Fang Yuan looked at Lu Chuan again and said briefly: "You have worked hard as a father this year."

Lu Chuan's eyes were a little red. What was my wife saying? "It's harder for a daughter-in-law to be a mother. A daughter-in-law does everything well, even better than my son."

Before Lu Chuan could continue, Mrs. Lu confirmed from the side: "I will prove this."

Father Lu felt that compared with his mother-in-law, he was still a little behind and couldn't catch up with her.

Lu Chuan looked at my mother with resentment, I was just being emotional for a moment, can't you let me finish?

Fang Yuan felt embarrassed and said, "Mom was the one holding me back." That was the end of Lu Chuan's conversation.

Then he looked at Satisfaction: "Satisfaction is doing well. He eats well, sleeps well, and looks good. He will eat well in the coming year."

The child responded to his mother with a drooling reply: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" okay, this is considered a promise.

Lu Chuan was a little worried. He looked at his son carefully and felt that his wife was talking about raising pigs. I still need to learn more about this language.

Fang Yuan said the most to Mrs. Lu: "Thank you for your hard work. Our family is what it is today because of your support behind the scenes. You are half of our achievements, and it is all due to you that we are satisfied with our growth." .”

Mrs. Lu feels like she has taken an elixir. I don’t know how to be humble at all. I thought to myself, why does my daughter-in-law speak so well? It's much more elegant than what Ding Min's father said, and she understands it and likes to hear it.

Father Lu said in his heart that his daughter-in-law flattered his mother-in-law so much that she couldn't help but admire him. I'm afraid this woman won't be able to survive until tomorrow.

It made Lu Xiaosan wonder what kind of wife he should marry to fit into such a family. If there was no such atmosphere, he would not be considered married.

For the first time, Lu Xiaosan realized the importance of marrying a wife, and the importance of what kind of wife he married.

You are like Boss Lu's wife. Lu Xiaosan is sure that Boss Lu's years were definitely not like this. By the way, if Boss Lu sees this, he will regret it very much.

Then, amazingly, Lu Xiaosan came up with a rule: You should be careful in your life, otherwise happiness will pass you by.

So he wants to keep himself clean and then marry the right wife. Otherwise, it is better not to marry.

Madam Lu wanted to speak, but Lu Chuan stopped her. If he allowed his mother to show off again, he would become a fool: "We all made progress under your leadership. It's because of your good leadership."

Mrs. Lu glared at her son, this is what I should have said. Father Lu coughed, but he couldn't speak.

Lu Xiaosan said in his heart, how shameless. But if a word can make his wife happy, he has to learn it.

When we were finally able to eat dumplings, as a family, you had one cup and I had one cup. The atmosphere has never been better.

Mrs. Lu actually held a wine glass to toast her daughter-in-law, her face full of sincerity.

If Fang Yuan really drank, it's not possible now. People know how to drink. It's really not like this.

The couple quickly picked up their wine glasses, toasted Mrs. Lu, and talked about Mrs. Lu's hard work.

Lu Xiaosan saw his own mother, who was dizzy after eating dumplings.

I know that the second brother and his wife are trying to coax the old lady to live a happy life. The second brother and his wife have such little wealth and they have plenty of people to cook and wash clothes at home. If they can coax my mother like this, it means they are willing.

If it were him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do as good as the second child. What was the time when his mother was with Boss Lu? Lu Xiaosan said in his heart. Just because of this, he had to respect this second sister-in-law again and again. Everything is done.

At night, Lu Xiaosan held his satisfaction and fired off cannons outside. Lu Chuan had the heart of an old father and was worried about taking his son back. Fang Yuan said enthusiastically: "I'm happy to play with his third uncle. Wear warm clothes and won't be cold. Don't worry."

Lu Chuanxin asked, is that something to worry about? Is it a matter of whether it is warm or not? It's dangerous. The sound of gunfire is dangerous in itself.

This woman doesn't care about her children too much. How satisfied do you need to be to participate in such a dangerous activity? What else could you point at this woman?

Mrs. Lu went out to hug her grandson and watched the mistress set off the cannon. In this way, the risk to the grandson is reduced, and the three of them have a good time.

Father Lu was listening to his grandson's cry at the door, and said to Lu Chuan: "Listen, we are so satisfied and happy."

Fang Yuan also said: "The yelling is quite loud. You know this kid is a troublemaker."

Lu Chuan, his own father, saw that he was getting angry and shouted to the three mothers: "You'd better bring her in, be careful with your throat."

Father Lu doesn't like his son. He doesn't want to raise a child in the countryside like this.

Fang Yuan: "It's okay, just drink some water. My nephews are more naughty than satisfied."

Dad Lu: "I think Fang Yuan is pretty good like this. She gets along well with everyone. What she was like in the village back then is what she will be like in the provincial capital. You should learn more from Fang Yuan."

Lu Chuan felt something was wrong. What do you mean, he has changed? Why does his father dislike him so much?

Fang Yuan smiled over there: "Everything our dad said is right. If you don't just imitate everything from the provincial capital, you won't be good at everything."

Lu Chuan almost went back to the study to read, feeling rejected at home. Being targeted.

It was the Chinese New Year, so Fang Yuan pulled Lu Chuan and refused to let him go: "You will be busy next year, so you can have fun with us during the Chinese New Year. Let's go and let off the cannons too."

Even though they already have children, they are actually not very old, and they were all poor in the past. In the past two years, they have become more prosperous, and they all like to play.

Lu Chuan looked at Fang Yuan. The key is that he likes to play with this heartless woman and only regards it as his own romance.

The three mothers, let’s play with the three brothers.

Mrs. Lu came back with satisfaction and wanted to fight over it. She looked at the three children playing crazy in the yard and sighed with Mr. Lu: "You said, the sound of the cannons and the crackling were all money, and they went out at that moment. I Why don’t you know how distressed you are?”

Dad Lu said to himself, it’s good to be rich, but actually it’s not just about having money. Mainly I feel really happy.

Father Lu also teased the mother-in-law: "You don't care about the money, why don't you buy them some later?" Knowing who the mother-in-law is, she is not willing to give up.

Mrs. Lu said decisively: "Then forget it. It's the New Year today, so forget it if it's a bit of a waste."

He still felt sorry for the money, so Father Lu laughed, and he couldn't bear to part with it.

After feeling sleepy due to the commotion and about to fall asleep, Madam Lu hugged her eldest grandson and returned to the house: "If my eldest grandson wants this in the coming year, let's buy more."

So the money spent is divided among people. If Lu Xiaosan wants to make noise, he means he can't live a good life and is a loser.

Father Lu nodded and his mother-in-law was right. The three people outside wanted to spend money, but he was still a little melancholy. No matter how old he was, it didn't matter whether he had fun or not. Life was more important.

If your grandson likes it next year, then buy more, kid, you know what.

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