Fang Yuan originally thought that Fang Daleng and Wang Cuixiang were reluctant to let her go back. After all, Fang Yuan had never returned to her parents' home since she was pregnant with the child.

Fang Yuan believed that her parents still wanted to see her.

As a result, the whole family of three was waiting for her at the gate. They didn't even let Fang Yuan get off the car, and just put Ding Min on the bus.

Wang Cuixiang scolded Fang Yuan: "What are you running around for? You are already a mother. Don't you know there is a child at home? Go back early. I hate scolding you for wasting time. What should I do if my grandson is hungry?"

Fang Daleng: "Yes, yes, my grandson is so old. If you run back, what will my grandson eat? Come back when the child is older."

They were not even allowed to enter the house and were packed and sent back.This was the most unwelcome time for Fang Yuan when she returned to her parents' home.

Fang Yuan complained to her fifth sister-in-law with a dark face: "I am a little girl, and I am not treated well. I think I was driven back."

After returning home with her sister-in-law, Ding Min knew her sister-in-law's status. She even adjusted her way of getting along with her: "Stop talking, aren't our parents thinking about their grandson? You gave birth to your grandson. Let's do the math." , I still feel sorry for you."

Fang Yuan snorted lightly.She is no longer a fool and is not so easy to coax.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when the two aunts and sisters got home.

At home, Lu Chuan was walking around the house with his child in his arms, Father Lu was sitting at the door smoking, and Mother Lu was wandering around her son and grandson.

When Wuhu heard the sound of the car, he ran out of the yard. When he saw his aunt and sister-in-law getting out of the car, he shouted directly in the yard: "That's ridiculous. I don't know if there are children at home. Is it too much to leave just as soon as I say it?"

Ding Min knew that he was worried about the children at home: "Let's see what you are capable of. You are good enough to be an uncle."

Wuhu: "That's my nephew. Hurry and feed my nephew something to eat."

Ding Min almost got angry: "I know you are my uncle, so stay away. Can we still keep it in mind?"

Fang Yuan didn't say much and went straight into the house, wanting to hold the child as soon as possible. She was also thinking about the child. Unfortunately, Lu Chuan avoided Fang Yuan's outstretched hand.

Fang Yuan frowned: "You also blame me for coming back late?"

Lu Chuan focused on the child: "There is a cold wind on your body, drink hot water quickly and wash your hands. The child misses you."

This was still acceptable. Fang Yuan saw that she was happy, washed her hands, and drank a large glass of hot water before Lu Chuan handed the child to Fang Yuan.

After feeding the son, the whole family gathered around the child and chatted in the living room.

Fang Yuan stretched out her hand to tease her young man: "'Gao Xing' is such a nice name. Why doesn't your grandma want to see you?"

Lu Chuan walked around his wife and children: "If it's okay, we can just wait and see."

Fang Yuan: "No, you'd better think of a name for your child quickly. It's a shame that you don't have a household registration, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble."

The surprise came so unexpectedly.

Lu Chuan felt that there was a bright future in the dark, and he was really grateful to his old mother-in-law for her wisdom and prowess. He said, "I still want to get up. I think it's good to be 'happy'."

Fang Yuan glanced at Lu Chuan: "How about using this to register your household registration tomorrow?"

Lu Chuan knew that he was very excited. He walked over to Fang Yuan and helped Fang Yuan press her shoulders: "After all, our mother's mood also needs to be considered. How good our mother-in-law is to us, right? Let me think about it again. I don’t mind the trouble, I’ll think about it now.”

Mrs. Lu looked at her son who ran to the study to read the dictionary and complained to her daughter-in-law: "When did he change? He is so fake." Fang Yuan then nodded vigorously: "Mom, you can see that he doesn't mean what he says. Bar?"

Mrs. Lu: "Isn't that right? There are only a few people in our family. Why don't we just say it clearly when we have something to say? We go round and round and don't know who has this problem?"

Fang Yuan felt worried: "Otherwise, my mother and I would have told each other that the pretty girl has many evil intentions."

Mrs. Lu finally remembered, Lu Chuan, that was her own son. It would be a big problem for her daughter-in-law to look down on her son. She took back her words and said, "Although his face is a bit paler, he is too evil-minded. Yes, it’s really good for you two.”

Fang Yuan couldn't help but look at Madam Lu: "That's great."

Mrs. Lu: "Then this is definitely not fake. I still know about my son."

Fang Yuan laughed: "I think I got it right. Although he is a pretty boy, he is good to us two."

Lu Chuan didn't care what the other girls said, he had to seize the opportunity to name his son.

When the couple went to register their child, Lu Chuan did change the word "happy", but the name was still not too foreign.

Fang Yuan: "Lu Gaoxing, what's the difference between yours and my 'Lu Gaoxing'?"

Lu Chuan: "To be a little more subtle, when you were born, our father almost called you Yuanyuan, and you named your child Happy. Now our child is called Satisfied. Our father's thoughts and your thoughts are all in it. I also think fine."

Lu Chuan really considered it comprehensively. The opinions of several people were not easy.

Fang Yuan really couldn't feel the difference between happy and happy, but just satisfied if satisfied, it was quite smooth.

Fang Yuan teased the child and made a comparison: "'Satisfied' is more pleasant to say than 'Happy'. It seems to mean the same thing."

Lu Chuan held the child and smiled happily: "As long as Fang Yuan you think it's not bad, then it will be okay."

Fang Yuanxin said, it would be nice if it was smoother, but because I have been struggling with the same name for a long time, let's just call it 'Satisfaction'.

Afraid of Lu Chuan continuing to toss, he didn't speak.This is the first time that Fang Yuan knows that half a sentence is said and half is left behind.This turned out to be a new skill developed by Lu Chuan.

Fang Yuan also knew that it would be better to keep half of the money. You can see that the three people are very happy, even though there is one person who doesn't understand anything.

Then the three members of the family drove to the photo studio and took a family photo.It can be seen that the interest is quite high.

According to Fang Yuan's wish, she wanted to bring Mrs. Lu and Daddy Lu with her, but Lu Chuan said that the three of them would take a photo first, and he would drive back to pick up Mrs. Lu and Daddy Lu later, so he was not in a hurry.

Fang Yuan didn't even know what Lu Chuan was fussing over.One piece will save you trouble.Picture what?Show off that you have a car at home and drive it back and forth?No need to waste gas?
I forgot to mention that the car was a jeep that Lu Chuan Tao bought in exchange. After Master Liu's major renovation, the car was not much worse than the new cars of the Five Tigers and the others.

However, the repair fee is a bit expensive. Based on the original price, Fang Yuan would definitely be disgraced.

I'm a bit worried about this, it's hard to quote.

It's a pity that Lu Chuan doesn't even have a private house, otherwise this matter wouldn't be difficult.

For this reason, Lu Chuan asked Master Liu to give him a hard time: "A man like you is really capable. He has a big family and a big business, so he has to worry about this little expense." (End of Chapter)

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