Chapter 361 Losing face

Fang Yuan came over to Lu Chuan and said in his ear: "We are so satisfied that we can thank his father, right? It's the father who cares about his son and prepared the car in advance. I know you must be proud of it."

It was so revealing that Lu Chuan felt a little embarrassed: "Ahem. As you said, if I want to buy something big at home, I have to be satisfied with my mother's consent. My wife is not the one who wrongs her children."

Mrs. Lu smiled and watched her son and daughter-in-law get along with each other from behind, and said to Ding Min's mother: "My son and daughter-in-law get along well. I see that the five tigers get along well. My mother-in-law, let me tell you, I I think this is the greatest blessing for us to be parents."

Ding Min’s mother really doesn’t think this is such a blessing?

However, she is willing to praise Mrs. Lu, a really kind friend, so she can say: "That must be the case. Wuhu is someone who knows how to care about his wife. After being married for so long, he has never seen them get angry, and he has never heard Ding Min complain. What, I looked at it and it should be good."

Mrs. Lu: "That is not the work of one person. It must be the young couple who understand each other. They are both sensible. Ding Min is a very good child."

Ding Min's mother: "My uncle is a motivated man who knows how to learn and has good luck. Ding Min is quite discerning."

Ding Min's mother was not very satisfied with her daughter, so she didn't praise her.

Mrs. Lu laughed: "Is this considered discerning? My mother-in-law, you are really discerning."

Ding Min's mother was embarrassed to say that it was not very discerning to bring an uncle like Wu Hu into the house.

If she hadn't known that Fang Yuan had a bad temper and was unreasonable, Ding Min's mother would definitely have said something. This topic makes Ding Min’s mother a little talkative.

Then the scenery along the way was full of fields. Mrs. Lu looked happy and kept talking, and Ding Min's mother occasionally responded.

Ding Min's mother doesn't have a good feeling about the countryside. If she hadn't been with Mrs. Lu all the way, she wouldn't have come if she could.

Mrs. Lu: "If you have time, let Fang Yuan take us to my house. My mother-in-law and I will entertain you at home. My new house has just been built, and we haven't lived in it much yet."

Lu Chuan couldn't help but laugh: "We haven't had anyone at home for more than a year, what do you want my aunt to eat?"

Mrs. Lu slapped her forehead: "I forgot. All the chickens at home are in the provincial capital."

Ding Min's mother even laughed: "I appreciate it, my mother-in-law is a real person, she will definitely kill a chicken to entertain me."

Mrs. Lu pulled Ding Min's mother: "That was the condition in the past. Now, I have to kill a pig to entertain you. Otherwise, we will not be able to live up to our friendship."

Lu Chuan nodded, and Fang Yuan teased: "It turns out there is a bond between you two about killing a pig."

Why do these words sound so unpleasant? Lu Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

Mrs. Lu actually nodded along and agreed with this. She felt that this metaphor could express their deep feelings.

Ding Min's mother also felt that it didn't sound good, and she disliked Fang Yuan: "Drive well, watch the road, and don't disturb us chatting."

Mrs. Lu: "I raised two big fat pigs this year in the yard where Fang Yuan keeps her car. We will kill one pig when it snows so that the three of us can eat it until the Chinese New Year, and the other pig will be slaughtered during the Chinese New Year."

Ding Min's mother felt proud. Listen, the three families eat together, including theirs. This friend confided in her heart: "That's good, I'll eat from my mother-in-law this year. It's a pity that we can't grow vegetables in our compound, so we can raise them." The pig won’t let me, I’m afraid.”

Suddenly I felt that the friendship between a pig was quite good.

Madam Lu laughed and said, "No, if you raise pigs, my nephew and my nephew's wife will have to come to me and say that I have led you astray."

Lu Chuan: "Mom, you are really right. You have said one thing less. People from my compound are still coming to find you."

Ding Min's mother: "Why are they looking for me? They can raise rabbits in front of my house, but I can't let me raise pigs." Then: "My mother-in-law, let me tell you, the smell of rabbits is not good. I don’t mind it. What’s wrong with me raising pigs?”

Mrs. Lu: "It's really not easy to raise these things in your place. Besides, who among us follows the other? I raise pigs, and we all have meat to eat. It's the same."

Ding Min’s mother: “Then I listen to my mother-in-law and eat ready-made food. In fact, I’m not very good at raising pigs.”

Mrs. Lu smiled happily, she is good at this: "I finally found a place that is better than my mother-in-law."

To be honest, Ding Min's mother didn't mind and let Mrs. Lu take the lead in raising pigs. So the two get along very well. Do each have their own strengths?

But after a while, there was no movement. Madam Lu was motion-sick, and it was not very good to talk with her mother-in-law by her side.

Mrs. Lu was the only one who was satisfied with holding her grandson. She said she had to hold her grandson because she was afraid that he would get carsick like her.

Fang Yuanxin said, Satisfied is fine here, it doesn't look like he is motion sick: "Mom, if you don't feel well, I'll just hold Satisfied."

Madam Lu: "I am satisfied, and nothing will happen to me."

After finally embracing Satisfaction, Mrs. Lu put all her thoughts on Satisfaction, and miraculously she ignored the motion sickness.

Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan sighed: "Family and blood ties are really magical, and they can also cure motion sickness."

Ding Min's mother also sighed: "I have witnessed a miracle." Mrs. Lu blushed at the teasing. When I lowered my head and inhaled the smell of my grandson, I felt less dizzy. It was indeed a miracle. It could really cure motion sickness.

Fang Yuan looked at Ding Min's mother and suddenly said: "Aunt, you don't have enough affection for my mother. You are not as good as my mother's grandson."

Isn't it true that no matter how good the sisters are, they can't cure Mrs. Lu's motion sickness?

Ding Min's mother immediately laughed: "You girl, please stop instigating the relationship between our sisters."

Fang Yuan: "Your love is stronger than gold." Lu Chuan laughed, not saving any face for Fang Yuan.

It took a long time for Ding Min's mother to speak: "I have known the wording you used for a long time, and I am still learning it. You should wait until you learn it before using it."

Fang Yuan: "After speaking in human language for so many years, I suddenly stopped speaking in human language. I'm a little unaccustomed to it."

Ding Min's mother was really hard to explain: "You should keep speaking in human language, keep what you learn in your belly, and just understand what others say."

Lu Chuan was already laughing so much that he couldn't drive. It would be dangerous not to torment the driver like this. This is sincere advice from my in-laws.

Fang Yuan looked at Lu Chuan resentfully: "You are laughing at me. If I am laughed at, your face will look good."

Lu Chuan: "No, I just think that my in-laws have a way of teaching people. No wonder our fifth brother is becoming more and more successful. My in-laws, otherwise let Fang Yuan stay with you for a while."

Ding Min's mother twitched her lips and said modestly for the first time, "I really don't have this ability."

People would rather say that she has no ability to speak human words.

(End of this chapter)

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