In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 310 The height pursued by Father Lu

Fang Yuan's yard is big enough, and the two of them estimate that they won't be able to eat the beans when they grow.

Fang Yuan felt that she had done a good job: "Mom, if you like it, you can stay in a place like this. Our place is very big. Occasionally parking and other things can't take up so much space. In winter, there are more cars here, so It will delay your farming.”

Madam Lu: "I like it, I like it, I like it very much. Fang Yuan, I've made you worry so much. Isn't Mom looking for trouble for you?"

Fang Yuan: "Why are we causing trouble with our own land? Our land is used in winter and does not conflict with your farming."

He also asked Mrs. Lu: "Do you want to circle another piece of it? She asked someone to make the fence look better."

Father Lu didn't even look at it, but said to Lu Chuan behind his back: "It doesn't matter whether you are a college student or not, what you will do in the future, or how much money you have now. You are all farmers and come from the village."

Lu Chuan listened in confusion, not knowing what Father Lu wanted to express: "Dad, what do you want to say?"

Dad Lu: "I want to say that farming is not such a fancy thing. You don't have to spend money blindly."

Lu Chuan: "Ahem, it's none of my business what the two of them did."

Father Lu ignored his son, but the land he farmed was so big that it wouldn't be a waste if the land was idle if it didn't delay parking.

This was all because Father Lu got up in the middle of the night and drove the work out.I didn’t miss out on repairing bicycles during the day to earn money.

Madam Lu even murmured to Father Lu: "You said it's the same as farming, but why is it different from farming in the village?"

Father Lu was so tired that he didn't want to waste all his energy rolling his eyes at Mother Lu. He said to himself, if you are farming in the village, carrying such a basket and wearing such clothes, you must not be scolded to death.

Besides, what did Mrs. Lu do? She even said she wanted to practice some physical strength. It was all done by him. He was the one who exercised her physical strength.It’s okay not to mention this woman.

Just like the fence in the yard, this woman used to show off.

However, Father Lu took the time to take Mrs. Lu to a department store and bought a large color TV.

The money was the thousand that Fang Yuan left for Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu said that this money was given to her, but she rarely spent it like this.

Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan really understood what the old couple meant.

Father Lu had no intention of taking back this money after giving it to his son, regardless of how it was given.So it became a color TV to supplement the family income.

Fang Yuan happily accepted it: "Our dad has bought a big item for the family, and he is more willing than me."

Now that the family is not short of money, and my parents feel so comfortable, then let them do whatever they want. How can they still be short of money for the old couple?That's what Fang Yuan thought.

Father Lu, who was so honest and shy, said in a daze: "With Fang Yuan's words, I know that my money is spent in the right place."

Lu Chuan was surprised. Could this be what his father could say? "What do you mean?"

Fang Yuan didn't think too much and asked: "Is this money spent in the wrong place?"

Father Lu said in front of Fang Yuan: "I spent the money on the wrong place for Lu Chuan last time."

Lu Chuan didn't know that his father still operated like this. Is this a disguised way to tell his daughter-in-law that he was wrong?What about the majesty of being a father-in-law?The key is if you sell your son like this.

There are not only traitors in this family, but also traitors and traitors who turn from the dark side to the bright side. No wonder he has never been able to rise in status.

Fang Yuan immediately laughed: "Our dad is on the same level as our mom. I support our dad." Dad Lu: "That's it. That's what dad is pursuing. He will strive to be on the same level as your mom in this life."

Lu Chuan hugged the child and went out. Why was the atmosphere in this house a bit repulsive to him.

Everyone in this family knows that Mrs. Lu is very good at pleasing her daughter-in-law and following her path, no matter what her daughter-in-law says.My daughter-in-law doesn't even care if she says something bad.Is his father showing his loyalty?

Lu Chuan was depressed. The problem was that his father was really not such a person, and it was all caused by his mother.

Ding Min envied Fang Yuan's comfortable life. Not everyone is lucky enough to meet such parents-in-law.Of course, it was Fang Yuan who was able to control the situation herself.

If you are like her and want to control parents-in-law like Fang Daleng and Wang Cuixiang, it is just a dream.

After buying a TV, Father Lu couldn't get a picture, so he specially invited Master Liu's apprentice to come over and help him press the antenna up to get a picture.

Fang Yuan likes to watch it very much. She will sit there and watch it whenever she has nothing to do.

Madam Lu also liked it, but after only watching it for two days, Madam Lu stopped watching it.

Because Mrs. Lu’s friend in the provincial capital, Ding Min’s mother, said that such a young child should not be stared at.

With just such a sentence, Mrs. Lu wished she could let Fang Yuan move the TV to her own room to watch.No matter how good this thing is, it won't harm her grandson.

Whenever there's nothing wrong, I'll say to Dad Lu: "It's not good to buy anything, it's going to be a disaster."

Father Lu also likes to read the news and so on. After reading that stuff, he would chat with others while repairing the car, and they would all have common topics.

But I didn't expect this thing to be harmful to my grandson.It feels a bit hot. I'm sorry for my children and grandchildren.

It was Lu Chuan who said, "I'll see if it's fine for a while. This thing has to be placed in the living room."

Well, after all, Mrs. Lu went to Sister-in-law Ding Min to ask, and she was relieved that nothing was wrong.

Doctor Wu didn't expect that this family would be so careful in raising their children.

Fang Yuan never thought that Mrs. Lu could get along with Ding Min's mother. Both of them could communicate about such things.

Fang Yuan cared about Madam Lu: "Mom, what are you and your in-laws talking about? Don't be angry over there, we won't do anything wrong to them."

Mrs. Lu: "My mother-in-law of the Ding family is a cultured person and doesn't bully others. Don't worry. You are trying to say that Ding Min's mother and I are not the same person, so why are we getting along so well?"

Fang Yuan: "I mainly want to learn how to get along with others."

Lu Chuan turned to look at Fang Yuan and was shocked. Ever since she gave birth to the child, Fang Yuan had become enlightened and her style of speaking and acting had changed.

He even learned to speak like this.Why is it so unbelievable.Could it be that giving birth to children also has the function of enlightening people?Should I talk to Dr. Wu about this? Or is this a research topic?

Mrs. Lu: "I usually don't bother her. When she's bored, she comes to chat with me. This kind of relationship doesn't cause her any trouble. Why should she dislike me?"

Mrs. Lu is quite confident: "Besides, there is nothing wrong with us. My son is promising and my daughter-in-law is capable. I don't think there is any difference between us. I don't think I am any worse than her either. I get along with my daughter-in-law." I get along better with her daughter-in-law than she does, so I feel I am quite confident."

Lu Chuan was shocked by Mrs. Lu's words. He was actually capable of seeing things from such a perspective.I wonder if Ding Min’s mother knows what Mrs. Lu is thinking?Ha ha.

When these words reached Fang Yuan's ears, she had a reaction: "I have to work harder to give my mother the confidence."

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