In the evening, Ding Min's mother asked her aunt to make porridge, mainly to eat the cold dishes she made today.

The sons and daughters-in-law at home are all wondering. Although they shouldn't eat too much at night, are they not hungry just by eating porridge?

Ding Min's mother was very enthusiastic and asked her son and daughter-in-law to try the taste of the cold dishes. Eyes full of anticipation.

Doctor Wu will definitely know what he's looking at: "It's very delicious, with a crispy texture. Where did mom buy it?"

The third son then said, "This is good for eating. It would be even better if it had steamed buns." Just eating porridge would not make you full.

The second daughter-in-law followed the elder sister-in-law and held her stinky feet. When they entered the yard, the aunt said that they had made pickles at home: "It is crisp and refreshing. I have never tasted anything like this before."

The third daughter-in-law had no room for improvement and could only nod.

Ding Min's mother was proud: "Eat it, there is a jar at home, my own. When this jar is eaten up, I will make some more."

Doctor Wu's face was full of surprise: "You do it?" His son and daughter-in-law stared at the old lady, a little surprised.

Ding Min's mother looked arrogant: "Well, this time, it was your aunt who instructed me to do it. I think I have this talent."

The eldest son immediately said: "You have to taste it carefully." He stretched out his chopsticks and picked it up. He was really happy.

The third daughter-in-law was very worried: "Mom made it with her own hands, how do I eat it?"

Ding Min's mother looked unhappy: "Can't you eat it?"

The third daughter-in-law: "I think we can't eat it like this. I'll pick up some steamed buns and eat them carefully."

Well, I feel sorry for the man who is hungry. Doctor Wu: "Yes, I think it's better to eat it with steamed buns."

Then everyone was so generous that they didn't even use their chopsticks to cook the dishes and all ate the cold dishes.

Firstly, it is really good. Secondly, it highlights the popularity of this craft and must be highlighted.

Ding Min's father glanced at his son and daughter-in-law, and they all were really good at flattering people and acting. It’s really good, and you can’t just eat pickles.

Ding Min's mother was not happy at all. She watched it being eaten up: "It's delicious, but you can't eat it like this. I don't have much in this jar."

Doctor Wu: "Mom, I can't help it, this craft is so good."

Ding Min’s mother: “But your in-laws said that it will taste better after a few days.”

Several people looked at each other and thought that they were overdoing it.

It was Brother Ding who said: "Let's be patient, that's okay. Let it sit for a few days before eating it. Our mother has learned this skill. Isn't it convenient to eat it in the future?"

Well, Ding Min’s mother was led on the road to making pickles. The next day she bought a bunch of vegetables so that she could make pickles by herself.

I feel that once I have learned the craft, I no longer need the guidance of a master.

Ding Min's father not only wanted to be the one to attack and be bossed around the yard, but he also felt sorry for his own bottles and jars. This is really a shame.

What kind of person is Ding Min's mother? She is a refined person. Pickles must be made in a refined way. To be honest, your patience is still tested.

It's a pity that Ding Min's mother is not very patient.

So when Auntie went into the kitchen to cook, there was a mess everywhere. Especially bad food. Auntie wanted to say that it was such a waste of food. At noon and evening, everything she ate was the vegetable dumplings discarded by Ding Min’s mother. Vegetable leaves.

I guess I have to eat cabbage leaves at home these days. The whole family is feeling a bit sick to their stomachs.

When Ding Min returned home, he told Fang Yuan, "My mother-in-law took my mother on a pickle-making journey. We have suffered a lot."

Fang Yuan likes to eat the pickles made by Mrs. Lu: "My mother has real skills, you are in for a treat."

Ding Min: "I won't go home to eat recently. I admit that my aunt is crafty and capable, but my aunt is really not good at accepting apprentices. With the same process, can the pickles made by my mother be eaten?"

Fang Yuan nodded and looked at Ding Min's mother, who was not a cook. The fifth sister-in-law knew her mother well: "That's quite a test for the stomach."

Ding Min: "My sisters-in-law said that it was okay for her to eat, but the child was still young and could not suffer like this, so my brother and sister-in-law took turns going home to eat and support her, while one of them stayed outside to eat with the child."

Fang Yuan accompanied her with a sigh: "It's not easy to take care of both the old and the young. But it's just my in-laws making trouble. She doesn't care about herself. It has nothing to do with my mother."

Ding Min rolled his eyes: "I'm not taking responsibility. Did you hear the point?"

Fang Yuan still understood: "I understand, don't worry, I will tell my mother later that I must teach her this skill."

Ding Min: "If you can't dispel my mother's desire to live at home, then I can teach her." At least it won't be the same as it is now.

They are quite reasonable, but they are in a dilemma.

Ding Min then said: "But your family needs to cook more recently. Anyway, I won't go home and suffer."

This is really not a problem, Fang Yuan said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about the reason, the family will not miss you a bite to eat. Don't worry."

Ding Min: "It's like I want to thank you. Forget it, it's rare for our family to enjoy it. My mother is so leisurely that she can't blame others."

Fang Yuan was there laughing with her, who knew Ding Min’s mother was a weirdo.

Entrusted by her daughter-in-law, Madam Lu has been running frequently to Ding's house recently, and most of the vegetables at home have been picked here. It is visible to the naked eye that Ding Min's mother's pickling skills have improved, and now she has shared the pickles with her neighbors. .

Everyone is talking about how the Ding family professor suddenly became down-to-earth and even made pickles.

Those gossiping around laughed: "The pickles are not the point. The point is that they actually know how to give them away and go out with the neighbors. This is not Professor Ding's style."

Several old ladies secretly enjoyed this. Others lamented that who would have thought that Professor Ding could get along so well with his in-laws. Or the in-laws from the countryside?

Those who are not familiar with her think that Madam Lu is Ding Min’s mother-in-law.

Ding Min's mother didn't feel anything at all. She was very happy. She never thought that one day she would be able to pickle pickles. This is all due to the patience taught by Mrs. Lu.

But I was grateful to Mrs. Lu, so she talked to Ding Min's father when I had nothing to do: "You said, it's okay if people ask me for anything, but they don't ask me for anything, why do I feel it's inappropriate? I can do something for them. what?"

Ding Min's father said: "Isn't that very good? Don't tarnish your pure friendship. And it will grow up in the future, so don't worry about this moment."

Ding Min's mother nodded in approval and said two words: "That's right."

Ding Min's father was completely convinced, and he didn't hear any sarcasm from this person.

If he had known it, he wouldn't have spoken. No matter how smooth the pickles at home are these days, he doesn't want to eat them. He has eaten enough, and he doesn't welcome Mrs. Lu to come over and teach his lover the craftsmanship.

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