mother-in-law to the station.Still so attentive.

Fang's eldest daughter-in-law bought a lot of things for her children and her parents. She had a good plan. When the fifth brother and sister sent them back, they took them with them. Now it's better. How can they take so many things with them when they go back by car?
I just couldn't explain why I was being so petty.Can Wang Cuixiang not see what the eldest daughter-in-law is doing? She has been holding it back for several days, and she is specially responsible for dealing with her daughter-in-law.

Anyone who knows his biological mother must be a biological son. Boss Fang didn't talk nonsense. He was the first to go to the station carrying things, big and small.

My daughter-in-law didn't even pay attention to her thoughts, and I calmly dealt with it.

Lu Chuan sent his mother-in-law to the station and sincerely asked her to stay: "Mom, please stay with Fang Yuan for a few more days. Even if Fang Yuan doesn't tell her, she feels at ease with you here."

Wang Cuixiang: "No, my mother-in-law is here, I feel at ease. Come back, don't be too spoiled by Fang Yuan."

The daughters-in-law nearby all looked at their mother-in-law. She was her daughter, why did she say this to her uncle?How relieved should you be for your uncle?

Lu Chuan was a little anxious, because his son was too valuable, so he had not thought about what to call him. Grandma and grandpa couldn't help but know the name of their grandson?

Lu Chuan was in a hurry: "Mom, um, I just thought about it. If Fang Yuan doesn't object, the child will be called Lu Xiaohu."

Wang Cuixiang laughed. Listen to what he said. Only if Fang Yuan doesn't object can this happen.Just think of your daughter's status, at least for now she is really worried.

He glanced at Lu Chuan: "You can't name my grandson so casually. This is not a matter of urgency. How can I, a grandma, not know what my grandson's name is? Look it up in the dictionary. Not to mention Fang Yuan's unwillingness, I am not willing either." "

Lu Chuan was a little against his will. This name completely pleased his father-in-law and his mother-in-law: "This name is quite good."

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