Chapter 320 It’s about Fengyue
Lu Chuan thought openly. If Fang Yuan suddenly changed, he would not be used to it.So it is good to combine urban and rural areas if my wife is a bit burdened.

The fifth brother has changed like this because he has to adapt to the environment of his father-in-law's family. He is under great pressure and has to do this.

But each has its own advantages, and Fang Yuan’s is better.

It was learned bit by bit, and no matter how it changed, it always revolved around the changes in Fang Yuan's own temperament.Make other people's your own.

Fifth brother's change was a bit fast, but it was because the Yue family had really put in a lot of effort.It's a pity that the people around him have to adapt to Fifth Brother's changes.It's a bit unaccustomed to being so cold.

Ding Min has been busy with work recently, and the five tigers are at Fang Yuan's house after work, so they occupy a lot of satisfactory time.

Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan haven't gotten along yet. Mrs. Lu went directly to Ding Min's mother's house with Satisfied. If the five tigers are willing to play with Satisfied, they have to go to their mother-in-law's house.

I don’t know if this is to help Fifth Brother or to trick Fifth Brother.

Lu Chuan admired his own mother for her quick wit. After all, when the fifth brother arrived at his father-in-law's house, he couldn't help himself, but he had no time to play with his nephew.

Mrs. Lu can take satisfaction on her own, you see how well planned they are.

Lu Chuan: "You would say that my mother has made progress. Why has she changed so much since arriving in the provincial capital?" Have you learned how to draw out the fire?

Fang Yuan felt that change was necessary: ​​"Can we not change? When I was in the village, the most I could see was someone throwing an egg or someone breaking the stick. Do you know what height our mother is now? "

Lu Chuan really didn't know the height of the old lady with the child: "What height?"

Fang Yuan: "My mother is always chatting in the park now. What are they talking about when Fifth Sister-in-law and her colleagues retired from their workplace? My in-law's aunt in Fifth Sister-in-law's family was a colleague at that time. I went to pick them up that day, and they were always nagging me." That thing attracts me more than watching movies."

Not to mention Mrs. Lu, it simply opened up new horizons. It turns out there are so many weird and weird things.It can also be solved using science. It turns out that people’s hearts are so difficult to guess.

Lu Chuan couldn't believe that his fucking circle of friends could be so colorful: "That's really high."

Fang Yuan: "Isn't it? When I go out now, my mother always tells me not to trust others easily."

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "My mother is just being on guard." Then he said, "That's why it's important to make friends, right?"

By the way, he confessed to Fang Yuan: "Don't worry, the friends around me are all decent people."

Fang Yuan has a dark face, who said anything about you.However, Fang Yuan had to nod and admit that Mrs. Lu was changed by the people around her.

Fang Yuan: "Don't underestimate our mother in the future."

Dad Lu heard a few words and said worriedly: "Should I also go for a stroll in the park?" Otherwise, I won't be able to catch up with my mother-in-law.

Lu Chuan just stared at Dad Lu with his mouth open. What do you mean?Does this family have to keep pace with progress?

Fang Yuan smiled and chatted with Dad Lu: "That's not appropriate. You should find a place to hang out by yourself. My mother and the others are all lesbians when they hang out together. You go over and join in. They will feel uncomfortable when you turn around."

Father Lu's face turned red, and his daughter-in-law might have misunderstood. She was trying to reassure him by saying this. She thought he was worried about his wife, so she quickly explained: "Ahem, I mainly want to be as knowledgeable as your mother." . You can’t let your mother fall too behind.”

Fang Yuan laughed: "Dad, what you said, my mother always listened to people tell stories and learned things from a layer away. You are the one who has gained a lot of knowledge. You can see the people you meet. That's really a lot of knowledge. My mother said that if you don't take a walk outside, you won't be able to catch up with you." Father Lu glanced at his daughter-in-law and went out to continue repairing the car.The wife here seems to have become a different person and can speak.

Lu Chuan was shocked by Fang Yuan's two-faced words: "Daughter-in-law, you have grown up, and you have studied my father's mind. You are much better than the fifth brother."

Fang Yuan: "Do you need to understand this? When our mother goes out these days, our father looks over here a few times. He must be distracted."

Lu Chuan nodded to express his understanding. Although what Father Lu said was nice and all the words about gaining experience were fake, he still wanted to see Madam Lu's dating environment.

Lu Chuan also felt uneasy and asked, "Um, is our mother really okay?"

It is said that the wife can look at him and see if Father Lu is distracted. This is the biggest change and the biggest problem.Lu Chuan still knew who Fang Yuan was in their family.

Could it be that giving birth to a child can enlighten my wife?Otherwise, why would he become so knowledgeable?It's a pity that this thought was not used on him.

Fang Yuan ignored Lu Chuan. How could she think of her mother-in-law like this?What about trust?
This shows how much Fang Yuan supports Mrs. Lu as her mother-in-law.

Then Mrs. Lu, who was trusted by her daughter-in-law and could not be questioned, came back with permed hair and a change beyond imagination.

That fashionable one, anyway, when he passed by Father Lu's car repair shop, Father Lu didn't even take a second look and didn't recognize it at all. It was his mother-in-law.

Fang Yuana was also shocked by her mother-in-law, and circled around Mrs. Lu several times: "Mom looks so good dressed like this."

Fang Yuan, a local cannon, even touched a handful of Mrs. Lu's hair, which was strangely twisted.

Mrs. Lu felt very embarrassed: "Don't worry, while I'm perming my hair, our family is playing with his uncle at your in-laws' aunt's house."

Fang Yuan: "Can I still worry about you being satisfied? Mom, you are following the fashion. Let's go to the department store to buy two pieces of clothing to match."

Mrs. Lu: "Ahem, don't dare spend money randomly. Your in-laws said this hair looks good, so everyone will perm it like this in the future."

Then he said cautiously: "I don't think your dad is too interested."

Fang Yuan: "That's not possible. My dad cares about you no matter what, and his eyes revolve around you. You are thinking too much."

Lu Chuan gouged out Fang Yuan several times. This was not only an improvement in human sophistication, but he also understood this. Why didn't he use it on himself?

Mrs. Lu: "It's true. You said that I am too old to do this. I don't think it's appropriate. I was persuaded by others at the time. I don't know why I followed others."

When perming your hair, you get angry.When the perm was done, I was very excited.Madam Lu really regretted it.

Fang Yuan: "It's really not a big deal. If you like it, you can continue to perm it. If you don't like it, we won't perm it. It's okay."

Mrs. Lu looked at her son, turned to Fang Yuan and said, "You have to help me later. Your father will definitely not understand it. I still understand that old man."

Fang Yuan agreed: "Don't worry, my dad has been on the roadside all day long and has seen all new things. He will definitely not say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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