In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 392 The Distance of Friendship

Fang Yuan is a very down-to-earth person and listened to Zhang Wei's words: "I think your idea is very good. I can do it with two more years of hard work. Your brain is actually not as smart as you say."

Zhang Wei didn't sound like that: "You are evil or not, but you just want to use me as a free labor force. You also belittle my brain."

Fang Yuan: "Don't belittle yourself. After all, you are also a free intellectual worker. I still admit this."

No matter what the difference is, it's all free, which earned Zhang Wei a blank stare. This woman can't speak at all, but her father still dares to doubt her personal relationship.

I learned techniques from Fang Yuan and studied them very seriously. Doing what you do and loving what you do is the ultimate achievement.

The career is going well, but it's a pity that Lu Chuan is not happy. You guys just work together, and you are not asked to accept apprentices or become masters. What are you doing?

Why do I study hard all day long? Have you ever considered my feelings?

Therefore, Zhang Wei later learned from a hired master. Lu Chuan, a jealous man, really guarded such a not-so-pretty daughter-in-law and did not give anyone else a chance.

Whenever Zhang Wei comes to learn something, Lu Chuan is always there to accompany him, and he doesn't even make money from car washes. How could Fang Yuan, a money-loving person like her, leave money without making any money? She would definitely come here less.

Zhang Weitong complained behind Wuhu's back: "How come everyone seems to be hooking up with his wife? You think he is so petty."

What is the relationship between the Five Tigers and Lu Chuan? People don't think there is anything wrong with Lu Chuan. People think Zhang Wei doesn't have a good grasp of the distance: "Don't move forward if you have nothing to do."

Zhang Wei had no place to reason and doubted his relationship with Fang Yuan. It was definitely an insult to his personality and, most seriously, an insult to his eyes.

Doesn't he think he can just fall in love with anyone? Doesn't he have his own aesthetic taste?

It's a pity that if he dared to say this in front of Wuhu, Wuhu would have to deal with him first. There really is no one more frustrated than him. He died unjustly.

Zhang Wei works hard, but his vision is not far behind. He is always thinking about the direction of his career.

He was even worse than Wu Hu and Lu Chuan later. After all, he was born and raised in the provincial capital. Very unconvinced. He was holding back his energy and wanted to do something in his career, which made the two of them think that he just looked at country women.

Fang Yuan had no idea at all. The two cranes were as good as new and they were even tied with red cloth strips during the Chinese New Year.

During the holiday for the team, Fang Yuan's family slaughtered pigs again. Each driver and master got a share of the meat. This is a new skill. Meat is more popular than tools.

On Uncle Peng's side, Fang Yuan gave him even more generous gifts. Uncle Peng and Master Liu had a share of all the New Year's goods prepared by the family.

Master Liu was unwelcome when he opened his mouth: "I didn't expect that a technician like me would be treated the same as Lao Peng. It's not easy." Uncle Peng was considered a manager, so Master Liu's sour words were understandable.

Fang Yuan: "You have sent me and Lu Chuan over to clean the car. Do I dare to leave you behind? Let's do the math. What is your status?"

Uncle Peng was just laughing, wasn't he? Your boss asked you to do it, no wonder you were squeezed out.

Lu Chuan quickly spoke: "It shows that Master Liu has a good vision and is only interested in profitable businesses. Our family, Fang Yuan, personally supports Master Liu."

Well, although they are not peers, they are all engaged in technology, so there may be some incompatibility among peers.

Master Liu glanced sideways at Fang Yuan and said, "Are you promoting her?" She was greedy for money. Why hire two more people?

Fang Yuan and Master Liu said together: "You are holding him up." This person just used the equipment when he had nothing to do, and it was all money. Isn’t it possible to make money without making money?

The two people said this in unison. Uncle Peng looked dumbfounded. He felt that he could avoid it at this time.

Lu Chuan looked at the two of them faintly, and said a little bitterly: "If you keep doing this, I will be jealous. Do you want to have such a tacit understanding?" Master Liu and Fang Yuan turned their heads together, not looking at each other, thinking in their hearts, what the hell is this? understanding.

Father Lu had to come out and talk to Xi Ni: "Don't make trouble, Master Liu is just teasing the child."

Fang Yuan finally gave Father Lu face and didn't say anything.

After all the drivers had sent them off, Madam Lu had prepared a lot of New Year's goods. Lu Chuan took Fang Yuan and drove to Zhang Wei's house to deliver a batch.

Now that I've caught up with my friend, I'll definitely be walking deeper than before.

When Zhang Wei's father saw the couple his son was dating, he had to say that they were very attractive. My son has good taste.

As for the girl, Zhang Wei's father took a closer look and confirmed that this was not a person who could let his son's mind wander.

Career should not be mixed with emotions. Zhang Wei's father believed it and felt more confident.

After talking to Lu Chuan, I felt more at ease. Of course, the young couple still match each other very well.

My son's friendship situation is very appropriate. Zhang Wei's father understands the importance of the people around him to a person.

When Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan left, Zhang Wei's father motioned to his son to bring all the good wine and cigarettes in the house as a return gift.

Of course, the son still has to go visit the elder of the other party. This is the correct etiquette.

After Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan left, Zhang Wei's father looked at the things that Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan had brought over. This was a good way to get along with the family. Zhang Wei's father's comment was: "Get along well with others and learn more from others." Simple and down-to-earth.”

Then he said: "Your junior brother, he is a man with a big heart." If his son has such a person around him, he will not be able to act well.

Zhang Wei's teeth were sore. When could the old man praise his son?

Lu Chuan is indeed good, otherwise how could he make friends with him? Why can't the old man boast that he has Bole's knowledge?

By the way, what are the gifts here, even the steamed meat that I made myself. Visiting relatives and friends, is there anything like this? Considered a specialty?

Obviously, the young man Zhang Wei didn't understand this way of walking at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei’s father saw it. I feel more trustworthy. Both families feel comfortable moving around like this.

On Lu Chuan's side, Father Lu was holding a nice-looking bottle of wine: "It looks expensive, so I can't bear to drink it. What kind of family is this? When he is usually at our house, he eats everything I see in our house. No choice."

Madam Lu: "That's right. If I knew that someone would give this thing to me, I would be embarrassed to give it to someone else."

This return gift stumped the old couple. They also asked how they would treat Zhang Wei when he came in the future. They couldn't decide their attitudes.

Fang Yuan comforted Mrs. Lu: "What you did is much more practical than these. Unless we are friends with Zhang Wei, we would be reluctant to give it away."

Father Lu: "You can't say that."

Mrs. Lu: "I still have to ask clearly in the future." (End of chapter)

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