Listening to Fifth Brother joking about Fang Yuan's childhood. Lu Chuan knew why Fang Yuan was so informal.

It's true that she has never considered herself a girl since she was a child. She has always been naughty with Fifth Brother and the others.

If the mother-in-law hadn't had strict requirements for her daughter to wear braids, and Fifth Brother had said so, Fang Yuan would have had the same hair style as Fifth Brother and the others.

Wuhu said that Fang Yuan had always cared about her hair being longer than others since she was a child, and it was difficult to wash and comb.

Thank you mother-in-law for your foresight. If Fang Yuan was allowed to develop freely, she would probably be one of the six tigers of the Fang family.

Father Lu is used to seeing Madam Lu's hair perm, and the couple will no longer quarrel over Madam Lu's hair.

Mrs. Lu's clothes were bought by Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan. With her current hair style and these new clothes, no one who looks at Mrs. Lu would dare to say that she is a woman from the countryside.

Father Lu silently accepted this fact. His mother-in-law looked like a city girl, so Father Lu did not dare to say anything nonsense. I don't dare to let my daughter-in-law go through trouble for the old couple.

Fang Yuan is also used to the shape of her head. Occasionally, she could look in the mirror and admire it. Everyone said her hair looked good, but she really didn't think it was that good.

Within a few days, several girls with the same hair shape as Fang Yuan appeared on the street.

Mrs. Lu came back and said to Fang Yuan, "Ding Min's mother said, the barber shop master said, I want to thank you, saying that you made his barber shop shine. Business has been good these days." .”

Fang Yuanxin said, isn't that crazy? "Don't thank me, it's because those people outside are blind and have to spend money to buy such a thing."

Mrs. Lu knows how simple her daughter-in-law is. I also knew in my heart that my daughter-in-law didn't like the hair on her head very much.

I thought to myself, no wonder the old man said that I was so blind that I couldn’t compare with my daughter-in-law. Even though it's like this, I don't even feel proud at all.

I have to learn from Fang Yuan, and when my hair grows out, I will never perm my hair again.

It’s better to be a daughter-in-law.

Are you just trying to make others think you look like a city dweller? She didn't realize it anyway. When others said this, she still felt a little guilty, which was not as good as before.

Mrs. Lu secretly said to Mr. Lu: "My child's father, I know why I am said to have forgotten my roots, and I am so tormented. I am also a country woman. I am still the most comfortable as before, and I am no worse than others." .”

Father Lu: "My daughter-in-law has a head of hair stuck in her head, and you understand it, and you have the nerve to say it. Live your life in a down-to-earth manner, no matter what others say, our family is still our family, and we still live our own lives."

Mrs. Lu: "My father, you are more knowledgeable. I just have long hair and short knowledge."

Dad Lu: "Don't mention the hair thing. When I hear these two words recently, I get upset."

The whole family struggled with this matter for several days and finally calmed down. They thought the matter was over. It's a pity that this matter is not over yet.

Because on this street, the barber shop that permed Fang Yuan's hair no longer operates.

The woman from the barber shop came to Fang Yuan's house to make a scene. They kept saying that Fang Yuan had ruined the reputation of their barber shop, making it difficult for the barber shop to open.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan were both at home. If Mrs. Lu was alone with Satisfaction, how would she deal with this person. Lu Chuan was furious at that time. He just ignored them and beat them up. Do you think he is good at sex, or do you think they are easy to control? ridiculous.

Fang Yuan didn't kick anyone immediately, which really surprised Lu Chuan. My own Fang Yuan has grown up.

Just listen to Fang Yuan: "I don't go out to criticize your barber shop's poor skills, that's because I'm kind, but my kindness is not the reason for you to make trouble. Whether I did this or not, if you come to my house and make trouble, you have to apologize to me. Apologize."

Followed by: "This is why I have gotten better in temper over the past few years. Otherwise, if you are like this, see if I can allow you to act recklessly here."

At the barber shop, Master Zhang's mother-in-law didn't know how powerful Fang Yuan was, so she said reluctantly: "Don't pick nice things to say, what's the point of hatred? Our barber shop is about to close down because of your troubles, and no one comes to us." I got a haircut at the barber shop. You said it had nothing to do with you. You talk nice on the surface, but you do shady things behind your back. I didn’t expect you to be such people."

Mrs. Lu is such an honest person. She couldn't stand listening anymore. For the sake of their barber shop, Fang Yuan was so kind: "You don't know the heart of a good person. Your good intentions are in vain. My daughter-in-law has eaten enough." Damn it, let’s go to your barber shop.”

Lu Chuan: "Sister-in-law, you have to explain the cause and effect. You can't do it with empty words. Besides, your barber shop skills are not good. If I go out and say it, it is also true. If we don't say it, that is our own virtue."

Fang Yuan glanced at Lu Chuan, "This man can't argue. It would be better if you just scold her for being immoral." You said it so euphemistically, even the old lady couldn’t understand it.

Fang Yuan: "My man said, I didn't say, it's because I have good moral character. If you make such a fuss, it's because you have no moral character."

Master Zhang’s wife: “Why do you curse people in your family?”

Fang Yuan opened her mouth and said loudly: "That's not a scolding you, you don't understand it either."

Then: "If I didn't say anything, I can't let you blame me like this. I don't know if this matter is over. Don't worry, when I scold you, I make sure you understand."

Mrs. Lu glanced at Lu Chuan in disgust: "No one else can understand the curse. What are you pointing at?"

Lu Chuan's face was tense and he was very unhappy.

Master Zhang's wife came here and acted like a fool, and people who didn't understand didn't listen: "Don't tell me, we are a shaving shop. Your wife had to have her hair permed, and we did it for free without asking for any money. As a result, she With a head full of burnt hair, you go around taunting our barber shop. With that head, no one would come to our barber shop.”

Master Zhang’s mother-in-law: “You’ve wiped out our store and even said that I’m going to take your shit out of you. There’s no room for you to reason with me.”

Ding Min came back and listened to half of it, but he didn't go into the house to protect his sister-in-law. This matter was a bit bad, it seemed like a bad debt. It's not appropriate for her to go in with her status.

Fang Yuan: "I didn't even ask you to buy me a hat to hide my shame, but you still have the nerve to ask for my money. I hid it, that's just me being polite, you have to accept my favor. No matter what, I still have to help you Keep it confidential, have I signed an agreement with you?"

If this were in the countryside, who would dare to cheat on her? This woman doesn't know that Lord Ma has three eyes.

This is not how favors are given out. Fang Yuan regretted that she shouldn't be so polite.

Lu Chuan: "Your haircut skills are not good, so we didn't say anything or mention compensation. That's just a matter of affection. You still come to our door like this, which is not what we should do."

Madam Lu said angrily: "My son is scolding you. Who are you trying to trick? Is there anyone like you?"

Even Father Lu despises his son for being useless. You even have to translate your words. Why are you not so manly enough? (End of chapter)

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