Fang Yuan: "I like to waste money and do things recklessly. My parents have no other requirements for me. They are not allowed to borrow money, otherwise they will be sorry for my uncle."

Uncle Peng still felt a little hot when he thought about the big crane: "Special considerations can be made in special circumstances."

Fang Yuan: "I'm not a person who does big things, and I don't care about making a fortune from chickens and eggs. Today is special, tomorrow is special, and any money is attractive. Before I came to the provincial capital, my mother I can't do anything else. I'm obedient in this matter. That's it, you see how much money you can mobilize."

Fang Yuan also said: "From now on, you can do whatever you want with how much money you have. Don't worry about your family fortune."

It made Uncle Peng dumbfounded. Why do I look like a bad guy? God knows, no matter how much money I earn, it all belongs to the employer, and he just earns a salary.

Peng Shuxin said, you are disobedient when you should be obedient, and you are blind when you should not be listening.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have advised Fang Yuan to buy a new car, and it would have been better to take it slow. Now how much cash does that leave.

But to Uncle Peng's surprise, although there wasn't much cash here, Fang Yuan had quite a lot in her hands.

Although it is certainly not enough to buy a crane, it is not enough to own half of the shares. But you can definitely hold a part of the shares. This little boss has a strong family background and his future is still guaranteed.

Then, there were more things that surprised Uncle Peng. Hearing that Fang Yuan was worried about buying a crane, Lu Chuan discussed with the Five Tigers and decided to share the dividends.

Doing the math, even though it can't hold half of the shares, it's almost the same. The strength of this young couple is amazing.

Then Wuhu also brought his share of the money: "Why don't you think about me about making money? Take it all. Just thinking about it, can I still help you?"

It was a nice thing to say. When I left, I was told: "How many shares are there for the money? I can't lose any money."

Fang Yuan was half-moved, but she was so sullen. She started talking to Lu Chuan, so I said, my brothers and sisters are not very polite when it comes to money, so the Five Tigers can't be an exception. Turns out I wanted to split the money.

In exchange, Lu Chuan said, "That's why Fifth Brother believes in you. Fifth Brother's money is not invested by just anyone."

When Zhang Wei formally discussed the matter with Fang Yuan, Zhang Wei was a little annoyed. Fang Yuan, who had promised to have no money, actually had more money than he had. Very shocking.

Fang Yuan explained to Zhang Wei: "Don't get me wrong, it's the fifth brother. The fifth brother counts the shares. How much money we earn will be divided into shares. But the risks are also shared. It's great that we don't need to borrow a loan."

Zhang Wei didn't want to, and couldn't block Fifth Brother's face.

Fang Yuan is very generous. I have many people here to share the partnership. Naturally, I share the shares: "I suggested this, but you took care of it. You found all the work. You take half, and our brother takes half." Both account for half.”

Zhang Wei knows how to be a good person, so he can't do this: "What are you talking about? If Brother Wu can come with money, it means he trusts us, otherwise I will have to borrow a loan. According to what you said, talk with money, I and Brother Five Brother accounts for 30%, you account for 40%, who gives you more money?"

Although reluctant, it is true, let money talk.

Fang Yuan was very happy when she heard that Zhang Wei didn't need to borrow money. She said directly: "That's not appropriate." Then Fang Yuan said: "If you give me less than 40%, I won't do this business, no. Such a big face."

Don't say anything else, but it's all in your heart. Zhang Wei felt that this partnership would work, and Fang Yuan knew it well.

Zhang Wei: "Brother and sister, you are doing this kindly. In this way, you and I will each get 40%, and the remaining 20 will be given to fifth brother. Do you think so?"

Fang Yuan: "Sure." Then: "Why do you have to let me take the big part." Fang Yuan really saw it. Zhang Wei: "My brothers and sisters are not afraid of your jokes. I think you have some luck. I just want to make some money from you."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that this money-making business was a bit unreliable: "Isn't this nonsense?" It would be better not to ask, and she felt uneasy.

You don’t see the great prospects, you don’t talk about them, and you talk about these things. What are you doing with these mysterious things? Too deceiving.

Zhang Wei blushed: "Just be my brother and talk nonsense. That's all your shares anyway. It's agreed."

Fang Yuanxin said, I am under great pressure. If I lose money, is it because I have not done anything? But luck is something you can't touch or see. Do I have to blow at the crane all day long?

When I got home, I murmured this matter to Lu Chuan: "Do you think it's okay to partner up with such an unreliable person?"

Lu Chuan: "You like the crane. Since you bought it, don't think too much about it. Whatever he says."

Fang Yuan: "I'm still a little stressed. Doesn't this put all the results on my shoulders?"

Lu Chuan hugged Fang Yuan and smiled: "To make money and lose money, he is willing to do it. We bear the same risk. To put it bluntly, he is rushing to do it, and he is willing to do it. You don't need to have this pressure."

Fang Yuan nodded: "That's true." Then she said: "If you say this a few times in the past few days, let me consolidate it. Don't be led astray by that Zhang Wei."

Lu Chuan smiled again. I've been busy at home lately, and it seems like I haven't been this happy for a long time.

Lu Chuan: "Whatever you want to do, just do it. Don't think so much. I have to take care of family matters. I'm not just talking nonsense. In my senior year, there aren't many courses. Some of my classmates have already found internship places. , ready for internship.”

Fang Yuan really didn't understand what was going on here: "What do you mean?"

Lu Chuan: "I just need to find a place to try my skills first. It's convenient for me. I can directly intern in my own company when the time comes."

Fang Yuan couldn't tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing: "Okay, don't look back and the school won't admit it. In this case, if the teacher doesn't teach us, how can we learn skills? Is this a loss or an advantage?"

Lu Chuan's face was tangled for a moment, and he thought to himself that this was Fang Yuan's way of thinking: "Don't worry, it's not us who are taking advantage of the situation. We have all come this way. At least Fifth Brother can have it easier. I'm over there." .”

Fang Yuan's many thoughts were spent on Lu Chuan's schooling. When giving birth to a child, Fang Yuan did not even consider whether it would be a boy or a girl.

But Fang Yuan can think carefully about all school matters.

Lu Chuan was quite touched by this. At least it showed that Fang Yuan had put a lot of thought into him. For the love-minded Lu Chuan, this was what he wanted.

Lu Chuan told Fang Yuan carefully: "But I want to stay in school and continue studying. I will definitely stay in school longer than others."

Fang Yuan: "That's okay. If you go to school like this now, aren't we the same?"

It's still different. Fifth Brother is extremely busy. Both of them are busy, and they don't have time to meet each other. If this continues, Fifth Brother will be annoyed.

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