Chapter 359 Technology Flow

Zhang Wei complained: "It's okay for your uncle to watch. If I watch too much, you will go crazy."

Lu Chuan: "What am I doing out of my mind? The most I can do is tell you to stay away from our big crane in the future."

This brother is really not generous. Zhang Wei laughed, cut his throat, and said to Wuhu: "Look, your brother-in-law is so narrow-minded. He is really not a very open-minded person."

Wuhu: "I have no control over your lawsuit. Although my sister is good at driving a crane, she can't drive a crane. We don't care how much money we make. You need to get a master over quickly. My nephew can't be wronged."

What the five tigers are thinking is that the girl is driving a crane here to make money. She will definitely be reluctant to leave for a while. What will happen to the nephew's food rations. This is my uncle.

Zhang Wei scratched his head. The master's matter must be finalized as soon as possible: "I understand, I understand, don't worry, the master will be in place soon."

Lu Chuan also missed his son and couldn't bear the hard work of his wife: "You should worry more about this matter. Anyway, you don't have any other livelihood at the moment."

The Five Tigers nodded. He and Lu Chuan were busy, so Zhang Wei had to worry about it.

Zhang Wei: "Why do I sound so crowded out by you? My career is one step behind you. If I could drive a crane, I wouldn't have to do anything else to make a living."

Even the Five Tigers don't believe this. You didn't go to college just to drive a crane.

When Fang Yuan came home from get off work in the evening, Mrs. Lu looked at her daughter-in-law with admiration: "Fang Yuan, why do you know everything? Mom saw it, you are so powerful. And that one, are you scared in there?"

Fang Yuan blushed a little when her mother-in-law praised her. She rarely showed off: "What are you afraid of? It's okay. I have to go even if you don't let me go. I can do whatever I want with my own crane. I work for others while the car is driving." , and you still have to buy cigarettes for people.”

These are not easy to get a car from a master.

Mrs. Lu: "Otherwise, it's not easy to learn skills. If it were us, no one would be willing to let him move in the car."

Fang Yuanxin said, it's so right, she couldn't bear to let others drive the crane: "That's right, the master will come over later, I have to take a good look at my skills. If his skills are not good, we can't let him harm our crane."

No matter how Lu Chuan looked at it, Fang Yuan wanted to dominate the crane and not let go. This is just not satisfying: "Don't worry, when the master is here, my wife must be pleased with her before she can get on the bus. It's my wife who has the final say."

Fang Yuan: "The main thing is to test the master's skills. We are still very reasonable. We are not making trouble unreasonably."

Fang Yuan was so reasonable, Zhang Wei was stunned to hire three masters before letting him stay. It takes a month to toss.

It's different to have a knowledgeable person. As soon as the master gets started, Fang Yuan knows what the master's skills are. Is it just a casual meal?

For the first two masters, Fang Yuan would rather not make money or start work than let the master get into a car accident and damage the crane.

The master doesn't want to, so you invited us all the way, which wastes time, money, and travel expenses, so we can't do it without us.

Fang Yuan said with a dark face: "You dare to take the porcelain job without diamonds. You delayed the start of my car, do you know how much it costs per day?"

That attitude and posture are more arrogant than two masters who are just messing around. Zhang Weixin said, no wonder she is called Sixth Sister, it is not without reason.

In the end, Zhang Wei negotiated with Xi Ni and paid for the master's travel expenses. Sent away.

Fang Yuan would rather spend the travel expenses and find a serious driver to drive, but she put Zhang Wei in a bad situation. It turns out that it is so hard to find a reliable master.

Let Fang Yuan look for him, but Fang Yuan said she couldn't find him. She only knows one master and is still half-broken, so they don't want to talk to her.

Zhang Wei almost said the classic saying, you are my ancestor.

But I also know that this crane is expensive, and it is very important whether the master is capable. Fang Yuan's insistence makes sense.

How much money will you make if you miss one day? Fortunately, Fang Yuan could support him. Zhang Wei became anxious and angry. When the third master came over, Fang Yuan finally let someone get on the car. Fang Yuan also said: "You should take the new car seriously."

The master laughed and said, "Don't worry, boss. It seems that you are knowledgeable. Even if I want to fool you, I can't."

Fang Yuan: "That's for sure. It's okay to make less money, but you have to know that you care about the car."

The master smiled and knew what he was doing.

Zhang Wei sighed, finally he no longer had to be pressed to ask for the master. It's not easy to get ready-made money, so this month has given him a hard time.

Fang Yuan was stunned to work with the master for several days before taking a back seat. The master is very careful with the car. The technology is also passable.

But I go there every day to see her big crane. Zhang Wei's enthusiasm almost made him think that Fang Yuan didn't trust him.

Zhang Wei discussed with Fang Yuan, you like this thing anyway, otherwise you can help take care of it.

Fang Yuan sneered: "My car is a rare car, and I don't like such trivial things."

Followed: "If you have anything to do with me, you can discuss it with Uncle Peng. I came here to learn more about the craftsmanship from this master. You agreed to it at the beginning."

Zhang Wei has never seen such a partner, and you are still pursuing the technical stream alone.

Even though it's just a crane, it really can't be rented out. There's a lot to worry about.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan's team has a special fuel truck to refuel, otherwise Zhang Wei would have to increase investment.

As time went by, Fang Yuan went to the crane to have fun and practice her skills when she was free.

When the master has trouble, he can ask the boss to come over and help. But finally we are on the right track.

Although they haven't divided the money or anything, Wuhu and the others know that this thing makes money, and they always sigh. Fang Yuan dares to think that they all benefit from it.

Ding Mindu said: "I am not a sister-in-law, I am the God of Wealth, and I have to provide for you."

Fang Yuan did her part: "Not to mention all that, I have helped you look after your man for many years, and you really have to thank me for this."

Ding Min immediately went over to serve Fang Yuan tea and water, and asked seriously: "Sister-in-law, please pay more attention to me in the future. My sister-in-law remembers your kindness, and when I have nephews and nieces in the future, I will also remember my aunt's kindness."

It almost made Madam Lu laugh.

The man next to Wu Hu had a dark face and pulled his wife: "Don't let her fool you. I was a decent person at that time, with good conduct, and I was born with it. There is no need for her to look at me."

Fang Yuan, Lu Chuan, and Ding Min all ignored her words. Ding Min continued to coax and support her sister-in-law.

She still believed what Fang Yuan said. Fang Yuan had always been a real person.

I have to say that the Sihu's wedding was originally scheduled for May, but in May, Wang Cuixiang had someone send word that the date had been changed to after August 15th.

Suddenly it was pushed to September of the lunar calendar. The date is set.

Fang Yuan, Lu Chuan, Wu Hu and Ding Min, the in-laws of the two families must make a trip.

(End of this chapter)

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