Ding Min's mother immediately refused. What's wrong with her urging her daughter to have a child? If the mother doesn't urge her, who can do it? Are you still waiting for your in-laws to speak?

People said: "Your daughter is being unreasonable, and you blame me? Why don't you talk about her? Shouldn't she be anxious to have a child? The more sensible my uncle is, the less we can neglect it. You still want me for this reason?" I told you."

Who would have thought that Ding Min's father would be so passive, but he would suddenly start to reason with you after making a friend. He hadn't stopped yet.

It has been a year since my daughter got married, and the issue of having a child should really be put on the agenda.

Ding Min's mother saw that her husband was speechless and stopped talking. She raised her chin and said, "As parents, we cannot indulge our children. We must understand the hard work and sweetness of the in-laws. Think more about others. My uncle has done a good job. , that’s just because my uncle is sensible, it’s not what he should be.”

Ding Min's father said to himself, if you have shown such concern for your daughter-in-law these years, how could there be so much right and wrong in the family? It's hard to understand: "Your mother is right."

Doctor Wu and Brother Ding said, "That's what happened. I'll ask my brother-in-law and sister later about their plans to have a baby. They should discuss it themselves."

Doctor Wu also lamented in his heart that his mother-in-law may have suddenly understood and understood the world as she got older.

But it's a pity that my mother-in-law is so sophisticated and sociable. I only talked to my brother-in-law and the whole family.

If you don’t believe me, if you change it to your daughters-in-law and look at it, can your mother-in-law still be so clear about it? Dr. Wu sees things thoroughly.

Ding Min's father asked his old wife: "Do you think our family can do this?"

Ding Min's mother: "You have to be nice to your uncle. If your children don't get angry, why don't you parents be more tolerant?" Then they went upstairs.

The three parents looked at Ding Min's mother's back and felt very sad.

Brother Ding couldn't recover for a while, so he asked carelessly: "Dad, how long do you think my mother can last in this state?"

Doctor Wu secretly pulled the man and said something random, looking for a slap. What can our father say to our mother?

Ding Min's father cleared his throat: "What are you talking about? Your mother has always been so understanding."

After saying that, they also left. He was really unsure, and he didn't know how long it would take for his old wife to understand. I hope my friendship with Mrs. Lu can last longer, and maybe we can always be so reasonable.

Brother Ding whispered to Dr. Wu: "My father is blinded by love, and my mother has never been very rational."

In return, Doctor Wu chuckled in a low voice. He really couldn't help it. Ever since his brother-in-law came to the house, there have been surprises everywhere.

The status of the Five Tigers in the Yue family was established bit by bit. My eldest brother-in-law agreed, because my brother-in-law has the ability to make my mother understand things and talk about the world.

When Lu Chuan was on winter vacation, the five tigers and their father-in-law and mother-in-law came here as guests, mainly to taste Lu's craftsmanship.

I also brought the grandson of Dr. Wu's family here with me. This can be regarded as a visit to relatives. Mrs. Lu was very happy. Her best friend is here.

Lu Chuan helped take care of the children, Wuhu helped her with the cooking, and Mrs. Lu used her good skills to entertain her friends, and the meal was very lively.

Mrs. Lu sincerely invited Ding Min's mother: "I also have a set of newly made luggage here. If I don't want to wrong you, I will live here for a while and you can taste my craftsmanship. I heard that Fang Yuan and the others bought several pigs. If you kill them and give them to the workers, let’s keep one for ourselves. They’re all delicious.”

Ding Min's mother was moved by the simple language, so she asked: "Is it appropriate?"

Mrs. Lu directly took Ding Min's mother to see the new bedding, and she said in a matter-of-fact manner, "As long as you don't mind the dirt of my bedding, it will be suitable."         Well, Ding Min's father did the most rude thing in his life, so short Even though we were so far away, we stayed overnight for several days.

This was really unexpected, something I had never thought of. This is what visiting relatives is like. The key is that they also have their grandson with them.

My mother-in-law still lives in a pleasant place, she is really my mother-in-law. Ding Min’s father was completely abducted by Father Lu’s dialect.

Wuhu brought his father-in-law and mother-in-law here, which made the old couple happy.

On the day of the pig killing, let my father-in-law and mother-in-law go over and watch the fun together.

Seeing the happy expressions of the workers holding meat, rice and noodles, Ding Min's mother said with emotion: "I am actually happier than holding money. My uncle's success does not depend entirely on luck. He still has some ability. This is the way of the world."

Ding Min's father: "My uncle does things properly and it's commendable to see everyone obey him. He also has a good mind."

Ding Min's father went over to work with the Five Tigers, Lu Chuan, and the others, and also asked them how they went about buying tickets and when they planned to go home. Incredibly considerate.

Familiar co-workers joked behind my back, saying how nice my father-in-law and mother-in-law are. That's what happened to my biological parents. I heard that he is very capable, and he is still so close to us. He must be doing it to give face to my uncle.

While busy, Ding Min’s mother also asked: “Which pig is ours?”

Ding Min's father was speechless. When had he ever cared about this kind of problem? How did it end up like this?

Mrs. Lu was there to help, but Ding Min's mother was a little afraid to get rid of the little flower apron, so she just brought satisfaction.

Madam Lu didn't even mess with the pig's blood, so she quickly packed it away and came over to get whatever she liked.

By the time they killed the pig they kept at home, it was already noon. It was only in the evening that we ate the butchered vegetables.

Ding Min's mother had never eaten anything so rough, but she thought it was delicious.

Ding Min's father said to himself, it shows that if you are right, you can eat anything. If this was served at home, my wife would definitely think it was not exquisite enough.

Mrs. Lu pulled Ding Min's mother, and the schedule was lively and festive: "Tomorrow we will pack up the pig heads and pig paws. No one wants these hairy ones. Let's pack them out and prepare them later. We will also send them to your daughters-in-law's homes." point."

Ding Min's mother said politely: "Okay."

Ding Min's father didn't dare to stay here anymore. Why was this man so invisible?

By the way, it is not easy to think of the in-laws on the daughter-in-law's side at this time. So making friends is really important. Mrs. Lu took Ding Min's mother on a more down-to-earth path.

Ding Min's father wanted to leave, but his old wife refused to leave even after she said she would. Ding Min's father couldn't bear to leave his old wife here alone, so he simply risked his life and thought he was staying at his daughter's house.

After all, they really live at Ding Min's place. The two families are not far apart, and they can just say hello when eating. Usually, they are here to chat and help.

Mrs. Lu always greets Ding Min's mother when she makes something. Mrs. Lu has said that she is willing to work with her mother-in-law. What her mother-in-law said makes her feel that the work is not tiring, and the food she makes tastes different. .

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