In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 367 It’s really not a good thing

The new daughter-in-law twitched her lips: "Let the fifth brother say it right. I thought the fifth brother was on the bed and didn't prepare enough red envelopes."

Then he took out a red envelope and said, "Brothers and sisters, please share it with your nephews."

Ding Min knew the weight of the red envelope just by waving her hand. She was a little embarrassed. She didn't show off her face, so she called to the younger ones: "Follow me, your fourth aunt will buy you some candies."

When several boys heard this, they ran away.

The money couldn't be divided among several nephews, and she couldn't share it, so she could only buy candy. Ding Min has this cleverness. But I also understand that the fourth sister-in-law is someone who is willing to suffer injustice and suffer losses.

Sister-in-law Fang's face fell from outside: "Who are you trying to intimidate? If you know this kind of virtue, our children will not come here."

Sister-in-law Fang felt that her child was aggrieved: "Let's have less contact from now on."

Sister-in-law Fang listened with great interest: "It's not certain who will give authority to whom. Listen to our Fang Yuan. Please do more."

It's true that when my sister-in-law doesn't criticize them, she is really powerful when she criticizes others.

Originally, both the sister-in-law and the sisters-in-law should accompany the new daughter-in-law to talk in the house, while the new daughter-in-law sits in bed and is accompanied by her family members. There is such a thing.

Fang Yuan didn't want to give this face anymore, so she greeted directly: "Fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law have left, let's go too."

People don’t give face anymore. Wuhu, Lu Xiaosan and the others came out together, and the new house suddenly became deserted.

Sihu: "Ahem, what are you doing? Give me face on my wedding day."

Fang Yuan glanced sideways at Sihu: "You'd better let your new wife adjust her mood first."

Wang Cuixiang slapped her daughter: "Initiate trouble."

Then Wang Cuixiang took the third daughter-in-law in to accompany the new daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law is obedient.

Fang Yuan didn't care whether the new wife had troubled Fang Laosi. She couldn't bear this anger anyway. He told his third sister-in-law: "Our mother..."

Sister-in-law Fang pushed her sister-in-law out. No wonder my mother-in-law is worried about my sister-in-law.

It will be even more insightful when the new daughter-in-law’s mother-in-law’s family comes. The daughter-in-law’s third aunt and fifth aunt opened their mouths and said: “I heard that your Fang family is also a big shot. Why do you act so dishonorably? How much is this? guest?"

Five tables of guests came to the new wife's house, and the children she brought occupied two tables. The red envelopes Wang Cuixiang prepared for the children were not enough.

With seven tables of guests, relatives and friends at home, there is no place to sit. Who can make getting married so difficult?

Fang Yuan was so angry that if Wang Cuixiang hadn't quickly asked Fang's third sister-in-law and Fang's second sister-in-law to cover Fang Yuan's mouth, she might not have said anything.

Wang Cuixiang said good-naturedly: "I made you laugh. As the days get better and better in the future, everything will be in order."

During the meal, someone wanted to lift the table, saying that the bedding prepared for the new wife was too thin. Make excuses. I don’t know what their family is like when they get a wife.

Sister-in-law Fang muttered that the dowry given to her daughter by her family was not as thick as our quilt, and she had the nerve to say this.

Ding Min's mother was confused when she heard this: "Is this the custom? You must find some reason to have a quarrel to make your new daughter-in-law look precious."

Fang Yuan: "You are thinking too much. You have encountered such a family with many things to do."

Ding Min's mother patted her heart: "That's good, that's good."

Followed by: "I used to think that my in-laws were thoughtful and deep, but now I know it. I thought too much. It turns out that my in-laws have gone through a lot of things. This is what it is like to marry a daughter-in-law." No wonder the first time I went to my house, I thought Can face it calmly. People who have passed through strong winds and waves.

Mrs. Lu said in her heart, you have misunderstood, it is really not like this. But it doesn’t seem appropriate to explain at this time.

When it was time to send off the newlyweds, the family members started to find fault again: "You have a small jeep at home, so you just let us take this car back. That won't work. You are looking down on people."

Wang Cuixiang has never met such an in-law. Over the years, her sons have grown up and started families, and her temper has improved, making people no longer recognize her as Wang Cuixiang.

Lu Chuan and the Five Tigers are coming to see someone off. There are seven tables of people and two cars. How long will it take to deliver them all? It's really a bit difficult.

The matchmakers all stood up: "You see, we have to be particular about our return home and have time. Although this car is good, it can't hold so many people. Are you newlyweds? It's an auspicious time, so let's not delay."

This aunt took a few people and refused to do it, insisting on making a scene. People say that the Fang family looks down on others and does not treat their in-laws to a high standard.

Fang Yuan stepped forward and let Wang Cuixiang hold her back: "I have bowed as many times as I can, and if you are not afraid of this, it is your fourth brother's own business whether you can visit relatives in the future. Today's war must be dealt with." .”

Marry a daughter-in-law? Who doesn't come here like this?

Fang Yuan patted her chest: "Leave it to me, don't worry."

Wang Cuixiang was worried, but unfortunately she didn't hold her daughter back. Today, she was afraid that Fang Yuan would lose her temper and drive away her new daughter-in-law and her family. Even though she couldn't help it anymore.

Fang Yuan stepped forward and faced the troublemaker: "Let's do this. My fourth brother has a motorcycle that belongs to his family. He will take his new wife back home first. There are many relatives in our family, so we will leave first by bus. I watched this My aunt and uncle are very interested in the car, so I use the car to give it to my aunt and uncle."

On the new wife's side, seeing her arrogant sister-in-law softening, she then said, "My parents should also take a small car."

Fang Yuan smiled, knowing that the person Fang Laosi was interested in was definitely not the same person: "No, come back the same way you came, don't you guys have this particularity?"

Fang Sihu has never been a good-tempered person. Looking at Fang Yuan's virtue, he knew that something was up to him.

Pulling the new daughter-in-law, she said to her parents, brothers and sister-in-law: "Get in the car, don't delay, we have a good life, a good time."

Then he smiled at Fang Yuan in a particularly ostentatious manner: "You have to treat my cousin and uncle well."

I met Fang Laosi next to me, and I had a toothache. Cousin, cousin, when did this bitch ever recognize a relative like this?

Fang Yuan: "Our family recognizes each other, don't worry."

The trouble was calmed down. In fact, no one had to be in a small car. Of course, there were some who wanted to sit in it. However, Sihu said hello and everyone gave face to the new uncle. After all, he would have to visit relatives in the future. It would not look good if there was a quarrel.

Now that things are like this, how can I still take my new wife back with me just because they don’t need a car to take me there? All sensible people understand this.

Fang Yuan, smiling, drove this aunt and uncle off.

Lu Chuan drank, but he didn't worry about Fang Yuan: "I'll go with your satisfaction."

Fang Yuan: "That won't work. No one else can give this aunt and uncle a gift except me."

Wang Cuixiang wanted to speak, but Fang Lao Er and Fang Lao San stopped her: "Mom, the child's grandma and grandpa are leaving. Please go over and say hello."

Wang Cuixiang didn't care about her daughter. Look at the sons at home, pat their thighs, they are committing sin. do not care.

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